Example #1
 function edit()
     $Field = null;
     $data = array();
     $data['edit_mode'] = FALSE;
     $type_id = $this->uri->segment(5);
     $data['breadcrumb'] = set_crumbs(array('content/types' => 'Content Types', 'content/fields/index/' . $type_id => 'Content Fields', current_url() => 'Field Edit'));
     $data['Type'] = $Type = $this->content_types_model->get_by_id($type_id);
     // Check if content type exists
     if (!$Type->exists()) {
         return show_404();
     $field_id = $this->uri->segment(6);
     // Edit mode
     if ($field_id) {
         $data['edit_mode'] = TRUE;
         $data['Field'] = $Field = $this->content_fields_model->include_related('content_field_types', 'model_name')->get_by_id($field_id);
         // Check if field exists
         if (!$Field->exists()) {
             return show_404();
     // Get content field types for dropdown and a datatype refrence
     $Content_field_types = $this->content_field_types_model->order_by('title')->get();
     $datatype_ref_array = option_array_value($Content_field_types, 'id', 'datatype');
     $data['Content_field_types'] = option_array_value($Content_field_types, 'id', 'title');
     // Get setting fields
     $this->load->add_package_path(APPPATH . 'modules/content/content_fields');
     $Content_fields = $this->load->library('content_fields');
     $data['setting_fields'] = $Content_fields->settings($Field);
     // Form Validation
     $this->form_validation->set_rules('content_field_type_id', 'Type', 'trim|required');
     $this->form_validation->set_rules('label', 'Label', 'trim|required');
     $this->form_validation->set_rules('required', 'Required', 'trim|required');
     if ($data['edit_mode']) {
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('short_tag', 'Short Tag', 'trim|alpha_dash|required|callback_unique_short_tag[' . $Field->short_tag . ']');
     } else {
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('short_tag', 'Short Tag', 'trim|alpha_dash|required|callback_unique_short_tag');
     if ($this->form_validation->run() == TRUE) {
         $Content_fields = new Content_fields_model();
         $Content_fields->content_type_id = $type_id;
         $Content_fields->short_tag = $this->input->post('short_tag');
         // Setting fields
         $Content_fields->settings = $this->input->post('settings') ? serialize($this->input->post('settings')) : NULL;
         // Edit mode
         if ($field_id) {
             $Content_fields->id = $field_id;
         // If new record add column to entries data and set sort
         if (!$data['edit_mode']) {
             // Set a sort number so that the field will be
             // added to the end of the fields list.
             // Setting it to its ID# ensures that it is greater than the other field's sort
             $Content_fields->sort = $Content_fields->id;
         // There is probably a better way to go about getting the
         // field datatype but this should work for now
         $datatype = isset($datatype_ref_array[$Content_fields->content_field_type_id]) ? $datatype_ref_array[$Content_fields->content_field_type_id] : 'text';
         $this->session->set_flashdata('message', '<p class="success">Content field saved successfully.</p>');
         redirect(ADMIN_PATH . '/content/fields/index/' . $Type->id);
     $this->template->view('admin/fields/edit', $data);