Example #1
  * @param     $endpoint
  * @param int $timeout
 function __construct($endpoint, $timeout = 30)
     $endpoint .= craft()->config->get('endpointSuffix');
     $this->_endpoint = $endpoint;
     $this->_timeout = $timeout;
     $this->_model = new EtModel(array('licenseKey' => $this->_getLicenseKey(), 'requestUrl' => craft()->request->getHostInfo() . craft()->request->getUrl(), 'requestIp' => craft()->request->getIpAddress(), 'requestTime' => DateTimeHelper::currentTimeStamp(), 'requestPort' => craft()->request->getPort(), 'installedPackages' => Craft::getPackages(), 'localBuild' => CRAFT_BUILD, 'localVersion' => CRAFT_VERSION, 'userEmail' => craft()->userSession->getUser()->email, 'track' => CRAFT_TRACK));
     $this->_options['useragent'] = 'craft-requests/' . \Requests::VERSION;
     $this->_options['timeout'] = $this->_timeout;
  * Gets the widget's body HTML.
  * @return string
 public function getBodyHtml()
     $id = $this->model->id;
     $js = "new Craft.GetHelpWidget({$id});";
     craft()->templates->includeTranslations('Message sent successfully.');
     $message = "Enter your message here.\n\n" . "------------------------------\n\n" . 'Craft version: ' . Craft::t('{version} build {build}', array('version' => Craft::getVersion(), 'build' => Craft::getBuild())) . "\n" . 'Packages: ' . implode(', ', Craft::getPackages());
     $plugins = craft()->plugins->getPlugins();
     if ($plugins) {
         $pluginNames = array();
         foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
             $pluginNames[] = $plugin->getName() . ' (' . $plugin->getDeveloper() . ')';
         $message .= "\nPlugins: " . implode(', ', $pluginNames);
     return craft()->templates->render('_components/widgets/GetHelp/body', array('message' => $message));
  * Returns the packages in this Craft install, as defined by the craft_info table.
  * @return array
 public function getPackages()
     return Craft::getPackages();
Example #4
  * @static
  * @param bool $fetch
  * @return array
 public static function getAlerts($path = null, $fetch = false)
     $alerts = array();
     $user = craft()->userSession->getUser();
     if (!$user) {
         return $alerts;
     if (craft()->updates->isUpdateInfoCached() || $fetch) {
         // Fetch the updates regardless of whether we're on the Updates page or not,
         // because the other alerts are relying on cached Elliott info
         $updateModel = craft()->updates->getUpdates();
         if ($path != 'updates' && $user->can('performUpdates')) {
             if (!empty($updateModel->app->releases)) {
                 if (craft()->updates->criticalCraftUpdateAvailable($updateModel->app->releases)) {
                     $alerts[] = Craft::t('There’s a critical Craft update available.') . ' <a class="go" href="' . UrlHelper::getUrl('updates') . '">' . Craft::t('Go to Updates') . '</a>';
         // Domain mismatch?
         $licenseKeyStatus = craft()->et->getLicenseKeyStatus();
         if ($licenseKeyStatus == LicenseKeyStatus::MismatchedDomain) {
             $licensedDomain = craft()->et->getLicensedDomain();
             $licenseKeyPath = craft()->path->getLicenseKeyPath();
             $licenseKeyFile = IOHelper::getFolderName($licenseKeyPath, false) . '/' . IOHelper::getFileName($licenseKeyPath);
             $message = Craft::t('The license located at {file} belongs to {domain}.', array('file' => $licenseKeyFile, 'domain' => '<a href="http://' . $licensedDomain . '" target="_blank">' . $licensedDomain . '</a>'));
             // Can they actually do something about it?
             if ($user->admin) {
                 $action = '<a class="domain-mismatch">' . Craft::t('Transfer it to this domain?') . '</a>';
             } else {
                 $action = Craft::t('Please notify one of your site’s admins.');
             $alerts[] = $message . ' ' . $action;
         // Unlicensed packages?
         if ($path != 'settings/packages') {
             $licensedPackages = craft()->et->getLicensedPackages();
             $packageTrials = craft()->et->getPackageTrials();
             // Could be false if not cached
             if (is_array($licensedPackages)) {
                 // Look for any unlicensed licenses
                 $unlicensedPackages = array();
                 foreach (Craft::getPackages() as $package) {
                     if (!in_array($package, $licensedPackages)) {
                         // Make sure it's not in trial
                         if (!is_array($packageTrials) || !in_array($package, array_keys($packageTrials))) {
                             $unlicensedPackages[] = $package;
                 if ($unlicensedPackages) {
                     if (count($unlicensedPackages) == 1) {
                         $message = Craft::t('The {package} package is installed, but it’s not licensed.', array('package' => Craft::t($unlicensedPackages[0])));
                     } else {
                         $message = Craft::t('You have multiple unlicensed packages installed.');
                     // Can they actually do something about it?
                     if ($user->admin) {
                         $action = '<a class="go" href="' . UrlHelper::getUrl('settings/packages') . '">' . Craft::t('Manage packages') . '</a>';
                     } else {
                         $action = Craft::t('Please notify one of your site’s admins.');
                     $alerts[] = $message . ' ' . $action;
             if ($packageTrials && $user->admin && !$user->hasShunned('packageTrialAlert')) {
                 $expiringTrials = array();
                 $currentTime = DateTimeHelper::currentUTCDateTime();
                 $nextWeek = $currentTime->add(new DateInterval('P1W'))->getTimestamp();
                 // See if there are any package trials that expire in less than a week
                 foreach (Craft::getPackages() as $package) {
                     if (!empty($packageTrials[$package])) {
                         if ($packageTrials[$package] < $nextWeek) {
                             $expiringTrials[] = $package;
                 if ($expiringTrials) {
                     if (count($expiringTrials) == 1) {
                         $message = Craft::t('Your {package} trial is expiring soon.', array('package' => Craft::t($expiringTrials[0])));
                     } else {
                         $message = Craft::t('You have multiple package trials expiring soon.');
                     $action1 = '<a class="shun:packageTrialAlert">' . Craft::t('Remind me later') . '</a>';
                     $action2 = '<a class="go" href="' . UrlHelper::getUrl('settings/packages') . '">' . Craft::t('manage packages') . '</a>';
                     $alerts[] = $message . ' ' . $action1 . ' ' . Craft::t('or') . ' ' . $action2;
     return $alerts;