Example #1
/* the 'content_path' field in the content table will be set to this path. */
/* $package_base_name_url comes from the URL file name (NOT the file name of the actual file we open)*/
if (!$package_base_name && $package_base_name_url) {
    $package_base_name = substr($package_base_name_url, 0, -4);
} else {
    if (!$package_base_name) {
        $package_base_name = substr($_FILES['file']['name'], 0, -4);
// create course
if (isset($_POST['hide_course'])) {
    $access = 'private';
} else {
    $access = 'public';
$course_id = $coursesDAO->Create($_SESSION['user_id'], 'top', $access, $package_base_name, $package_base_description, '', '', '', '', $package_primay_lang, '', '');
$package_base_name = strtolower($package_base_name);
$package_base_name = str_replace(array('\'', '"', ' ', '|', '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':'), '_', $package_base_name);
$package_base_name = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9._\\-]/", '', $package_base_name);
if (is_dir(TR_TEMP_DIR . $course_id . '/' . $package_base_name)) {
    $package_base_name .= '_' . date('ymdHis');
if ($package_base_path) {
    $package_base_path = implode('/', $package_base_path);
} elseif (empty($package_base_path)) {
    $package_base_path = '';
if ($xml_base_path) {
    $package_base_path = $xml_base_path . $package_base_path;
    mkdir(TR_TEMP_DIR . $course_id . '/' . $xml_base_path);
    $package_base_name = $xml_base_path . $package_base_name;
Example #2
            $access = 'private';
        } else {
            $access = 'public';
        if ($_course_id > 0) {
            // update an existing course
            $coursesDAO->UpdateField($_course_id, 'title', $_POST['title']);
            $coursesDAO->UpdateField($_course_id, 'category_id', $_POST['category_id']);
            $coursesDAO->UpdateField($_course_id, 'primary_language', $_POST['pri_lang']);
            $coursesDAO->UpdateField($_course_id, 'description', $_POST['description']);
            $coursesDAO->UpdateField($_course_id, 'copyright', $_POST['copyright']);
            $coursesDAO->UpdateField($_course_id, 'access', $access);
        } else {
            // create a new course
            if ($course_id = $coursesDAO->Create($_SESSION['user_id'], 'top', $access, $_POST['title'], $_POST['description'], null, null, null, $_POST['copyright'], $_POST['pri_lang'], null, null)) {
                header('Location: ' . TR_BASE_HREF . 'home/course/index.php?_course_id=' . $course_id);
// display
if ($_course_id > 0) {
    $savant->assign('course_id', $_course_id);
    $savant->assign('course_row', $coursesDAO->get($_course_id));
global $onload;
$onload = "document.form.title.focus();";
require TR_INCLUDE_PATH . 'header.inc.php';
Example #3
// added by Cindy Li on Jan 10, 2010
// generate a course_id if the import is not into an existing course
if (!isset($_POST['_course_id'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['hide_course'])) {
        $access = 'private';
    } else {
        $access = 'public';
    if (isset($course_primary_lang) && $course_primary_lang != '') {
        $langcode_and_charset = explode('-', $course_primary_lang);
        //		$course_primary_lang = Utility::get3LetterLangCode($langcode_and_charset[0]);
        $course_primary_lang = $langcode_and_charset[0];
    } else {
        $course_primary_lang = DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE;
    $_course_id = $coursesDAO->Create($_SESSION['user_id'], 'top', $access, $course_title, $course_description, '', '', '', '', $course_primary_lang, '', '');
    // insert author role into table "user_courses"
    $userCoursesDAO = new UserCoursesDAO();
    $userCoursesDAO->Create($_SESSION['user_id'], $_course_id, TR_USERROLE_AUTHOR, 0);
} else {
    $_course_id = $_POST['_course_id'];
// end of added by Cindy Li on Jan 10, 2010
/* generate a unique new package base path based on the package file name and date as needed. */
/* the package name will be the dir where the content for this package will be put, as a result */
/* the 'content_path' field in the content table will be set to this path. */
/* $package_base_name_url comes from the URL file name (NOT the file name of the actual file we open)*/
if (!$package_base_name && $package_base_name_url) {
    $package_base_name = substr($package_base_name_url, -6);
} else {