public function actionNew() { $model = new Contacts(); $attributeLabels = $model->attributeLabels(); /*if(isset($_POST['ajax']) && $_POST['ajax']=='quick-contact-form') { echo CActiveForm::validate($model); Yii::app()->end(); }*/ // collect user input data if (isset($_POST['Contacts'])) { // $this->redirect(''); //$model->attributes = $_POST['Contacts']; $model->setX2Fields($_POST['Contacts']); // // $model->firstName = 'bob'; // $model->lastName = 'dole'; // $model->phone = ''; // $model->email = ''; $model->visibility = 1; // reset to blank if it's the default value /*if($model->firstName == $attributeLabels['firstName']) $model->firstName = ''; if($model->lastName == $attributeLabels['lastName']) $model->lastName = ''; if($model->phone == $attributeLabels['phone']) $model->phone = ''; if($model->email == $attributeLabels['email']) $model->email = '';*/ $model->createDate = time(); // validate user input and save contact if ($model->save()) { echo "1"; $this->redirect(array('/mobile/contacts/view', 'id' => $model->id)); } //else print_r($model->getErrors()); } $this->render('quickContact', array('model' => $model)); }
/** * Test setting default values in new records */ public function testDefaultValues() { foreach (X2Model::model('Contacts')->getFields() as $field) { // Retrieve new values: $field->refresh(); } // Setting default values in the constructor $contact = new Contacts(); $this->assertEquals('Gustavo', $contact->firstName); $this->assertEquals('Fring', $contact->lastName); // Setting default values in setX2Fields $contact->firstName = ''; $contact->lastName = ''; $input = array(); $contact->setX2Fields($input); $this->assertEquals('Gustavo', $contact->firstName); $this->assertEquals('Fring', $contact->lastName); }
/** * Method of creating a Contact called by the Quick Create widget */ public function actionQuickContact() { $model = new Contacts(); // collect user input data if (isset($_POST['Contacts'])) { // clear values that haven't been changed from the default //$temp=$model->attributes; $model->setX2Fields($_POST['Contacts']); $model->visibility = 1; // validate user input and save contact // $changes = $this->calculateChanges($temp, $model->attributes, $model); // $model = $this->updateChangelog($model, $changes); $model->createDate = time(); //if($model->validate()) { if ($model->save()) { } else { //echo CHtml::errorSummary ($model); echo CJSON::encode($model->getErrors()); } return; //} //echo ''; //echo CJSON::encode($model->getErrors()); } $this->renderPartial('application.components.views.quickContact', array('model' => $model)); }
public function actionCreateRecords() { $contact = new Contacts(); $account = new Accounts(); $opportunity = new Opportunity(); $users = User::getNames(); if (isset($_POST['Contacts']) && isset($_POST['Accounts']) && isset($_POST['Opportunity'])) { $contact->setX2Fields($_POST['Contacts']); $account->setX2Fields($_POST['Accounts']); $opportunity->setX2Fields($_POST['Opportunity']); $validAccount = true; if ($account->validate() == false) { $validAccount = false; // validate other models so that the user gets feedback $contact->validate(); $opportunity->validate(); } if ($validAccount) { $allValid = true; $a = $this->createAccount($account, $account->attributes, '1'); // Contact and Opportunity require Account id for lookup field $contact->company = Fields::nameId($account->name, $account->id); if ($contact->validate() == false) { $allValid = false; } $c = $this->createContact($contact, $contact->attributes, '1'); $opportunity->accountName = Fields::nameId($account->name, $account->id); $opportunity->contactName = Fields::nameId($contact->name, $contact->id); if ($opportunity->validate() == false) { $allValid = false; } $o = $this->createOpportunity($opportunity, $opportunity->attributes, '1'); if ($allValid && $c && $a && $o) { // all records created? Relationships::create('Contacts', $contact->id, 'Accounts', $account->id); Relationships::create('Opportunity', $opportunity->id, 'Contacts', $contact->id); Relationships::create('Opportunity', $opportunity->id, 'Accounts', $account->id); if (isset($_GET['ret'])) { if ($_GET['ret'] == 'contacts') { $this->redirect(array("/contacts/contacts/view", 'id' => $contact->id)); } else { if ($_GET['ret'] == 'accounts') { $this->redirect(array("/accounts/accounts/view", 'id' => $account->id)); } else { if ($_GET['ret'] == 'opportunities') { $this->redirect(array("/opportunities/opportunities/view", 'id' => $opportunity->id)); } } } } else { $this->redirect(array("/contacts/contacts/view", $contact->id)); } } else { // otherwise clean up $types = array('account' => 'Accounts', 'contact' => 'Contacts', 'opportunity' => 'Opportunity'); foreach ($types as $model => $type) { if (${$model} && isset(${$model}->id)) { $modelId = ${$model}->id; ${$model}->delete(); // delete all new actions and events from creating/deleting records foreach (array('Actions', 'Events') as $meta) { X2Model::model($meta)->deleteAllByAttributes(array('associationId' => $modelId, 'associationType' => $type)); } } } } } } $this->render('createRecords', array('contact' => $contact, 'account' => $account, 'opportunity' => $opportunity, 'users' => $users)); }
public function actionCreate() { $model = new Contacts(); $name = 'Contacts'; $users = User::getNames(); $accounts = Accounts::getNames(); // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed // $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (isset($_POST['Contacts'])) { $model->setX2Fields($_POST['Contacts']); /*// clear values that haven't been changed from the default foreach($_POST['Contacts'] as $name => &$value) { if($value == $model->getAttributeLabel($name)) $value = ''; } foreach($_POST as $key=>$arr){ $pieces=explode("_",$key); if(isset($pieces[0]) && $pieces[0]=='autoselect'){ $newKey=$pieces[1]; if(isset($_POST[$newKey."_id"]) && $_POST[$newKey."_id"]!=""){ $val=$_POST[$newKey."_id"]; }else{ $field=Fields::model()->findByAttributes(array('fieldName'=>$newKey)); if(isset($field)){ $type=ucfirst($field->linkType); if($type!="Contacts"){ eval("\$lookupModel=$type::model()->findByAttributes(array('name'=>'$arr'));"); }else{ $names=explode(" ",$arr); if(count($names)>1) $lookupModel=Contacts::model()->findByAttributes(array('firstName'=>$names[0],'lastName'=>$names[1])); } if(isset($lookupModel)) $val=$lookupModel->id; else $val=$arr; } } $model->$newKey=$val; } } $temp=$model->attributes; foreach(array_keys($model->attributes) as $field){ if(isset($_POST['Contacts'][$field])){ $model->$field=$_POST['Contacts'][$field]; $fieldData=Fields::model()->findByAttributes(array('modelName'=>'Contacts','fieldName'=>$field)); if($fieldData->type=='assignment' && $fieldData->linkType=='multiple'){ $model->$field=Accounts::parseUsers($model->$field); }elseif($fieldData->type=='date'){ $model->$field=strtotime($model->$field); } } } if(!isset($model->visibility)) $model->visibility=1; */ $this->create($model, $model->attributes, '0'); } $this->render('create', array('model' => $model, 'users' => $users, 'accounts' => $accounts)); }