/** * @remotable * @formHandler */ public function saveForm($a) { //capture the param 'staffList' and loop through the array of IDs //echo $a['staffList']; if (strlen($a['staffList'] > 0)) { $orgID = $this->getOrgID(); $staff = $a['staffList']; $q = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection(); $query = "UPDATE contact_value SET \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tisRedFlag = CASE \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWhen id in ({$staff}) \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t THEN 1 \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tElse 0\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tend\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE orgID={$orgID}"; $result = $q->execute($query); //$q = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection(); //$query = "UPDATE `contact_value` SET `isRedFlag` = '0' WHERE `orgID` = $orgID;"; //$result = $q->execute($query); //$query = "UPDATE `contact_value` SET `isRedFlag` = '1' WHERE (`contact_value`.`ID` IN ($staff) AND `orgID` = $orgID);"; //$result = $q->execute($query); //$q = Doctrine_Query::create() //->update('ContactValue') //->set('isRedFlag', 0) //->where('ID NOT IN (' . $a['staffList'] . ')') //->andWhere('orgID = '.$orgID.''); //$q->execute(); //echo $q->getSqlQuery(); } return parent::saveForm($a); }
/** * @remotable * @formHandler */ public function saveForm($a) { $return = parent::saveForm($a); if (isset($a["colorCode"])) { $user = $this->getSessionValue("contactID"); $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->update("ContactValue c")->set("c.colorCode", "?", $a["colorCode"])->where("c.ID = ?", $user); $q->execute(); $return["data"]["colorCode"] = $a["colorCode"]; } return $return; }
/** * @remotable * @formHandler */ public function saveForm($a) { //do current password validation here and update $a Array if (strlen($a["curr_password"]) > 0) { $hashedPass = $this->generateHash($a["curr_password"]); $currPass = $this->doPasswordCheck(""); if ($hashedPass == $currPass->password) { $a["password"] = $a["new_password"]; } else { return array("success" => false, "msg" => "The current password you have entered does not match our records."); } } return parent::saveForm($a); }
/** * @remotable * @formHandler */ public function saveForm($a) { //$this->setupOneToOne($a); $a["incidentSplitDate"] = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($a["incidentSplitDate"])); $date = strtotime($a["incidentSplitDate"] . " " . $a["incidentSplitTime"]); $a["incidentTime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $date); $return = parent::saveForm($a); if (isset($return['data'])) { $data = $return["data"]; $ts = strtotime($data["incidentTime"]); $data["incidentSplitDate"] = date("Y-m-d", $ts); $data["incidentSplitTime"] = date("g:ia", $ts); $return["data"] = $data; } return $return; }
/** * @remotable * @formHandler */ public function saveForm($a) { $a['type'] = 1; return parent::saveForm($a); }
/** * @remotable * @formHandler */ public function saveForm($a) { $_POST = $this->populateArray($_POST); $recordId = $this->getLoadFormID($a); //New record with no recurrence route to existing function from parent if ($this->isExisitingRecord($recordId) == false && (!isset($a['rrule']) || $a['rrule'] == "")) { // call parent method to update return parent::saveForm($a); } //Existing record with no rrule if ($this->isExisitingRecord($recordId) == true && (!isset($a['rrule']) || $a['rrule'] == "")) { return parent::saveForm($a); } //Existing record with rrule if ($this->isExisitingRecord($recordId) == true && (isset($a['rrule']) || $a['rrule'] != "")) { $exeResult = $this->removeRecurrences($a['atcRecurrID']); if (!$exeResult) { //if delete fails return array("success" => false); } } $rrule = $this->ical_rrule($a['rrule']); $a = $this->actRecurr($a); if (isset($rrule['FREQ'])) { if (!isset($rrule['INTERVAL'])) { $rrule['INTERVAL'] = 1; } //is this BYDAY weekly with selected dates like MO,TU. if (array_key_exists('BYDAY', $rrule)) { return $this->processDatesByDay($rrule); } else { return $this->processDates($rrule); } } }
/** * @remotable * @formHandler */ public function saveForm($a) { $a['orgID'] = $this->getOrgID(); $a['mfrom'] = $this->getUserName(); return parent::saveForm($a); }