Example #1
 public function files_for_stylesheet_link_tag()
     $css_urls = array();
     if ($css_files = $this->get_files_from_manifest(Trax::$assets_path . "/stylesheets/application.css")) {
         $compiled_css = array();
         foreach ($css_files as $file) {
             if ($this->compress()) {
                 # write files to disk compressed
                 $compiler = new Compiler($file);
                 $compiled_css[$file] = $compiler->process_file();
             } else {
                 # copy to assets folder
                 $css_parts = explode("/assets/stylesheets/", $file);
                 $css_urls[] = $this->public_url($css_parts[1]);
         if ($this->compress()) {
             $fingerprint = self::fingerprint($css_files);
             $filename = "application-{$fingerprint}.css";
             if ($this->write_file($filename, implode("\n", $compiled_css))) {
                 $css_urls = array($this->public_url($filename));
     return $css_urls;
  * utility function that converts an array of compiled parameters (or rest array) to a string of xml/html tag attributes
  * this is to be used in preProcessing or postProcessing functions, example :
  *  $p = $compiler->getCompiledParams($params);
  *  // get only the rest array as attributes
  *  $attributes = Plugin::paramsToAttributes($p['*']);
  *  // get all the parameters as attributes (if there is a rest array, it will be included)
  *  $attributes = Plugin::paramsToAttributes($p);
  * @param array    $params   an array of attributeName=>value items that will be compiled to be ready for inclusion in a php string
  * @param string   $delim    the string delimiter you want to use (defaults to ')
  * @param Compiler $compiler the compiler instance (optional for BC, but recommended to pass it for proper escaping behavior)
  * @return string
 public static function paramsToAttributes(array $params, $delim = '\'', Compiler $compiler = null)
     if (isset($params['*'])) {
         $params = array_merge($params, $params['*']);
     $out = '';
     foreach ($params as $attr => $val) {
         $out .= ' ' . $attr . '=';
         if (trim($val, '"\'') == '' || $val == 'null') {
             $out .= str_replace($delim, '\\' . $delim, '""');
         } elseif (substr($val, 0, 1) === $delim && substr($val, -1) === $delim) {
             $out .= str_replace($delim, '\\' . $delim, '"' . substr($val, 1, -1) . '"');
         } else {
             if (!$compiler) {
                 // disable double encoding since it can not be determined if it was encoded
                 $escapedVal = '.(is_string($tmp2=' . $val . ') ? htmlspecialchars($tmp2, ENT_QUOTES, $this->charset, false) : $tmp2).';
             } elseif (!$compiler->getAutoEscape() || false === strpos($val, 'isset($this->scope')) {
                 // escape if auto escaping is disabled, or there was no variable in the string
                 $escapedVal = '.(is_string($tmp2=' . $val . ') ? htmlspecialchars($tmp2, ENT_QUOTES, $this->charset) : $tmp2).';
             } else {
                 // print as is
                 $escapedVal = '.' . $val . '.';
             $out .= str_replace($delim, '\\' . $delim, '"') . $delim . $escapedVal . $delim . str_replace($delim, '\\' . $delim, '"');
     return ltrim($out);
Example #3
 public function compile()
     $compiler = new Compiler();
     $compiler->setReader(new File($this->getTemplatePath()));
     $compiler->setWriter(new File($this->getScriptPath()));
Example #4
 public static function validateCode($sourceCode, $language, $testCases)
     $inputTestCases = self::bindTestCases($testCases, true);
     $outputTestCases = self::bindTestCases($testCases, false);
     $compilerInstance = new Compiler($sourceCode, $language, $inputTestCases, $outputTestCases);
     return $compilerInstance;
  * Create new Template instance and inject its dependency
  * @return TemplateEngine
 public static function create()
     $te = new TemplateEngine();
     $compiler = new Compiler();
     return $te;
Example #6
 public function translate($query)
     $lexer = new Lexer();
     $parser = new Parser();
     $compiler = new Compiler($this->schema);
     $tokens = $lexer->tokenize($query);
     $request = $parser->parse($tokens);
     return $compiler->compile($request);
Example #7
 public function render($input, $scope = null, $includes = array())
     if ($scope !== null && is_array($scope)) {
     $parser = new Parser($input, array('includes' => $includes));
     $compiler = new Compiler($this->prettyprint);
     return $compiler->compile($parser->parse($input));
Example #8
 public function compile(Compiler $compiler, TemplateFunction $function, array $arguments)
     $callback = $function->getCallback();
     //simple functions are compiled directly
     if (is_string($callback)) {
     } else {
Example #9
    public function test_it_compiles_finished_statement()
        $str = <<<EOL
    echo 'shutdown';
        $compiler = new Compiler();
        $result = $compiler->compile($str);
        $this->assertEquals(1, preg_match('/\\$__container->finished\\(.*?\\}\\);/s', $result, $matches));
Example #10
 public function testLaunchException()
     $code = key($this->getOptions());
     $arguments = current($this->getOptions());
     $exception = new Task\OperationException('Unrecognized operation', Task\OperationException::UNAVAILABLE_OPERATION);
     $this->taskManagerMock->expects($this->once())->method('addOperation')->with($code, $arguments)->willThrowException($exception);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\Magento\\Framework\\App\\Console\\Response', $this->model->launch());
Example #11
function __compile($context, $source, $name)
    $sourceStr = __toString($source);
    /* Compiler initialisieren */
    static $compiler;
    if ($compiler == null) {
        include_once "compiler.php";
        $compiler = new Compiler();
    /* Modul Kompilieren */
    $code = $compiler->compile($sourceStr);
    if (isset($code['Module'])) {
        /* Libarymodule bearbeiten */
        $dir = BIN_DIR . preg_replace("/\\W/", "_", $code['Module']);
        $name = $dir . ".php";
        if (is_dir($dir)) {
            foreach (__ls_r($dir . "/") as $file) {
                if (is_dir($file)) {
                } else {
        /* Ordner neu anlegen */
        chmod($dir, 0777);
        /* Funktionen niederschreiben */
        foreach ($code['Functions'] as $fnName => $body) {
            $fp = fopen($dir . "/" . $fnName . ".php", 'w');
            fwrite($fp, $body);
            chmod($dir . "/" . $fnName . ".php", 0777);
        /* Name von Mainmodulen anpassen */
    } else {
        $name = BIN_DIR . preg_replace("/\\W/", "_", substr($name, strrpos($name, "/") + 1)) . ".php";
    /* Hauptteil niederschreiben */
    if (($fp = @fopen($name, 'w')) == false) {
        PEAR::raiseError("Die Datei '" . $name . "' kann nicht geöffnet werden!");
    fwrite($fp, $code['Main']);
    chmod($name, 0777);
    /* Leere Sequenz zurückgeben */
    return array();
Example #12
 public function getFiles()
     $src_content = $this->src_content_markup = Compiler::markUp_CHK($this->src_content, array("ignore" => true));
     $src_content = $src_content;
     $src_content = StringUtil::removeAllHtmlComments($src_content);
     if (!is_null($this->str_replace_silent)) {
         foreach ($this->str_replace_silent as $key => $value) {
             $this->src_content_silent = $src_content = str_replace($key, $value, $this->src_content);
     preg_match_all('/(?:[\'\\"]|url\\()([\\-A-Za-z\\/_\\d\\.]+\\.(woff|ttf|mp4|jpg|jpeg|png|gif))/s', $src_content, $files, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     $this->matches = $files;
     foreach ($files as $file_key => $filePath) {
         $arr = array("compilerGlobal" => $this->compilerGlobal, "filePath" => $filePath[1], "forceDownload" => $this->forceDownload, "src_dir" => $this->src_dir, "save_dir" => $this->save_dir, "src_content" => is_null($this->src_content_updated) ? $this->src_content : $this->src_content_updated, "src_content_type" => $this->src_content_type, "relativeToSrc" => $this->relativeToSrc, "src_save_dir" => $this->src_save_dir, "base64" => $this->base64, "compilePath" => $this->compilePath);
         $arr = SetPublicProp::go($arr, $this->fileProp, false);
         $newFile = new Compile_File($arr);
         $this->src_content_updated = $newFile->src_content_updated;
         $this->images_info[] = $newFile;
     if (is_null($this->src_content_updated)) {
         $this->src_content_updated = $this->src_content;
Example #13
  * @return Compiler
 public static function instance()
     if (Compiler::$instance == null) {
         Compiler::$instance = new Compiler();
     return Compiler::$instance;
Example #14
  * Returns a callback that binds the data with the template
  * @param string $source The template string
  * @return callable The template binding handler
 public function compile(string $source) : callable
     $name = $this->namePrefix . md5(self::VERSION . $source);
     if (isset($this->compiledTemplates[$name])) {
         goto returner;
     } elseif (class_exists($name) === true) {
         goto instantiator;
     if ($this->loadCache($name . '.php') === false) {
         $code = $this->compiler->compile($source);
         $formattedCode = sprintf(self::$layout, $name, $code);
         $this->saveCache($name . '.php', $formattedCode);
         eval('?>' . $formattedCode);
     $this->compiledTemplates[$name] = new $name($this->runtime, $this->dataFactory);
     return $this->compiledTemplates[$name];
 public static function GetPage($a_id)
     $id = Database::Escape($a_id);
     $result = Database::Query("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_TBL_PAGES . "` WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "'");
     if (!$result->HasData()) {
         die('Unknown page id');
     self::$m_pagename = unserialize($result->GetValue('name'));
     $doc = unserialize($result->GetValue('compiled'));
     if (!$doc) {
         $compiler = new Compiler();
         $doc = $compiler->CompilePage($id);
     // Plugin Hook
     $data_object = new stdClass();
     $data_object->doc = $doc;
     ObjMgr::GetPluginMgr()->ExecuteHook("On_PrepareTemplate", $data_object);
     // Title
     Content::AddTitle($doc, Locales::GetConstString("PAGE_TITLE", NULL, self::$m_pagename[Locales::$m_locale]));
     return $doc->getHtml();
Example #16
 public static function init()
     Compiler::init(array("css" => "min_single", "js" => "min_single", "getServices" => array("except" => Import::getImportPath() . "service.php"), "global" => array("copy" => array(Import::$uber_src_path . "service.php", Import::getImportPath() . "index.php"), "getImages" => true, "code" => array("tmpl" => array("replace" => array("replaceSrc" => false, "\${images}" => Import::$uber_src_path . "/global/images/")))), "compile" => array(array("id" => "min_single", "minify" => true, "copy" => array(), "code" => array("css" => array("singleFile" => true, "path" => "global/css/"), "js" => array("singleFile" => true, "path" => "global/js/"))), array("id" => "min_multi", "minify" => true, "code" => array("css" => array("singleFile" => false, "path" => "global/css/"), "js" => array("singleFile" => false, "path" => "global/js/"))), array("id" => "unmin", "code" => array("css" => array("singleFile" => false, "path" => "global/css/"), "js" => array("singleFile" => false, "path" => "global/js/"))), array("id" => "unmin_raw", "raw" => true))));
     GlobalMas::$host = self::$host;
     GlobalMas::$pass = self::$pass;
     GlobalMas::$user = self::$user;
     GlobalMas::$database = self::$database;
     UploadHandler::$projectFilesPath = ProjectGlobal::$projectFilesPath;
     //UploadHandler::$rootFilesPath = "/upload/generated_files/";
     self::$filesLocalPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . UploadHandler::$rootFilesPath . self::$projectFilesPath;
     self::$filesPath = GenFun::get_full_url(self::$filesLocalPath);
  * Escapes expression in tokens.
  * @return MacroTokens
 public function escapeFilter(MacroTokens $tokens)
     $tokens = clone $tokens;
     switch ($this->compiler->getContentType()) {
         case Compiler::CONTENT_XHTML:
         case Compiler::CONTENT_HTML:
             $context = $this->compiler->getContext();
             switch ($context[0]) {
                 case Compiler::CONTEXT_SINGLE_QUOTED_ATTR:
                 case Compiler::CONTEXT_DOUBLE_QUOTED_ATTR:
                 case Compiler::CONTEXT_UNQUOTED_ATTR:
                     if ($context[1] === Compiler::CONTENT_JS) {
                     } elseif ($context[1] === Compiler::CONTENT_CSS) {
                     $tokens->prepend('Latte\\Runtime\\Filters::escapeHtml(')->append($context[0] === Compiler::CONTEXT_SINGLE_QUOTED_ATTR ? ', ENT_QUOTES)' : ', ENT_COMPAT)');
                     if ($context[0] === Compiler::CONTEXT_UNQUOTED_ATTR) {
                         $tokens->prepend("'\"', ")->append(", '\"'");
                     return $tokens;
                 case Compiler::CONTEXT_COMMENT:
                     return $tokens->prepend('Latte\\Runtime\\Filters::escapeHtmlComment(')->append(')');
                 case Compiler::CONTENT_JS:
                 case Compiler::CONTENT_CSS:
                     return $tokens->prepend('Latte\\Runtime\\Filters::escape' . ucfirst($context[0]) . '(')->append(')');
                     return $tokens->prepend('Latte\\Runtime\\Filters::escapeHtml(')->append(', ENT_NOQUOTES)');
         case Compiler::CONTENT_XML:
             $context = $this->compiler->getContext();
             switch ($context[0]) {
                 case Compiler::CONTEXT_COMMENT:
                     return $tokens->prepend('Latte\\Runtime\\Filters::escapeHtmlComment(')->append(')');
                     if ($context[0] === Compiler::CONTEXT_UNQUOTED_ATTR) {
                         $tokens->prepend("'\"', ")->append(", '\"'");
                     return $tokens;
         case Compiler::CONTENT_JS:
         case Compiler::CONTENT_CSS:
         case Compiler::CONTENT_ICAL:
             return $tokens->prepend('Latte\\Runtime\\Filters::escape' . ucfirst($this->compiler->getContentType()) . '(')->append(')');
         case Compiler::CONTENT_TEXT:
             return $tokens;
             return $tokens->prepend('$template->escape(')->append(')');
Example #18
  * Escapes expression in tokens.
  * @return MacroTokens
 public function escapeFilter(MacroTokens $tokens)
     $tokens = clone $tokens;
     switch ($this->compiler->getContentType()) {
         case Compiler::CONTENT_XHTML:
         case Compiler::CONTENT_HTML:
             $context = $this->compiler->getContext();
             switch ($context[0]) {
                 case Compiler::CONTEXT_QUOTED_ATTRIBUTE:
                 case Compiler::CONTEXT_TAG:
                     if ($context[1] === Compiler::CONTENT_JS) {
                     } elseif ($context[1] === Compiler::CONTENT_CSS) {
                     if ($context[0] === Compiler::CONTEXT_TAG) {
                     } else {
                     return $tokens;
                 case Compiler::CONTEXT_COMMENT:
                     return $tokens->prepend('Latte\\Runtime\\Filters::escapeHtmlComment(')->append(')');
                 case Compiler::CONTENT_JS:
                 case Compiler::CONTENT_CSS:
                     return $tokens->prepend('Latte\\Runtime\\Filters::escape' . ucfirst($context[0]) . '(')->append(')');
                     return $tokens->prepend('Latte\\Runtime\\Filters::escapeHtmlText(')->append(')');
         case Compiler::CONTENT_XML:
             $context = $this->compiler->getContext();
             switch ($context[0]) {
                 case Compiler::CONTEXT_COMMENT:
                     return $tokens->prepend('Latte\\Runtime\\Filters::escapeHtmlComment(')->append(')');
                 case Compiler::CONTEXT_TAG:
                     return $tokens->prepend('Latte\\Runtime\\Filters::escapeXmlAttrUnquoted(')->append(')');
                     return $tokens->prepend('Latte\\Runtime\\Filters::escapeXml(')->append(')');
         case Compiler::CONTENT_JS:
         case Compiler::CONTENT_CSS:
         case Compiler::CONTENT_ICAL:
             return $tokens->prepend('Latte\\Runtime\\Filters::escape' . ucfirst($this->compiler->getContentType()) . '(')->append(')');
         case Compiler::CONTENT_TEXT:
             return $tokens;
             return $tokens->prepend('$template->escape(')->append(')');
Example #19
  * Parses a haml file and returns the compile result.
  * @param string $fileName
 public function parseFile($fileName)
     if ($this->_cacheEnabled) {
         if ($this->_storage === null) {
             throw new Exception('Storage not set');
         $fileId = $this->_storage->generateContentId($fileName);
         if ($this->isCacheEnabled() && $this->_storage->isFresh($fileId, $fileName)) {
             return $this->_storage->fetch($fileId);
         // file is not fresh, so compile and cache it
         $this->_storage->cache($fileId, $this->_compiler->parseFile($fileName));
         return $this->_storage->fetch($fileId);
     // not using cache
     return $this->_compiler->parseFile($fileName);
Example #20
  * Zkompiluje blok
  * @param Block|string|array
  * @return void
 protected function compileBlock($block)
     if ($block instanceof Block) {
         if (count($block->properties) == 0) {
             //zahoď prázdné bloky
         if ($block instanceof Rule) {
             echo implode(',' . Compiler::NL, $block->selectors);
         } elseif ($block instanceof FontFace) {
             echo '@font-face';
         } elseif ($block instanceof Media) {
             echo '@media ' . $block->media[1];
         } else {
             throw new \Exception("Neimplementováno");
         echo ' {' . Compiler::NL;
         foreach ($block->properties as $property) {
             if ($block instanceof Media) {
             $value = $this->compileValue($property[2], TRUE);
             if ($property[0] == Compiler::$prefixes['important']) {
                 $value .= ' !important';
             } elseif ($property[0] == Compiler::$prefixes['raw']) {
                 if ($property[2][0] == 'string') {
                     $value = Compiler::stringDecode($value);
             echo $property[1] . ': ' . $value . ';' . Compiler::NL;
         echo '}' . Compiler::NL;
     } elseif (is_string($block)) {
         //surové CSS
         echo $block;
     } elseif (is_array($block) && $block[0] == 'charset' && $block[1][0] == 'string') {
         echo '@charset ' . $block[1][1] . ';' . Compiler::NL;
     } elseif (is_array($block) && $block[0] == 'import' && $block[1][0] == 'string' && $block[2][0] == 'raw') {
         echo '@import ' . $block[1][1] . ' ' . $block[2][1] . ';' . Compiler::NL;
     } else {
         throw new \Exception("Neimplementováno");
 public function CompilePage($a_id, $a_mode = COMPILER_MODE_FRONTEND)
     self::$Mode = $a_mode;
     $result = Database::Query("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_TBL_PAGES . "` WHERE `id` = '" . $a_id . "'");
     if (!$result->HasData()) {
         die("Page with id #" . $a_id . " not found!");
     $this->m_pageid = $result->GetValue('id');
     $this->m_pagename = $result->GetValue('name');
     $compiled = $this->BuildTemplate($result->GetValue('template') . ".tmpl");
     if ($a_mode == COMPILER_MODE_FRONTEND) {
         Database::Query("UPDATE `" . DB_TBL_PAGES . "` SET `compiled` = '" . Database::Escape(serialize($compiled)) . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $a_id . "'");
         return $compiled;
     } else {
         return $compiled;
     // Do not insert editor pages into db
Example #22
  * Returns a callback that binds the data with the template
  * @param *string $template the template string
  * @return function The template binding handler
 public function compile($template)
     $name = md5($template);
     if (isset(self::$callbacks[$name])) {
         return self::$callbacks[$name];
     $file = $this->cache . '/' . $this->prefix . $name . '.php';
     if (is_dir($this->cache) && file_exists($file)) {
         $callback = (include $file);
     } else {
         $code = Compiler::i($this, $template)->compile();
         if (is_dir($this->cache)) {
             file_put_contents($file, $code);
         //called like: function($data) {};
         $callback = @eval('?>' . $code);
     self::$callbacks[$name] = $callback;
     return $callback;
Example #23
  * @param array $files
  * @param string $type
 protected function getTypeTags(array $files, $type)
     $tags = '';
     $compile = array();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if (\Nette\Utils\Strings::startsWith($file, '/') || \Nette\Utils\Strings::startsWith($file, 'http://') || \Nette\Utils\Strings::startsWith($file, 'https://')) {
             $tags .= $this->createTag($file, $type);
         } else {
             $compile[] = $file;
     if (!empty($compile)) {
         if ($this->concatenate) {
             $tags .= $this->createTag($this->compiler->getCompiledFile($compile, $type), $type);
         } else {
             foreach ($compile as $file) {
                 $tags .= $this->createTag($this->compiler->getCompiledFile(array($file), $type), $type);
     return $tags;
 protected function parseInserts()
     preg_match_all('#<\\?php\\s+(echo|print)\\s+\\$this->insert\\((.*?)\\)\\s*;\\s*\\?>#ims', $this->buffer, $m);
     foreach ($m[0] as $k => $i) {
         $sub = new Compiler($this->stripQuotes($m[2][$k]), $this->tplDir, $this->suffix, true);
         $this->buffer = str_replace($i, $sub->getCompiled(), $this->buffer);
Example #25
 public function compile($output = NULL)
     if (!is_null($output)) {
         $this->output_updated = $output;
     $value = NULL;
     foreach ($this->tags as $key => $value) {
         $link = NULL;
         if ($this->compileType == "seperate") {
             if (!is_null($value->save_path)) {
                 $link = Html::getExtLink($value->save_path_relative);
         } else {
             if ($this->compileType == "single") {
                 /*if (is_null($this->mergedCode)) $this->mergedCode = "";
                 		$this->mergedCode .= $value->content_updated.PHP_EOL;
         if (!is_null($value->link_compile_file) && is_null($value->link_compile_file->content)) {
             $link = Html::getExtLink($value->link_compile_file->filePath);
         if (!is_null($link)) {
             $this->extLinks .= $link . PHP_EOL;
             //$this->output_updated = str_replace("</head>",$link.PHP_EOL.'</head>', $this->output_updated);
     if ($this->compileType == "single" && !is_null($value)) {
         $this->import_save_path_relative = "import." . $value->saveas_ext;
         $this->import_save_path = $this->compilePath . $this->import_save_path_relative;
         FileFolder::file_put_contents($this->import_save_path, $this->mergedCode);
         $link = Compiler::insertExtLink($this->import_save_path_relative);
         $this->extLinks .= $link . PHP_EOL;
         //$this->output_updated = str_replace("</head>",$link.PHP_EOL.'</head>', $this->output_updated);
     } else {
         if ($this->compileType == "inject") {
             $this->output_updated = str_replace("<head>", "<head>" . PHP_EOL . $this->mergedCode . PHP_EOL, $this->output_updated);
Example #26
  * Compiles the file
  * @param Compiler $compiler
  * @param StringsManager $stringsManager
 public function compile(Compiler $compiler, StringsManager $stringsManager)
     if (!$this->_ir) {
         throw new CompilerException('IR related to compiled file is missing');
      * External classes should not be compiled as part of the extension
     if ($this->_external) {
      * Compilation context stores common objects required by compilation entities
     $compilationContext = new CompilationContext();
      * Set global compiler in the compilation context
     $compilationContext->compiler = $compiler;
      * Set global config in the compilation context
     $compilationContext->config = $this->_config;
      * Set global logger in the compilation context
     $compilationContext->logger = $this->_logger;
      * Set global strings manager
     $compilationContext->stringsManager = $stringsManager;
      * Headers manager
     $headersManager = new HeadersManager();
     $compilationContext->headersManager = $headersManager;
      * Main code-printer for the file
     $codePrinter = new CodePrinter();
     $compilationContext->codePrinter = $codePrinter;
      * Alias manager
     $compilationContext->aliasManager = $this->_aliasManager;
     $class = false;
     $interface = false;
     foreach ($this->_ir as $topStatement) {
         switch ($topStatement['type']) {
             case 'class':
                 if ($interface || $class) {
                     throw new CompilerException("More than one class defined in the same file", $topStatement);
                 $class = true;
                 $this->compileClass($compilationContext, $this->_namespace, $topStatement);
             case 'interface':
                 if ($interface || $class) {
                     throw new CompilerException("More than one class defined in the same file", $topStatement);
                 $class = true;
                 $this->compileClass($compilationContext, $this->_namespace, $topStatement);
             case 'comment':
                 $this->compileComment($compilationContext, $topStatement);
     /* ensure functions are handled last */
     foreach ($this->_functionDefinitions as $funcDef) {
         $this->compileFunction($compilationContext, $funcDef);
     /* apply headers */
     $classDefinition = $this->_classDefinition;
     if (!$classDefinition) {
         $this->_ir = null;
     $completeName = $classDefinition->getCompleteName();
     $path = str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, strtolower($completeName));
     $filePath = 'ext/' . $path . '.zep.c';
     $filePathHeader = 'ext/' . $path . '.zep.h';
     if (strpos($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) {
         $dirname = dirname($filePath);
         if (!is_dir($dirname)) {
             mkdir($dirname, 0755, true);
     if ($codePrinter) {
          * If the file does not exists we create it for the first time
         if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
             file_put_contents($filePath, $codePrinter->getOutput());
             if ($compilationContext->headerPrinter) {
                 file_put_contents($filePathHeader, $compilationContext->headerPrinter->getOutput());
         } else {
             $fileSystem = $compiler->getFileSystem();
              * Use md5 hash to avoid rewrite the file again and again when it hasn't changed
              * thus avoiding unnecessary recompilations
             $output = $codePrinter->getOutput();
             $hash = $fileSystem->getHashFile('md5', $filePath, true);
             if (md5($output) != $hash) {
                 file_put_contents($filePath, $output);
             if ($compilationContext->headerPrinter) {
                 $output = $compilationContext->headerPrinter->getOutput();
                 $hash = $fileSystem->getHashFile('md5', $filePathHeader, true);
                 if (md5($output) != $hash) {
                     file_put_contents($filePathHeader, $output);
      * Add to file compiled
     $this->_compiledFile = $path . '.c';
     $this->_ir = null;
Example #27
  * Transform jane code to the target language
  * @param string 			$code
  * @return string
 public static function write($code)
     $compiler = new Compiler(static::parse($code));
     return $compiler->transform();
Example #28
 function compile_template($template)
     if (!class_exists('compiler')) {
         require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $this->compiler_file;
     $compiled_code = '';
     $compiler = new Compiler();
     if ($compiler->compile_file($this->template_dir . "/{$template}", $compiled_code)) {
         $this->write_template($this->compile_dir . "/{$template}", $compiled_code);
     } else {
         trigger_error($compiler->get_error_string(), E_USER_ERROR);
Example #29
        $output = '';
        foreach (token_get_all($source) as $token) {
            if (is_string($token)) {
                $output .= $token;
            } elseif (in_array($token[0], array(T_COMMENT, T_DOC_COMMENT))) {
                $output .= str_repeat("\n", substr_count($token[1], "\n"));
            } elseif (T_WHITESPACE === $token[0]) {
                // reduce wide spaces
                $whitespace = preg_replace('{[ \\t]+}', ' ', $token[1]);
                // normalize newlines to \n
                $whitespace = preg_replace('{(?:\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)}', "\n", $whitespace);
                // trim leading spaces
                $whitespace = preg_replace('{\\n +}', "\n", $whitespace);
                $output .= $whitespace;
            } else {
                $output .= $token[1];
        return $output;
    private function getStub()
        $entryPath = $this->getPath($this->entryPoint);
        return "#!/usr/bin/env php\n<?php\n\nPhar::mapPhar('{$this->pharName}');\n\nrequire 'phar://{$this->pharName}/{$entryPath}';\n\n__HALT_COMPILER();";
$root = __DIR__ . '/../';
$compile = new Compiler($root . 'bin/sync', array($root . 'bin', $root . 'src', $root . 'vendor'));
chmod(__DIR__ . '/db-sync.phar', 0777);
Example #30
 public function parse_match_post()
     if (!empty($this->match[1]) || $this->match[1] != "") {
         $this->src_path_markup = $this->match[1];
         $this->src_path = $this->match[2];
         /*if (is_null($this->link_compile_file)) {
         			$this->save_path_relative = Compiler::cleanURL($this->src_path, "");
         			$this->save_path = $this->compilePath.$this->save_path_relative;
     if (is_null($this->save_path)) {
         if (!is_null($this->content)) {
             if (!file_exists($this->src_path) && !CurlUtil::is_url_exist($this->src_path)) {
                 $this->inline = true;
                 $this->save_path_relative = $this->savePath_CFG() . "inline_" . $this->index . "." . $this->saveas_ext;
                 $this->save_path = $this->compilePath . $this->save_path_relative;
             } else {
                 $path = is_null($this->save_dir) ? Compiler::cleanURL(FileFolder::getFileName($this->src_path, true, true)) : $this->save_dir . FileFolder::getFileName($this->src_path, true);
                 $path = $this->removeModified($path);
                 $this->save_path_relative = $path . "." . $this->saveas_ext;
                 $this->save_path = $this->compilePath . $this->save_path_relative;
     /*if (!is_null($this->replacePath) && !is_null($this->save_path)) {
     			foreach ($this->replacePath as $key => $value) {
     				$this->save_path_relative = str_replace($key, $value, $this->save_path_relative);
     				$this->save_path = str_replace($key, $value, $this->save_path);
     /*if (!is_null($this->str_replace_silent)) {
     			foreach ($this->str_replace_silent as $key => $value) {
     				$txt = str_replace($key, $value, $txt);
     //if ($this->compileType == "seperate") {
     if (!is_null($this->content)) {
         $prop = array("src_content" => $this->content, "compilerGlobal" => $this->compilerGlobal, "forceDownload" => $this->forceDownload, "src_content_type" => $this->codeType, "src_dir" => !is_null($this->src_path) ? dirname($this->src_path) . "/" : $this->src_path, "src_save_dir" => !is_null($this->save_path_relative) ? dirname($this->save_path_relative) . "/" : $this->save_path_relative, "compilePath" => $this->compilePath);
         $this->images = new Compile_Images($prop);
         SetPublicProp::go($this->images, $this->imagesProp);
         SetPublicProp::go($this->images, $this->filesObj, false);
         $this->content_updated = $this->images->src_content_updated;
         if ($this->removeInline && !is_null($this->output_updated)) {
             $replaceWith = $this->onRemoveMatch_CHK("code");
             $this->output_updated = str_replace($this->match[0], $replaceWith, $this->output_updated);