break; case 'units': $Unit = new Product_Unit(); foreach ($Unit->findList(array('Name <> -')) as $Unit) { $Unit->Name = rtrim($Unit->Name, 'м') . 'мм'; $Unit->save(); } break; case 'names': $Product = new Product(); $Layout = new Product_Layout_Standard(); $params = array(); $params[] = 'CategoryId = ' . $Layout->getCategory()->Id; foreach ($Product->findList($params) as $Product) { if (strpos($Product->Name, 'поликарбонат') > 0) { continue; } $Product->Name .= ' поликарбонат "' . $Product->getBrand()->Name . '"'; $Product->save(); } break; case 'mail': Console::writeln(sprintf('%dMb', memory_get_peak_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024)); if (mail($argv[2], 'Hello from', 'Here is the test email')) { Console::writeln('Email sent'); } else { Console::writeln('Failed'); } break; } echo "\n";
if ($i == 'a') { break; } Console::left(count(${$i}), 4); Console::left(File::getFilesize($stats['size'][$i], 'b,K,M,G'), 5); Console::left($stats['lines'][$i] . 'L', 8); Console::write('| '); } Console::left(count($m) + count($c) + count($v), 4); Console::left(File::getFilesize($stats['size']['a'], 'b,K,M,G'), 5); Console::left($stats['lines']['a'] . 'L', 8); Console::writeln('|'); Console::write('\\'); Console::write(str_repeat('=', 98)); Console::writeln('/'); Console::writeln(); if ($argv[1]) { $sign = '$'; $time = $price = 0; $arr = explode('/', $argv[1]); if (count($arr) == 2) { $price = $stats['lines']['a'] / $arr[1]; $sign = $arr[0] ? $arr[0] : $sign; } else { $price = $stats['lines']['a'] * $arr[1]; } $time = round($stats['lines']['a'] / 1500); Console::writeln('Price: ' . Price::show($price) . $sign . ', Time: ' . $time . ' days.'); Console::writeln(); } //Console::writeln('DONE');
$DB->execute($q); if (in_array($DB->getError(), $codes)) { Console::write($key . ' '); } else { Console::write($key . ' '); $error[] = $q; } } Console::writeln(); } else { } } else { Console::left($new['name'], 30); // new table $DB->execute($query); if (in_array($DB->getError(), $codes)) { Console::writeln('added'); } else { Console::writeln('FAILED!'); //$error[] = $query; $error[] = $DB->getError(true); } } } continue; } } } Console::writeln($error); Console::writeln('DONE');
$fd_name = array_search($fd, $fds); if ($fd_name == 'stdin') { /* let readline handle use input */ readline_callback_read_char(); } elseif ($fd_name == 'sck') { if (feof($fd)) { $ret = FALSE; } else { $ret = $console->debugger->getData(); } if ($ret === FALSE) { /* EOF - close this fd */ @fclose($fd); $sck = NULL; $console->debugger = NULL; $console->writeln("Debugger Disconnected"); } } elseif ($fd_name == 'listen') { /* accept the incomming connection */ $sck = stream_socket_accept($listen); /* don't let any more in */ fclose($listen); $listen = NULL; $p = setting('accept'); if (!empty($p)) { $ip = strtok(stream_socket_get_name($sck, TRUE), ':'); if (!wildMatch($p, $ip)) { /* try to match against the hostname */ $h = gethostbyaddr($ip); if (!wildMatch($p, $h)) { $console->writeln("Rejected connection from {$h} [{$ip}]");