public function testRemoveUser()
     // Get a contest
     $contestData = ContestsFactory::createContest();
     // Create a user
     $user = UserFactory::createUser();
     // Add user to contest
     ContestsFactory::addUser($contestData, $user);
     // Validate 0 users
     $r = new Request();
     $r['contest_alias'] = $contestData['request']['alias'];
     $r['auth_token'] = $this->login($contestData['director']);
     $response = ContestController::apiUsers($r);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($response['users']));
     // Remove user
     $r = new Request();
     $r['contest_alias'] = $contestData['request']['alias'];
     $r['usernameOrEmail'] = $user->getUsername();
     $r['auth_token'] = $this->login($contestData['director']);
     // Validate 0 users in contest
     $r = new Request();
     $r['contest_alias'] = $contestData['request']['alias'];
     $r['auth_token'] = $this->login($contestData['director']);
     $response = ContestController::apiUsers($r);
     $this->assertEquals(0, count($response['users']));
Example #2
 public function testContestUsersValid()
     // Get a contest
     $contestData = ContestsFactory::createContest();
     // Create 10 users
     $n = 10;
     $users = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
         // Create a user
         $users[$i] = UserFactory::createUser();
         // Add it to the contest
         ContestsFactory::addUser($contestData, $users[$i]);
     // Create a n+1 user who will just join to the contest withot being
     // added via API. For public contests, by entering to the contest, the user should be in
     // the list of contest's users.
     $nonRegisteredUser = UserFactory::createUser();
     ContestsFactory::openContest($contestData, $nonRegisteredUser);
     // Prepare request
     $r = new Request();
     $r["contest_alias"] = $contestData["request"]["alias"];
     // Log in with the admin of the contest
     $r["auth_token"] = $this->login($contestData["director"]);
     // Call API
     $response = ContestController::apiUsers($r);
     // Check that we have n+1 users
     $this->assertEquals($n + 1, count($response["users"]));
 public function testCoderOfTheMonthCalc()
     $user = UserFactory::createUser();
     $contest = ContestsFactory::createContest();
     $problem = ProblemsFactory::createProblem();
     ContestsFactory::addProblemToContest($problem, $contest);
     ContestsFactory::addUser($contest, $user);
     // Creating 10 AC runs for our user in the last month
     $n = 10;
     $lastMonth = intval(date('m')) - 1;
     $runCreationDate = null;
     if ($lastMonth == 0) {
         $runCreationDate = date(intval(date('Y') - 1) . '-12-01');
     } else {
         $runCreationDate = date('Y-' . $lastMonth . '-01');
     for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
         $runData = RunsFactory::createRun($problem, $contest, $user);
         // Force the run to be in last month
         $run = RunsDAO::getByAlias($runData['response']['guid']);
     $response = UserController::apiCoderOfTheMonth(new Request());
     $this->assertEquals($user->getUsername(), $response['userinfo']['username']);
Example #4
  * Prepares the context to submit a run to a problem. Creates the contest,
  * problem and opens them.
  * @return Request
 private function setValidRequest($contest_public = 1)
     // Get a problem
     $problemData = ProblemsFactory::createProblem();
     // Get a contest
     $this->contestData = ContestsFactory::createContest(null, $contest_public);
     // Add the problem to the contest
     ContestsFactory::addProblemToContest($problemData, $this->contestData);
     // Create our contestant
     $this->contestant = UserFactory::createUser();
     // If the contest is private, add the user
     if ($contest_public === 0) {
         ContestsFactory::addUser($this->contestData, $this->contestant);
     // Our contestant has to open the contest before sending a run
     ContestsFactory::openContest($this->contestData, $this->contestant);
     // Then we need to open the problem
     ContestsFactory::openProblemInContest($this->contestData, $problemData, $this->contestant);
     // Create an empty request
     $r = new Request();
     // Log in as contest director
     $r["auth_token"] = $this->login($this->contestant);
     // Build request
     $r["contest_alias"] = $this->contestData["request"]["alias"];
     $r["problem_alias"] = $problemData["request"]["alias"];
     $r["language"] = "c";
     $r["source"] = "#include <stdio.h>\nint main() { printf(\"3\"); return 0; }";
     //PHPUnit does not set IP address, doing it manually
     $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] = "";
     return $r;
  * Prepares the context to submit a run to a problem. Creates the contest,
  * problem and opens them.
  * @return Request
 private function setValidRequest($contest_public = 1)
     // Get a problem
     $problemData = ProblemsFactory::createProblem();
     // Get a contest
     $this->contestData = ContestsFactory::createContest(null, $contest_public);
     // Add the problem to the contest
     ContestsFactory::addProblemToContest($problemData, $this->contestData);
     // Create our contestant
     $this->contestant = UserFactory::createUser();
     // If the contest is private, add the user
     if ($contest_public === 0) {
         ContestsFactory::addUser($this->contestData, $this->contestant);
     // Our contestant has to open the contest before sending a run
     ContestsFactory::openContest($this->contestData, $this->contestant);
     // Then we need to open the problem
     ContestsFactory::openProblemInContest($this->contestData, $problemData, $this->contestant);
     // Create an empty request
     $r = new Request();
     // Log in as contest director
     $r['auth_token'] = $this->login($this->contestant);
     // Build request
     $r['contest_alias'] = $this->contestData['request']['alias'];
     $r['problem_alias'] = $problemData['request']['alias'];
     $r['language'] = 'c';
     $r['source'] = "#include <stdio.h>\nint main() { printf(\"3\"); return 0; }";
     return $r;
Example #6
 public function testPrivateContestForNonInvitedUser()
     $r = new Request();
     // Create new private contest
     $contestData = ContestsFactory::createContest(null, false);
     // Get a user for our scenario
     $contestant = UserFactory::createUser();
     // Add user to our private contest
     ContestsFactory::addUser($contestData, $contestant);
     $r["auth_token"] = $this->login(UserFactory::createUser());
     $response = ContestController::apiList($r);
     // Assert our contest is not there
     $this->assertTitleInList($response, $contestData, true);
Example #7
 public function testProblemsSolved()
     $user = UserFactory::createUser();
     $contest = ContestsFactory::createContest();
     $problemOne = ProblemsFactory::createProblem();
     $problemTwo = ProblemsFactory::createProblem();
     ContestsFactory::addProblemToContest($problemOne, $contest);
     ContestsFactory::addProblemToContest($problemTwo, $contest);
     ContestsFactory::addUser($contest, $user);
     $runs = array();
     $runs[0] = RunsFactory::createRun($problemOne, $contest, $user);
     $runs[1] = RunsFactory::createRun($problemTwo, $contest, $user);
     $runs[2] = RunsFactory::createRun($problemOne, $contest, $user);
     $r = new Request(array("auth_token" => self::login($user)));
     $response = UserController::apiProblemsSolved($r);
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($response["problems"]));
  * Basic tests for shareable scoreboard url
 public function testScoreboardUrlNoLogin()
     // Get a private contest with 0% of scoreboard show percentage
     $contestData = ContestsFactory::createContest(null, 0);
     ContestsFactory::setScoreboardPercentage($contestData, 0);
     // Create problem
     $problemData = ProblemsFactory::createProblem();
     ContestsFactory::addProblemToContest($problemData, $contestData);
     // Create our contestant, will submit 1 run
     $contestant = UserFactory::createUser();
     ContestsFactory::addUser($contestData, $contestant);
     $runData = RunsFactory::createRun($problemData, $contestData, $contestant);
     // Get the scoreboard url by using the MyList api being the
     // contest director
     $response = ContestController::apiMyList(new Request(array('auth_token' => $this->login($contestData['director']))));
     // Look for our contest from the list and save the scoreboard tokens
     $scoreboard_url = null;
     $scoreboard_admin_url = null;
     foreach ($response['results'] as $c) {
         if ($c['alias'] === $contestData['request']['alias']) {
             $scoreboard_url = $c['scoreboard_url'];
             $scoreboard_admin_url = $c['scoreboard_url_admin'];
     // Call scoreboard api from the user
     $scoreboardResponse = ContestController::apiScoreboard(new Request(array('contest_alias' => $contestData['request']['alias'], 'token' => $scoreboard_url)));
     $this->assertEquals('0', $scoreboardResponse['ranking'][0]['total']['points']);
     // Call scoreboard api from the user with admin token
     $scoreboardResponse = ContestController::apiScoreboard(new Request(array('contest_alias' => $contestData['request']['alias'], 'token' => $scoreboard_admin_url)));
     $this->assertEquals('100', $scoreboardResponse['ranking'][0]['total']['points']);
  * First access time should not change
 public function testAccessTimeIsAlwaysFirstAccessForPrivate()
     // Get a contest
     $contestData = ContestsFactory::createContest(null, 0);
     // Get a user for our scenario
     $contestant = UserFactory::createUser();
     // Add user to our private contest
     ContestsFactory::addUser($contestData, $contestant);
     // Prepare our request
     $r = new Request();
     $r['contest_alias'] = $contestData['request']['alias'];
     // Log in the user
     $r['auth_token'] = $this->login($contestant);
     // Call api
     $response = ContestController::apiDetails($r);
     // We need to grab the access time from the ContestUsers table
     $contest = ContestsDAO::getByAlias($contestData['request']['alias']);
     $contest_user = ContestsUsersDAO::getByPK($contestant->getUserId(), $contest->getContestId());
     $firstAccessTime = $contest_user->getAccessTime();
     // Call API again, access time should not change
     $response = ContestController::apiDetails($r);
     $contest_user = ContestsUsersDAO::getByPK($contestant->getUserId(), $contest->getContestId());
     $this->assertEquals($firstAccessTime, $contest_user->getAccessTime());