$records = [];
 //these are the DMRecords (CISOPTRs, POINTERS, all the same thing)
 $iiif_recs = [];
 if ($flags['--add-item']) {
     $total = 1;
     $records[0] = ['pointer' => $flags['--add-item']];
     echo " Getting specific dmrecord: {$flags['--add-item']}";
 } else {
     $start = 0;
     $pager = 512;
     # can be up to 1024, but this return size seems to be a sweet spot for contentdm/furry wrt processing speed
     $total = json_decode($payload, true)['pager']['total'];
     // get all records in this index
     echo " Getting all 'dmrecords': ";
     while ($start < $total) {
         $ingester->debugMessage("..", $verbose);
         $payload = $ingester->query($index, $pager, $start);
         $recs = json_decode($payload, true)['records'];
         foreach ($recs as $rec) {
             $records[] = $rec;
         $start += $pager;
     echo " done!\n";
     // end get all dmrecords
 echo "\n\n ========================================================================================\n Number of records to process: {$total}\n\n";
 echo "Alert: need to stop? You have 5s to cancel... processing in: ";
 foreach (["5..", "4..", "3..", "2..", "1..", "starting!\n"] as $num) {