Example #1
 public static function newInstance()
     if (!self::$instance instanceof self) {
         self::$instance = new self();
     return self::$instance;
Example #2

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$f3 = Base::instance();
$f3->mset(array('AUTOLOAD' => 'tests/', 'UI' => 'tests/', 'TEMP' => 'var/tmp/', 'LOGS' => 'var/log/', 'DEBUG' => 3));
$f3->route('GET /', 'Tests->run');
$cron = Cron::instance();
$cron->set('test1', 'Jobs->test1', '* * * * *');
$cron->set('test2', 'Jobs->test2', '* * * * *');
Example #3
 function run($f3)
     $test = new \Test();
     //plugin config
     $f3->mset(array('log' => FALSE, 'cli' => TRUE, 'web' => FALSE, 'clipath' => 'index.php'), 'CRON.');
     $cron = Cron::instance();
     $test->expect(!$cron->log && $cron->cli && !$cron->web && count($cron->jobs) == 3 && $cron->clipath == 'index.php', 'Initial config');
     $test->expect($cron->jobs['JobC'][1] === '*/2 0-23 1-3,4-5 4,5,6 *', 'Expression containing commas correctly restored');
     $test->expect(isset($f3->ROUTES['/cron']), 'Route automatically defined');
     //async auto-detection
     $async = function_exists('exec') && exec('php -r "echo 1+3;"') == '4';
     $test->expect($cron->async === $async, 'Async auto-detection: ' . ($async ? 'ON' : 'OFF'));
     //expression parsing
     $test->expect($cron->parseExpr('1 2 3,9 4 5') === array(array(1), array(2), array(3, 9), array(4), array(5)), 'parseExpr(): single values');
     $test->expect($cron->parseExpr('1-3 2-5 3-2,1 4 *') === array(array(1, 2, 3), array(2, 3, 4, 5), array(3, 2, 1), array(4), range(0, 6)), 'parseExpr(): ranges and wildcards');
     $test->expect($cron->parseExpr('0,1-6/2,10 2 0-10/3 4 */3') === array(array(0, 1, 3, 5, 10), array(2), array(0, 3, 6, 9), array(4), array(0, 3, 6)), 'parseExpr(): step values on ranges and wildcards');
     $test->expect($cron->parseExpr('@yearly') === $cron->parseExpr('0 0 1 1 *') && $cron->parseExpr('@annually') === $cron->parseExpr('0 0 1 1 *') && $cron->parseExpr('@monthly') === $cron->parseExpr('0 0 1 * *') && $cron->parseExpr('@weekly') === $cron->parseExpr('0 0 * * 0') && $cron->parseExpr('@daily') === $cron->parseExpr('0 0 * * *') && $cron->parseExpr('@hourly') === $cron->parseExpr('0 * * * *') && $cron->parseExpr('@weekend') === $cron->parseExpr('0 8 * * 6') && $cron->parseExpr('@lunch') === $cron->parseExpr('0 12 * * *'), 'parseExpr(): schedule presets');
     $test->expect($cron->parseExpr('1 2 3 4') === FALSE && $cron->parseExpr('*-2 2 3 4 5') === FALSE && $cron->parseExpr('1 2 3-5/4 4 5') === FALSE && $cron->parseExpr('1 2 3 4 sun') === FALSE && $cron->parseExpr('@dinner') === FALSE, 'parseExpr(): invalid expressions or presets return FALSE');
     //timestamp parsing
     $time = mktime(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2015);
     // 2015-04-05 01:02:03 (Saturday)
     $test->expect($cron->parseTimestamp($time) == array(2, 1, 5, 4, 0), 'parseTimestamp()');
     //due check
     $test->expect($cron->isDue('JobA', $time) && $cron->isDue('JobB', $time) && $cron->isDue('JobC', $time), 'isDue() returns TRUE if the requested job is due at the given time');
     $test->expect($cron->isDue('Foo', $time) === FALSE || $cron->isDue('joba', $time) === FALSE, 'isDue() returns FALSE if the requested job doesn\'t exist or if the case doesn\'t match');
     $cron->set('JobD', function () use($f3) {
         $f3->job .= 'D';
     }, '* * 4 * *');
     $cron->set('JobE', 'Jobs->jobE', '2 1 5 4 1');
     $cron->set('JobF', 'Jobs->jobF', '*/3 * * * *');
     $test->expect(!$cron->isDue('JobD', $time) && !$cron->isDue('JobE', $time) && !$cron->isDue('JobF', $time), 'isDue() returns FALSE if the requested job is not due at the given time');
     //job execution
     $f3->job = '';
     $cron->execute('JobA', FALSE);
     $cron->execute('JobD', FALSE);
     $test->expect($f3->job === 'AD', 'Serial job execution');
     $cron->execute('JobC', FALSE);
     $test->expect(TRUE, 'Silently fail on a non-existing job handler');
     @unlink($logfile = $f3->LOGS . 'cron.log');
     $cron->log = TRUE;
     $cron->execute('JobA', FALSE);
     $cron->log = FALSE;
     $test->expect(file_exists($logfile) && count(file($logfile)) == 1, 'Logging to file');
     //schedule running
     $f3->job = '';
     $cron->run($time, FALSE);
     $test->expect($f3->job = 'AB', 'Run scheduler, i.e executes all due jobs');
     //async job execution
     if ($async) {
         $cron->set('test1', 'Jobs->test1', '* * * * *');
         $cron->set('test2', 'Jobs->test2', '* * * * *');
         @unlink($testfile = $f3->TEMP . 'cron-test.txt');
         $cron->execute('test1', TRUE);
         $cron->execute('test2', TRUE);
         $async_ok = FALSE;
         //wait for async processes to complete
         $start = microtime(TRUE);
         $loop = array(0.1, 4);
         //loop (step=0.1s / max=4s)
         while (microtime(TRUE) - $start < $loop[1]) {
             usleep($loop[0] * 1000000);
             if (file_exists($testfile) && preg_match('/([ABCD]){4}/', file_get_contents($testfile), $m) && array_unique($m) === $m) {
                 $async_ok = TRUE;
         $test->expect($async_ok, 'Parallel job execution');
     //web access forbidden by default
     $f3->HALT = FALSE;
     $f3->ONERROR = function () {
     $f3->mock('GET /cron');
     $test->expect(isset($f3->ERROR['code']) && $f3->ERROR['code'] === 404, 'Web access forbidden by default');
     $f3->set('results', $test->results());
Example #4

$f3 = (require 'app/lib/base.php');
// load main config
// load route config
// load pathfinder config
// load cron config
// set base dir
$f3->set('BASE', \Controller\Controller::getEnvironmentData('BASE'));
// set debug  level (stacktrace)
$f3->set('DEBUG', \Controller\Controller::getEnvironmentData('DEBUG'));
// set debug  level (stacktrace)
$f3->set('URL', \Controller\Controller::getEnvironmentData('URL'));
// initiate cron-jobs