Example #1
  * Returns an ascii art version of the help
  * This method uses the given configuration and parameters
  * to create and format an help text for the options you defined
  * in your config parameter. You can supply a header and a footer
  * as well as the maximum length of a line. If you supplied
  * descriptions for your options, they will be used as well.
  * By default, it returns something like this:
  * <pre>
  * Usage: myscript.php [-dv --formats] <-fw --filters>
  * -f --files values(2)          Set the source and destination image files.
  * -w --width=&lt;value&gt;      Set the new width of the image.
  * -d --debug                    Switch to debug mode.
  * --formats values(1-3)         Set the image destination format. (jpegbig,
  *                               jpegsmall)
  * -fi --filters values(1-...)   Set the filters to be applied to the image upon
  *                               conversion. The filters will be used in the order
  *                               they are set.
  * -v --verbose (optional)value  Set the verbose level. (3)
  * </pre>
  * @access public
  * @param  array  your args configuration
  * @param  string the header for the help. If it is left null,
  *                a default header will be used, starting by Usage:
  * @param  string the footer for the help. This could be used
  *                to supply a description of the error the user made
  * @param  int    help lines max length
  * @return string the formatted help text
 static function getHelp($config, $helpHeader = null, $helpFooter = '', $maxlength = 78)
     // Start with an empty help message and build it piece by piece
     $help = '';
     // If no user defined header, build the default header.
     if (!isset($helpHeader)) {
         // Get the optional, required and "paramter" names for this config.
         list($optional, $required, $params) = Console_Getargs::getOptionalRequired($config);
         // Start with the file name.
         if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) {
             $filename = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
         } else {
             $filename = $argv[0];
         $helpHeader = 'Usage: ' . $filename . ' ';
         // Add the optional arguments and required arguments.
         $helpHeader .= $optional . ' ' . $required . ' ';
         // Add any parameters that are needed.
         $helpHeader .= $params . "\n\n";
     // Build the list of options and definitions.
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($config as $long => $def) {
         // Break the names up if there is more than one for an option.
         $shortArr = array();
         if (isset($def['short'])) {
             $shortArr = explode('|', $def['short']);
         $longArr = explode('|', $long);
         // Column one is the option name displayed as "-short, --long [additional info]"
         // Add the short option name.
         $col1[$i] = !empty($shortArr) ? '-' . $shortArr[0] . ' ' : '';
         // Add the long option name.
         $col1[$i] .= '--' . $longArr[0];
         // Get the min and max to show needed/optional values.
         $max = $def['max'];
         $min = isset($def['min']) ? $def['min'] : $max;
         if ($max === 1 && $min === 1) {
             // One value required.
             $col1[$i] .= '=<value>';
         } else {
             if ($max > 1) {
                 if ($min === $max) {
                     // More than one value needed.
                     $col1[$i] .= ' values(' . $max . ')';
                 } else {
                     if ($min === 0) {
                         // Argument takes optional value(s).
                         $col1[$i] .= ' values(optional)';
                     } else {
                         // Argument takes a range of values.
                         $col1[$i] .= ' values(' . $min . '-' . $max . ')';
             } else {
                 if ($max === 1 && $min === 0) {
                     // Argument can take at most one value.
                     $col1[$i] .= ' (optional)value';
                 } else {
                     if ($max === -1) {
                         // Argument can take unlimited values.
                         if ($min > 0) {
                             $col1[$i] .= ' values(' . $min . '-...)';
                         } else {
                             $col1[$i] .= ' (optional)values';
         // Column two is the description if available.
         if (isset($def['desc'])) {
             $col2[$i] = $def['desc'];
         } else {
             $col2[$i] = '';
         // Add the default value(s) if there are any/
         if (isset($def['default'])) {
             if (is_array($def['default'])) {
                 $col2[$i] .= ' (' . implode(', ', $def['default']) . ')';
             } else {
                 $col2[$i] .= ' (' . $def['default'] . ')';
     // Figure out the maximum length for column one.
     $arglen = 0;
     foreach ($col1 as $txt) {
         $length = strlen($txt);
         if ($length > $arglen) {
             $arglen = $length;
     // The maximum length for each description line.
     $desclen = $maxlength - $arglen;
     $padding = str_repeat(' ', $arglen);
     foreach ($col1 as $k => $txt) {
         // Wrap the descriptions.
         if (strlen($col2[$k]) > $desclen) {
             $desc = wordwrap($col2[$k], $desclen, "\n  " . $padding);
         } else {
             $desc = $col2[$k];
         // Push everything together.
         $help .= str_pad($txt, $arglen) . '  ' . $desc . "\n";
     // Put it all together.
     return $helpHeader . $help . $helpFooter;
Example #2
File: Cli.php Project: roojs/pear
  * cliParse - parse command line arguments, and return the values.
  *  Will die with help message if --help or error is found..
  * @param {String} $classname name of class - should be loaded..
  * @return {Array|false} array of key=>value arguments.. or false if not parsed
 function cliParse($classname)
     // cli static $classname::$cli_opts
     try {
         // look up the parent tree for core opts.
         $cls = new ReflectionClass($classname);
         if (method_exists($classname, 'cli_opts')) {
             $val = $classname::cli_opts();
         } else {
             $val = $cls->getStaticPropertyValue('cli_opts');
         $val = is_array($val) ? $val : array();
         while ($cls = $cls->getParentClass()) {
             try {
                 if (method_exists($cls->name, 'cli_opts')) {
                     $cn = $cls->name;
                     $vadd = $cn::cli_opts();
                 } else {
                     $vadd = $cls->getStaticPropertyValue('cli_opts');
                 $val = array_merge($val, is_array($vadd) ? $vadd : array());
             } catch (Exception $e) {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo "Warning:  {$e->getMessage()}\n";
     if (empty($val)) {
         return false;
     $val = array_merge(self::$cli_opts, $val);
     require_once 'Console/Getargs.php';
     $ar = $_SERVER['argv'];
     $call = array(array_shift($ar));
     // remove index.php
     $call[] = array_shift($ar);
     // remove our class...
     $newargs = Console_Getargs::factory($val, $ar);
     if (!is_a($newargs, 'PEAR_Error')) {
         return $newargs->getValues();
     list($optional, $required, $params) = Console_Getargs::getOptionalRequired($val);
     $helpHeader = 'Usage: php ' . implode(' ', $call) . ' ' . $optional . ' ' . $required . ' ' . $params . "\n\n";
     if ($newargs->getCode() === CONSOLE_GETARGS_ERROR_USER) {
         // User put illegal values on the command line.
         echo Console_Getargs::getHelp($val, $helpHeader, "\n\n" . $newargs->getMessage(), 78, 4) . "\n\n";
     if ($newargs->getCode() === CONSOLE_GETARGS_HELP) {
         // User needs help.
         echo Console_Getargs::getHelp($val, $helpHeader, NULL, 78, 4) . "\n\n";