toDie($phptemp->getConf('nowiki', $url)); } $wgDBname = $dbInfo['dbname']; $wgDBserver = $dbInfo['server']; $dbr = new Database($wgDBserver, $wgDBPort, $wgDBUser, $wgDBPass, $wgDBname, true); $wgNamespaces = $fnc->getNamespaces('enwiki_p'); $cnt = new Counter($name); $final_array = array('query' => array('count' => array())); $retUser = $cnt->getName(); $retIP = $cnt->getIP() ? "true" : "false"; $retExists = $cnt->getExists() ? "true" : "false"; $retUID = $cnt->getUID(); $retDeleted = intval($cnt->getDeleted()); $retLive = intval($cnt->getLive()); $retTotal = intval($cnt->getTotal()); $retGroupList = $cnt->getGroupList(); $retGroupList['_element'] = 'g'; //$retUniqueArticles = $cnt->getUniqueArticles(); //$retUniqueArticleCount = number_format( count($retUniqueArticles['total']) ); $retFirstEdit = $cnt->getFirstEdit(); $retAveragePageEdits = $cnt->getAveragePageEdits(); $retMonthTotals = $cnt->getMonthTotals(); $retNamespaceTotals = $cnt->getNamespaceTotals(); $retOptedIn = $http->getWhichOptIn($cnt->getName()); $final_array['query']['count']['username'] = $retUser; $final_array['query']['count']['is_ip'] = $retIP; $final_array['query']['count']['user_exists'] = $retExists; $final_array['query']['count']['user_id'] = $retUID; $final_array['query']['count']['opted_in'] = $retOptedIn; $final_array['query']['count']['counts'] = array('deleted' => $retDeleted, 'live' => $retLive, 'total' => $retTotal); $final_array['query']['count']['groups'] = $retGroupList;
$fnc->toDie("In order to both discourage editcountitis and give the English Wikipedia editors a chance to realize what editing is all about and why I created this tool in the first place, I have disabled my edit counters (pcount, simplecount, autoedits) until August 17 2010. Please use this time to reflect on why I made this tool in the first place: To serve curiosity, not to create false judgement descisions about editors. -X! 13 August 2010"); } $wgNamespaces = $fnc->getNamespaces('enwiki_p'); $cnt = new Counter($name); $graphArray = array('colors' => array(0 => 'FF5555', 1 => '55FF55', 2 => 'FFFF55', 3 => 'FF55FF', 4 => '5555FF', 5 => '55FFFF', 6 => 'C00000', 7 => '0000C0', 8 => '008800', 9 => '00C0C0', 10 => 'FFAFAF', 11 => '808080', 12 => '00C000', 13 => '404040', 14 => 'C0C000', 15 => 'C000C0', 100 => '75A3D1', 101 => 'A679D2', 102 => '660000', 103 => '000066', 104 => 'FAFFAF', 105 => '408345', 106 => '5c8d20', 107 => 'e1711d', 108 => '94ef2b', 109 => '756a4a', 110 => '6f1dab', 111 => '301e30', 112 => '5c9d96', 113 => 'a8cd8c', 114 => 'f2b3f1', 115 => '9b5828', 118 => '99FFFF', 119 => '99BBFF', 120 => 'FF99FF', 121 => 'CCFFFF', 122 => 'CCFF00', 123 => 'CCFFCC', 200 => '33FF00', 201 => '669900', 202 => '666666', 203 => '999999', 204 => 'FFFFCC', 205 => 'FF00CC', 206 => 'FFFF00', 207 => 'FFCC00', 208 => 'FF0000', 209 => 'FF6600', 446 => '06DCFB', 447 => '892EE4', 460 => '99FF66', 461 => '99CC66', 470 => 'CCCC33', 471 => 'CCFF33', 480 => '6699FF', 481 => '66FFFF', 490 => '995500', 491 => '998800', 710 => 'FFCECE', 711 => 'FFC8F2', 828 => 'F7DE00', 829 => 'BABA21', 866 => 'FFFFFF', 867 => 'FFCCFF', 1198 => 'FF34B3', 1199 => '8B1C62'), 'names' => $wgNamespaces['names'], 'monthly' => $cnt->getMonthTotals(), 'gross' => $cnt->getNamespaceTotals()); $graph = new Graph($graphArray, IPHONE); $uniqueEdits = $cnt->getUniqueArticles(); if (!$cnt->getExists()) { $fnc->toDie($phptemp->getConf('nosuchuser', $cnt->getName())); } $phptemp->assign("page", $cnt->getName()); $content->assign("username", $cnt->getName()); $content->assign("usernameurl", rawurlencode($cnt->getName())); $content->assign("url", $url); $content->assign("loadwiki", "&wiki={$wiki}&lang={$lang}"); if (count($cnt->getGroupList())) { $content->assign("groups", implode(', ', $cnt->getGroupList())); } if ($cnt->getLive() > 0) { $content->assign("firstedit", $cnt->getFirstEdit()); $content->assign("unique", number_format(count($uniqueEdits['total']))); $content->assign("average", $cnt->getAveragePageEdits()); $content->assign("live", number_format(intval($cnt->getLive()))); $content->assign("deleted", number_format(intval($cnt->getDeleted()))); $content->assign("namespacetotals", $graph->legend()); $content->assign("graph", $graph->pie($phptemp->getConf('namespacetotals'))); if (in_array($lang . $wiki, $opt_in)) { if ($http->isOptedIn($cnt->getName())) { $content->assign("monthcounts", $graph->horizontalBar(600)); } else { $content->assign("nograph", $phptemp->getConf("nograph", $cnt->getName(), $url));