Example #1
     #                    Menus                       #
 #                    Menus                       #
 case 'menus':
     switch ($method) {
         case 'GET':
             $response = $Cosmo->menusRead();
         case 'POST':
             $name = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : '';
             if ($role === 'admin') {
                 $response = $Cosmo->menusCreate($name);
         case 'PUT':
             $name = isset($_PUT['name']) ? $_PUT['name'] : '';
             $menu = isset($_PUT['menu']) ? $_PUT['menu'] : '';
             $area = isset($_PUT['area']) ? $_PUT['area'] : '';
             if ($role === 'admin') {
                 $response = $Cosmo->menusUpdate($segments[1], $name, $menu, $area);
         case 'DELETE':
             if (isset($segments[1])) {
                 if ($role === 'admin') {
                     $response = $Cosmo->menusDelete($segments[1]);
Example #2
        $Cosmo->contentCreate('Welcome to Cosmo', 'Welcome to Pendant, a blog theme developed for Cosmo.', 'Welcome to Cosmo', 'Your new website awaits', 'uploads/MIbCzcvxQdahamZSNQ26_12082014-IMG_3526-54571eebdae22.jpg', '<p class="ng-scope">Your site is now running on Cosmo, an open source content management system that\'s designed to help make editing your website quick and easy, it\'s created by James and<a href="http://twitter.com/jordandunn"> Jordan Dunn</a>. If this is your first time using Cosmo we recommend&nbsp;<a href="http://cosmocms.org/cosmo-basics">checking out our how-to\'s</a>&nbsp;for creating pages, editing content, uploading media and more. Once you\'re ready to make your first page, click the umbrella to your left, go to content &gt; new page and you\'ll be on your way.</p><p class="ng-scope"><span class="ng-scope">If you\'re looking to create a new theme for Cosmo you can view all documentation for&nbsp;<a href="http://cosmocms.org/how-to-create-a-theme-for-cosmo">theme creation</a>&nbsp;along with&nbsp;how to use or&nbsp;<a href="http://cosmocms.org/how-to-create-a-module-for-cosmo">create new modules</a>&nbsp;to run within Cosmo.</span></p><p class="ng-scope">If you\'re looking for some free photos to work well with your new site, we recommend checking out&nbsp;<a href="http://deathtothestockphoto.com">Death to Stock Photo</a>&nbsp;or&nbsp;<a href="https://unsplash.com">Unsplash</a>.</p><p class="ng-scope">Once your website is up and running,&nbsp;<a href="http://twitter.com/cosmocms">send us a link</a>&nbsp;so we can check it out and maybe even highlight it on our&nbsp;website or social media.</p>', '/welcome-to-cosmo', 1, 'post.html', 'Y', NULL);
        $Cosmo->contentExtrasCreate(4, 'featured', '{"id":"featured","alt":"Welcome","src":"uploads/MIbCzcvxQdahamZSNQ26_12082014-IMG_3526-54571eebdae22.jpg","size":"responsive","responsive":"yes"}');
        $Cosmo->contentTagsCreate(4, 'blog');
        // Insert first file
        $stmt = $pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO ' . $prefix . 'files (filename, responsive, type, timestamp) VALUES (?,?,?,?)');
        $data = array('uploads/MIbCzcvxQdahamZSNQ26_12082014-IMG_3526-54571eebdae22.jpg', 'yes', 'image', time());
        // Insert first block
        $Cosmo->blocksCreate('Home Page');
        $Cosmo->blocksUpdate('Home Page', '<div one-post="blog"></div>', 0, 'block1', 1);
        $Cosmo->blocksRequirementsCreate(1, 'visible', '/');
        // Insert footer block
        $Cosmo->blocksUpdate('Copyright', '<p>Copyright &copy {{page.current_year}} | Built with <a href="http://www.cosmocms.org/"><img class="cosmo-logo" alt="Single Page Application CMS" src="core/img/cosmo-logo.svg"></a></p>', 0, 'footer', 2);
        // Insert example primary menu
        $Cosmo->menusUpdate(1, 'Primary', '[{"id":1,"title":"About","url":"about","items":[]},{"id":100,"title":"Contact","url":"contact","items":[]}]', 'primary');
    } catch (Exception $e) {
// User hasn't submitted the form yet
if (!$_GET) {
<html ng-app="app">
        <title translate>install_cosmo</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="core/css/cosmo-default-style.minify.css">
        <link href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
        <script src="core/js/angular/angular.min.js"></script>
        <script src="core/js/3rd-party/angular-translate.min.js"></script>
        <!--<script src="core/js/3rd-party/angular-translate-storage-cookie.min.js"></script>-->