protected function AddReplyButton($Sender)
        if (!Gdn::Session()->UserID) {
        if (isset($Sender->EventArguments['Comment'])) {
            $Model = new CommentModel();
            $Data = $Model->GetID($Sender->EventArguments['Comment']->CommentID);
        } else {
            $Model = new DiscussionModel();
            $Data = $Model->GetID($Sender->Data['Discussion']->DiscussionID);
        $ReplyURL = "#" . "{$Data->InsertName}";
        $ReplyText = T('Reply');
        echo <<<QUOTE
      <span class="CommentReply"><a href="{$ReplyURL}">{$ReplyText}</a></span>
Example #2
 public function Gdn_Statistics_Tick_Handler($Sender, $Args)
     $Path = Gdn::Request()->Post('Path');
     $Args = Gdn::Request()->Post('Args');
     parse_str($Args, $Args);
     $ResolvedPath = trim(Gdn::Request()->Post('ResolvedPath'), '/');
     $ResolvedArgs = @json_decode(Gdn::Request()->Post('ResolvedArgs'));
     $DiscussionID = NULL;
     $DiscussionModel = new DiscussionModel();
     //      Gdn::Controller()->SetData('Path', $Path);
     //      Gdn::Controller()->SetData('Args', $Args);
     //      Gdn::Controller()->SetData('ResolvedPath', $ResolvedPath);
     //      Gdn::Controller()->SetData('ResolvedArgs', $ResolvedArgs);
     // Comment permalink
     if ($ResolvedPath == 'vanilla/discussion/comment') {
         $CommentID = GetValue('CommentID', $ResolvedArgs);
         $CommentModel = new CommentModel();
         $Comment = $CommentModel->GetID($CommentID);
         $DiscussionID = GetValue('DiscussionID', $Comment);
     } elseif ($ResolvedPath == 'vanilla/discussion/index') {
         $DiscussionID = GetValue('DiscussionID', $ResolvedArgs, NULL);
     } elseif ($ResolvedPath == 'vanilla/discussion/embed') {
         $ForeignID = GetValue('vanilla_identifier', $Args);
         if ($ForeignID) {
             // This will be hit a lot so let's try caching it...
             $Key = "{$ForeignID}";
             $DiscussionID = Gdn::Cache()->Get($Key);
             if (!$DiscussionID) {
                 $Discussion = $DiscussionModel->GetForeignID($ForeignID, 'page');
                 $DiscussionID = GetValue('DiscussionID', $Discussion);
                 Gdn::Cache()->Store($Key, $DiscussionID, array(Gdn_Cache::FEATURE_EXPIRY, 1800));
     if ($DiscussionID) {
Example #3
 public function DiscussionController_CommentOptions_Handler($Sender)
     $Session = Gdn::Session();
     $User = $Session->User;
     $UID = $User->UserID;
     $DiscussionModel = new DiscussionModel();
     $CommentModel = new CommentModel();
     $Discussion = $DiscussionModel->GetID($DiscussionID);
     if ($Sender->EventArguments['Type'] == 'Discussion') {
         $DiscussionID = $Sender->EventArguments['Discussion']->DiscussionID;
         if ($Sender->Data['Comments'] instanceof Gdn_DataSet) {
         $ID = $DiscussionID;
         $Model = new DiscussionModel();
         $Data = $Model->GetID($ID);
         $Likes = $this->LikeModel->GetDiscussionLikes($ID);
         $Url = $DiscussionID;
     } else {
         $DiscussionID = $Sender->EventArguments['Object']->DiscussionID;
         $ID = $Sender->EventArguments['Object']->CommentID;
         $Model = new CommentModel();
         $Data = $Model->GetID($ID);
         $Likes = $this->LikeModel->GetCommentLikes($ID);
         $Url = $DiscussionID . '/comment/' . $ID;
     $InsertID = $Data->InsertUserID;
     if ($InsertID == $UID) {
         $Self = TRUE;
     } else {
         $Self = FALSE;
     // Check for permission.
     if (!Gdn::Session()->UserID) {
         $Self = TRUE;
     if (!CheckPermission('Plugins.LikeThis.AllowedToLike')) {
         $Self = TRUE;
     $LikeDisplay = $this->FormatLikes($Likes, $Url, $UID, $Self);
     echo '<span class="Like">' . $LikeDisplay . '</span>';
Example #4
 public function Gdn_Statistics_Tick_Handler($Sender, $Args)
     $Path = GetValue('Path', $Args);
     if (preg_match('`discussion\\/(\\d+)`i', $Path, $Matches)) {
         $DiscussionID = $Matches[1];
     } elseif (preg_match('`discussion\\/comment\\/(\\d+)`i', $Path, $Matches)) {
         $CommentID = $Matches[1];
         $CommentModel = new CommentModel();
         $Comment = $CommentModel->GetID($CommentID);
         $DiscussionID = GetValue('DiscussionID', $Comment);
     if (isset($DiscussionID)) {
         $DiscussionModel = new DiscussionModel();
         $Discussion = $DiscussionModel->GetID($DiscussionID);
         $DiscussionModel->AddView($DiscussionID, GetValue('CountViews', $Discussion));
Example #5
 public function RecordActivity($ReplyCommentID, $ActivityUserID, $CommentID)
     // Get the author of the discussion
     $CommentModel = new CommentModel();
     $Comment = $CommentModel->GetID($ReplyCommentID);
     if ($ActivityUserID != $Comment->InsertUserID) {
         AddActivity($ActivityUserID, 'CommentReply', '', $Comment->InsertUserID, 'discussion/reply/' . $CommentID . '/#Comment_' . $ReplyCommentID);
 function GetRecord($RecordType, $ID, $ThrowError = FALSE)
     $Row = FALSE;
     switch (strtolower($RecordType)) {
         case 'discussion':
             $Model = new DiscussionModel();
             $Row = $Model->GetID($ID);
             $Row->Url = DiscussionUrl($Row);
             $Row->ShareUrl = $Row->Url;
             if ($Row) {
                 return (array) $Row;
         case 'comment':
             $Model = new CommentModel();
             $Row = $Model->GetID($ID, DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
             if ($Row) {
                 $Row['Url'] = Url("/discussion/comment/{$ID}#Comment_{$ID}", TRUE);
                 $Model = new DiscussionModel();
                 $Discussion = $Model->GetID($Row['DiscussionID']);
                 if ($Discussion) {
                     $Discussion->Url = DiscussionUrl($Discussion);
                     $Row['ShareUrl'] = $Discussion->Url;
                     $Row['Name'] = $Discussion->Name;
                     $Row['Discussion'] = (array) $Discussion;
                 return $Row;
         case 'activity':
             $Model = new ActivityModel();
             $Row = $Model->GetID($ID, DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
             if ($Row) {
                 $Row['Name'] = FormatString($Row['HeadlineFormat'], $Row);
                 $Row['Body'] = $Row['Story'];
                 return $Row;
             throw new Gdn_UserException(sprintf("I don't know what a %s is.", strtolower($RecordType)));
     if ($ThrowError) {
         throw NotFoundException($RecordType);
     } else {
         return FALSE;
Example #7
  * Increment/decrement comment scores
 public function DiscussionController_VoteComment_Create($Sender)
     //		if (!C('Plugins.Voting.Enabled'))
     //			return;
     $CommentID = GetValue(0, $Sender->RequestArgs, 0);
     $VoteType = GetValue(1, $Sender->RequestArgs);
     $TransientKey = GetValue(2, $Sender->RequestArgs);
     $Session = Gdn::Session();
     $FinalVote = 0;
     $Total = 0;
     if ($Session->IsValid() && $Session->ValidateTransientKey($TransientKey) && $CommentID > 0) {
         $CommentModel = new CommentModel();
         $OldUserVote = $CommentModel->GetUserScore($CommentID, $Session->UserID);
         $NewUserVote = $VoteType == 'voteup' ? 1 : -1;
         $FinalVote = intval($OldUserVote) + intval($NewUserVote);
         // Allow admins to vote unlimited.
         $AllowVote = $Session->CheckPermission('Garden.Moderation.Manage');
         // Only allow users to vote up or down by 1.
         if (!$AllowVote) {
             $AllowVote = $FinalVote > -2 && $FinalVote < 2;
         if ($AllowVote) {
             $Total = $CommentModel->SetUserScore($CommentID, $Session->UserID, $FinalVote);
         // Move the comment into or out of moderation.
         if (class_exists('LogModel')) {
             $Moderate = FALSE;
             if ($Total <= C('Plugins.Voting.ModThreshold1', -10)) {
                 $LogOptions = array('GroupBy' => array('RecordID'));
                 // Get the comment row.
                 $Data = $CommentModel->GetID($CommentID, DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
                 if ($Data) {
                     // Get the users that voted the comment down.
                     $OtherUserIDs = $CommentModel->SQL->Select('UserID')->From('UserComment')->Where('CommentID', $CommentID)->Where('Score <', 0)->Get()->ResultArray();
                     $OtherUserIDs = array_column($OtherUserIDs, 'UserID');
                     $LogOptions['OtherUserIDs'] = $OtherUserIDs;
                     // Add the comment to moderation.
                     if ($Total > C('Plugins.Voting.ModThreshold2', -20)) {
                         LogModel::Insert('Moderate', 'Comment', $Data, $LogOptions);
                 $Moderate = TRUE;
             if ($Total <= C('Plugins.Voting.ModThreshold2', -20)) {
                 // Remove the comment.
                 $CommentModel->Delete($CommentID, array('Log' => 'Moderate'));
                 $Sender->InformMessage(sprintf(T('The %s has been removed for moderation.'), T('comment')));
             } elseif ($Moderate) {
                 $Sender->InformMessage(sprintf(T('The %s has been flagged for moderation.'), T('comment')));
     $Sender->SetJson('TotalScore', $Total);
     $Sender->SetJson('FinalVote', $FinalVote);
 function GetRecord($RecordType, $ID)
     switch (strtolower($RecordType)) {
         case 'discussion':
             $Model = new DiscussionModel();
             $Row = $Model->GetID($ID);
             $Row->Url = DiscussionUrl($Row);
             $Row->ShareUrl = $Row->Url;
             return (array) $Row;
         case 'comment':
             $Model = new CommentModel();
             $Row = $Model->GetID($ID, DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
             $Row['Url'] = Url("/discussion/comment/{$ID}#Comment_{$ID}", TRUE);
             $Model = new DiscussionModel();
             $Discussion = $Model->GetID($Row['DiscussionID']);
             $Discussion->Url = DiscussionUrl($Discussion);
             $Row['ShareUrl'] = $Discussion->Url;
             $Row['Name'] = $Discussion->Name;
             $Row['Discussion'] = (array) $Discussion;
             return $Row;
             throw new Gdn_UserException(sprintf("I don't know what a %s is.", strtolower($RecordType)));
  * @param $Filename
  * @param $Get
  * @return bool|string
 public function filenameRedirect($Filename, $Get)
     trace(['Filename' => $Filename, 'Get' => $Get], 'Testing');
     $Filename = strtolower($Filename);
     if (!isset(self::$Files[$Filename])) {
         return false;
     $Row = self::$Files[$Filename];
     if (is_callable($Row)) {
         // Use a callback to determine the translation.
         $Row = call_user_func_array($Row, [&$Get]);
     trace($Get, 'New Get');
     // Translate all of the get parameters into new parameters.
     $Vars = array();
     foreach ($Get as $Key => $Value) {
         if (!isset($Row[$Key])) {
         $Opts = (array) $Row[$Key];
         if (isset($Opts['Filter'])) {
             // Call the filter function to change the value.
             $R = call_user_func($Opts['Filter'], $Value, $Opts[0]);
             if (is_array($R)) {
                 if (isset($R[0])) {
                     // The filter can change the column name too.
                     $Opts[0] = $R[0];
                     $Value = $R[1];
                 } else {
                     // The filter can return return other variables too.
                     $Vars = array_merge($Vars, $R);
                     $Value = null;
             } else {
                 $Value = $R;
         if ($Value !== null) {
             $Vars[$Opts[0]] = $Value;
     trace($Vars, 'Translated Arguments');
     // Now let's see what kind of record we have.
     // We'll check the various primary keys in order of importance.
     $Result = false;
     if (isset($Vars['CommentID'])) {
         trace("Looking up comment {$Vars['CommentID']}.");
         $CommentModel = new CommentModel();
         // If a legacy slug is provided (assigned during a merge), attempt to lookup the comment using it
         if (isset($Get['legacy']) && Gdn::Structure()->Table('Comment')->ColumnExists('ForeignID')) {
             $Comment = $CommentModel->GetWhere(['ForeignID' => $Get['legacy'] . '-' . $Vars['CommentID']])->FirstRow();
         } else {
             $Comment = $CommentModel->GetID($Vars['CommentID']);
         if ($Comment) {
             $Result = CommentUrl($Comment, '//');
     } elseif (isset($Vars['DiscussionID'])) {
         trace("Looking up discussion {$Vars['DiscussionID']}.");
         $DiscussionModel = new DiscussionModel();
         $DiscussionID = $Vars['DiscussionID'];
         $Discussion = false;
         if (is_numeric($DiscussionID)) {
             // If a legacy slug is provided (assigned during a merge), attempt to lookup the discussion using it
             if (isset($Get['legacy']) && Gdn::Structure()->Table('Discussion')->ColumnExists('ForeignID')) {
                 $Discussion = $DiscussionModel->GetWhere(['ForeignID' => $Get['legacy'] . '-' . $DiscussionID])->FirstRow();
             } else {
                 $Discussion = $DiscussionModel->GetID($Vars['DiscussionID']);
         } else {
             // This is a slug style discussion ID. Let's see if there is a UrlCode column in the discussion table.
             if ($DiscussionModel->Schema->FieldExists('Discussion', 'UrlCode')) {
                 $Discussion = $DiscussionModel->GetWhere(['UrlCode' => $DiscussionID])->FirstRow();
         if ($Discussion) {
             $Result = DiscussionUrl($Discussion, self::pageNumber($Vars, 'Vanilla.Comments.PerPage'), '//');
     } elseif (isset($Vars['UserID'])) {
         trace("Looking up user {$Vars['UserID']}.");
         $User = Gdn::UserModel()->GetID($Vars['UserID']);
         if ($User) {
             $Result = Url(UserUrl($User), '//');
     } elseif (isset($Vars['TagID'])) {
         $Tag = TagModel::instance()->GetID($Vars['TagID']);
         if ($Tag) {
             $Result = TagUrl($Tag, self::pageNumber($Vars, 'Vanilla.Discussions.PerPage'), '//');
     } elseif (isset($Vars['CategoryID'])) {
         trace("Looking up category {$Vars['CategoryID']}.");
         // If a legacy slug is provided (assigned during a merge), attempt to lookup the category ID based on it
         if (isset($Get['legacy']) && Gdn::Structure()->Table('Category')->ColumnExists('ForeignID')) {
             $CategoryModel = new CategoryModel();
             $Category = $CategoryModel->GetWhere(['ForeignID' => $Get['legacy'] . '-' . $Vars['CategoryID']])->FirstRow();
         } else {
             $Category = CategoryModel::Categories($Vars['CategoryID']);
         if ($Category) {
             $Result = categoryUrl($Category, self::pageNumber($Vars, 'Vanilla.Discussions.PerPage'), '//');
     } elseif (isset($Vars['CategoryCode'])) {
         trace("Looking up category {$Vars['CategoryCode']}.");
         $category = CategoryModel::instance()->getByCode($Vars['CategoryCode']);
         if ($category) {
             $pageNumber = self::pageNumber($Vars, 'Vanilla.Discussions.PerPage');
             if ($pageNumber > 1) {
                 $pageParam = '?Page=' . $pageNumber;
             } else {
                 $pageParam = null;
             $Result = categoryUrl($category, '', '//') . $pageParam;
     return $Result;