function __construct() { $this->__core = Core::getInstance(); $this->__lib = $this->__core->getLib(); $this->__uri = $this->__core->getUri(); $this->__req = $this->__core->getRequest(); }
public function getGoodsinfo() { $goodsinfos = array(); $db = new Core(); $query = "SELECT g.*,\n gv.field as gvkey,\n gv.value as gvvalue,\n o.telphone as mobile,\n o.order_quantity as goods_number,\n o.goods_value as goods_value\n FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "goodslist g\n LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "order o \n ON\n LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "goodsextensionvalue gv \n ON\n WHERE \n 1\n and o.order_id='" . $this->order_id . "'"; $mresult = $db->query($query); if (!$mresult) { $this->BundleGoods = $goodsinfos; return; } foreach ($mresult as $result) { $goods = json_decode(urldecode($result['extensions']), 1); $goods['goods_number'] = $result['goods_number']; $goods['goods_value'] = $result['goods_value']; //$goods['mobile'] = $result['mobile']; if ($result['gvkey'] == 'session') { $goods['session'] = $result['gvvalue']; } $goodsinfos[$result['bundle_id']]['goods'][] = $goods; } //file_put_contents('./cache/mobile.txt',var_export($result,1)); $query = "SELECT *\n FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "order \n \n WHERE \n 1\n and order_id='" . $this->order_id . "'"; $re = $db->query($query, ''); $this->mobile = $re[0]['telphone']; // = '18021806556'; $this->BundleGoods = $goodsinfos; }
/** * Query database. Retrun all values from a table * * @param $table String Table name * * @returns Object Database records. MySQL object */ public function checkNeededDataGoogleSearchAnalytics($website) { $core = new Core(); //Load core $mysql = new MySQL(); //Load MySQL $now = $core->now(); /* Identify date range */ $dateStartOffset = self::GOOGLE_SEARCH_ANALYTICS_MAX_DATE_OFFSET + self::GOOGLE_SEARCH_ANALYTICS_MAX_DAYS; $dateStart = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-' . $dateStartOffset . ' days', $now)); $dateEnd = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-' . self::GOOGLE_SEARCH_ANALYTICS_MAX_DATE_OFFSET . ' days', $now)); /* Query database for dates with data */ $query = "SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT date ) AS record, date FROM " . MySQL::DB_TABLE_SEARCH_ANALYTICS . " WHERE domain LIKE '" . $website . "' AND date >= '" . $dateStart . "' AND date <= '" . $dateEnd . "' GROUP BY date"; $result = $mysql->query($query); /* Create array from database response */ $datesWithData = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { array_push($datesWithData, $row['date']); } /* Get date rante */ $dates = $core->getDateRangeArray($dateStart, $dateEnd); /* Loop through dates, removing those with data */ foreach ($dates as $index => $date) { if (in_array($date, $datesWithData)) { unset($dates[$index]); } } /* Reindex dates array */ $dates = array_values($dates); $returnArray = array('dateStart' => $dateStart, 'dateEnd' => $dateEnd, 'datesWithNoData' => $dates); return $returnArray; }
public function getAppRoute($route_name, $app_id = null) { if (!$this->mappingRepository) { $this->mappingRepository = $this->doctrine->getManager()->getRepository('UnifikSystemBundle:Mapping'); } $mapping = $this->mappingRepository->findOneBy(array('app' => $app_id ? $app_id : $this->systemCore->getApplicationCore()->getApp()->getId(), 'type' => 'route', 'target' => $route_name), array('section' => 'ASC')); if ($mapping) { // Faut checker toutes les routes, à cause du mapping alias $routes = $this->router->getRouteCollection()->all(); foreach ($routes as $name => $route) { if ($defaults = $route->getDefaults()) { if (array_key_exists('_unifikRequest', $defaults) && array_key_exists('mappedRouteName', $defaults['_unifikRequest'])) { $real_name = preg_replace('/^[aA-zZ]{2}__[A-Z]{2}__/', '', $defaults['_unifikRequest']['mappedRouteName']); // On a trouvé la bonne route if ($real_name == $route_name) { return preg_replace('/^[aA-zZ]{2}__[A-Z]{2}__/', '', $name); } } } } // On a rien trouvé... on retourne la route "par défaut" de la section return 'section_id_' . $mapping->getSection()->getId(); } // Aucun mapping... on fallback sur la premiere route disponible (?) $mapping = $this->mappingRepository->findOneBy(array('type' => 'route', 'target' => $route_name), array('section' => 'ASC')); if ($mapping) { return 'section_id_' . $mapping->getSection()->getId(); } // Rien de concluant return null; }
private function populatePPMTable($counter, $result_row) { $core = new Core(); $number_Of_houses = $core->getNumberofHouses($this->loc_table, $result_row['location']); $this->total_num_of_houses += $number_Of_houses; $per_street_year = $number_Of_houses * 12; $this->total_expected += $per_street_year; $date_done = $result_row['date_done']; $done_till_date = $core->getTillDate($number_Of_houses, $date_done); $this->expected_rate += $done_till_date; $houses_serviced = $result_row['houses_serviced']; $this->total_num_of_houses_serviced += $houses_serviced; $status_tiil_date = $core->getStatusTillDate($number_Of_houses, $houses_serviced); $current_satus = $core->getcurrentStatus($houses_serviced, $number_Of_houses, $status_tiil_date); $calls_generated = $result_row['calls_gen']; $this->total_calls_gen += $calls_generated; $calls_completed = $result_row['calls_comp']; $this->total_calls_gen += $calls_completed; $no_access = $number_Of_houses - $houses_serviced; $this->no_access_loc += $no_access; $out = ""; $id = $result_row['S/N']; $out .= " <tr>"; $out .= "<td >{$counter}</td>\n\t<td ondblclick='myFunction(this," . $id . ")' id='job_id'>" . $result_row['job_id'] . "</td>\n\t<td>" . $result_row['location'] . "</td><td>" . $number_Of_houses . "</td><td>Monthly</td>"; $out .= "<td>" . $per_street_year . "</td><td>" . $done_till_date . "</td>"; $out .= "<td ondblclick='myFunction(this," . $id . ")' id='houses_serviced'>" . $houses_serviced . "</td>"; $out .= "<td >" . $status_tiil_date . " % </td><td>" . $current_satus . " % </td>\n\t<td ondblclick='myFunction(this," . $id . ")' id='date_done'>" . $result_row['date_done'] . "</td>\n\t<td ondblclick='myFunction(this," . $id . ")' id='date_nect'>" . $result_row['date_next'] . "</td>"; $out .= "<td ondblclick='myFunction(this," . $id . ")' id='calls_gen'>{$calls_generated}</td>"; $out .= "<td ondblclick='myFunction(this," . $id . ")' id='calls_comp'>{$calls_completed}</td>\n\t<td ondblclick='myFunction(this," . $id . ")' id='inspection'>" . $result_row['inspection'] . "</td>\n\t<td ondblclick='myFunction(this," . $id . ")' id='noaccesslocresolved'>" . $result_row['noaccesslocresolved'] . "</td>"; $out .= "<td>" . $no_access . "</td><td ondblclick='myFunction(this," . $id . ")' id='engineers_remark'>" . $result_row['engineers_remark'] . "</td></tr>"; return $out; }
private function initInvoice() { $core = new Core(); $this->invoiceNumber = $core->generatePreformerInvoiceNumber(); $this->jobNumber = $core->generateCmJobId(); $details = $core->getAllStockDetails($this->materials); $this->stockRows .= '<tr class="item-row" id="item0">' . '<td>1</td>' . '<td class="item-name"><textarea data-role="none" class="item_name" >' . $details['part_number'] . '</textarea></td>' . '<td class="description"><textarea disabled data-role="none" class="item_description">' . $details['description'] . '</textarea></td>' . '<td><span disabled class="cost" data-role="none" id="unitCost1"><del>N</del>' . $details['price'] . '</span></td>' . '<td><textarea disabled class="qty" data-role="none" id="quantity1">1</textarea></td>' . '<td><span class="price" >0.00</span></td></tr>'; }
public function testExchangeArraySetsPropertiesToNullIfKeysAreNotPresent() { $core = new Core(); $core->exchangeArray(array('name' => 'some name', 'id' => 123)); $core->exchangeArray(array()); $this->assertNull($core->name, '"name" should have defaulted to null'); $this->assertNull($core->id, '"id" should have defaulted to null'); }
function updateSubscriberList($argArrPost) { $objCore = new Core(); $varID = implode('\',\'', $argArrPost['frmSubscriberID']); $varWhere = "pkSubscriberID IN('" . $varID . "')"; $this->delete(TABLE_SUBSCRIBERS, $varWhere); //***end here $objCore->setSuccessMsg(ADMIN_SUBSCRIBER_DELETE); return true; }
function printBeautifulPHPCode($sourceCode) { require_once CODE_BEAUTIFIER_REQ; require_once BEAUTIFIER_PATH . FILE_SEPARATOR . "HFile" . FILE_SEPARATOR . "HFile_php3.php"; require_once BEAUTIFIER_PATH . FILE_SEPARATOR . "Output" . FILE_SEPARATOR . "Output_HTML.php"; $highlighter = new Core(new HFile_php3(), new Output_HTML()); echo "<pre>"; echo $highlighter->highlight_text($sourceCode); echo "</pre>"; }
function imageUpload($argFILES, $argVarDirLocation, $varThumbnailWidth = '', $varThumbnailHeight = '', $varMediumWidth = '', $varMediumHeight = '') { $objUpload = new upload(); $objCore = new Core(); $objUpload->setMaxSize(); $objUpload->setDirectory($argVarDirLocation); $varIsImage = $objUpload->IsImageValid($argFILES['type']); if ($varIsImage) { $varImageExists = 'yes'; } else { $varImageExists = 'no'; } if ($varImageExists == 'no') { $objCore->setErrorMsg(IMAGE_TYPE_ERROR); return false; } if ($varImageExists == 'yes') { $objUpload->setTmpName($argFILES['tmp_name']); if ($objUpload->userTmpName) { $objUpload->setFileSize($argFILES['size']); $objUpload->setFileType($argFILES['type']); $varRandomNumber = $this->generateRandomKey(); $fileName = $varRandomNumber . '_' . strtolower($argFILES['name']); $fileName = str_replace(' ', '_', $fileName); $objUpload->setFileName($fileName); $objUpload->startCopy(); if ($objUpload->isError()) { $thumbnailName1 = '_thumb'; $objUpload->setThumbnailName($thumbnailName1); $objUpload->createThumbnail(); if ($varThumbnailWidth == '' && $varThumbnailHeight == '') { $objUpload->setThumbnailSize(); } else { $objUpload->setThumbnailSize($varThumbnailWidth, $varThumbnailHeight); } $varFileName = $objUpload->userFileName; $varExt = substr(strrchr($varFileName, "."), 1); $varThumbFileNameNoExt = substr($varFileName, 0, -(strlen($varExt) + 1)); $varThumbFileName = $varThumbFileNameNoExt . 'thumb.' . $varExt; $thumbnailName1 = ''; $objUpload->setThumbnailName($thumbnailName1); $objUpload->createThumbnail(); if ($varMediumWidth == '' && $varMediumHeight == '') { $objUpload->setThumbnailSize(); } else { $objUpload->setThumbnailSize($varMediumWidth, $varMediumHeight); } return $varFileName; } else { $objCore->setErrorMsg(ERROR_ON_UPLOAD); return false; } } } }
public function overdueproceess() { $time = 2100; //过期时间 $db = new Core(); /** * 查询与订单号相关的商品,订单中相关信息如积分等 */ $query = "SELECT \n \t g.*,\n \t o.order_id as new_order_id,\n \t o.pay_credits as pay_credits,\n \t o.user_id as user_id,\n \t\t o.integral_status as integral_status\n \t FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "goodslist g\n LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "order o\n ON\n WHERE o.pay_status = 1 \n and o.create_time<" . (time() - $time) . " limit 0,100"; $goodses = $db->query($query); if (!$goodses) { return; } $ids = array(); $newgoodses = array(); foreach ($goodses as $goods) { $newgoodses[$goods['bundle_id']]['goods'][$goods['goods_id']]['id'] = $goods['goods_id']; $newgoodses[$goods['bundle_id']]['goods'][$goods['goods_id']]['goods_number'] += $goods['goods_number']; $newgoodses[$goods['bundle_id']]['goods'][$goods['goods_id']]['bundle_id'] = $goods['bundle_id']; $ids[] = $goods['order_id']; $credits[$goods['user_id']]['id'] = $goods['order_id']; $credits[$goods['user_id']]['order_id'] = $goods['new_order_id']; $credits[$goods['user_id']]['credit'] = $goods['pay_credits']; $credits[$goods['user_id']]['integral_status'] = $goods['integral_status']; //积分的状态 } $this->BundleGoods = $newgoodses; foreach ($newgoodses as $bundle_id => $bundlegoodses) { $curl = $bundle_id . "curl"; $this->{$curl} = $this->create_curl_obj($bundle_id); $this->init_curl($bundle_id); //$Re_Minus_updateStores = $this -> opBundle('updateStore', array('operation' => 'plus')); } $Re_Minus_updateStores = $this->opBundle('updateStore', array('operation' => 'plus')); $orderids = implode(",", $ids); if (!$orderids) { return false; } require_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/sms.class.php'; require_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/members.class.php'; $members = new members(); foreach ($credits as $user => $v) { if (!$v['credit']) { continue; } $re = $members->return_credit($user, $v['credit'], $v['order_id'], 'payments', 'OrderUpdate', 'cancle', '订单:' . $v['order_id'] . '被系统取消:' . $v['title'], $v['integral_status'], '取消订单'); if (!$re['logid']) { return false; } } $query = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "order \n SET order_status=24,pay_status=3,is_completed=23\n WHERE pay_status=1 and id in(" . $orderids . ")"; $result = $db->query_update($query); }
public final function init() { $this->O->xml(); $this->hook('before_config'); $this->hook('config'); $this->hook('after_config'); if (!$this->method) { // on récupère la methode pour le module $this->method = Filter::id($this->var_method, $_GET); } $this->setMethod($this->method); return $this; }
function saveClientExtras($argArrPost) { $objCore = new Core(); $clientExtra1 = $argArrPost['ClientExtra1']; $clientExtra2 = $argArrPost['ClientExtra2']; if ($argArrPost['client_id'] != '') { $varWhere = 'pkClientID = ' . $argArrPost['client_id']; $arrclm = array('ClientExtra1' => $clientExtra1, 'ClientExtra2' => $clientExtra2); $varExtraID = $this->update(TABLE_CLIENTS, $arrclm, $varWhere); $objCore->setSuccessMsg("Extra settings updated successfully"); return 2; } }
public function render($output) { $Core = new Core(); $this->dir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DS . $Core->path; //print_r($this->values); if (isset($this->values['layout'])) { $this->layout = $this->values['layout']; } $base_url = $Core->site($this->layout); $site_url = $Core->site_url(); $title = isset($this->values['title']) ? $this->values['title'] : $this->title; $header = isset($this->values['header']) ? $this->values['header'] : $this->header; $content = $output; include $this->dir . DS . 'Layout' . DS . $this->layout . DS . 'default.phtml'; }
/** * Add the comment. */ function execute() { // Personalized execute() method since now there are possibly two comments contained within each form submission. $commentDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('PaperCommentDAO'); $this->insertedComments = array(); // Assign all common information $comment = new PaperComment(); $comment->setCommentType($this->commentType); $comment->setRoleId($this->roleId); $comment->setPaperId($this->paper->getPaperId()); $comment->setAssocId($this->assocId); $comment->setAuthorId($this->user->getId()); $comment->setCommentTitle($this->getData('commentTitle')); $comment->setDatePosted(Core::getCurrentDate()); // If comments "For authors and director" submitted if ($this->getData('authorComments') != null) { $comment->setComments($this->getData('authorComments')); $comment->setViewable(1); array_push($this->insertedComments, $commentDao->insertPaperComment($comment)); } // If comments "For director" submitted if ($this->getData('comments') != null) { $comment->setComments($this->getData('comments')); $comment->setViewable(null); array_push($this->insertedComments, $commentDao->insertPaperComment($comment)); } }
/** * View an assigned submission's layout editing page. * @param $args array ($articleId) */ function submission($args) { $articleId = isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : 0; list($journal, $submission) = SubmissionLayoutHandler::validate($articleId); parent::setupTemplate(true, $articleId); import('submission.proofreader.ProofreaderAction'); ProofreaderAction::layoutEditorProofreadingUnderway($submission); $layoutAssignment =& $submission->getLayoutAssignment(); if ($layoutAssignment->getDateNotified() != null && $layoutAssignment->getDateUnderway() == null) { // Set underway date $layoutAssignment->setDateUnderway(Core::getCurrentDate()); $layoutDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('LayoutEditorSubmissionDAO'); $layoutDao->updateSubmission($submission); } $disableEdit = !SubmissionLayoutHandler::layoutEditingEnabled($submission); $templateMgr =& TemplateManager::getManager(); $templateMgr->assign_by_ref('submission', $submission); $templateMgr->assign('disableEdit', $disableEdit); $templateMgr->assign('useProofreaders', $journal->getSetting('useProofreaders')); $templateMgr->assign('templates', $journal->getSetting('templates')); $templateMgr->assign('helpTopicId', 'editorial.layoutEditorsRole.layout'); $publishedArticleDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('PublishedArticleDAO'); $publishedArticle =& $publishedArticleDao->getPublishedArticleByArticleId($submission->getArticleId()); if ($publishedArticle) { $issueDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('IssueDAO'); $issue =& $issueDao->getIssueById($publishedArticle->getIssueId()); $templateMgr->assign_by_ref('publishedArticle', $publishedArticle); $templateMgr->assign_by_ref('issue', $issue); } $templateMgr->display('layoutEditor/submission.tpl'); }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see BPCPageAbstract::onLoad() */ public function onLoad($param) { parent::onLoad($param); if (!AccessControl::canAccessPriceMatchPage(Core::getRole())) { die(BPCPageAbstract::show404Page('Access Denied', 'You do NOT have the access to this page!')); } }
public function rescan_locale() { if ($this->token->validate('rescan_locale')) { $u = new \User(); if ($u->isSuperUser()) { \Core::make('cache/request')->disable(); $section = Section::getByID($_REQUEST['locale']); $target = new MultilingualProcessorTarget($section); $processor = new Processor($target); if ($_POST['process']) { foreach ($processor->receive() as $task) { $processor->execute($task); } $obj = new \stdClass(); $obj->totalItems = $processor->getTotalTasks(); echo json_encode($obj); exit; } else { $processor->process(); } $totalItems = $processor->getTotalTasks(); \View::element('progress_bar', array('totalItems' => $totalItems, 'totalItemsSummary' => t2("%d task", "%d tasks", $totalItems))); exit; } } }
/** * @return Community */ public function getService() { if (!$this->service) { $this->service = \Core::make('authentication/community'); } return $this->service; }
/** * Test that a message can be written to a log file. * * @return \Core\Utilities\Logger\LogFile The log file created. */ public function testWrite(){ $type = 'testphpunit'; $msg = \BaconIpsumGenerator::Make_a_Sentence(); $code = '/test/' . Core::RandomHex(6); // First, I'll test the functional method. \Core\Utilities\Logger\append_to($type, $msg, $code); // Now a file should exist called testphpunit.log that contains the line above. $this->assertTrue(file_exists(ROOT_PDIR . 'logs/' . $type . '.log')); $contents = file_get_contents(ROOT_PDIR . 'logs/' . $type . '.log'); $this->assertContains($msg, $contents); $this->assertContains($code, $contents); // And now the class method, (should be identical). $type = 'testphpunit'; $msg = \BaconIpsumGenerator::Make_a_Sentence(); $code = '/test/' . Core::RandomHex(6); // First, I'll test the functional method. $log = new \Core\Utilities\Logger\LogFile($type); $log->write($msg, $code); // Now a file should exist called testphpunit.log that contains the line above. $this->assertTrue($log->exists()); $contents = $log->getContents(); $this->assertContains($msg, $contents); $this->assertContains($code, $contents); return $log; }
/** * autoload * * This function automatically loads any missing classes as they are * needed so that we don't use a million include statements which load * more than we need. */ public static function autoload($class) { if (strpos($class, '\\') === false) { $file = AmpConfig::get('prefix') . '/lib/class/' . strtolower($class) . '.class.php'; if (Core::is_readable($file)) { require_once $file; // Call _auto_init if it exists $autocall = array($class, '_auto_init'); if (is_callable($autocall)) { call_user_func($autocall); } } else { debug_event('autoload', "'{$class}' not found!", 1); } } else { // Class with namespace are not used by Ampache but probably by modules $split = explode('\\', $class); $path = AmpConfig::get('prefix') . '/modules'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($split); ++$i) { $path .= '/' . $split[$i]; if ($i != count($split) - 1) { if (!is_dir($path)) { break; } } else { $path .= '.php'; if (Core::is_readable($path)) { require_once $path; } } } } }
/** * generates HTML for apy buton * @param Model_Order $order * @return string */ public static function button(Model_Order $order) { if (Core::config('payment.paymill_private') != '' and Core::config('payment.paymill_public') != '' and Theme::get('premium') == 1 and $order->loaded()) { return View::factory('pages/paymill/button', array('order' => $order)); } return ''; }
public static function doJob($job) { $db = Core::GetDBInstance(null, true); $messageSerializer = new Scalr_Messaging_XmlSerializer(); $message = $db->GetRow("SELECT server_id, message, id, handle_attempts FROM messages WHERE id=?", array($job->workload())); try { if ($message['handle_attempts'] >= 3) { $db->Execute("UPDATE messages SET status=? WHERE id=?", array(MESSAGE_STATUS::FAILED, $message['id'])); } else { try { $DBServer = DBServer::LoadByID($message['server_id']); } catch (Exception $e) { $db->Execute("UPDATE messages SET status=? WHERE id=?", array(MESSAGE_STATUS::FAILED, $message['id'])); return; } if ($DBServer->status == SERVER_STATUS::RUNNING || $DBServer->status == SERVER_STATUS::INIT || $DBServer->status == SERVER_STATUS::IMPORTING || $DBServer->status == SERVER_STATUS::TEMPORARY || $DBServer->status == SERVER_STATUS::PENDING_TERMINATE) { // Only 0.2-68 or greater version support this feature. if ($DBServer->IsSupported("0.2-68")) { $msg = $messageSerializer->unserialize($message['message']); $DBServer->SendMessage($msg); } else { $db->Execute("UPDATE messages SET status=? WHERE id=?", array(MESSAGE_STATUS::UNSUPPORTED, $message['id'])); } } elseif (in_array($DBServer->status, array(SERVER_STATUS::TERMINATED, SERVER_STATUS::PENDING_TERMINATE))) { $db->Execute("UPDATE messages SET status=? WHERE id=?", array(MESSAGE_STATUS::FAILED, $message['id'])); } } } catch (Exception $e) { //var_dump($e->getMessage()); } }
public function attach($owner) { if (Core::app()->checkInstalledModule($this->module_alias)) { parent::attach($owner); return true; } }
/** * constructor */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); if (!AccessControl::canAccessProductsPage(Core::getRole())) { die('You do NOT have access to this page'); } }
public function updateAction() { $criteria = new Criteria("person"); $person = PersonData::getById($_POST["id"]); $criteria->update(array("no" => "\"{$_POST['no']}\"", "name" => "\"{$_POST['name']}\"", "lastname" => "\"{$_POST['lastname']}\"", "job" => "\"{$_POST['job']}\"", "phone1" => "\"{$_POST['phone1']}\"", "phone2" => "\"{$_POST['phone2']}\"", "address1" => "\"{$_POST['address1']}\"", "address2" => "\"{$_POST['address2']}\"", "email1" => "\"{$_POST['email1']}\"", "email2" => "\"{$_POST['email2']}\"", "team_id" => "\"{$_POST['team_id']}\"", "category_id" => "\"{$_POST['category_id']}\""), "id=" . $_POST["id"]); Core::redir("./?r=index/people"); }
/** * Set the value of a form field. * @param $key * @param $value */ function setData($key, $value) { if (is_string($value)) { $value = Core::cleanVar($value); } $this->_data[$key] = $value; }
/** * Redeem a gift for a user. * @param $assocType int * @param $assocId int * @param $userId int * @param $giftId int * @return int Status code indicating whether gift could be redeemed */ function redeemGift($assocType, $assocId, $userId, $giftId) { // Ensure user has this gift if (!$this->recipientHasGift($assocType, $assocId, $userId, $giftId)) { return GIFT_REDEEM_STATUS_ERROR_NO_GIFT_TO_REDEEM; } // Ensure user has not already redeemed this gift if (!$this->recipientHasNotRedeemedGift($assocType, $assocId, $userId, $giftId)) { return GIFT_REDEEM_STATUS_ERROR_GIFT_ALREADY_REDEEMED; } // Retrieve and try to redeem the gift $gift = $this->getGift($giftId); switch ($gift->getGiftType()) { case GIFT_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION: $returner = $this->_redeemGiftSubscription($gift); break; default: $returner = GIFT_REDEEM_STATUS_ERROR_GIFT_INVALID; } // If all went well, mark gift as redeemed if ($returner == GIFT_REDEEM_STATUS_SUCCESS) { $gift->setStatus(GIFT_STATUS_REDEEMED); $gift->setDatetimeRedeemed(Core::getCurrentDate()); $this->updateObject($gift); } return $returner; }
/** * Upload a profile image. * @return boolean True iff success. */ function uploadProfileImage() { import('classes.file.PublicFileManager'); $publicFileManager = new PublicFileManager(); $user = $this->getUser(); $type = $publicFileManager->getUploadedFileType('uploadedFile'); $extension = $publicFileManager->getImageExtension($type); if (!$extension) { return false; } $uploadName = 'profileImage-' . (int) $user->getId() . $extension; if (!$publicFileManager->uploadSiteFile('uploadedFile', $uploadName)) { return false; } $filePath = $publicFileManager->getSiteFilesPath(); list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filePath . '/' . $uploadName); if ($width > PROFILE_IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH || $height > PROFILE_IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT || $width <= 0 || $height <= 0) { $userSetting = null; $user->updateSetting('profileImage', $userSetting); $publicFileManager->removeSiteFile($filePath); return false; } $user->updateSetting('profileImage', array('name' => $publicFileManager->getUploadedFileName('uploadedFile'), 'uploadName' => $uploadName, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'dateUploaded' => Core::getCurrentDate())); return true; }
public function getPermissionKeyByID($pkID) { $txt = Loader::helper('text'); $className = core_class('\\Core\\Permission\\Key\\' . \Core::make("helper/text")->camelcase($this->pkCategoryHandle) . 'Key', $this->getPackageHandle()); $ak = call_user_func(array($className, 'getByID'), $pkID); return $ak; }