public function tearDown() { MultilingualRootURLController::set_use_locale_url($this->origLocaleRoutingEnabled); Translatable::set_current_locale($this->origCurrentLocale); Translatable::set_default_locale($this->origLocale); Translatable::set_allowed_locales($this->origAllowedLocales); i18n::set_locale($this->origi18nLocale); Cookie::force_expiry('language'); if ($this->origCookieLocale) { Cookie::set('language', $this->origCookieLocale); } $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = $this->origAcceptLanguage; MultilingualRootURLController::reset(); parent::tearDown(); }
/** * Logs this member out. */ public function logOut() { $this->extend('beforeMemberLoggedOut'); Session::clear("loggedInAs"); if (Member::config()->login_marker_cookie) { Cookie::set(Member::config()->login_marker_cookie, null, 0); } Session::destroy(); $this->extend('memberLoggedOut'); $this->RememberLoginToken = null; Cookie::set('alc_enc', null); // // Clear the Remember Me cookie Cookie::force_expiry('alc_enc'); // Switch back to live in order to avoid infinite loops when // redirecting to the login screen (if this login screen is versioned) Session::clear('readingMode'); $this->write(); // Audit logging hook $this->extend('memberLoggedOut'); }
public function inst_destroy($removeCookie = true) { if (session_id()) { if ($removeCookie) { $path = Config::inst()->get('Session', 'cookie_path') ?: Director::baseURL(); $domain = Config::inst()->get('Session', 'cookie_domain'); $secure = Config::inst()->get('Session', 'cookie_secure'); Cookie::force_expiry(session_name(), $path, $domain, $secure, true); } session_destroy(); // Clean up the superglobal - session_destroy does not do it. // unset($_SESSION); $this->data = array(); } }
/** * Set an alternative database in a browser cookie, * with the cookie lifetime set to the browser session. * This is useful for integration testing on temporary databases. * * There is a strict naming convention for temporary databases to avoid abuse: * <prefix> (default: 'ss_') + tmpdb + <7 digits> * As an additional security measure, temporary databases will * be ignored in "live" mode. * * Note that the database will be set on the next request. * Set it to null to revert to the main database. */ public static function set_alternative_database_name($name = null) { if ($name) { if (!self::valid_alternative_database_name($name)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid alternative database name: "%s"', $name)); } $key = Config::inst()->get('Security', 'token'); if (!$key) { throw new LogicException('"Security.token" not found, run "sake dev/generatesecuretoken"'); } if (!function_exists('mcrypt_encrypt')) { throw new LogicException('DB::set_alternative_database_name() requires the mcrypt PHP extension'); } $key = md5($key); // Ensure key is correct length for chosen cypher $ivSize = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_CFB); $iv = mcrypt_create_iv($ivSize); $encrypted = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, $name, MCRYPT_MODE_CFB, $iv); // Set to browser session lifetime, and restricted to HTTP access only Cookie::set("alternativeDatabaseName", base64_encode($encrypted), 0, null, null, false, true); Cookie::set("alternativeDatabaseNameIv", base64_encode($iv), 0, null, null, false, true); } else { Cookie::force_expiry("alternativeDatabaseName", null, null, false, true); Cookie::force_expiry("alternativeDatabaseNameIv", null, null, false, true); } }
public function destroy($session_id) { $this->currentCookieData = null; Cookie::force_expiry($this->cookie); }
/** * Determines the locale best matching the given list of browser locales * @return {string} The matching locale, or null if none could be determined */ public static function detect_browser_locale() { if ($language = Cookie::get('language')) { if (Config::inst()->get('MultilingualRootURLController', 'UseLocaleURL')) { $locale = $language; } else { $locale = i18n::get_locale_from_lang($language); } if (in_array($locale, Translatable::get_allowed_locales())) { return $locale; } else { Cookie::force_expiry('language'); } } // Given multiple canditates, narrow down the final result using the client's preferred languages $inputLocales = array_key_exists('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE', $_SERVER) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] : null; if (empty($inputLocales)) { return null; } // Generate mapping of priority => list of languages at this priority // break up string into pieces (languages and q factors) preg_match_all('/(?<code>[a-z]{1,8}(-[a-z]{1,8})?)\\s*(;\\s*q\\s*=\\s*(?<priority>1|0\\.[0-9]+))?/i', $inputLocales, $parsedLocales); $prioritisedLocales = array(); if (count($parsedLocales['code'])) { // create a list like "en" => 0.8 $parsedLocales = array_combine($parsedLocales['code'], $parsedLocales['priority']); // Generate nested list of priorities => [languages] foreach ($parsedLocales as $language => $priority) { $priority = empty($priority) ? 1.0 : floatval($priority); if (empty($prioritisedLocales[$priority])) { $prioritisedLocales[$priority] = array(); } $prioritisedLocales[$priority][] = $language; } // sort list based on value krsort($prioritisedLocales, SORT_NUMERIC); } // Check each requested language against loaded languages foreach ($prioritisedLocales as $priority => $parsedLocales) { foreach ($parsedLocales as $browserLocale) { foreach (Translatable::get_allowed_locales() as $language) { if (stripos(preg_replace('/_/', '-', $language), $browserLocale) === 0) { return $language; } } } } return null; }
/** * Choose the stage the site is currently on. * * If $_GET['stage'] is set, then it will use that stage, and store it in * the session. * * if $_GET['archiveDate'] is set, it will use that date, and store it in * the session. * * If neither of these are set, it checks the session, otherwise the stage * is set to 'Live'. * * @param Session $session Optional session within which to store the resulting stage */ public static function choose_site_stage($session = null) { // Check any pre-existing session mode $preexistingMode = $session ? $session->inst_get('readingMode') : Session::get('readingMode'); // Determine the reading mode if (isset($_GET['stage'])) { $stage = ucfirst(strtolower($_GET['stage'])); if (!in_array($stage, array('Stage', 'Live'))) { $stage = 'Live'; } $mode = 'Stage.' . $stage; } elseif (isset($_GET['archiveDate']) && strtotime($_GET['archiveDate'])) { $mode = 'Archive.' . $_GET['archiveDate']; } elseif ($preexistingMode) { $mode = $preexistingMode; } else { $mode = self::DEFAULT_MODE; } // Save reading mode Versioned::set_reading_mode($mode); // Try not to store the mode in the session if not needed if ($preexistingMode && $preexistingMode !== $mode || !$preexistingMode && $mode !== self::DEFAULT_MODE) { if ($session) { $session->inst_set('readingMode', $mode); } else { Session::set('readingMode', $mode); } } if (!headers_sent() && !Director::is_cli()) { if (Versioned::current_stage() == 'Live') { // clear the cookie if it's set if (Cookie::get('bypassStaticCache')) { Cookie::force_expiry('bypassStaticCache', null, null, false, true); } } else { // set the cookie if it's cleared if (!Cookie::get('bypassStaticCache')) { Cookie::set('bypassStaticCache', '1', 0, null, null, false, true); } } } }
/** * Log the currently logged in user out of the local SilverStripe website. * This function should only be called after logging out of the identity provider. * * @see logout() */ public function loggedout() { self::force_ssl(); //Log out SilverStripe members if ($member = Member::currentUser()) { $member->logout(); } Cookie::force_expiry('SimpleSAMLAuthToken'); //Use the BackURL for redirection if avaiable, or use the default logged out URL $backUrl = Session::get('BackURL'); $dest = !empty($backUrl) ? $backUrl : $this->config()->default_logged_out_url; Session::clear('BackURL'); return $this->redirect($dest); }
public function onBeforeInit() { // Theme is not yet defined properly at this time /* @var $request SS_HttpRequest */ $request = $this->owner->getRequest(); $url = $request->getURL(); if (strpos($url, 'dev/build') === 0) { return; } if ($this->isAdminBackend()) { $member = Member::currentUser(); // Silverstripe does not redirect if invalid login to the /admin section so layout will be broken if ($member && $member->ID) { if (class_exists('Subsite')) { Subsite::$disable_subsite_filter = true; } $access = Permission::checkMember($member, 'CMS_ACCESS'); if (class_exists('Subsite')) { Subsite::$disable_subsite_filter = false; } if (!$access) { $uri = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : Director::baseURL(); Session::set("Security.Message.message", _t('Security.ALREADYLOGGEDIN')); Session::set("Security.Message.type", 'warning'); Session::set("BackURL", $uri); Session::save(); header('Location:' . Director::absoluteBaseURL() . '/Security/login' . "?BackURL=" . urlencode($uri)); exit; } } return; } $conf = $this->config(); if ($iframe = $request->getVar('iframe')) { if (!$iframe || $iframe == 'disabled') { Cookie::force_expiry('iframe'); } else { Cookie::set('iframe', true); } } $outdated = $conf->outdated_browser; if ($outdated && $outdated['enabled']) { if (Director::isDev()) { ThemeHeadRequirements::javascript(THEME_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/javascript/outdatedbrowser/outdatedbrowser.js'); Requirements::css(THEME_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/javascript/outdatedbrowser/outdatedbrowser.css'); } else { ThemeHeadRequirements::javascript(THEME_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/javascript/outdatedbrowser/outdatedbrowser.min.js'); Requirements::css(THEME_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/javascript/outdatedbrowser/outdatedbrowser.min.css'); } ThemeHeadRequirements::javascriptTemplate(THEME_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/javascript/outdated.js', array('BgColor' => $outdated['bg_color'], 'Color' => $outdated['color'], 'LowerThan' => $outdated['lower_than'], 'Lang' => i18n::get_lang_from_locale(i18n::get_locale()))); } if ($conf->include_jquery) { FormExtraJquery::include_jquery(); } if ($conf->include_jquery_ui) { FormExtraJquery::include_jquery_ui(); } $uikit = $conf->uikit; if ($uikit && $uikit['enabled']) { $uikitTheme = 'uikit'; if ($uikit['theme']) { $uikitTheme .= '.' . $uikit['theme']; } $uikitComponents = $uikit['components']; if (Director::isDev()) { Requirements::javascript(THEME_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/uikit/js/uikit.js'); if ($uikit['theme_enabled']) { Requirements::css(THEME_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/uikit/css/' . $uikitTheme . '.css'); } foreach ($uikitComponents as $component) { Requirements::javascript(THEME_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/uikit/js/components/' . $component . '.js'); if ($uikit['theme_enabled']) { $componentTheme = ''; if ($uikit['theme']) { $componentTheme = '.' . $uikit['theme']; } Requirements::css(THEME_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/uikit/css/components/' . $component . $componentTheme . '.css'); } } } else { Requirements::javascript(THEME_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/uikit/js/uikit.min.js'); if ($uikit['theme_enabled']) { Requirements::css(THEME_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/uikit/css/' . $uikitTheme . '.min.css'); } foreach ($uikitComponents as $component) { Requirements::javascript(THEME_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/uikit/js/components/' . $component . '.min.js'); if ($uikit['theme_enabled']) { $componentTheme = ''; if ($uikit['theme']) { $componentTheme = '.' . $uikit['theme']; } Requirements::css(THEME_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/uikit/css/components/' . $component . $componentTheme . '.min.css'); } } } // If we loaded notify if (in_array('notify', $uikitComponents)) { if ($this->owner->hasMethod('SessionMessage') && $this->owner->SessionMessage(false)) { $this->sessionMessage = $message = $this->owner->SessionMessage(); $content = Convert::raw2js($message->Content); $type = Convert::raw2js($message->Type); // Convert default Silverstripe types switch ($type) { case self::MESSAGE_BAD: $type = self::NOTIFY_DANGER; break; case self::MESSAGE_GOOD: $type = self::NOTIFY_SUCCESS; break; case self::MESSAGE_WARNING: $type = self::NOTIFY_WARNING; break; case self::MESSAGE_INFO: $type = self::NOTIFY_INFO; break; } Requirements::customScript(<<<JS UIkit.notify('{$content}',{ status: '{$type}', timeout: 0 }); JS ); } } } $noty = $conf->noty; if ($noty && $noty['enabled']) { if (Director::isDev()) { Requirements::javascript(THEME_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/javascript/noty/packaged/jquery.noty.packaged.js'); } else { Requirements::javascript(THEME_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/javascript/noty/packaged/jquery.noty.packaged.min.js'); } $theme = $noty['theme']; $layout = $noty['layout']; Requirements::css(THEME_FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/javascript/noty/themes/' . $theme . '.css'); Requirements::customScript(<<<JS jQuery.extend(jQuery.noty.defaults,{ theme: '{$theme}', layout: '{$layout}', closeWith: ['click','button'] }); JS ); // Flash messages if ($this->owner->hasMethod('SessionMessage') && $this->owner->SessionMessage(false)) { $this->sessionMessage = $message = $this->owner->SessionMessage(); $content = Convert::raw2js($message->Content); $type = Convert::raw2js($message->Type); // Convert default Silverstripe types switch ($type) { case self::MESSAGE_BAD: $type = self::NOTY_ERROR; break; case self::MESSAGE_GOOD: $type = self::NOTY_SUCCESS; break; case self::MESSAGE_WARNING: $type = self::NOTY_ALERT; break; case self::MESSAGE_INFO: $type = self::NOTY_INFO; break; } Requirements::customScript(<<<JS noty({ text: '{$content}', type: '{$type}', timeout: false }); JS ); } } // Forcing js to bottom allow to put some scripts tags in the head if we want to Requirements::set_force_js_to_bottom(true); }
function Logout() { Cookie::set('_pmspu', false); Cookie::force_expiry('_pmspu'); }
/** * Check we can remove cookies and we can access their original values */ public function testForceExpiry() { //load an existing cookie $cookieJar = new CookieJar(array('cookieExisting' => 'i woz here')); Injector::inst()->registerService($cookieJar, 'Cookie_Backend'); //make sure it's available $this->assertEquals('i woz here', Cookie::get('cookieExisting')); //remove the cookie Cookie::force_expiry('cookieExisting'); //check it's gone $this->assertEmpty(Cookie::get('cookieExisting')); //check we can get it's original value $this->assertEquals('i woz here', Cookie::get('cookieExisting', false)); //check we can add a new cookie and remove it and it doesn't leave any phantom values Cookie::set('newCookie', 'i am new'); //check it's set by not recieved $this->assertEquals('i am new', Cookie::get('newCookie')); $this->assertEmpty(Cookie::get('newCookie', false)); //remove it Cookie::force_expiry('newCookie'); //check it's neither set nor reveived $this->assertEmpty(Cookie::get('newCookie')); $this->assertEmpty(Cookie::get('newCookie', false)); }
/** * destroy_temp_basket_id * Destroy the TempBasketID for the current user. * * @return Boolean */ public static function destroy_temp_basket_id() { return Cookie::force_expiry('TempBasketID') ? true : false; }