Example #1
 public function run()
     if ($sourcetype == '') {
         $sourcetype = 37;
     $connection = yii::app()->db;
     $tracked_userid = Yii::app()->session['login']['id'];
     $Criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $Criteria->condition = "upload_sourceid = '" . $this->sourceid . "' AND tracked_userid ='" . $tracked_userid . "'and upload_sourcetype='" . $this->sourcetype . "' and view_status=0 and block_status=0";
     $Criteria->order = "note_id DESC";
     $note = Notess::model()->findAll($Criteria);
     foreach ($note as $notes) {
         $ids[] = $notes->tracker_userid;
     $Criteria->join = 'join fn_users as t1	on t1.userid = t.tracker_userid ';
     $Criteria->join .= 'join fn_contentnote as t2 on t2.id = t.contentnote_id ';
     $Criteria->addInCondition('t.tracker_userid', $ids);
     //$Criteria->group = 't.tracker_userid';
     $Criteria->select = "t.*,t1.fname,t2.name";
     $note = Notess::model()->findAll($Criteria);
     $content_note = Contentnote::model()->findAll();
     //echo $content_note->contentnote_id;
     /*SELECT t.*,t1.fname FROM `fn_notes` as t
     		join fn_users as t1 
     		on t1.userid  = t.tracker_userid
     		WHERE t.`tracker_userid` in (616,115)
     		group by t.`tracker_userid`*/
     //echo count($note);
     $this->render('_note', array('type' => $this->widgettype, 'i' => $this->i, 'sourceid' => $this->sourceid, 'userid' => $this->userid, 'uname' => $this->uname, 'sourcetype' => $this->sourcetype, 'notek' => $note, 'result' => $content_note));
Example #2
							<div id="Default8" class="contentHolder3">

                            	<div class="col_2">

//echo  print_r($tiles);exit;

								<div class="notif-message">
if (count($notes)) {
    foreach ($notes as $message) {
        $username = User::model()->findByAttributes(array('userid' => $message['tracker_userid']));
        $userprofile = Contentnote::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $message['contentnote_id']));
		                              <div class="notif-message" onclick="view_change_status('<?php 
        echo $userid;
');" style="cursor:pointer">									 
        echo ucfirst($username['fname']) . " is  noted  your Finao:&nbsp;" . $userprofile['name'];
