Example #1
        if ($msg['status'] == 'inprocess' || $msg['status'] == 'submitted') {
            $actionbuttons .= '<span class="suspend">' . PageLinkButton('messages&suspend=' . $msg['id'], $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Suspend'), '', '', s('Suspend')) . '</span>';
        } elseif ($msg['status'] != 'draft') {
            $actionbuttons .= '<span class="resend">' . PageLinkButton('messages', $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Requeue'), 'resend=' . $msg['id'], '', s('Requeue')) . '</span>';
        $actionbuttons .= '<span class="view">' . PageLinkButton('message', $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('View'), 'id=' . $msg['id'], '', s('View')) . '</span>';
        if ($clicks[0] && CLICKTRACK) {
            $actionbuttons .= '<span class="stats">' . PageLinkButton('statsoverview', $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('statistics'), 'id=' . $msg['id'], '', s('Statistics')) . '</span>';
        #0012081: Add new 'Mark as sent' button
        if ($msg['status'] == 'suspended') {
            $actionbuttons .= '<span class="marksent">' . PageLinkButton('messages&amp;markSent=' . $msg['id'], $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Mark&nbsp;sent'), '', '', s('Mark sent')) . '</span>';
            $actionbuttons .= '<span class="edit">' . PageLinkButton('send', $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Edit'), 'id=' . $msg['id'], '', s('Edit')) . '</span>';
        } elseif ($msg['status'] == 'draft' || !empty($messagedata['istestcampaign'])) {
            ## only draft messages should be deletable, the rest isn't
            $deletebutton = new ConfirmButton(s('Are you sure you want to delete this campaign?'), PageURL2("messages{$url_keep}&delete=" . $msg['id']), s('delete this campaign'), '', 'button');
            #      $actionbuttons .= sprintf('<span class="delete"><a href="javascript:deleteRec(\'%s\');" class="button" title="'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get("delete").'">'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get("delete").'</a></span>',PageURL2("messages$url_keep","","delete=".$msg["id"]));
            $actionbuttons .= '<span class="edit">' . PageLinkButton('send', $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Edit'), 'id=' . $msg['id'], '', s('Edit')) . '</span>';
            if (empty($clicks[0])) {
                ## disallow deletion when there are stats
                $actionbuttons .= '<span class="delete">' . $deletebutton->show() . '</span>';
        $ls->addColumn($listingelement, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Action'), '<div class="messageactions">' . $actionbuttons . '</div>');
print $ls->display();
if ($total > 5 && $_GET['tab'] == 'active') {
    print PageLinkButton('messages', $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Suspend All'), 'action=suspall');
    print PageLinkButton('messages', $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Mark All Sent'), 'action=markallsent');
Example #2
    print "<h3>" . $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('subscriber is blacklisted since') . " ";
    $blacklist_info = Sql_Fetch_Array_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where email = "%s"', $tables["user_blacklist"], $user["email"]));
    print $blacklist_info["added"] . "</h3><br/>";
    print '';
    $isSpamReport = false;
    $ls = new WebblerListing($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Blacklist info'));
    $req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where email = "%s"', $tables["user_blacklist_data"], $user["email"]));
    while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) {
        $isSpamReport = $isSpamReport || $row['data'] == 'blacklisted due to spam complaints';
        $ls->addColumn($row["name"], $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('value'), stripslashes($row["data"]));
    $ls->addElement('<!-- remove -->');
    if (!$isSpamReport) {
        $button = new ConfirmButton(htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('are you sure you want to delete this subscriber from the blacklist')) . "?\\n" . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('it should only be done with explicit permission from this subscriber')), PageURL2("userhistory&unblacklist={$user["id"]}&id={$user["id"]}", "button", s('remove subscriber from blacklist')), s('remove subscriber from blacklist'));
        $ls->addRow('<!-- remove -->', s('remove'), $button->show());
    } else {
        $ls->addRow('<!-- remove -->', s('remove'), s('For this subscriber to be removed from the blacklist, you need to ask them to re-subscribe using the phpList subscribe page'));
    print $ls->display();
$ls = new WebblerListing($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Subscription History'));
$req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where userid = %d order by date desc', $tables["user_history"], $user["id"]));
if (!Sql_Affected_Rows()) {
    print $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('no details found');
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) {
    $ls->setClass($row["id"], 'row1');
    $ls->addColumn($row["id"], $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('ip'), $row["ip"]);
    $ls->addColumn($row["id"], $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('date'), $row["date"]);
Example #3
if (empty($_REQUEST['id'])) {
    $id = '';
} else {
    $id = $_REQUEST['id'];
    if (!isset($default_config[$id])) {
        print $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('invalid request');
#print '<div class="actions">'.PageLinkButton('configure&resetdefault=yes',s('Reset to default')).'</div>';
if (empty($_GET['id'])) {
    ## @@TODO might be an idea to allow reset on an "id" as well
    $button = new ConfirmButton(s('Are you sure you want to reset the configuration to the default?'), PageURL2('configure&resetdefault=yes', 'reset', ''), s('Reset to default'));
    print '<div class="fright">' . $button->show() . '</div>';
    print Info(s('You can edit all of the values in this page, and click the "save changes" button once to save all the changes you made.'), 1);
$configCategories = array();
$configTypes = array();
foreach ($default_config as $item => $details) {
    if (empty($details['category'])) {
        $details['category'] = 'other';
    if (empty($details['type'])) {
        $details['type'] = 'undefined';
    if (!isset($configCategories[strtolower($details['category'])])) {
        $configCategories[strtolower($details['category'])] = array();
    if (!isset($configTypes[$details['type']])) {
Example #4
    $ls->setClass($element, 'rows row1');
    $ls->addColumn($element, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Members'), '<div style="display:inline-block;text-align:right;width:50%;float:left;">' . $membersDisplay . '</div><span class="view" style="text-align:left;display:inline-block;float:right;width:48%;"><a class="button " href="./?page=members&id=' . $row["id"] . '" title="' . $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('View Members') . '">' . $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('View Members') . '</a></span>');
    $ls->addColumn($element, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Public'), sprintf('<input type="checkbox" name="active[%d]" value="1" %s %s />', $row["id"], $row["active"] ? 'checked="checked"' : '', listUsedInSubscribePage($row["id"]) ? ' disabled="disabled" ' : ''));
    /*  $owner = adminName($row['owner']);
      if (!empty($owner)) {
          $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Owner'),$GLOBALS['require_login'] ? adminName($row['owner']):$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('n/a'));
      if (trim($desc) != '') {
    $ls->addColumn($element, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Order'), sprintf('<input type="text" name="listorder[%d]" value="%d" size="3" class="listorder" />', $row['id'], $row['listorder']));
    $deletebutton = new ConfirmButton(s('Are you sure you want to delete this list?'), PageURL2("list&delete=" . $row["id"]), s('delete this list'));
    $ls->addRow($element, '', '<span class="edit-list"><a class="button" href="?page=editlist&amp;id=' . $row["id"] . '" title="' . $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Edit this list') . '"></a></span>' . '<span class="send-list">' . PageLinkButton('send&new=1&list=' . $row['id'], $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('send'), '', '', $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('start a new campaign targetting this list')) . '</span>' . '<span class="add_member">' . PageLinkDialogOnly('importsimple&list=' . $row["id"], $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Add Members')) . '</span>' . '<span class="delete">' . $deletebutton->show() . '</span>', '', '', 'actions nodrag');
    $some = 1;
$ls->addSubmitButton('update', $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Save Changes'));
if (!$some) {
    echo $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('No lists, use Add List to add one');
} else {
    print $ls->display('', 'draggable');
  echo '<table class="x" border="0">
Example #5
require_once $coderoot . 'structure.php';
$result = Sql_Fetch_Assoc_query(sprintf('select id, subject from %s where id = %d %s', $tables['message'], $id, $owner_select_and));
if (empty($result['id'])) {
    print $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('No such campaign');
$campaignTitle = $result['subject'];
$msgdata = loadMessageData($id);
if ($msgdata['status'] == 'draft' || $msgdata['status'] == 'suspended') {
    print '<div class="actions">';
    print '<p>' . PageLinkButton('send&amp;id=' . $id, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Edit this message')) . '</p>';
    print '</div>';
} else {
    print '<div class="actions">';
    $editbutton = new ConfirmButton(s('Editing an active or finished campaign will place it back in the draft queue, continue?'), PageURL2('send&id=' . $id), s('Edit campaign'));
    print $editbutton->show();
    print '</div>';
$content = '<table class="messageView">';
$format = '<tr><td valign="top" class="dataname">%s</td><td valign="top">%s</td></tr>';
$content .= sprintf($format, s('entered'), stripslashes($msgdata['entered']));
$content .= sprintf($format, s('fromfield'), stripslashes($msgdata['fromfield']));
$content .= sprintf($format, s('message'), stripslashes($msgdata['message']));
$content .= sprintf($format, s('textmessage'), nl2br(stripslashes($msgdata['textmessage'])));
$content .= sprintf($format, s('footer'), stripslashes($msgdata['footer']));
$finishSending = mktime($msgdata['finishsending']['hour'], $msgdata['finishsending']['minute'], 0, $msgdata['finishsending']['month'], $msgdata['finishsending']['day'], $msgdata['finishsending']['year']);
$embargoTime = mktime($msgdata['embargo']['hour'], $msgdata['embargo']['minute'], 0, $msgdata['embargo']['month'], $msgdata['embargo']['day'], $msgdata['embargo']['year']);
$repeatuntilTime = mktime($msgdata['repeatuntil']['hour'], $msgdata['repeatuntil']['minute'], 0, $msgdata['repeatuntil']['month'], $msgdata['repeatuntil']['day'], $msgdata['repeatuntil']['year']);
$requeueuntilTime = mktime($msgdata['requeueuntil']['hour'], $msgdata['requeueuntil']['minute'], 0, $msgdata['requeueuntil']['month'], $msgdata['requeueuntil']['day'], $msgdata['requeueuntil']['year']);
if ($embargoTime > time()) {
    $content .= sprintf($format, s('Embargoed until'), date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $embargoTime));
Example #6
<div class="panel"><div class="header"></div><!-- ENDOF .header -->
<div class="content">
<h3 id="attribute-name"><?php 
echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($data["name"]));
<div class="actions">
print PageLinkButton("attributes", s('Back to attributes'), "");
if (!isset($_GET['action']) || $_GET['action'] != 'new') {
    echo PageLinkButton("editattributes", $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('add new'), "id={$id}&amp;action=new");
$button = new ConfirmButton(s('Are you sure you want to delete all values?'), PageURL2("editattributes&id={$id}&deleteall=yes", s('delete all')), s('Delete all'));
print $button->show();
echo formStart(' class="editattributesAdd" ');
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="add" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php 
echo $id;
" />

Example #7
        $membership .= '<li>' . PageLink2('editlist', $lst['name'], 'id=' . $lst['listid']) . '</li>';
        array_push($subscribed, $lst['listid']);
    if (!$membership) {
        $membership = $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('No Lists');
    print '<div class="actions">';
    print '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . PageLinkButton("userhistory&amp;id={$id}", $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('History'));
    if (!empty($GLOBALS['config']['plugins']) && is_array($GLOBALS['config']['plugins'])) {
        foreach ($GLOBALS['config']['plugins'] as $pluginName => $plugin) {
            print $plugin->userpageLink($id);
    if ($access == 'all') {
        $delete = new ConfirmButton(htmlspecialchars(s('Are you sure you want to remove this subscriber from the system.')), PageURL2("user&delete={$id}" . addCsrfGetToken(), 'button', s('remove subscriber')), s('remove subscriber'));
        print $delete->show();
    print '</div>';
} else {
    if (!empty($_POST['subscribe'])) {
        foreach ($_POST['subscribe'] as $idx => $listid) {
            array_push($subscribed, $listid);
    $id = 0;
    print '<h3>' . s('Add a new subscriber') . '</h3>';
    if (empty($_POST['email'])) {
        print formStart();
        print s('Email address') . ': ' . '<input type="text" name="email" value="" />';
        print '<input type="submit" name="change" value="' . s('Continue') . '">';
        print '</form>';