public function pdfCometObservations($result) { include_once "cometobjects.php"; include_once "observers.php"; include_once "instruments.php"; include_once "locations.php"; include_once "cometobservations.php"; include_once "icqmethod.php"; include_once "icqreferencekey.php"; include_once "setup/vars.php"; include_once "setup/databaseInfo.php"; global $instDir, $objCometObject, $loggedUser, $dateformat; $result = $this->sortResult($result); $objects = new CometObjects(); $observer = new Observers(); $instrument = new Instruments(); $observation = new CometObservations(); $location = new Locations(); $util = $this; $ICQMETHODS = new ICQMETHOD(); $ICQREFERENCEKEYS = new ICQREFERENCEKEY(); $_GET['pdfTitle'] = "CometObservations.pdf"; // Create pdf file $pdf = new Cezpdf('a4', 'portrait'); $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(300, 30, 10); $fontdir = $instDir . 'lib/fonts/Helvetica.afm'; $pdf->selectFont($fontdir); $pdf->ezText(utf8_decode(html_entity_decode(LangPDFTitle3)) . "\n"); while (list($key, $value) = each($result)) { $objectname = $objCometObject->getName($observation->getObjectId($value)); $pdf->ezText(utf8_decode($objectname), "14"); $observerid = $observation->getObserverId($value); if ($observer->getObserverProperty($loggedUser, 'UT')) { $date = sscanf($observation->getDate($value), "%4d%2d%2d"); $time = $observation->getTime($value); } else { $date = sscanf($observation->getLocalDate($value), "%4d%2d%2d"); $time = $observation->getLocalTime($value); } $hour = (int) ($time / 100); $minute = $time - $hour * 100; $formattedDate = date($dateformat, mktime(0, 0, 0, $date[1], $date[2], $date[0])); if ($minute < 10) { $minute = "0" . $minute; } $observername = LangPDFMessage13 . $observer->getObserverProperty($observerid, 'firstname') . " " . $observer->getObserverProperty($observerid, 'name') . html_entity_decode(LangPDFMessage14) . $formattedDate . " (" . $hour . ":" . $minute . ")"; $pdf->ezText(utf8_decode($observername), "12"); // Location and instrument if ($observation->getLocationId($value) != 0 && $observation->getLocationId($value) != 1 || $observation->getInstrumentId($value) != 0) { if ($observation->getLocationId($value) != 0 && $observation->getLocationId($value) != 1) { $locationname = LangPDFMessage10 . " : " . $location->getLocationPropertyFromId($observation->getLocationId($value), 'name'); $extra = ", "; } else { $locationname = ""; } if ($observation->getInstrumentId($value) != 0) { $instr = $instrument->getInstrumentPropertyFromId($observation->getInstrumentId($value), 'name'); if ($instr == "Naked eye") { $instr = InstrumentsNakedEye; } $locationname = $locationname . $extra . html_entity_decode(LangPDFMessage11) . " : " . $instr; if (strcmp($observation->getMagnification($value), "") != 0) { $locationname = $locationname . " (" . $observation->getMagnification($value) . " x)"; } } $pdf->ezText(utf8_decode($locationname), "12"); } // Methode $method = $observation->getMethode($value); if (strcmp($method, "") != 0) { $methodstr = html_entity_decode(LangViewObservationField15) . " : " . $method . " - " . $ICQMETHODS->getDescription($method); $pdf->ezText(utf8_decode($methodstr), "12"); } // Used chart $chart = $observation->getChart($value); if (strcmp($chart, "") != 0) { $chartstr = html_entity_decode(LangViewObservationField17) . " : " . $chart . " - " . $ICQREFERENCEKEYS->getDescription($chart); $pdf->ezText(utf8_decode($chartstr), "12"); } // Magnitude $magnitude = $observation->getMagnitude($value); if ($magnitude != -99.90000000000001) { $magstr = ""; if ($observation->getMagnitudeWeakerThan($value)) { $magstr = $magstr . LangNewComet3 . " "; } $magstr = $magstr . html_entity_decode(LangViewObservationField16) . " : " . sprintf("%.01f", $magnitude); if ($observation->getMagnitudeUncertain($value)) { $magstr = $magstr . " (" . LangNewComet2 . ")"; } $pdf->ezText(utf8_decode($magstr), "12"); } // Degree of condensation $dc = $observation->getDc($value); $coma = $observation->getComa($value); $dcstr = ""; $extra = ""; if (strcmp($dc, "") != 0 || $coma != -99) { if (strcmp($dc, "") != 0) { $dcstr = $dcstr . html_entity_decode(LangNewComet8) . " : " . $dc; $extra = ", "; } // Coma if ($coma != -99) { $dcstr = $dcstr . $extra . html_entity_decode(LangNewComet9) . " : " . $coma . "'"; } $pdf->ezText(utf8_decode($dcstr), "12"); } // Tail $tail = $observation->getTail($value); $pa = $observation->getPa($value); $tailstr = ""; $extra = ""; if ($tail != -99 || $pa != -99) { if ($tail != -99) { $tailstr = $tailstr . html_entity_decode(LangNewComet10) . " : " . $tail . "'"; $extra = ", "; } if ($pa != -99) { $tailstr = $tailstr . $extra . html_entity_decode(LangNewComet11) . " : " . $pa . ""; } $pdf->ezText(utf8_decode($tailstr), "12"); } // Description $description = $observation->getDescription($value); if (strcmp($description, "") != 0) { $descstr = html_entity_decode(LangPDFMessage15) . " : " . strip_tags($description); $pdf->ezText(utf8_decode($descstr), "12"); } $upload_dir = $instDir . 'comets/' . 'cometdrawings'; $dir = opendir($upload_dir); while (FALSE !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if ("." == $file or ".." == $file) { continue; // skip current directory and directory above } if (fnmatch($value . ".gif", $file) || fnmatch($value . ".jpg", $file) || fnmatch($value . ".png", $file)) { $pdf->ezImage($upload_dir . "/" . $value . ".jpg", 0, 500, "none", "left"); } } $pdf->ezText(""); } $pdf->ezStream(); }