function getPiaoDetail($spotid, $tickettypeid, $kindname) { Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $_model = new CommonModule('#@__spot_ticket'); $arr = $_model->getAll("spotid='{$spotid}' and tickettypeid='{$tickettypeid}' and number!=0", "displayorder asc"); $out = ''; foreach ($arr as $row) { $savemoney = $row['sellprice'] - $row['ourprice']; $award1 = !empty($row['jifentprice']) ? $row['jifentprice'] : '无'; $award2 = !empty($row['jifenbook']) ? $row['jifenbook'] : '无'; $award3 = !empty($row['jifencomment']) ? $row['jifencomment'] : '无'; $bookurl = "booking.php?spotid={$row['spotid']}&ticketid={$row['id']}"; $out .= '<dl> <dt class="dl_title"><a href="javascript:void()">' . $row['title'] . '</a></dt> <dd class="dd1">¥' . $row['sellprice'] . '</dd> <dd class="dd2">¥' . $row['ourprice'] . '</dd> <dd class="dd3"><span>' . $award1 . '</span></dd> <dd class="dd4"><span>' . $award2 . '</span></dd> <dd class="dd5"><span>' . $award3 . '</span></dd> <dd class="dd6"><a href="' . $bookurl . '" class="btn_ding" data-ticketid="' . $row['id'] . '">预定</a></dd> </dl> <div class="con_hide"> <s class="s_bg"></s> <p>' . $row['description'] . '</p> </div>'; } return $out; }
function getNickName($mid) { Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $model = new CommonModule('#@__member'); $membername = $model->getField('nickname', "mid='{$mid}'"); return $membername ? $membername : '匿名'; }
function getTemplet($spotid) { Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $_model = new CommonModule('#@__spot_ticket'); $arr = $_model->getAll("spotid='{$spotid}'"); $num = count($arr); $templet = $num > 0 ? 'spot_show_ticket.htm' : 'spot_show.htm'; return $templet; }
function getDestChildHtml($pid) { Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $model = new CommonModule('#@__destinations'); $arr = $model->getAll("pid='{$pid}' and isopen=1", "displayorder asc"); $out = ''; foreach ($arr as $row) { $num = $model->getCount("pid='{$row['id']}'"); $class = $num ? " class='haschild'" : ""; $url = $GLOBALS['cfg_basehost'] . '/' . $row['pinyin'] . '/'; $out .= '<dd><a href="' . $url . '" target="_blank"' . $class . ' data-id="' . $row['id'] . '">' . $row['kindname'] . '</a></dd>'; } return $out; }
public function getMobileShowUrl($type, $aid) { $info = Helper_Archive::getSlineWebInfo(); if (!empty($info['webid'])) { $table = $this->tables[$type][0]; $where = "aid='{$aid}' and webid='{$info['webid']}'"; Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $model = new CommonModule($table); $id = $model->getField('id', $where); $url = $GLOBALS['cfg_basehost'] . '/shouji/' . $this->tables[$type][1] . '/show/id/' . $id; } else { //子战跳转 $table = $this->tables[$type][0]; $where = "aid='{$aid}' and webid='{$info['id']}'"; Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $model = new CommonModule($table); $id = $model->getField('id', $where); $url = $GLOBALS['cfg_basehost'] . '/shouji/' . $this->tables[$type][1] . '/show/id/' . $id; } return $url; }
function refundStorage($orderid, $op) { global $dsql; Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $_model = new CommonModule('#@__member_order'); $row = $_model->getOne("id='{$orderid}'"); if (isset($row)) { $dingnum = intval($row['dingnum']) + intval($row['childnum']); $suitid = $row['suitid']; $productid = $row['productautoid']; $typeid = $row['typeid']; $usedate = strtotime($row['usedate']); $storage_table = array('1' => 'sline_line_suit_price', '2' => 'sline_hotel_room_price', '3' => 'sline_car_suit_price', '5' => 'sline_spot_ticket', '8' => 'sline_visa', '13' => 'sline_tuan'); $table = $storage_table[$typeid]; //加库存 if ($op == 'plus') { if ($typeid == 1 || $typeid == 2 || $typeid == 3) { $sql = "update {$table} set number=number+{$dingnum} where day='{$usedate}' and suitid='{$suitid}'"; } else { $sql = "update {$table} set number=number+{$dingnum} where id={$productid}"; } } else { if ($op == 'minus') { if ($typeid == 1 || $typeid == 2 || $typeid == 3) { $sql = "update {$table} set number=number-{$dingnum} where day='{$usedate}' and suitid='{$suitid}'"; } else { $sql = "update {$table} set number=number-{$dingnum} where id={$productid}"; } } } $dsql->ExecNoneQuery($sql); } }
function getSuitNumberByDay($suitid, $day) { Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $model = new CommonModule('#@__car_suit_price'); $number = $model->getField('number', "day='" . strtotime($day) . "' and suitid=" . $suitid); return intval($number); }
} } } else { $orderlist = Helper_Archive::getChildOrder($orderid); $price = 0; $totalnum = 0; foreach ($orderlist as $row) { $price += intval($row['dingnum']) * intval($row['price']); $totalnum += $row['dingnum']; } if (!empty($order['dingjin'])) { $dingjin = $totalnum * $order['dingjin']; } } if ($order['typeid'] == 1) { $insModel = new CommonModule('#@__insurance_booking'); $insInfo = $insModel->getOne("bookordersn='{$order['ordersn']}'"); if ($insInfo['payprice']) { $price += $insInfo['payprice']; } $price += $order['roombalancenum'] * $order['roombalance']; } $price = !empty($dingjin) ? $dingjin : $price; if (empty($price)) { $url = "{$GLOBALS['cfg_basehost']}/member/"; header("location:{$url}"); exit; } echo Helper_Archive::payOnline($order['ordersn'], $order['productname'], $price, $choosepay); } if ($dopost == 'checkaccount') {
function getExtendModelInfo($typeid) { Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $model = new CommonModule('#@__model'); $row = $model->getOne("id='{$typeid}'"); return $row; }
$leaveArr['nickname'] = empty($leaveArr['nickname']) ? '匿名' : $leaveArr['nickname']; $leaveArr['ip'] = GetIP(); $leaveArr['questype'] = 1; if ($User->IsLogin()) { $leaveArr['memberid'] = $User->uid; } $checkcode = GetCkVdValue(); try { if ($checkcode != $_POST['checkcode']) { throw new Exception('验证码错误'); } $_SESSION['total_value'] = ''; if (empty($leaveArr['title'])) { throw new Exception('标题不能为空'); } if (empty($leaveArr['content'])) { throw new Exception('内容不能为空'); } if (empty($leaveArr['qq']) && empty($leaveArr['phone']) && empty($leaveArr['email']) && empty($leaveArr['weixin'])) { throw new Exception('请至少填写一种联系方式'); } $model = new CommonModule('sline_question'); $result = $model->add($leaveArr); if (!$result) { throw new Exception('系统错误,请重试'); } echo json_encode(array('status' => true, 'msg' => '提交成功')); } catch (Exception $excep) { $msg = $excep->getMessage(); echo json_encode(array('status' => false, 'msg' => $msg)); }
//获取目的地ID if ($dopost == 'getDestId') { $sql = "select id from #@__destinations where kindname='{$destname}'"; $row = $dsql->GetOne($sql); echo $row['id'] ? $row['id'] : 36; } //获取目的地拼音 if ($dopost == 'getDestPinYin') { $sql = "select pinyin from #@__destinations where kindname='{$destname}'"; $row = $dsql->GetOne($sql); echo $row['pinyin'] ? $row['pinyin'] : ''; } //获取目的地下级html if ($dopost == 'getMddChild') { Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $model = new CommonModule('#@__destinations'); $arr = $model->getAll("pid='{$dest_id}' and isopen=1"); foreach ($arr as $row) { $url = $GLOBALS['cfg_basehost'] . '/' . $row['pinyin'] . '/'; $out .= "<a href='{$url}' target='_blank'>{$row['kindname']}</a>"; } echo ' <div class="pf">' . $out . "</div>"; exit; } function matchPinyin($keyword) { global $dsql; $sql = "select kindname as matchname from #@__destinations where isopen=1"; $res = $dsql->getAll($sql); $str = ''; foreach ($res as $row) {
$tableorder = " ifnull(b.isding,0) desc,ifnull(b.isjian,0) desc,ifnull(b.displayorder,9999) asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc"; $destinfo = getPhotoDestInfo($dest_id); $pv->Fields['seokeyword'] = !empty($destinfo['keyword']) ? "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"" . $destinfo['keyword'] . "\"/>" : ""; $pv->Fields['seodescription'] = !empty($destinfo['description']) ? "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" . $destinfo['description'] . "\"/>" : ""; $pv->Fields['seotitle'] = !empty($destinfo['seotitle']) ? $destinfo['seotitle'] : $destinfo['shortname']; } else { $join = " #@__allorderlist b on( = b.aid and b.typeid='6') "; $tableorder = " ifnull(b.isding,0) desc,ifnull(b.isjian,0) desc,ifnull(b.displayorder,9999) asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc"; } if (!empty($attrid)) { $attrid_arr = explode('_', $attrid); foreach ($attrid_arr as $k => $v) { $where .= !empty($v) ? " and FIND_IN_SET({$v},a.attrid)" : ''; } } $_photoModule = new CommonModule('sline_photo as a'); //获取目的地列表 $destlist = getPhotoChildDest($dest_id); //获取目的地面包屑 $mianbao = getPhotoMianbao($dest_id); //获取结果集 $pagesize = 12; //每页数量 $pageno = empty($pageno) ? 1 : $pageno; //第几页 $offset = ($pageno - 1) * $pagesize; $count = $_photoModule->getCount($where); $photolist = $_photoModule->getAll($where, $tableorder, "{$offset},{$pagesize}", "a.*", $join); $page = getPhotoPage($count, $pageno, $pagesize, array('dest_id' => $dest_id, 'attrid' => $attrid)); //获取分页结果 foreach ($photolist as $k => $v) {
//栏目 $pageno = $_GET['page']; $html = dirname(__FILE__) . '/index.html'; if (file_exists($html) && $genpage != 1) { include $html; exit; } require_once SLINEINC . "/listview.class.php"; $pv = new View($typeid); $pv->GetChannelKeywords($typeid); $pv->Fields['seokeyword'] = !empty($pv->Fields['seokeyword']) ? "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"" . $pv->Fields['seokeyword'] . "\"/>" : ""; $pv->Fields['seodescription'] = !empty($pv->Fields['seodescription']) ? "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" . $pv->Fields['seodescription'] . "\"/>" : ""; $pv->Fields['seotitle'] = !empty($pv->Fields['seotitle']) ? $pv->Fields['seotitle'] : $pv->Fields['shortname']; Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $typename = GetTypeName($typeid); $_leaveModule = new CommonModule('sline_question'); //获取结果集 $where = 'status=1 and webid=' . $GLOBALS['sys_child_webid']; $tableorder = "replytime desc"; $pagesize = 12; //每页数量 $pageno = empty($pageno) ? 1 : $pageno; //第几页 $offset = ($pageno - 1) * $pagesize; $count = $_leaveModule->getCount($where); $totalcount = $_leaveModule->getCount("id is not null and webid={$GLOBALS['sys_child_webid']}"); $list = $_leaveModule->getAll($where, $tableorder, "{$offset},{$pagesize}"); foreach ($list as $k => $v) { $list[$k]['title'] = $v['questype'] == 0 ? get_productname($v['typeid'], $v['productid']) : $v['title']; } $pagestr = page($count, $pageno, $pagesize, '/questions/{page}', 5, '/questions');
function getLeftNav($where, $typeid) { Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $model = new CommonModule('#@__search'); $arr = array(array('typeid' => 1, 'channelname' => '线路'), array('typeid' => 2, 'channelname' => '酒店'), array('typeid' => 3, 'channelname' => '车辆'), array('typeid' => 4, 'channelname' => '攻略'), array('typeid' => 5, 'channelname' => '门票'), array('typeid' => 6, 'channelname' => '相册'), array('typeid' => 8, 'channelname' => '签证'), array('typeid' => 13, 'channelname' => '团购')); // $where = "title like'%{$keyword}%'"; //取得全部的查询数量 $allnum = $model->getCount($where); //全部数量 $out = array(); $out[] = array('channelname' => '全部', 'num' => $allnum, 'typeid' => 0); foreach ($arr as $row) { $wh = " ({$where}) and typeid = '{$row['typeid']}'"; $num = $model->getCount($wh); $out[] = array('channelname' => $row['channelname'], 'num' => $num, 'typeid' => $row['typeid']); } return $out; }
function get_productname($typeid, $id) { global $dsql; $channeltable = array(1 => 'line', 2 => 'hotel', 3 => 'car', 4 => 'article', 5 => 'spot', 6 => 'photo', 8 => 'tuan', 13 => 'tuan'); $tablename = 'sline_' . $channeltable[$typeid]; $fields = array('1' => array('field' => 'title', 'link' => 'lines'), '2' => array('field' => 'title', 'link' => 'hotels'), '3' => array('field' => 'title', 'link' => 'cars'), '4' => array('field' => 'title', 'link' => 'article'), '5' => array('field' => 'title', 'link' => 'spots'), '6' => array('field' => 'title', 'link' => 'photos'), '8' => array('field' => 'title', 'link' => 'visa'), '13' => array('field' => 'title', 'link' => 'tuan')); $field = $fields[$typeid]['field']; $link = $fields[$typeid]['link']; if ($typeid > 13) { $itemModel = new CommonModule('sline_model'); $module_info = $itemModel->getOne('id=' . $typeid); $tablename = "sline_model_archive"; $field = 'title'; $link = $module_info['pinyin']; } $sql = "select aid,{$field} as title from {$tablename} where id='{$id}'"; $row = $dsql->GetOne($sql); return $row['title']; }
function getPeopleGroup($suitid) { Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $model = new CommonModule('#@__line_suit'); $group = $model->getOne("id='{$suitid}'", null, 'propgroup,jifentprice,jifenbook'); return $group; }
} $typeid = 10; //栏目 $id = $_GET['id']; if (!is_numeric($id)) { exit('wrong ID'); } $html = dirname(__FILE__) . '/questions_show.html'; if (file_exists($html) && $genpage != 1) { include $html; exit; } require_once SLINEINC . "/listview.class.php"; $pv = new View($typeid); Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $_leaveModule = new CommonModule('sline_question'); $row = $_leaveModule->getOne('id=' . $id); $where = 'status=1 and webid=' . $GLOBALS['sys_child_webid']; $count = $_leaveModule->getCount($where); $totalcount = $_leaveModule->getCount("id is not null and webid={$GLOBALS['sys_child_webid']}"); $row['title'] = $row['questype'] == 0 ? get_productname($row['typeid'], $row['productid']) : $row['title']; $pv->Fields['seotitle'] = $row['title']; foreach ($row as $k => $v) { $pv->Fields[$k] = $v; //模板变量赋值 } //模板选择 $templet = Helper_Archive::getUseTemplet('questions_show'); //获取使用模板 $templet = !empty($templet) ? $templet : SLINETEMPLATE . "/" . $cfg_df_style . "/" . "questions/" . "questions_show.htm"; //默认模板
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Administrator * Date: 2015/5/13 0013 * Time: 14:31 */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../include/"; $xmlStr = $_POST['XmlStr']; $xmlObj = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlStr); $isSuccess = (string) $xmlObj->IsSuccess; if ($isSuccess == 'false') { exit('fail'); } $transrNo = (string) $xmlObj->TransrNo; $row = $dsql->GetOne("select * from #@__insurance_booking where ordersn='{$transrNo}'"); if (empty($row)) { exit('not exist'); } var_dump($row); Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $curtime = time(); $model = new CommonModule('#@__insurance_booking'); $arr['status'] = 2; $arr['insureno'] = (string) $xmlObj->InsureNo; $arr['policyno'] = (string) $xmlObj->PolicyNo; $arr['policyfileid'] = (string) $xmlObj->PolicyFileId; $arr['payedtime'] = $curtime; $result = $model->update($arr, array('id' => $row['id']));
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../include/"; Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $_leaveModule = new CommonModule('sline_leave'); $questionModel = new CommonModule('sline_question'); $leaveAll = $_leaveModule->getAll(); foreach ($leaveAll as $k => $v) { $_arr['title'] = $v['title']; $_arr['content'] = $v['content']; $_arr['replycontent'] = $v['reply']; $_arr['replytime'] = $v['retime']; $_arr['nickname'] = $v['leavename']; $_arr['ip'] = $v['ip']; $_arr['status'] = $v['approval'] ? 1 : 0; $_arr['addtime'] = $v['addtime']; $_arr['qq'] = $v['qq']; $_arr['webid'] = $v['webid']; $_arr['weixin'] = $v['weixin']; $_arr['email'] = $v['email']; $_arr['phone'] = $v['phone']; $questionModel->add($_arr); }
updateVisit($aid, $typeid); //更新访问量 $row = getCarInfo($aid); if (empty($row['id'])) { head404(); } $row['price'] = getCarNewRealPrice($aid, $row['webid']); //当月报价; $prenext = GetPreNext($aid, $getmonth); //获取上一条,下一条 foreach ($prenext as $k => $v) { $pv->Fields[$k] = $v; } //声明各个模型 $_startModule = new CommonModule('sline_startplace'); $_suitModule = new CommonModule('sline_car_suit'); //支付方式 $paytypeArr = explode(',', $GLOBALS['cfg_pay_type']); if (in_array(1, $paytypeArr)) { $GLOBALS['condition']['_haszhifubao'] = 1; } if (in_array(2, $paytypeArr)) { $GLOBALS['condition']['_haskuaiqian'] = 1; } if (in_array(3, $paytypeArr)) { $GLOBALS['condition']['_hashuicao'] = 1; } if (in_array(4, $paytypeArr)) { $GLOBALS['condition']['_hasyinlian'] = 1; } if (in_array(5, $paytypeArr)) {
} echo json_encode(array('status' => $status)); exit; } //加入结伴 if ($action == 'addjoin') { $status = 0; //手机号码验证 $preg = '/13[1-9]{1}\\d{8}|15[1-9]\\d{8}|1\\d{10}/'; if (!preg_match($preg, $mobile)) { exit('wrong mobile'); } $memberid = Helper_Archive::autoReg($mobile); $memberinfo = Helper_Archive::getMemberInfo($memberid); Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $join = new CommonModule('#@__jieban_join'); $arr = array('jiebanid' => $jiebanid, 'linkman' => $memberinfo['nickname'], 'mobile' => $mobile, 'memberid' => $memberid, 'adultnum' => $adultnum, 'childnum' => $childnum, 'addtime' => time()); $id = $join->add($arr); if ($id) { $status = 1; } echo json_encode(array('status' => $status)); } //保存session信息 if ($action == 'savesession') { @session_start(); $_SESSION[$key] = $value; } if ($action == 'getsession') { @session_start(); return $_SESSION[$key];
$ordersn = get_order_sn('05'); //订单号 $memberid = $User->uid ? $User->uid : 0; $info = getSpotInfo($productautoid); $ticketinfo = getTicketInfo($suitid); $status = $paytype == 1 ? 1 : 0; $total_store = intval($ticketinfo['number']); $total_dingnum = intval(Helper_Archive::pregReplace($dingnum, 2)); if ($total_store != -1 && $total_store < $total_dingnum) { echo 'nonumber'; exit; } $linktel = Helper_Archive::pregReplace($linktel, 2); $arr = array('ordersn' => $ordersn, 'webid' => $webid, 'typeid' => $typeid, 'productautoid' => $productautoid, 'productaid' => $productaid, 'productname' => $productname, 'price' => $ticketinfo['ourprice'], 'childprice' => 0, 'dingnum' => Helper_Archive::pregReplace($dingnum, 2), 'usedate' => $usedate, 'childnum' => $childnum, 'linkman' => Helper_Archive::pregReplace($linkman, 5), 'linktel' => Helper_Archive::pregReplace($linktel, 2), 'linkemail' => Helper_Archive::pregReplace($linkemail, 5), 'linkqq' => '', 'jifentprice' => $ticketinfo['jifentprice'], 'jifenbook' => $ticketinfo['jifenbook'], 'jifencomment' => $ticketinfo['jifencomment'], 'addtime' => time(), 'memberid' => $memberid, 'dingjin' => $dingjin, 'suitid' => $suitid, 'paytype' => $paytype, 'usejifen' => $usejifen, 'needjifen' => $needjifen, 'status' => $status, 'haschild' => 0, 'pid' => 0, 'remark' => Helper_Archive::pregReplace($remarkinfo, 5)); if (Helper_Archive::addOrder($arr)) { $model = new CommonModule('#@__member_order'); $orderid = $model->getField('id', "ordersn='{$ordersn}'"); //判断是否开启在线支付 if (!empty($choosepay) && $paytype != '3' && $choosepay != '6') { $url = $GLOBALS['cfg_basehost'] . '/spots/booking.php?dopost=payonline&id=' . $orderid . "&paytype=" . $choosepay; } else { //$url = "{$GLOBALS['cfg_basehost']}/spots/show_{$arr['productaid']}.html"; $url = "{$GLOBALS['cfg_basehost']}/member/query.php?dopost=search&mobile={$linktel}"; } $mailto = $cfg_Email139; $title = $productname . "门票订单"; $content = $linkman . "预定" . $usedate . $productname . "(价格:" . $price . ")" . "门票,数量:" . $dingnum . "张" . "联系电话:" . $linktel . "-----" . $GLOBALS['cfg_webname']; if (!empty($mailto)) { ordermaill($mailto, $title, $content); } //扣除积分
function addInsurance($productcasecode, $bookordersn, $num, $memberid, $usedate, $lineday, $tourer) { global $dsql; $info = $dsql->GetOne("select * from #@__insurance where productcode='{$productcasecode}'"); if (empty($info)) { return false; } Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $curtime = time(); $model = new CommonModule('#@__insurance_booking'); $arr['bookordersn'] = $bookordersn; $arr['productcasecode'] = $productcasecode; $arr['insurednum'] = $num; $arr['memberid'] = $memberid; $arr['payprice'] = $info['ourprice'] * $num * $lineday; $arr['begindate'] = $usedate; $arr['enddate'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($usedate) + ($lineday - 1) * 24 * 3600); $arr['ordersn'] = 'INS' . $curtime . mt_rand(11, 99); $arr['addtime'] = $curtime; $arr['modtime'] = $curtime; $result = $model->add($arr); if ($result) { $index = 1; foreach ($tourer as $k => $v) { $insuredModel = new CommonModule('#@__insurance_booking_tourer'); $row = array(); $row['name'] = $v['tourername' . $index]; $row['sex'] = $v['tourersex' . $index] == '女' ? 0 : 1; $row['mobile'] = $v['tourermobile' . $index]; $row['cardcode'] = $v['tourercard' . $index]; $row['cardtype'] = getCardType($v['tourercardtype' . $index]); $row['orderid'] = $result; $row['count'] = 1; $row['insurantrelation'] = 6; $insuredModel->add($row); $index++; } } return $result; }
function getHotelExistAttr($attrid) { Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $model = new CommonModule('#@__hotel_attr'); $arr = explode(',', $attrid); $group = array(); foreach ($arr as $id) { $row = $model->getOne("id='{$id}'"); $attrname = $row['attrname']; $groupname = $model->getField('attrname', "id='{$row['pid']}'"); $group[$groupname][] = $attrname; } foreach ($group as $key => $value) { $out .= "<p>" . $key . ":" . implode(',', $value) . '</p>'; } return $out; }
function getHotelService($attrid, $groupid) { global $dsql; Helper_Archive::loadModule('common'); $_model = new CommonModule('#@__hotel_attr'); $attr = explode(',', $attrid); foreach ($attr as $id) { $name = $_model->getField('attrname', "pid='{$groupid}' and id='{$id}'"); $out .= !empty($name) ? $name . '|' : ''; } return $out; }