protected function display() { if (Tools::isConnectedUser()) { if (0 == $this->teamid || $this->session_user->isTeamCustomer($this->teamid)) { $this->smartyHelper->assign('isEditGranted', FALSE); } else { // only managers can edit the SC $isManager = $this->session_user->isTeamManager($this->teamid); if (!$isManager) { return; } $this->smartyHelper->assign('isEditGranted', true); // -------- CHECK -------- // this will check all existing commands (from all teams !) and remove issues that have been deleted from mantis Command::checkCommands(); // use the cmdid set in the form, if not defined (first page call) use session cmdid $cmdid = 0; if (isset($_POST['cmdid'])) { $cmdid = $_POST['cmdid']; $_SESSION['cmdid'] = $cmdid; } else { if (isset($_GET['cmdid'])) { $cmdid = $_GET['cmdid']; $_SESSION['cmdid'] = $cmdid; } else { if (isset($_SESSION['cmdid'])) { $cmdid = $_SESSION['cmdid']; } } } // use the commandsetid set in the form, if not defined (first page call) use session commandsetid // Note: It is used for createEnv but will be overridden by the displayed command's commandsetid. $commandsetid = 0; if (isset($_POST['commandsetid'])) { $commandsetid = $_POST['commandsetid']; $_SESSION['commandsetid'] = $commandsetid; } else { if (isset($_SESSION['commandsetid'])) { $commandsetid = $_SESSION['commandsetid']; } } $action = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : ''; if (0 == $cmdid) { // -------- CREATE CMD ------- if ("createCmd" == $action) { //$this->teamid = Tools::getSecurePOSTIntValue('teamid'); //$_SESSION['teamid'] = $this->teamid; if (self::$logger->isDebugEnabled()) { self::$logger->debug("create new Command for team {$this->teamid}<br>"); } $cmdName = Tools::getSecurePOSTStringValue('cmdName'); // TODO UGLY WORKAROUND: command name cannot contain commas (,) because it is used as field separator in FilterManager $cmdName = str_replace(",", ' ', $cmdName); try { $cmdid = Command::create($cmdName, $this->teamid); $this->smartyHelper->assign('commandid', $cmdid); $cmd = CommandCache::getInstance()->getCommand($cmdid); } catch (Exception $e) { // Smartify echo "Can't create the command because the command name is already used"; } } // ------ Display Empty Command Form // Note: this will be overridden by the 'update' section if the 'createCmd' action has been called. $this->smartyHelper->assign('cmdInfoFormBtText', T_('Create')); $this->smartyHelper->assign('cmdInfoFormAction', 'createCmd'); $this->smartyHelper->assign('cmdStateList', CommandTools::getCommandStateList()); $this->smartyHelper->assign('commandsetid', $commandsetid); $this->smartyHelper->assign('commandsets', CommandSetTools::getCommandSets($this->teamid, $commandsetid)); } if (0 != $cmdid) { // -------- UPDATE CMD ------- $cmd = CommandCache::getInstance()->getCommand($cmdid); // Actions if ("addCmdIssue" == $action) { $bugid = Tools::getSecurePOSTIntValue('bugid'); if (self::$logger->isDebugEnabled()) { self::$logger->debug("add Issue {$bugid} on Command {$cmdid} team {$this->teamid}"); } $cmd->addIssue($bugid, true); // DBonly } else { if ("addCmdIssueList" == $action) { $bugid_list = $_POST['bugid_list']; if (self::$logger->isDebugEnabled()) { self::$logger->debug("add Issues ({$bugid_list}) on Command {$cmdid} team {$this->teamid}"); } $bugids = explode(',', $bugid_list); //$cmd->addIssueList($bugids, true); // DBonly foreach ($bugids as $id) { if (is_numeric(trim($id))) { $cmd->addIssue(intval($id), true); // DBonly } else { self::$logger->error('Attempt to set non_numeric value (' . $id . ')'); die("<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Please contact your CodevTT administrator</span>"); } } } else { if ("removeCmdIssue" == $action) { $cmd->removeIssue($_POST['bugid']); } else { if ("addToCmdSet" == $action) { $commandsetid = $_POST['commandsetid']; if (self::$logger->isDebugEnabled()) { self::$logger->debug("add Command {$cmdid} to CommandSet {$commandsetid}"); } $cmdset = CommandSetCache::getInstance()->getCommandSet($commandsetid); $cmdset->addCommand($cmdid, Command::type_general); } else { if ("removeFromCmdSet" == $action) { $commandsetid = $_POST['commandsetid']; if (self::$logger->isDebugEnabled()) { self::$logger->debug("remove Command {$cmdid} from CommandSet {$commandsetid}"); } $cmdset = CommandSetCache::getInstance()->getCommandSet($commandsetid); $cmdset->removeCommand($cmdid); } else { if ("updateCmdInfo" == $action) { $this->updateCmdInfo($cmd); header('Location:command_info.php'); } else { if ("deleteCommand" == $action) { if (self::$logger->isDebugEnabled()) { self::$logger->debug("delete Command {$cmdid}"); } Command::delete($cmdid); unset($_SESSION['cmdid']); header('Location:command_info.php'); } else { if ("addProvision" == $action) { # TODO check injections $prov_date = $_POST['date']; $prov_type = $_POST['type']; $prov_budget = $_POST['budget']; $prov_budgetDays = $_POST['budgetDays']; $prov_averageDailyRate = $_POST['averageDailyRate']; $prov_summary = $_POST['summary']; $isInCheckBudget = 0 == Tools::getSecurePOSTIntValue("isInCheckBudget") ? false : true; $timestamp = Tools::date2timestamp($prov_date); CommandProvision::create($cmd->getId(), $timestamp, $prov_type, $prov_summary, $prov_budgetDays, $prov_budget, $prov_averageDailyRate, $isInCheckBudget); } else { if ("deleteProvision" == $action) { # TODO check injections $provid = $_POST['provid']; $cmd->deleteProvision($provid); } } } } } } } } } // Display Command $this->smartyHelper->assign('commandid', $cmdid); $this->smartyHelper->assign('cmdInfoFormBtText', T_('Save')); $this->smartyHelper->assign('cmdInfoFormAction', 'updateCmdInfo'); $this->smartyHelper->assign('isAddIssueForm', true); $parentCmdSets = $this->getParentCmdSetCandidates($this->session_user); $this->smartyHelper->assign('parentCmdSetCandidates', $parentCmdSets); $this->smartyHelper->assign('isAddCmdSetForm', true); $isManager = $this->session_user->isTeamManager($cmd->getTeamid()); CommandTools::displayCommand($this->smartyHelper, $cmd, $isManager); $this->smartyHelper->assign('cmdProvisionType', SmartyTools::getSmartyArray(CommandProvision::$provisionNames, 1)); // WBS $this->smartyHelper->assign('wbsRootId', $cmd->getWbsid()); // multiple selection dialogBox $availableIssueList = $this->getChildIssuesCandidates($this->teamid); $this->smartyHelper->assign('availableIssueList', $availableIssueList); $this->smartyHelper->assign('sendSelectIssuesActionName', "addCmdIssueList"); $this->smartyHelper->assign('selectIssuesBoxTitle', T_('Add tasks to Command') . ' \'' . $cmd->getName() . '\''); $this->smartyHelper->assign('openDialogLabel', T_("Add multiple tasks")); $this->smartyHelper->assign('selectIssuesDoneBtText', T_("Add selection")); $this->smartyHelper->assign('selectIssuesBoxDesc', T_("Note: Tasks already assigned to a Command are not displayed.")); $this->smartyHelper->assign('selectIssuesConfirmMsg', T_("Add the selected issues to the Command ?")); } // you can create a command OR move cmd only to managed teams $mTeamList = $this->session_user->getManagedTeamList(); $this->smartyHelper->assign('grantedTeams', SmartyTools::getSmartyArray($mTeamList, $this->teamid)); } } }
/** * delete a team (and all it's ServiceContracts,CommandSets,Commands) * @static * @param int $teamidToDelete * @return bool */ public static function delete($teamidToDelete) { try { $team = TeamCache::getInstance()->getTeam($teamidToDelete); $idlist = array_keys($team->getCommands()); foreach ($idlist as $id) { Command::delete($id); } $idlist = array_keys($team->getCommandSetList()); foreach ($idlist as $id) { CommandSet::delete($id); } $idlist = array_keys($team->getServiceContractList()); foreach ($idlist as $id) { ServiceContract::delete($id); } $query = "DELETE FROM `codev_team_project_table` WHERE team_id = {$teamidToDelete};"; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>\n"; exit; } $query = "DELETE FROM `codev_team_user_table` WHERE team_id = {$teamidToDelete};"; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>\n"; exit; } $query = "DELETE FROM `codev_team_table` WHERE id = {$teamidToDelete};"; $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query); if (!$result) { echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>\n"; exit; } } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } return true; }
/** * * * @param mixed * @return */ public static function delete($condition = '', $params = []) { $command = new Command(get_called_class()); return $command->delete($condition, $params); }