Example #1
  * Loads the dynamic configuration from a file
 public static function dynamicLoad()
     /* Loads the configuration file */
     $configData = json_decode(file_get_contents(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE));
     /* Loads the languages */
     self::$LANGUAGES = json_decode(file_get_contents(LANGUAGES_LIST_FILE), true);
     /* Loads the css theme */
     self::$DEFAULT_CSS_THEME = $configData->theme;
     /* Loads the language */
     putenv('LANG=' . self::$LANGUAGES[$configData->lang]);
     putenv('LANGUAGE=' . self::$LANGUAGES[$configData->lang]);
     setlocale(LC_ALL, self::$LANGUAGES[$configData->lang]);
     /* Set the text domain as 'messages' */
     $domain = 'messages';
     bindtextdomain($domain, LOCALIZATION_DIR);
     bind_textdomain_codeset($domain, META_CHARSET);
     self::$DEFAULT_LANG = $configData->lang;
     /* Loads the server ip */
     self::$REMOTE_SERVER_IP = $configData->serverIp;
     /* Sets the cache time */
     self::$CACHE_TIME = $configData->cacheTime;