function testCommenterURLWrite() { $comment = new Comment(); // We only care about the CommenterURL, so only set that // Check a http and https URL. Add more test urls here as needed. $protocols = array('Http', 'Https'); $url = '://'; foreach ($protocols as $protocol) { $comment->CommenterURL = $protocol . $url; // The protocol should stay as if, assuming it is valid $comment->write(); $this->assertEquals($comment->CommenterURL, $protocol . $url, $protocol . ':// is a valid protocol'); } }
public function create(Comment &$comment) { $this->validate(); $comment->validate(); if ($this->hasError() || $comment->hasError()) { throw new ValidationException('Invalid thread or comment.'); } $db = DB::conn(); $db->begin(); try { $params = array('title' => $this->title, 'user_id' => $this->user_id, 'category_name' => $this->category); $db->insert(self::TABLE_NAME, $params); $comment->id = $db->lastInsertId(); $comment->write(); $db->commit(); } catch (PDOException $e) { $db->rollback(); } }
/** * Migrates the old {@link PageComment} objects to {@link Comment} */ public function requireDefaultRecords() { parent::requireDefaultRecords(); if (DB::getConn()->hasTable('PageComment')) { $comments = DB::query("SELECT * FROM \"PageComment\""); if ($comments) { while ($pageComment = $comments->nextRecord()) { // create a new comment from the older page comment $comment = new Comment(); $comment->update($pageComment); // set the variables which have changed $comment->BaseClass = 'SiteTree'; $comment->URL = isset($pageComment['CommenterURL']) ? $pageComment['CommenterURL'] : ""; $comment->write(); } } DB::alteration_message("Migrated PageComment to Comment", "changed"); DB::getConn()->dontRequireTable('PageComment'); } }
/** * Validate first the Thread & Comment. * If both hasError() -> throw Exception * Get title of Thread, Get Comment * Insert to the Database. * @param $comment */ public function create(Comment $comment) { $this->validate(); $comment->validate(); if ($this->hasError() || $comment->hasError()) { throw new ValidationException('Invalid thread or comment'); } $db = DB::conn(); try { $db->begin(); $params = array('user_id' => $this->user_id, 'title' => $this->title); $db->insert('thread', $params); $this->id = $db->lastInsertId(); $comment->write($this->id); $db->commit(); } catch (ValidationException $e) { $db->rollback(); throw $e; } }
public function write() { $thread = Thread::getById(Param::get('thread_id')); $comment = new Comment(); $page = Param::get('page_next', 'write'); switch ($page) { case self::CURRENT_PAGE_WRITE: break; case self::RENDER_PAGE_AFTER_WRITE: $comment->id = $thread->id; $comment->user_id = get_authenticated_user_id($_SESSION['userid']); $comment->body = Param::get('body'); try { $comment->write(); } catch (ValidationException $e) { $page = self::CURRENT_PAGE_WRITE; } break; default: throw new NotFoundException("{$page} is not found"); } $this->set(get_defined_vars()); $this->render($page); }
/** * Get Thread thru id * Write comment to existing Thread */ public function write() { $comment = new Comment(); $thread = Thread::get(Param::get('thread_id')); $page = Param::get('page_next', 'write'); switch ($page) { case 'write': break; case 'write_end': try { $comment->username = $_SESSION['username']; $comment->body = Param::get('body'); $comment->write($thread->id); } catch (ValidationException $a) { $page = 'write'; } break; default: throw new PageNotFoundException("{$page} is not found"); break; } $this->set(get_defined_vars()); $this->render($page); }
/** * @param Comment $comment Comment to generate this token for */ public function __construct($comment) { if (!$comment->SecretToken) { $comment->SecretToken = $this->generate(); $comment->write(); } $this->secret = $comment->SecretToken; }
protected function importComments($item, $post) { $source = $item->getSource(); $client = $source->getClient(); $struct = new Struct(array('post_id' => $item->PostID, 'number' => 999999)); $comments = $client->call('wp.getComments', array($source->BlogId, $source->Username, $source->Password, $struct)); if ($comments) { foreach ($comments as $data) { $comment = new Comment(); $comment->BaseClass = "SiteTree"; $comment->Name = $data['author']; $comment->Comment = $data['content']; $comment->CommenterURL = $data['author_url']; $comment->ParentID = $post->ID; $comment->write(); $comment->Created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($data['date_created_gmt'])); $comment->write(); } } }
public function testDefaultTemplateRendersHtmlWithAllowHtml() { if (!class_exists('HTMLPurifier')) { $this->markTestSkipped('HTMLPurifier class not found'); } $origAllowed = Commenting::get_config_value('CommentableItem', 'html_allowed'); $item = new CommentableItem(); $item->write(); // Without HTML allowed $comment = new Comment(); $comment->Comment = '<p>my comment</p>'; $comment->ParentID = $item->ID; $comment->BaseClass = 'CommentableItem'; $comment->write(); $html = $item->customise(array('CommentsEnabled' => true))->renderWith('CommentsInterface'); $this->assertContains('<p>my comment</p>', $html); Commenting::set_config_value('CommentableItem', 'html_allowed', true); $html = $item->customise(array('CommentsEnabled' => true))->renderWith('CommentsInterface'); $this->assertContains('<p>my comment</p>', $html); Commenting::set_config_value('CommentableItem', 'html_allowed', $origAllowed); }