Example #1
 public function run()
     $this->concentrator = new Concentrate_Concentrator();
     $this->parser = Console_CommandLine::fromXmlFile($this->getUiXml());
     try {
         $result = $this->parser->parse();
         if ($this->combine) {
         if ($this->compile) {
         if ($this->minify) {
     } catch (Console_CommandLine_Exception $e) {
         $this->displayError($e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->displayError($e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL, false);
         $this->displayError($e->getTraceAsString() . PHP_EOL);
Example #2
  * Process the request
  * @param array $params Runner options
  * @return void
 public function run($params = null)
     $this->parser = new Parser($this->paths);
     try {
         $argc = $params === null ? null : count($params);
         $this->result = $this->parser->parse($argc, $params);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
Example #3
	 * Run tasks (basically, try to parse a command line)
	public function run() {
		// Parse the command line arguments
		try {
			$this->cli = $this->parser->parse();
		} catch (Exception $e) {
Example #4
  * Process command
  * @return  string
 public function process()
     try {
         $this->command = $this->parser->parse();
         if (empty($this->command->command_name)) {
         $return = $this->controller->execute($this->command->command_name, $this->command->command->options, $this->command->command->args, $this->color, $this->logger, $this->tasks);
     } catch (ShellException $se) {
         $this->parser->displayError($this->color->convert("\n\n%R" . $se->getMessage() . "%n\n"));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->parser->displayError($this->color->convert("\n\n%r" . $e->getMessage() . "%n\n"));
     echo "\n" . $return . "\n\n";
Example #5
 * @category  Console 
 * @package   Console_CommandLine
 * @author    David JEAN LOUIS <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright 2007 David JEAN LOUIS
 * @license   http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License 
 * @version   CVS: $Id$
 * @link      http://pear.php.net/package/Console_CommandLine
 * @since     File available since release 0.1.0
// Include the Console_CommandLine package.
require_once 'Console/CommandLine.php';
// create the parser
$parser = new Console_CommandLine(array('description' => 'zip given files using the php zip module.', 'version' => '1.0.0'));
// add an option to make the program verbose
$parser->addOption('verbose', array('short_name' => '-v', 'long_name' => '--verbose', 'action' => 'StoreTrue', 'description' => 'turn on verbose output'));
// add an option to delete original files after zipping
$parser->addOption('delete', array('short_name' => '-d', 'long_name' => '--delete', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'delete original files after zip operation', 'choices' => array('foo', 'bar'), 'add_list_option' => true));
// add the files argument, the user can specify one or several files
$parser->addArgument('files', array('multiple' => true, 'description' => 'list of files to zip separated by spaces'));
// add the zip file name argument
$parser->addArgument('zipfile', array('description' => 'zip file name'));
// run the parser
try {
    $result = $parser->parse();
    // write your program here...
} catch (Exception $exc) {
// Load bootstrap for autoload and logger
set_include_path(".:" . get_include_path());
require_once "bootstrap.php";
// Instanciate export service
$service = new Alternc_Tools_Domains_Import(array("db" => $db));
// Instanciate command line parser
$consoleParser = new Console_CommandLine(array("description" => "Imports Alternc domains from a file for import and gets ready for sync."));
// Configure command line parser
$consoleParser->add_version_option = false;
$consoleParser->addOption("input_file", array("help_name" => "/tmp/out.json", "short_name" => "-i", "long_name" => "--input-file", "description" => "Input file name and path", 'default' => $service->default_input));
$consoleParser->addOption("restrict_input_file", array("help_name" => "/tmp/missing.txt", "short_name" => "-r", "long_name" => "--restrict-file", "description" => "Domain list, one per line. Others won't be imported.", 'default' => ""));
$consoleParser->addOption("force_uid", array("help_name" => "2001", "short_name" => "-u", "long_name" => "--force-uid", "description" => "Force the domain owner", 'default' => null));
// Run the command line parser
try {
    $commandLineResult = $consoleParser->parse();
    // Run the service
    if (!($result = $service->import($commandLineResult))) {
        throw new \Exception("Import process failed");
    $message = "";
    $level = Logger\AbstractLogger::INFO;
    if (isset($result["message"])) {
        $message .= $result["message"] . "\n";
    if (isset($result["successList"]) && count($result["successList"])) {
        $message .= "# Success\n";
        $message .= implode("\n", $result["successList"]) . "\n";
    if (isset($result["errorsList"]) && count($result["errorsList"])) {
        $level = Logger\AbstractLogger::WARNING;
Example #7
// Pull in the configuration file.. (Yes this actually works)
$config = (include __DIR__ . "/config.php");
// Set debugging if enabled
define('DEBUG', !empty($config->debug));
// Load up the class auto loader
require_once __DIR__ . "/../classes/Init.php";
include "common.php";
$parser = new Console_CommandLine();
$parser->description = "Convers the raw spell icons into strips for the trainer";
$parser->version = "0.0.1";
$parser->addOption('newsize', array('long_name' => '--size', 'description' => 'Size of new icons', 'default' => 64, 'help_name' => 'SIZE', 'action' => 'StoreInt'));
$parser->addOption('prefix', array('long_name' => '--prefix', 'description' => 'The output filename prefix', 'default' => 'trainer-icon-', 'help_name' => 'PREFIX'));
$parser->addArgument('mapfile', array('description' => 'The input JSON map file process', 'help_name' => 'INPUTFILE'));
$parser->addArgument('outputdir', array('description' => 'The output dir for images', 'help_name' => 'OUTPUTDIR'));
try {
    $args = $parser->parse();
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$map = json_decode(file_get_contents($args->args['mapfile']));
$size = $args->options['newsize'];
$imagedir = dirname($args->args['mapfile']);
$imageunused = $imagedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'unused';
if (!is_dir($imageunused)) {
$d = dir($imageunused);
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
    if ($entry[0] == '.') {
Example #8
  * Runs this pinentry
  * @return void
 public function __invoke()
     $this->parser = $this->getCommandLineParser();
     try {
         $result = $this->parser->parse();
         while (($line = fgets($this->stdin, self::CHUNK_SIZE)) !== false) {
             $this->parseCommand(mb_substr($line, 0, -1, '8bit'));
             if ($this->moribund) {
     } catch (Console_CommandLineException $e) {
         $this->log($e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL, slf::VERBOSITY_ERRORS);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->log($e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL, self::VERBOSITY_ERRORS);
         $this->log($e->getTraceAsString() . PHP_EOL, self::VERBOSITY_ERRORS);
Example #9
  * Entry-point for Erebot.
  * \return
  *      This method never returns.
  *      Instead, the program exits with an appropriate
  *      return code when Erebot is stopped.
 public static function run()
     // Apply patches.
     // Load the configuration for the Dependency Injection Container.
     $dic = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder();
     $dic->setParameter('Erebot.src_dir', __DIR__);
     $loader = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\XmlFileLoader($dic, new \Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocator(getcwd()));
     $dicConfig = dirname(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'defaults.xml';
     $dicCwdConfig = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'defaults.xml';
     if (!strncasecmp(__FILE__, 'phar://', 7)) {
         if (!file_exists($dicCwdConfig)) {
             copy($dicConfig, $dicCwdConfig);
         $dicConfig = $dicCwdConfig;
     } elseif (file_exists($dicCwdConfig)) {
         $dicConfig = $dicCwdConfig;
     // Determine availability of PHP extensions
     // needed by some of the command-line options.
     $hasPosix = in_array('posix', get_loaded_extensions());
     $hasPcntl = in_array('pcntl', get_loaded_extensions());
     $logger = $dic->get('logging');
     $localeGetter = $dic->getParameter('i18n.default_getter');
     $coreTranslatorCls = $dic->getParameter('core.classes.i18n');
     $translator = new $coreTranslatorCls("Erebot\\Core");
     $categories = array('LC_MESSAGES', 'LC_MONETARY', 'LC_TIME', 'LC_NUMERIC');
     foreach ($categories as $category) {
         $locales = call_user_func($localeGetter);
         $locales = empty($locales) ? array() : array($locales);
         $localeSources = array('LANGUAGE' => true, 'LC_ALL' => false, $category => false, 'LANG' => false);
         foreach ($localeSources as $source => $multiple) {
             if (!isset($_SERVER[$source])) {
             if ($multiple) {
                 $locales = explode(':', $_SERVER[$source]);
             } else {
                 $locales = array($_SERVER[$source]);
         $translator->setLocale($translator->nameToCategory($category), $locales);
     // Also, include some information about the version
     // of currently loaded PHAR modules, if any.
     $version = 'dev-master';
     if (!strncmp(__FILE__, 'phar://', 7)) {
         $phar = new \Phar(\Phar::running(true));
         $md = $phar->getMetadata();
         $version = $md['version'];
     if (defined('Erebot_PHARS')) {
         $phars = unserialize(Erebot_PHARS);
         foreach ($phars as $module => $metadata) {
             if (strncasecmp($module, 'Erebot_Module_', 14)) {
             $version .= "\n  with {$module} version {$metadata['version']}";
     \Console_CommandLine::registerAction('StoreProxy', '\\Erebot\\Console\\StoreProxyAction');
     $parser = new \Console_CommandLine(array('name' => 'Erebot', 'description' => $translator->gettext('A modular IRC bot written in PHP'), 'version' => $version, 'add_help_option' => true, 'add_version_option' => true, 'force_posix' => false));
     $parser->accept(new \Erebot\Console\MessageProvider());
     $parser->renderer->options_on_different_lines = true;
     $defaultConfigFile = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Erebot.xml';
     $parser->addOption('config', array('short_name' => '-c', 'long_name' => '--config', 'description' => $translator->gettext('Path to the configuration file to use instead ' . 'of "Erebot.xml", relative to the current ' . 'directory.'), 'help_name' => 'FILE', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'default' => $defaultConfigFile));
     $parser->addOption('daemon', array('short_name' => '-d', 'long_name' => '--daemon', 'description' => $translator->gettext('Run the bot in the background (daemon).' . ' [requires the POSIX and pcntl extensions]'), 'action' => 'StoreTrue'));
     $noDaemon = new \Erebot\Console\ParallelOption('no_daemon', array('short_name' => '-n', 'long_name' => '--no-daemon', 'description' => $translator->gettext('Do not run the bot in the background. ' . 'This is the default, unless the -d option ' . 'is used or the bot is configured otherwise.'), 'action' => 'StoreProxy', 'action_params' => array('option' => 'daemon')));
     $parser->addOption('pidfile', array('short_name' => '-p', 'long_name' => '--pidfile', 'description' => $translator->gettext("Store the bot's PID in this file."), 'help_name' => 'FILE', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'default' => null));
     $parser->addOption('group', array('short_name' => '-g', 'long_name' => '--group', 'description' => $translator->gettext('Set group identity to this GID/group during ' . 'startup. The default is to NOT change group ' . 'identity, unless configured otherwise.' . ' [requires the POSIX extension]'), 'help_name' => 'GROUP/GID', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'default' => null));
     $parser->addOption('user', array('short_name' => '-u', 'long_name' => '--user', 'description' => $translator->gettext('Set user identity to this UID/username during ' . 'startup. The default is to NOT change user ' . 'identity, unless configured otherwise.' . ' [requires the POSIX extension]'), 'help_name' => 'USER/UID', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'default' => null));
     try {
         $parsed = $parser->parse();
     } catch (\Exception $exc) {
     // Parse the configuration file.
     $config = new \Erebot\Config\Main($parsed->options['config'], \Erebot\Config\Main::LOAD_FROM_FILE, $translator);
     $coreCls = $dic->getParameter('core.classes.core');
     $bot = new $coreCls($config, $translator);
     $dic->set('bot', $bot);
     // Use values from the XML configuration file
     // if there is no override from the command line.
     $overrides = array('daemon' => 'mustDaemonize', 'group' => 'getGroupIdentity', 'user' => 'getUserIdentity', 'pidfile' => 'getPidfile');
     foreach ($overrides as $option => $func) {
         if ($parsed->options[$option] === null) {
             $parsed->options[$option] = $config->{$func}();
     /* Handle daemonization.
      * See also:
      * - http://www.itp.uzh.ch/~dpotter/howto/daemonize
      * - http://andytson.com/blog/2010/05/daemonising-a-php-cli-script
     if ($parsed->options['daemon']) {
         if (!$hasPosix) {
             $logger->error($translator->gettext('The posix extension is required in order ' . 'to start the bot in the background'));
         if (!$hasPcntl) {
             $logger->error($translator->gettext('The pcntl extension is required in order ' . 'to start the bot in the background'));
         foreach (array('SIGCHLD', 'SIGUSR1', 'SIGALRM') as $signal) {
             if (defined($signal)) {
                 pcntl_signal(constant($signal), array(__CLASS__, 'startupSighandler'));
         $logger->info($translator->gettext('Starting the bot in the background...'));
         $pid = pcntl_fork();
         if ($pid < 0) {
             $logger->error($translator->gettext('Could not start in the background (unable to fork)'));
         if ($pid > 0) {
             pcntl_wait($dummy, WUNTRACED);
         $parent = posix_getppid();
         // Ignore some of the signals.
         foreach (array('SIGTSTP', 'SIGTOU', 'SIGTIN', 'SIGHUP') as $signal) {
             if (defined($signal)) {
                 pcntl_signal(constant($signal), SIG_IGN);
         // Restore the signal handlers we messed with.
         foreach (array('SIGCHLD', 'SIGUSR1', 'SIGALRM') as $signal) {
             if (defined($signal)) {
                 pcntl_signal(constant($signal), SIG_DFL);
         if (umask() != 0) {
             $logger->warning($translator->gettext('Could not change umask'));
         if (posix_setsid() == -1) {
             $logger->error($translator->gettext('Could not start in the background (unable to setsid)'));
         // Prevent the child from ever acquiring a controlling terminal.
         // Not required under Linux, but required by at least System V.
         $pid = pcntl_fork();
         if ($pid < 0) {
             $logger->error($translator->gettext('Could not start in the background (unable to fork)'));
         if ($pid > 0) {
         // Avoid locking up the current directory.
         if (!chdir(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) {
             $logger->error($translator->gettext('Could not chdir to "%(path)s"'), array('path' => DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
         // Explicitly close the magic stream-constants (just in case).
         foreach (array('STDIN', 'STDOUT', 'STDERR') as $stream) {
             if (defined($stream)) {
         // Re-open them with the system's blackhole.
          * \todo
          *      should be made portable, but the requirement on the POSIX
          *      extension prevents this, so this is okay for now.
         $stdin = fopen('/dev/null', 'r');
         $stdout = fopen('/dev/null', 'w');
         $stderr = fopen('/dev/null', 'w');
         if (defined('SIGUSR1')) {
             posix_kill($parent, SIGUSR1);
         $logger->info($translator->gettext('Successfully started in the background'));
     try {
         /// @TODO: Check the interface or something like that.
         $identd = $dic->get('identd');
     } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
         $identd = null;
     try {
         /// @TODO: Check the interface or something like that.
         $prompt = $dic->get('prompt');
     } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
         $prompt = null;
     // Change group identity if necessary.
     if ($parsed->options['group'] !== null && $parsed->options['group'] != '') {
         if (!$hasPosix) {
             $logger->warning($translator->gettext('The posix extension is needed in order ' . 'to change group identity.'));
         } elseif (posix_getuid() !== 0) {
             $logger->warning($translator->gettext('Only root can change group identity! ' . 'Your current UID is %(uid)d'), array('uid' => posix_getuid()));
         } else {
             if (ctype_digit($parsed->options['group'])) {
                 $info = posix_getgrgid((int) $parsed->options['group']);
             } else {
                 $info = posix_getgrnam($parsed->options['group']);
             if ($info === false) {
                 $logger->error($translator->gettext('No such group "%(group)s"'), array('group' => $parsed->options['group']));
             if (!posix_setgid($info['gid'])) {
                 $logger->error($translator->gettext('Could not set group identity ' . 'to "%(name)s" (%(id)d)'), array('id' => $info['gid'], 'name' => $info['name']));
             $logger->debug($translator->gettext('Successfully changed group identity ' . 'to "%(name)s" (%(id)d)'), array('name' => $info['name'], 'id' => $info['gid']));
     // Change user identity if necessary.
     if ($parsed->options['user'] !== null || $parsed->options['user'] != '') {
         if (!$hasPosix) {
             $logger->warning($translator->gettext('The posix extension is needed in order ' . 'to change user identity.'));
         } elseif (posix_getuid() !== 0) {
             $logger->warning($translator->gettext('Only root can change user identity! ' . 'Your current UID is %(uid)d'), array('uid' => posix_getuid()));
         } else {
             if (ctype_digit($parsed->options['user'])) {
                 $info = posix_getpwuid((int) $parsed->options['user']);
             } else {
                 $info = posix_getpwnam($parsed->options['user']);
             if ($info === false) {
                 $logger->error($translator->gettext('No such user "%(user)s"'), array('user' => $parsed->options['user']));
             if (!posix_setuid($info['uid'])) {
                 $logger->error($translator->gettext('Could not set user identity ' . 'to "%(name)s" (%(id)d)'), array('name' => $info['name'], 'id' => $info['uid']));
             $logger->debug($translator->gettext('Successfully changed user identity ' . 'to "%(name)s" (%(id)d)'), array('name' => $info['name'], 'id' => $info['uid']));
     // Write new pidfile.
     if ($parsed->options['pidfile'] !== null && $parsed->options['pidfile'] != '') {
         $pid = @file_get_contents($parsed->options['pidfile']);
         // If the file already existed, the bot may already be started
         // or it may contain data not related to Erebot at all.
         if ($pid !== false) {
             $pid = (int) rtrim($pid);
             if (!$pid) {
                 $logger->error($translator->gettext('The pidfile (%(pidfile)s) contained garbage. ' . 'Exiting'), array('pidfile' => $parsed->options['pidfile']));
             } else {
                 posix_kill($pid, 0);
                 $res = posix_errno();
                 switch ($res) {
                     case 0:
                         // No error.
                         $logger->error($translator->gettext('Erebot is already running ' . 'with PID %(pid)d'), array('pid' => $pid));
                     case 3:
                         // ESRCH.
                         $logger->warning($translator->gettext('Found stalled PID %(pid)d in pidfile ' . '"%(pidfile)s". Removing it'), array('pidfile' => $parsed->options['pidfile'], 'pid' => $pid));
                     case 1:
                         // EPERM.
                         $logger->error($translator->gettext('Found another program\'s PID %(pid)d in ' . 'pidfile "%(pidfile)s". Exiting'), array('pidfile' => $parsed->options['pidfile'], 'pid' => $pid));
                         $logger->error($translator->gettext('Unknown error while checking for ' . 'the existence of another running ' . 'instance of Erebot (%(error)s)'), array('error' => posix_get_last_error()));
         $pidfile = fopen($parsed->options['pidfile'], 'wt');
         flock($pidfile, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB, $wouldBlock);
         if ($wouldBlock) {
             $logger->error($translator->gettext('Could not lock pidfile (%(pidfile)s). ' . 'Is the bot already running?'), array('pidfile' => $parsed->options['pidfile']));
         $pid = sprintf("%u\n", getmypid());
         $res = fwrite($pidfile, $pid);
         if ($res !== strlen($pid)) {
             $logger->error($translator->gettext('Unable to write PID to pidfile (%(pidfile)s)'), array('pidfile' => $parsed->options['pidfile']));
         $logger->debug($translator->gettext('PID (%(pid)d) written into %(pidfile)s'), array('pidfile' => $parsed->options['pidfile'], 'pid' => getmypid()));
         // Register a callback to remove the pidfile upon exit.
         register_shutdown_function(array(__CLASS__, 'cleanupPidfile'), $pidfile, $parsed->options['pidfile']);
     // Display a desperate warning when run as user root.
     if ($hasPosix && posix_getuid() === 0) {
         $logger->warning($translator->gettext('You SHOULD NOT run Erebot as root!'));
     if ($identd !== null) {
     if ($prompt !== null) {
     // This doesn't return until we purposely
     // make the bot drop all active connections.
Example #10
function print_log($message, $priority = PEAR_LOG_INFO)
    global $logger;
    $logger->log($message, $priority);
// Start parsing options
$parser = new Console_CommandLine();
$parser->description = 'Lists files in the current directory and creates a full size PDF or HTML page listing them with any available metadata.';
$parser->version = '1.1';
$parser->addArgument('url', array('multiple' => true, 'required' => TRUE));
$parser->addOption('quiet', array('short_name' => '-q', 'long_name' => '--quiet', 'description' => "Don't print status messages to stdout", 'action' => 'StoreTrue'));
$parser->addOption('verbose', array('short_name' => '-v', 'long_name' => '--verbose', 'description' => "Display extra log messages", 'action' => 'StoreTrue'));
$parser->addOption('rename', array('short_name' => '-r', 'long_name' => '--rename', 'description' => "Rename downloaded files to an autogenerated style.", 'action' => 'StoreTrue'));
global $commandline_input;
try {
    $commandline_input = $parser->parse();
} catch (Exception $exc) {
$options = $commandline_input->options;
if ($options['verbose']) {
if ($options['quiet']) {
if ($options['rename']) {
    $rename_files = TRUE;
$urls = $commandline_input->args['url'];
Example #11
 protected function parseOptions()
     $argf = new ARGF();
     $argc =& $argf->argc();
     $argv =& $argf->argv();
     $optparser = new Console_CommandLine(array('name' => basename($argv[0]), 'description' => 'A php migratory tool from 4 to 5 written in pure php', 'version' => '0.0.1'));
     $optparser->addOption('format', array('choices' => array('nodes', 'string', 'terminals', 'tokens', 'tree'), 'default' => 'string', 'description' => 'format of output (default: string)', 'long_name' => '--format', 'short_name' => '-f'));
     $optparser->addOption('in_place', array('action' => 'StoreTrue', 'description' => 'edit files in place', 'long_name' => '--in-place', 'short_name' => '-i'));
     $optparser->addOption('recursive', array('action' => 'StoreTrue', 'description' => 'migrate recursively', 'long_name' => '--recursive', 'short_name' => '-r'));
     $optparser->addOption('suffixes', array('default' => 'php,php4,php5,inc', 'description' => 'suffixes of files to be migrated (default: php,php4,php5,inc)', 'long_name' => '--suffixes', 'short_name' => '-s'));
     $optparser->addArgument('files', array('multiple' => true));
     try {
         $result = $optparser->parse();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $options =& $result->options;
     $args =& $result->args['files'];
     if ($options['recursive']) {
         if (count($args) < 2) {
             $optparser->displayError('target directory must be specified with -r');
         $target = $args[count($args) - 1];
         if (!is_dir($target) && file_exists($target)) {
             $optparser->displayError('target directory cannot be a regular file');
     $options['suffixes'] = split(',', $options['suffixes']);
     return array('options' => $options, 'args' => $args);
Example #12
  * Runs Chef given some command-line arguments.
 public function runUnsafe($userArgc = null, $userArgv = null)
     // Get the arguments.
     if ($userArgc == null || $userArgv == null) {
         $getopt = new \Console_Getopt();
         $userArgv = $getopt->readPHPArgv();
         // `readPHPArgv` returns a `PEAR_Error` (or something like it) if
         // it can't figure out the CLI arguments.
         if (!is_array($userArgv)) {
             throw new PieCrustException($userArgv->getMessage());
         $userArgc = count($userArgv);
     // Find whether the '--root' parameter was given.
     $rootDir = null;
     foreach ($userArgv as $arg) {
         if (substr($arg, 0, strlen('--root=')) == '--root=') {
             $rootDir = substr($arg, strlen('--root='));
     if ($rootDir == null) {
         // No root given. Find it ourselves.
         $rootDir = PathHelper::getAppRootDir(getcwd());
     } else {
         // The root was given.
         $rootDir = PathHelper::getAbsolutePath($rootDir);
         if (!is_dir($rootDir)) {
             throw new PieCrustException("The given root directory doesn't exist: " . $rootDir);
     // Build the appropriate app.
     if ($rootDir == null) {
         $pieCrust = new NullPieCrust();
     } else {
         $pieCrust = new PieCrust(array('root' => $rootDir, 'cache' => !in_array('--no-cache', $userArgv)));
     // Set up the command line parser.
     $parser = new \Console_CommandLine(array('name' => 'chef', 'description' => 'The PieCrust chef manages your website.', 'version' => PieCrustDefaults::VERSION));
     // Sort commands by name.
     $sortedCommands = $pieCrust->getPluginLoader()->getCommands();
     usort($sortedCommands, function ($c1, $c2) {
         return strcmp($c1->getName(), $c2->getName());
     // Add commands to the parser.
     foreach ($sortedCommands as $command) {
         $commandParser = $parser->addCommand($command->getName());
         $command->setupParser($commandParser, $pieCrust);
     // Parse the command line.
     try {
         $result = $parser->parse($userArgc, $userArgv);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return 1;
     // If no command was given, use `help`.
     if (empty($result->command_name)) {
         $result = $parser->parse(2, array('chef', 'help'));
     // Create the log.
     $debugMode = $result->command->options['debug'];
     $quietMode = $result->command->options['quiet'];
     if ($debugMode && $quietMode) {
         $parser->displayError("You can't specify both --debug and --quiet.");
         return 1;
     $log = \Log::singleton('console', 'Chef', '', array('lineFormat' => '%{message}'));
     // Make the log available for debugging purposes.
     $GLOBALS['__CHEF_LOG'] = $log;
     // Handle deprecated stuff.
     if ($result->command->options['no_cache_old']) {
         $log->warning("The `--nocache` option has been renamed `--no-cache`.");
         $result->command->options['no_cache'] = true;
     // Run the command.
     foreach ($pieCrust->getPluginLoader()->getCommands() as $command) {
         if ($command->getName() == $result->command_name) {
             try {
                 if ($rootDir == null && $command->requiresWebsite()) {
                     $cwd = getcwd();
                     throw new PieCrustException("No PieCrust website in '{$cwd}' ('_content/config.yml' not found!).");
                 $context = new ChefContext($pieCrust, $result, $log);
                 $context->setVerbosity($debugMode ? 'debug' : ($quietMode ? 'quiet' : 'default'));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $log->emerg(self::getErrorMessage($e, $debugMode));
                 return 1;
Example #13
function check($args)
    global $argv;
    // Command line parser
    $parser = new Console_CommandLine(array('name' => $argv[0] . ' ' . $argv[1], 'description' => 'Check disk usage', 'version' => '0.0.1'));
    $parser->addOption('rrd_file', array('short_name' => '-f', 'description' => 'RRD file', 'action' => 'StoreString'));
    // $parser->addOption('datasource', array(
    // 	'short_name'	=> '-d',
    // 	// 'long_name'		=> '--datasource',
    // 	'description'	=> 'Disk available RRD datasource',
    // 	'action'		=> 'StoreString'
    // ));
    // $parser->addOption('datasource', array(
    // 	'short_name'	=> '-u',
    // 	// 'long_name'		=> '--datasource',
    // 	'description'	=> 'Disk used RRD datasource',
    // 	'action'		=> 'StoreString'
    // ));
    $parser->addOption('warning', array('short_name' => '-w', 'description' => 'Warning value (%, integer value, default: 20)', 'action' => 'StoreFloat', 'default' => 20));
    $parser->addOption('critical', array('short_name' => '-c', 'description' => 'Critical value (%, integer value, default: 10)', 'action' => 'StoreFloat', 'default' => 10));
    try {
        $result = $parser->parse(count($args), $args);
        $rrd_file = $result->options['rrd_file'];
        if (empty($rrd_file)) {
            echo 'No rrd_file specified' . "\n";
            return NAGIOS_UNKNOWN;
        if (!file_exists($rrd_file)) {
            echo 'File ' . $rrd_file . ' doesn\'t seem to exist' . "\n";
            return NAGIOS_UNKNOWN;
        $v = new RRDValue($rrd_file);
        // $datasource = $result->options['datasource'];
        // if (empty($datasource)) {
        // 	echo 'No datasource specified'."\n";
        // 	echo 'Available datasources: '.implode(', ', $v->getDatasources())."\n";
        // 	return NAGIOS_UNKNOWN;
        // }
        $disk_available_datasource = 'DISKFREE_available';
        $disk_used_datasource = 'DISKFREE_used';
        $disk_available_value = $v->get($disk_available_datasource);
        $disk_used_value = $v->get($disk_used_datasource);
        if (is_nan($disk_available_value)) {
            echo 'Can\'t read disk available RRD value' . "\n";
            return NAGIOS_UNKNOWN;
        if (is_nan($disk_used_value)) {
            echo 'Can\'t read disk free RRD value' . "\n";
            return NAGIOS_UNKNOWN;
        $percentage_available = $disk_available_value / ($disk_available_value + $disk_used_value);
        $percentage_available = round($percentage_available * 100);
        $disk_available_value_mb = round($disk_available_value / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 1);
        if ($percentage_available < $result->options['critical']) {
            echo "DISK CRITICAL - free space: {$disk_available_value_mb} GB ({$percentage_available}%)";
            return NAGIOS_CRITICAL;
        } else {
            if ($percentage_available < $result->options['warning']) {
                echo "DISK WARNING - free space: {$disk_available_value_mb} GB ({$percentage_available}%)";
                return NAGIOS_WARNING;
            } else {
                echo "DISK OK - free space: {$disk_available_value_mb} GB ({$percentage_available}%)";
                return NAGIOS_OK;
    } catch (Exception $exc) {
        return NAGIOS_UNKNOWN;
Example #14
 protected function parseOptions()
     $argf = new ARGF();
     $argc =& $argf->argc();
     $argv =& $argf->argv();
     $optparser = new Console_CommandLine(array('name' => basename($argv[0]), 'description' => 'Find bugs in PHP5 Programs', 'version' => '0.0.1'));
     $optparser->addOption('format', array('long_name' => '--format', 'help_name' => 'FORMAT', 'choices' => array('nodes', 'string', 'terminals', 'tokens', 'tree'), 'default' => 'string', 'description' => 'format of output (default: string)'));
     $optparser->addOption('suffixes', array('long_name' => '--suffixes', 'help_name' => 'PATTERNS', 'default' => 'php,yml', 'description' => 'suffixes of files to be checked (default: php,yml)'));
     $optparser->addOption('priority', array('long_name' => '--priority', 'help_name' => 'LEVEL', 'choices' => array('low', 'middle', 'high'), 'default' => 'middle', 'description' => 'specify priority for bug reporting (default: middle)'));
     $optparser->addOption('recursive', array('action' => 'StoreTrue', 'description' => 'check recursively', 'long_name' => '--recursive', 'short_name' => '-r'));
     $optparser->addOption('debug', array('action' => 'StoreTrue', 'description' => 'turn on debug mode', 'long_name' => '--debug'));
     $optparser->addArgument('files', array('multiple' => true));
     try {
         $result = $optparser->parse();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $options =& $result->options;
     $args =& $result->args['files'];
     if ($options['recursive']) {
         if (count($args) < 2) {
             $optparser->displayError('target directory must be specified with -r');
         $target = $args[count($args) - 1];
         if (!is_dir($target) && file_exists($target)) {
             $optparser->displayError('target directory cannot be a regular file');
     $options['suffixes'] = split(',', $options['suffixes']);
     return array('options' => $options, 'args' => $args);

// Load vendor lib paths from Composer
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Actual required libs
require_once 'Console/CommandLine.php';
$cmdline_parser = new Console_CommandLine();
$cmdline_parser->addArgument('inputFile', array('description' => 'Clover XML file'));
$cmdline_parser->addArgument('minPercentage', array('description' => 'Minimum percentage required to pass'));
$cmdline_parser->addOption('print_uncovered', array('short_name' => '-u', 'long_name' => '--uncovered', 'description' => 'Output uncovered lines', 'action' => 'StoreTrue'));
$cmdline_parser->addOption('print_uncovered_verbose', array('short_name' => '-v', 'long_name' => '--uncovered-verbose', 'description' => 'Output uncovered lines - more verbosely', 'action' => 'StoreTrue'));
$cmdline_parser->addOption('print_uncovered_verbose_whitespace', array('short_name' => '-w', 'long_name' => '--uncovered-verbose-whitespace', 'description' => 'Output uncovered lines - even if they contain only whitespace', 'action' => 'StoreTrue'));
$cmdline_result = $cmdline_parser->parse();
$inputFile = $cmdline_result->args['inputFile'];
$percentage = min(100, max(0, (int) $cmdline_result->args['minPercentage']));
if (!file_exists($inputFile)) {
    throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid input file provided');
if (!$percentage) {
    throw new InvalidArgumentException('An integer checked percentage must be given as second parameter');
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents($inputFile));
$metrics = $xml->xpath('//metrics');
$totalElements = 0;
$checkedElements = 0;
foreach ($metrics as $metric) {
    $totalElements += (int) $metric['elements'];
    $checkedElements += (int) $metric['coveredelements'];
$coverage = $checkedElements / $totalElements * 100;
$exit_code = 0;
Example #16
  * コマンドの実行
  * @return void
 public function execute()
     $argv = $this->_config['argv'];
     if (!isset($argv[1])) {
     // parse
     $cli = $this->_config['cli'];
     $parser = new Console_CommandLine(array('name' => 'bear', 'description' => 'BEAR command line interface', 'version' => BEAR::VERSION, 'add_help_option' => true, 'add_version_option' => true));
     // create resource
     $subCmd = $parser->addCommand(self::CMD_CREATE, array('description' => 'create resource.'));
     $subCmd->addOption('file', array('short_name' => '-g', 'long_name' => '--file', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'load arguments file.'));
     $subCmd->addOption('app', array('short_name' => '-a', 'long_name' => '--app', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'specify application path. *Notice* use this on the end of line.'));
     $subCmd->addArgument('uri', array('description' => 'resource URI'));
     // read resource
     $subCmd = $parser->addCommand(self::CMD_READ, array('description' => 'show resource.'));
     $subCmd->addOption('file', array('short_name' => '-g', 'long_name' => '--file', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'load arguments file.'));
     $subCmd->addOption('length', array('short_name' => '-l', 'long_name' => '--len', 'action' => 'StoreInt', 'description' => 'filter specific lenght each data.'));
     $subCmd->addOption('format', array('short_name' => '-f', 'long_name' => '--format', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'default | table | php | json | csv | printa '));
     $subCmd->addOption('app', array('short_name' => '-a', 'long_name' => '--app', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'specify application path. *Notice* use this on the end of line.'));
     $subCmd->addArgument('uri', array('description' => 'resource URI'));
     // update resource
     $subCmd = $parser->addCommand(self::CMD_UPDATE, array('description' => 'update resource.'));
     $subCmd->addOption('file', array('short_name' => '-g', 'long_name' => '--file', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'load arguments file.'));
     $subCmd->addOption('app', array('short_name' => '-a', 'long_name' => '--app', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'specify application path. *Notice* use this on the end of line.'));
     $subCmd->addArgument('uri', array('description' => 'resource URI'));
     // delete resource
     $subCmd = $parser->addCommand(self::CMD_DELETE, array('description' => 'delete resource.'));
     $subCmd->addOption('file', array('short_name' => '-a', 'long_name' => '--file', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'load arguments file.'));
     $subCmd->addOption('app', array('short_name' => '-a', 'long_name' => '--app', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'specify application path. *Notice* use this on the end of line.'));
     $subCmd->addArgument('uri', array('description' => 'resource URI'));
     // clear-cache
     $parser->addCommand('clear-cache', array('description' => 'clear all cache.'));
     // clear-log
     $parser->addCommand('clear-log', array('description' => 'clear all log.'));
     // clear-all
     $parser->addCommand('clear-all', array('description' => 'clear cache and log.'));
     if ($cli) {
         // create app
         $subCmd = $parser->addCommand(self::CMD_INIT_APP, array('description' => 'create new application.'));
         $subCmd->addArgument('path', array('description' => 'destination path. ex) /var/www/bear.test'));
         $subCmd->addOption('pearrc', array('short_name' => '-c', 'long_name' => '--pearrc', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'find user configuration in `file`'));
         // set app
         $subCmd = $parser->addCommand(self::CMD_SET_APP, array('description' => 'set application path.'));
         $subCmd->addArgument('path', array('description' => 'application path. ex) /var/www/bear.test'));
         // show app
         $subCmd = $parser->addCommand(self::CMD_SHOW_APP, array('description' => 'show application path.'));
     try {
         $this->_command = $parser->parse(count($argv), $argv);
         $buff = ob_get_clean();
         $commandName = $this->_command->command_name;
         switch ($this->_command->command_name) {
             case self::CMD_INIT_APP:
                 $path = $this->_command->command->args['path'];
                 $path = $this->_makeFullPath($path);
                 $pearrc = $this->_command->command->options['pearrc'];
                 $this->_initApp($path, $pearrc);
             case self::CMD_SET_APP:
                 $path = $this->_command->command->args['path'];
                 $path = $this->_makeFullPath($path);
             case self::CMD_SHOW_APP:
             case self::CMD_CLEAR_CACHE:
             case self::CMD_CLEAR_LOG:
             case self::CMD_CLEAR_ALL:
             case self::CMD_CREATE:
             case self::CMD_READ:
             case self::CMD_UPDATE:
             case self::CMD_DELETE:
                 $uri = $this->_command->command->args['uri'];
                 $values = $this->_command->command->options['file'] ? BEAR::loadValues($this->_command->command->options['file']) : array();
                 $this->_result = $this->_request($commandName, $uri, $values)->getRo();
                 $this->_config['debug'] = true;
                 if ($this->_config['cli']) {
                     $this->_result = "BEAR: {$argv[1]}: command not found, try 'bear --help'";
                 } else {
                     $this->_result = "BEAR: {$argv[1]}: command not found, try 'help'";
     } catch (Exception $e) {
Example #17
#!/usr/bin/env php
namespace phinde;

require_once __DIR__ . '/../src/init.php';
$cc = new \Console_CommandLine();
$cc->description = 'phinde URL processor';
$cc->version = '0.0.1';
$cc->addOption('force', array('short_name' => '-f', 'long_name' => '--force', 'description' => 'Always process URL, even when it did not change', 'action' => 'StoreTrue', 'default' => false));
$cc->addOption('showLinksOnly', array('short_name' => '-s', 'long_name' => '--show-links', 'description' => 'Only show which URLs were found', 'action' => 'StoreTrue', 'default' => false));
$cc->addArgument('url', array('description' => 'URL to process', 'multiple' => false));
$cc->addArgument('actions', array('description' => 'Actions to take', 'multiple' => true, 'optional' => true, 'choices' => array('index', 'crawl'), 'default' => array('index', 'crawl')));
try {
    $res = $cc->parse();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$url = $res->args['url'];
$url = Helper::addSchema($url);
$urlObj = new \Net_URL2($url);
$url = $urlObj->getNormalizedURL();
if (!Helper::isUrlAllowed($url)) {
    Log::error("Domain is not allowed; not crawling");
try {
    $actions = array();
    foreach ($res->args['actions'] as $action) {
        if ($action == 'crawl') {
            $crawler = new Crawler();
Example #18
  * Let the CLI option parser parse the options.
  * @param object $parser Option parser
  * @return array Array of file names
 protected function parseParameters(\Console_CommandLine $parser)
     try {
         $result = $parser->parse();
         $rendClass = '\\phpsqllint\\Renderer_' . ucfirst($result->options['renderer']);
         $this->renderer = new $rendClass();
         $this->format = $result->options['format'];
         $this->highlight = $result->options['highlight'];
         if ($this->highlight == 'auto') {
             if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') {
                 //default coloring to enabled, except
                 // when piping | to another tool
                 $this->highlight = 'ansi';
                 if (function_exists('posix_isatty') && !posix_isatty(STDOUT)) {
                     $this->highlight = 'none';
             } else {
                 //no idea where we are, so do not highlight
                 $this->highlight = 'none';
         foreach ($result->args['sql_files'] as $filename) {
             if ($filename == '-') {
             if (!file_exists($filename)) {
                 throw new \Exception('File does not exist: ' . $filename);
             if (!is_file($filename)) {
                 throw new \Exception('Not a file: ' . $filename);
         return $result->args['sql_files'];
     } catch (\Exception $exc) {
Example #19
define("CUPCAKE_PATH", $cupcake_path);
if (CUPCAKE_PATH === null) {
    echo "\nCupcake Not Found\nMake sure to set the include_path\n";
# Load any commands extended by the application from /cli
if (file_exists("cli") && is_dir("cli")) {
    foreach (glob("cli/*.php") as $cli_file) {
        include_once $cli_file;
try {
    $result = $command->parse();
} catch (Exception $exc) {
$options = $result->options;
foreach ($options as $k => $name) {
    if (!empty($name)) {
        $terminal = $command->options[$k];
        $callback = $terminal->callback;
        if (is_string($callback) && strlen($callback) > 0) {
            $callback($options, $terminal);
function application_path($opts = array())
Example #20
  * Handle console input and produce the appropriate report requested
  * @return void
  * @throws PHP_CompatInfo_Exception If report is not available.
 public static function main()
     $input = new Console_CommandLine(array('name' => 'phpcompatinfo', 'description' => 'PHP_CompatInfo (cli) by Laurent Laville.', 'version' => self::getVersion()));
     // common options to all sub-commands
     $input->addOption('xmlFile', array('long_name' => '--configuration', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'Read configuration from XML file'));
     $input->addOption('noConfiguration', array('long_name' => '--no-configuration', 'action' => 'StoreTrue', 'description' => 'Ignore default configuration file ' . '(phpcompatinfo.xml)'));
     $input->addOption('iniSet', array('short_name' => '-d', 'long_name' => '--ini-set', 'action' => 'StoreArray', 'description' => 'Sets a php.ini directive value'));
     $input->addOption('verbose', array('short_name' => '-v', 'long_name' => '--verbose', 'action' => 'Counter', 'description' => 'Output more verbose information'));
     // options relatives and common to sub-commands
     $referenceOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('reference', array('long_name' => '--reference', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'The name of the reference to use', 'choices' => array('PHP5', 'ALL', 'DYN')));
     $reportOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('report', array('long_name' => '--report', 'action' => 'StoreArray', 'description' => 'Type of report', 'choices' => array('full', 'summary', 'source', 'xml', 'token', 'extension', 'namespace', 'trait', 'interface', 'class', 'function', 'constant', 'global', 'condition')));
     $helpReferenceOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('helpReference', array('long_name' => '--help-reference', 'action' => 'List', 'description' => 'List of reference available', 'action_params' => array('list' => array('PHP5', 'ALL', 'DYN'))));
     $helpReportOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('helpReport', array('long_name' => '--help-report', 'action' => 'List', 'description' => 'List of report available', 'action_params' => array('list' => array('full', 'summary', 'source', 'xml', 'token', 'extension', 'namespace', 'trait', 'interface', 'class', 'function', 'constant', 'global', 'condition'))));
     $reportFileOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('reportFile', array('long_name' => '--report-file', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'Write the report to the specified file path'));
     $excludeIDOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('excludeID', array('long_name' => '--exclude-pattern', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'Exclude components' . ' from list referenced by ID provided'));
     $recursiveOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('recursive', array('short_name' => '-R', 'long_name' => '--recursive', 'action' => 'StoreTrue', 'description' => 'Includes the contents of subdirectories'));
     $fileExtensionsOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('fileExtensions', array('long_name' => '--file-extensions', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'A comma separated list of file extensions to check'));
     // options relatives to print sub-command
     $filterVersionOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('filterVersion', array('long_name' => '--filter-version', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'The version to compare with each element found'));
     $filterOperatorOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('filterOperator', array('long_name' => '--filter-operator', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'The version test relationship', 'choices' => array('lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge', 'eq', 'ne')));
     // argument common to all list sub-commands except to list and list-references
     $referenceArgument = new Console_CommandLine_Argument('reference', array('description' => '(optional) Limit output only to this reference', 'optional' => true));
     // clear-cache sub-command
     $clearcacheCmd = $input->addCommand('clear-cache', array('description' => 'Clear Parser Cache'));
     $clearcacheCmd->addArgument('sourceFile', array('description' => 'The source file in cache entries to delete.', 'optional' => true));
     // print sub-command
     $printCmd = $input->addCommand('print', array('description' => 'Print a report of data source parsed.'));
     $printCmd->addArgument('sourcePath', array('description' => 'The data source to scan (file or directory).'));
     // list-references sub-command
     $listReferencesCmd = $input->addCommand('list-references', array('description' => 'List all extensions supported.'));
     // list sub-command
     $listCmd = $input->addCommand('list', array('description' => 'List all "elements" referenced in the data base.'));
     $listCmd->addArgument('element', array('description' => 'May be either ' . '"extensions", ' . '"interfaces", "classes", ' . '"functions" or "constants"', 'choices' => array('extensions', 'interfaces', 'classes', 'functions', 'constants'), 'multiple' => true));
     // list-extensions sub-command
     $listExtensionsCmd = $input->addCommand('list-extensions', array('description' => 'List all extensions referenced in the data base.'));
     // list-interfaces sub-command
     $listInterfacesCmd = $input->addCommand('list-interfaces', array('description' => 'List all interfaces referenced in the data base.'));
     // list-classes sub-command
     $listClassesCmd = $input->addCommand('list-classes', array('description' => 'List all classes referenced in the data base.'));
     // list-functions sub-command
     $listFunctionsCmd = $input->addCommand('list-functions', array('description' => 'List all functions referenced in the data base.'));
     // list-constants sub-command
     $listConstantsCmd = $input->addCommand('list-constants', array('description' => 'List all constants referenced in the data base.'));
     try {
         $result = $input->parse();
         $command = $result->command_name;
         if (empty($command)) {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $warnings = array();
     // Loads the default or custom configuration (if available)
     $options = array('reference' => '', 'verbose' => false, 'listeners' => array());
     $reports = array();
     $consoleProgress = true;
     $reportFileAppend = false;
     if ($result->options['noConfiguration'] !== true) {
         if (!isset($result->options['xmlFile'])) {
             // use default configuration
             $dir = '@cfg_dir@' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'PHP_CompatInfo';
             if (strpos($dir, '@') === false) {
                 // PEAR installer was used to install the package
             } else {
                 // manual install
                 $dir = getcwd();
             $filename = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'phpcompatinfo.xml';
             if (file_exists($filename)) {
                 $config = $filename;
             } elseif (file_exists($filename . '.dist')) {
                 $config = $filename . '.dist';
             } else {
                 $config = false;
         } else {
             $filename = $result->options['xmlFile'];
             if (file_exists($filename)) {
                 $config = realpath($filename);
             } else {
                 $config = false;
         if ($config && is_file($config)) {
             // try to load the configuration file contents
             $configuration = PHP_CompatInfo_Configuration::getInstance($config);
             // check if components should be excluded
             if (isset($result->command->options['excludeID'])) {
                 $patternID = $result->command->options['excludeID'];
                 $excludes = $configuration->getExcludeConfiguration($patternID);
                 if (count($excludes) == 0) {
                     $warnings[] = "Exclude pattern ID '{$patternID}'" . " does not exist, or is empty";
                 } else {
                     $haystack = array('extension', 'interface', 'trait', 'function', 'constant');
                     foreach ($excludes as $key => $values) {
                         if (in_array($key, $haystack)) {
                             $options['exclude'][$key . 's'] = $values;
                         } elseif ('class' == $key) {
                             $options['exclude']['classes'] = $values;
                         } else {
                             foreach ($values as $value) {
                                 $options['exclude']['files'][] = $value;
             // set main options
             $phpcompatinfo = $configuration->getMainConfiguration();
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['reference'])) {
                 $options['reference'] = $phpcompatinfo['reference'];
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['report'])) {
                 $reports = $phpcompatinfo['report'];
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['reportFile'])) {
                 $reportFile = $phpcompatinfo['reportFile'];
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['reportFileAppend'])) {
                 $reportFileAppend = $phpcompatinfo['reportFileAppend'];
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['cacheDriver'])) {
                 $options['cacheDriver'] = $phpcompatinfo['cacheDriver'];
             } else {
                 $options['cacheDriver'] = 'null';
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['consoleProgress'])) {
                 $consoleProgress = $phpcompatinfo['consoleProgress'];
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['verbose'])) {
                 $options['verbose'] = $phpcompatinfo['verbose'];
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['recursive'])) {
                 $options['recursive'] = $phpcompatinfo['recursive'];
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['fileExtensions'])) {
                 $options['fileExtensions'] = $phpcompatinfo['fileExtensions'];
             // sets cache options
             $options['cacheOptions'] = $configuration->getCacheConfiguration($options['cacheDriver']);
             // sets extension references limit
             $extensions = $configuration->getReferenceConfiguration();
             if (count($extensions) > 0) {
                 $options['extensions'] = $extensions;
             // sets php.ini directives
             $ini = $configuration->getPHPConfiguration();
             foreach ($ini as $name => $value) {
                 ini_set($name, $value);
             // sets listeners instances
             $listeners = $configuration->getListenerConfiguration();
             foreach ($listeners as $listener) {
                 if (!class_exists($listener['class'], false) && $listener['file'] !== '') {
                     include_once $listener['file'];
                 if (class_exists($listener['class'], true)) {
                     if (count($listener['arguments']) == 0) {
                         $listener = new $listener['class']();
                     } else {
                         $listenerClass = new ReflectionClass($listener['class']);
                         $listener = $listenerClass->newInstanceArgs($listener['arguments']);
                     if ($listener instanceof PHP_CompatInfo_Listener_Console && $consoleProgress === false) {
                             Do not add the console listener
                             if consoleProgress directive is off
                     } else {
                         if ($listener instanceof SplObserver) {
                             $options['listeners'][] = $listener;
             // sets plugins system
             $plugins = $configuration->getPluginConfiguration();
             foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
                 if (!class_exists($plugin['class'], false) && $plugin['file'] !== '') {
                     include_once $plugin['file'];
                 if (class_exists($plugin['class'], true)) {
                     $pluginClass = new ReflectionClass($plugin['class']);
                     $reference = $pluginClass->newInstanceArgs($plugin['args']);
                     if (!$reference instanceof PHP_CompatInfo_Reference_PluginsAbstract) {
                         $warnings[] = "Plugin '" . $plugin['class'] . "' is not valid";
             if (count($plugins) > 0) {
                 $options['referencePlugins'] = $plugins;
         } elseif (isset($result->options['verbose'])) {
             $warnings[] = 'File "' . $filename . '" does not exist';
     if ($consoleProgress === true) {
         $options['listeners'][] = new PHP_CompatInfo_Listener_Console();
     if (isset($result->command->options['reference'])) {
         $options['reference'] = $result->command->options['reference'];
     if (empty($options['reference']) && !in_array($command, array('list-references', 'clear-cache'))) {
         $input->displayError('You must supply at least a reference');
     if (isset($result->options['iniSet'])) {
         foreach ($result->options['iniSet'] as $iniSet) {
             $ini = explode('=', $iniSet);
             if (isset($ini[0])) {
                 if (isset($ini[1])) {
                     ini_set($ini[0], $ini[1]);
                 } else {
                     ini_set($ini[0], true);
     if (isset($result->command->options['report'])) {
         $reports = $result->command->options['report'];
     if (empty($reports)) {
         // default report
         $reports = array('summary');
     if (in_array('full', $reports)) {
         // when 'full' alias report is specified, ignored all others
         $reports = array();
         $reportFileAppend = true;
         $fullReport = true;
     $reportChilds = $reports;
     if (isset($result->command->options['reportFile'])) {
         $reportFile = $result->command->options['reportFile'];
     if (isset($reportFile)) {
         if (is_dir($reportFile) || !file_exists(dirname($reportFile))) {
             $warnings[] = 'Report file: "' . $reportFile . '" is invalid';
         } else {
             $options['reportFile'] = $reportFile;
             if ($reportFileAppend === true) {
                 $options['reportFileFlags'] = FILE_APPEND;
             } else {
                 $options['reportFileFlags'] = 0;
     if (isset($result->command->options['filterVersion'])) {
         $options['filterVersion'] = $result->command->options['filterVersion'];
     if (isset($result->command->options['filterOperator'])) {
         $options['filterOperator'] = $result->command->options['filterOperator'];
     if ('print' == $command) {
         if (count($reports) == 0 && !isset($fullReport)) {
             $input->displayError('You must supply at least a type of report');
         $source = $result->command->args['sourcePath'];
         $report = 'full';
     } elseif ('list' == $command) {
         $elements = $result->command->args['element'];
         $source = array_shift($elements);
         $report = 'reference';
         $options['filterReference'] = null;
     } elseif ('list' == substr($command, 0, 4)) {
         list(, $source) = explode('-', $command);
         if ($source == 'references') {
             $report = 'database';
         } else {
             $report = 'reference';
             $elements = array();
         $options['filterReference'] = $result->command->args['reference'];
     if (isset($result->command->options['recursive'])) {
         $options['recursive'] = $result->command->options['recursive'];
     if (isset($result->command->options['fileExtensions'])) {
         $fileExtensions = explode(',', $result->command->options['fileExtensions']);
         $options['fileExtensions'] = array_map('trim', $fileExtensions);
     if (isset($result->options['verbose'])) {
         $options['verbose'] = $result->options['verbose'];
     if ('clear-cache' == $command) {
         $defaultOptions = PHP_CompatInfo::getDefaultOptions();
         $driver = isset($options['cacheDriver']) ? $options['cacheDriver'] : $defaultOptions['cacheDriver'];
         $source = $result->command->args['sourceFile'];
         $cache = PHP_CompatInfo_Cache::getInstance($driver, $defaultOptions);
         $count = $cache->deleteCache($source);
         printf('%d cache entries cleared%s', $count, PHP_EOL);
     } else {
         try {
             self::factory($report, $source, $options, $warnings, $reportChilds);
             if ($report == 'reference') {
                 $options['reportFileFlags'] = FILE_APPEND;
                 while (count($elements) > 0) {
                     $source = array_shift($elements);
                     self::factory($report, $source, $options, $warnings, null);
         } catch (PHP_CompatInfo_Exception $e) {
             print $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
Example #21
 public static function parseArguments()
     $main = new \Console_CommandLine();
     $main->addOption('out', array('short_name' => '-o', 'long_name' => '--out', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'destination directory for generated files', 'default' => './'));
     $main->addOption('include', array('short_name' => '-i', 'long_name' => '--include', 'action' => 'StoreArray', 'description' => 'define an include path (can be repeated)', 'multiple' => true));
     $main->addOption('json', array('short_name' => '-j', 'long_name' => '--json', 'action' => 'StoreTrue', 'description' => 'turn on ProtoJson Javascript file generation'));
     $main->addOption('protoc', array('long_name' => '--protoc', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'default' => 'protoc', 'description' => 'protoc compiler executable path'));
     $main->addOption('skipImported', array('long_name' => '--skip-imported', 'action' => 'StoreTrue', 'default' => false, 'description' => 'do not generate imported proto files'));
     $main->addOption('comments', array('long_name' => '--comments', 'action' => 'StoreTrue', 'description' => 'port .proto comments to generated code'));
     $main->addOption('insertions', array('long_name' => '--insertions', 'action' => 'StoreTrue', 'description' => 'generate @@protoc insertion points'));
     $main->addOption('define', array('short_name' => '-D', 'long_name' => '--define', 'action' => 'StoreArray', 'multiple' => true, 'description' => 'define a generator option (ie: -Dmultifile -Dsuffix=pb.php)'));
     $main->addOption('verbose', array('short_name' => '-v', 'long_name' => '--verbose', 'action' => 'StoreTrue', 'description' => 'turn on verbose output'));
     $main->addArgument('protos', array('multiple' => true, 'description' => 'proto files'));
     try {
         echo 'Protobuf-PHP ' . Protobuf::VERSION . ' by Ivan -StudyDrSlump- Montes' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
         $result = $main->parse();
         return $result;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
Example #22
$parser->description = <<<DESC
A postprocess tool for compound metagenome suite.
It aggregates logs and result files into one set of files.
$parser->version = '1.1';
 * Describe command line options and arguments.
$parser->addOption('pattern', array('long_name' => '--pattern', 'short_name' => '-p', 'description' => 'directory pattern to search within', 'action' => 'StoreString'));
$parser->addOption('name', array('long_name' => '--output-name', 'short_name' => '-o', 'description' => 'output files set name prefix', 'action' => 'StoreString'));
 * Set evironment variables.
$workDir = getcwd();
try {
    $cli = $parser->parse();
     * Create iterator for traverse through picked directories.
    if ($cli->options['pattern'] === null) {
        $dirIterator = new DirectoryIterator($workDir);
    } else {
        $regexp = '/' . $cli->options['pattern'] . '/';
        $dirIterator = new RegexIterator(new DirectoryIterator($workDir), $regexp);
     * Loop through directories and results files within.
    $files = array();
    foreach ($dirIterator as $dir) {
        if (!$dir->isDir() || $dir->isDot() || FileIterator::isHidden($dir->getFilename())) {