public function listAction() { $form = new \Control\Forms(); $form->setTitle('Настройки'); $form->setTemplate('form'); $theme = new \Control\Theme(); $themes = $theme->getList(); $settings_save = array(); $settings = $this->repSettings->findBy(array(), array('id' => 'ASC')); foreach ($settings as $setting) { if ($setting->name == 'site_theme') { $options = array(); foreach ($themes['custom'] as $theme) { $options[] = $theme . '=' . $theme; } $setting->options = implode(',', $options); } $setting->id = 'Settings_' . $setting->name; $setting->caption = $setting->title; $form->addObject($setting); $settings_save[] = $setting->name; } $form->addFooter(array('type' => 'button', 'id' => 'save', 'value' => 'Сохранить', 'action' => "settings_save('" . implode($this->conf->ac_sep, $settings_save) . "');")); $output = $form->render(); return $output; }
public function monitorAction() { $form = new \Control\Forms(); $form->setTitle('Монитор'); $form->setTemplate('list'); $form->addHead(array(array('width' => 400, 'align' => 'left', 'text' => 'Событие'), array('width' => 400, 'align' => 'left', 'text' => 'Действия'))); $rows = array(); // Связи событие->действия $actions = array(); $links = $this->repMonitor->findBy(array(), array('event' => 'ASC', 'weight' => 'ASC')); foreach ($links as $link) { $action = $this->repAction->findOneBy(array('name' => $link->action, 'module' => $link->module)); if (!empty($action)) { $actions[$link->event][] = $action->title . ' (' . $link->module . '::' . $link->action . ')'; } } // События $events = $this->repEvent->findBy(array()); foreach ($events as $event) { $events[$event->name] = array('title' => $event->title, 'actions' => array()); if (count($actions[$event->name]) > 0) { $rows[] = array($event->title . ' (' . $event->name . ')', implode('<br/>', $actions[$event->name])); } } $form->addRows($rows); $output = $form->render(); return $output; }
public function listAction() { $form = new \Control\Forms(); $form->setTitle('Информационный модуль'); $form->setTemplate('list'); $form->addHead(array(array('width' => 100), array('width' => 300))); $rows = array(); // версия CMS $rows[] = array('Aquarel CMS', $this->conf->ac_ver); // версия PHP $rows[] = array('PHP', phpversion()); // версия GD-библиотеки $gd = gd_info(); $rows[] = array('GD', $gd['GD Version']); // список установленных модулей $modules_installed = array(); $modules = $this->em->getRepository('Modules\\Entities\\Module')->findBy(array('install' => 1, 'active' => 1, 'group' => 'custom'), array('name' => 'ASC')); foreach ($modules as $module) { $modules_installed[] = $module->name . ' (' . $module->title . ')'; } $rows[] = array('Установленные модули', implode('<br/>', $modules_installed)); $form->addRows($rows); $output = $form->render(); return $output; }
public function listAction() { $live = \Control\Live::getInstance(); $page = new \Pages\Page(); $tree = $page->getTree(); $form = new \Control\Forms(); $form->setTitle('Страницы'); $form->setTemplate('tree'); $properties = array('animate' => 'true', 'autoclose' => 'false', 'docToFolderConvert' => 'true', 'afterMove' => "if (\$('span:first',destination).parent().attr('id') && \$('span:first',source).parent().attr('id')) {\n var parent = \$('span:first',destination).parent().attr('id').split('_')['1'];\n var id = \$('span:first',source).parent().attr('id').split('_')['1'];\n pages_reorder(parent,id,pos);\n }", 'afterDblClick' => "var id = \$('span:first',node).parent().attr('id').split('_')['1']; location.href = '#Pages/edit/'+id;", 'afterClick' => ''); $form->addDraggebleTree($tree, $properties); $output = $form->render(); return $output; }
public function listAction() { $form = new \Control\Forms(); $form->setTitle('Письма'); $form->setTemplate('list'); $form->addHead(array(array('width' => 1), array('width' => 400, 'align' => 'left', 'text' => 'Название'), array('width' => 1), array('width' => 1))); $rows = array(); $mails = $this->repMail->findBy(array()); foreach ($mails as $mail) { $edit = array('type' => 'link_img_edit', 'href' => '#Mail/edit/' . $mail->id); $title = array('type' => 'link', 'href' => '#Mail/edit/' . $mail->id, 'text' => $mail->title); $active = $mail->active == 1 ? array('type' => 'link_img_active', 'action' => "disable_item('mail','" . $mail->id . "');") : array('type' => 'link_img_disable', 'action' => "activate_item('mail','" . $mail->id . "');"); $delete = array('type' => 'link_img_delete', 'action' => "javascript: if (MsgOkCancel('Действительно удалить?')) { delete_item('mail','" . $mail->id . "'); }"); $rows[] = array($edit, $title, $active, $delete); } $form->addRows($rows); return $form->render(); }
public function settingsAction() { $conf = \Control\Core::conf(); $form = new \Control\Forms(); $form->setTitle('Wysiwygs'); $form->setTemplate('form'); $obj = new \stdClass(); $obj->type = 'select'; $obj->id = 'wysiwygs_name'; $obj->status = 'db'; $obj->value = !empty($conf->settings['wysiwyg']) ? $conf->settings['wysiwyg'] : ''; $obj->options = 'a:4:{s:6:"module";s:8:"Wysiwygs";s:6:"entity";s:7:"Wysiwyg";s:5:"index";s:4:"name";s:5:"title";s:5:"title";}'; $obj->caption = 'Визивиг'; $form->addObject($obj); $form->addHTML('<div id="wysiwygs_info"><br/><br/><br/></div>'); $form->addFooter(array('type' => 'button', 'id' => 'save', 'value' => 'Сохранить', 'action' => 'wysiwygs_save_settings()')); $output = $form->render(); return $output; }
public function listTemplatesAction() { $conf = \Control\Core::conf(); $form = new \Control\Forms(); $form->setTitle('Типы данных. Шаблоны'); $form->setTemplate('list'); $form->addHead(array(array('width' => 1), array('width' => 500, 'align' => 'left', 'text' => 'Имя'), array('width' => 300, 'align' => 'left', 'text' => 'Идентификатор'), array('width' => 1))); $rows = array(); $templates = $this->repDataTemplate->findBy(array(), array('name' => 'ASC')); foreach ($templates as $template) { $edit = array('type' => 'link_img_edit', 'href' => '#Data/editTemplate/' . $template->id); $delete = array('type' => 'link_img_delete', 'action' => "javascript: if (MsgOkCancel('Действительно удалить?')) { data_template_delete('" . $template->id . "'); }"); $title = array('type' => 'link', 'href' => '#Data/editTemplate/' . $template->id, 'text' => $template->title); $name = array('type' => 'link', 'href' => '#Data/editTemplate/' . $template->id, 'text' => $template->name); $rows[] = array($edit, $title, $name, $delete); } $form->addRows($rows); $output = $form->render(); return $output; }
public function editForm($options, $id, $footer = '', $form_params = array()) { $id = intval($id); if (is_array($options)) { if (empty($options['fields'])) { $fields = $this->fields; } else { $fields_ = explode($this->conf->ac_sep, $options['fields']); foreach ($fields_ as $field) { $fields[] = $this->fields[$field]; } } $params = !empty($options['params']) ? $options['params'] : array(); $header = !empty($options['header']) ? $options['header'] : ''; $footer = !empty($options['footer']) ? $options['footer'] : ''; $title = !empty($options['title']) ? $options['title'] : ''; } $form = new \Control\Forms(); $form->setTitle($title); $form->setTemplate('form'); if (!empty($header)) { $form->addHTML($header); } $entityName = '\\' . $this->module . '\\Entities\\' . $this->entity; $item = $this->em->find($entityName, $id); foreach ($fields as $field) { $field_name = $field->name; $field->id = $this->module . '_' . $field->name; $field->value = $field->type != 'password' ? $item->{$field_name} : ''; $field->caption = $field->title; $form->addObject($field); } if ($footer == '') { $form->addFooter(array('type' => 'button', 'id' => 'ok', 'value' => 'Готово', 'action' => "save_item('{$this->name}', '{$this->fields_str}', '{$id}', 'list');")); $form->addFooter(array('type' => 'button', 'id' => 'save', 'value' => 'Сохранить', 'action' => "save_item('{$this->name}', '{$this->fields_str}', '{$id}');")); $form->addFooter(array('type' => 'button', 'id' => 'delete', 'value' => 'Удалить', 'action' => "javascript: if (MsgOkCancel('Действительно удалить?')) { delete_item('{$this->name}', '{$id}', '1', 'list'); }")); $form->addFooter(array('type' => 'button', 'id' => 'cancel', 'value' => 'Отмена', 'href' => '#' . $this->module . '/list')); } else { if (is_array($footer)) { foreach ($footer as $foot) { $form->addFooter($foot); } } else { $form->addFooter($footer); } } return $form->render(); }
public function listAction($group = 'system') { $img_active = "<img src='/system/themes/sky/images/active.png' title='выключить' alt='выключить' width='16' height='16' />"; $img_disable = "<img src='/system/themes/sky/images/disable.png' title='включить' alt='включить' width='16' height='16' />"; $img_install = "<img src='/system/themes/sky/images/install.png' title='Установить' alt='удалить' height='16' width='16' />"; $img_uninstall = "<img src='/system/themes/sky/images/delete.png' title='удалить' alt='удалить' height='16' width='16' />"; $form = new \Control\Forms(); $form->setTitle('Модули системы'); $form->setTemplate('list'); $form->addHead(array(array('width' => 400, 'align' => 'left', 'text' => 'Идентификатор'), array('width' => 400, 'align' => 'left', 'text' => 'Имя'), array('width' => 50, 'align' => 'left', 'text' => ''), array('width' => 200, 'align' => 'left', 'text' => 'Статус'))); $rows = array(); $modules = $this->getList($group); if (empty($modules)) { return 'Модули не найдены'; } foreach ($modules as $module_name => $module_info) { $module = new Module($module_name); $action = ''; $action_title = ''; $status = ''; $status_title = ''; if (empty($module->name)) { $module->name = ' - '; } if (empty($module->author)) { $module->author = ' - '; } if (empty($module->title)) { $module->title = ' - '; } if (empty($module->version)) { $module->version = ' - '; } if (!empty($module->info->dependencies)) { foreach ($module->info->dependencies as $module_dependence_name => $dependence_active) { $module_dependence = new Module($module_dependence_name); if ($module_dependence->getActive() == 1) { $module_dependencies[$module_dependence_name] = 1; } else { $module_dependencies[$module_dependence_name] = 0; $status = 'error_dependencies'; } } } switch ($module->getInstall()) { // Module is not installed case '0': if ($status != 'error_dependencies') { $status_title = 'не установлен'; $action = "modules_install(\"{$module_name}\")"; $action_title = $img_install; } else { $status_title = 'модуль имеет неразрешенные зависимости и не может быть установлен'; } break; // Module is installed // Module is installed case '1': if ($module->getActive() == 1) { $status = 'ok'; $status_title = 'установлен и активен'; $action = "modules_deactivate(\"{$module->name}\")"; $action_title = $img_active; } else { $status = ''; $status_title = 'установлен, но не активен'; $action = "modules_activate(\"{$module->name}\")"; $action_title = $img_disable; } // if it is not a system, add the link to remove if ($group != 'system') { $action = array($action, "javascript: if (MsgOkCancel(\"Будут потеряны все данные модуля. \\nВы действительно хотите удалить модуль {$module_name}?\")) { modules_uninstall(\"{$module_name}\", \"{$group}\"); }"); $action_title = array($action_title, $img_uninstall); } break; } if (!empty($module->info->dependencies) > 0) { $module_title .= '<br/>Для работы требуются модули: '; foreach ($module->info->dependencies as $module_dependence_name => $dependence_active) { if ($dependence_active == 1) { $module_title .= ' <font color="green">' . $module_dependence_name . '</font> '; } else { $module_title .= ' <font color="red">' . $module_dependence_name . '</font> '; } } } if ($status == 'error_module_info') { $row_class = 'row-error'; } $module_action = ''; if (is_array($action)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($action); $i++) { $module_action .= "<a class='js-link' onclick='" . $action[$i] . "'>" . $action_title[$i] . "</a> "; } } elseif ($action_title != '' && $action != '') { $module_action = "<a class='js-link' onclick='" . $action . "'>" . $action_title . "</a>"; } $row = array('cells' => array($module->name, $module->title, $module_action, $status_title)); if (!empty($row_class)) { $row['class'] = $row_class; } $rows[] = $row; } $form->addRows($rows); $output = $form->render(); return $output; }
public function listPermissionsAction() { $form = new \Control\Forms(); $form->setTitle('Разрешения для пользователей'); $modules = $this->em->getrepository('Modules\\Entities\\Module')->findBy(array()); foreach ($modules as $module) { $permissions = $this->repUserPermission->findBy(array('module' => $module->name)); if (!empty($permissions)) { $link = new \stdClass(); $link->type = 'link'; $link->action = "if(\$('#module_permissions_" . $module->name . "').css('display')=='block')\$('#module_permissions_" . $module->name . "').hide(); else \$('#module_permissions_" . $module->name . "').show();"; $link->text = $module->title; $link->style = "border-bottom:1px dashed grey"; $form->addObject($link); $form->addHTML('<br/><ul id="module_permissions_' . $module->name . '" style="display:block; list-style:none">'); foreach ($permissions as $permission) { $form->addHTML('<li>'); $edit = new \stdClass(); $edit->type = 'link_img_edit'; $edit->href = '#Users/editPermission/' . $permission->id; $form->addObject($edit); $delete = new \stdClass(); $delete->type = 'link_img_delete'; $delete->action = "javascript: if (MsgOkCancel('Действительно удалить?')) { delete_item('UserPermission','" . $permission->id . "'); }"; $form->addObject($delete); $link = new \stdClass(); $link->type = 'link'; $link->href = '#Users/editPermission/' . $permission->id; $link->text = $permission->title; $form->addObject($link); $form->addHTML('</li>'); } $form->addHTML('</ul><br/>'); } } return $form->render(); }