function com_install() { global $installer_object; if (!isset($installer_object) || version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6', '>')) { JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage('Oops, Joomla! 1.5 manifest file loaded! Aborting installation.', 'notice'); return false; } // Check requirements. require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/install.script.php'; $installer = new Com_KunenaInstallerScript(); $version = $installer_object->manifest->getElementByPath('version'); if (!$installer->checkRequirements($version->data())) { return false; } $adminpath = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_kunena'; // Remove old manifest files. $manifests = array('manifest.xml', 'kunena.j16.xml'); foreach ($manifests as $filename) { if (JFile::exists("{$adminpath}/{$filename}")) { JFile::delete("{$adminpath}/{$filename}"); } } // Create new bootstrap file for the installer and keep backup from the old version. if (JFile::exists("{$adminpath}/admin.kunena.php")) { $backuppath = "{$adminpath}/bak"; if (JFolder::exists($backuppath)) { JFolder::delete($backuppath); } if (!JFolder::create($backuppath)) { return false; } $contents = file_get_contents("{$adminpath}/admin.kunena.php"); if (!strstr($contents, '/* KUNENA FORUM INSTALLER */')) { JFile::move("{$adminpath}/admin.kunena.php", "{$backuppath}/admin.kunena.php"); } } $success = JFile::copy("{$adminpath}/install/entrypoints/admin.kunena.php", "{$adminpath}/admin.kunena.php"); if (!$success) { return false; } // Reset installer state. $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->setUserState('kunena-old', 0); // This isn't called because of redirect. $installer_object->parent->copyManifest(); // Redirect to Kunena Installer. $redirect_url = JURI::base() . 'index.php?option=com_kunena'; header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other"); header("Location: {$redirect_url}"); }
function com_uninstall() { // Joomla 1.7 compatibility (class already exists) if (!class_exists('JVersion')) { // Joomla 1.5 and 1.6 compatibility (jimport needed) jimport('joomla.version'); } $jversion = new JVersion(); if ($jversion->RELEASE != '1.5') { return; } include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/install.script.php'; Com_KunenaInstallerScript::uninstall(null); }
function com_install() { if (version_compare ( phpversion (), '5.0.0', '<' )) { echo "ERROR: PHP 5.2 REQUIRED!"; return false; } if (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6','>')) { echo "ERROR: WRONG MANIFEST FILE LOADED, PLEASE TRY AGAIN WITH THE LATEST VERSION OF JOOMLA!"; return false; } // Emulate J1.6 installer include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/install.script.php'); Com_KunenaInstallerScript::preflight( null, null ); Com_KunenaInstallerScript::install ( null ); // Redirect to Kunena Installer header ( "HTTP/1.1 303 See Other" ); header ( "Location: " . JURI::base () . 'index.php?option=com_kunena&view=install&task=prepare&'.JUtility::getToken().'=1' ); }
function com_install() { if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.0', '<')) { echo "ERROR: PHP 5.2 REQUIRED!"; return false; } // Joomla 1.7 compatibility (class already exists) if (!class_exists('JVersion')) { // Joomla 1.5 and 1.6 compatibility (jimport needed) jimport('joomla.version'); } $jversion = new JVersion(); if ($jversion->RELEASE != '1.5') { echo "ERROR: WRONG MANIFEST FILE LOADED, PLEASE TRY AGAIN WITH THE LATEST VERSION OF JOOMLA!"; return false; } // Emulate J1.6 installer include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/install.script.php'; Com_KunenaInstallerScript::preflight(null, null); Com_KunenaInstallerScript::install(null); // Redirect to Kunena Installer header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other"); header("Location: " . JURI::base() . "index.php?option=com_kunena&view=install"); }
kimport('error'); KunenaError::initialize(); $kunena_app =& JFactory::getApplication(); require_once KPATH_ADMIN . '/install/version.php'; $kn_version = new KunenaVersion(); if ($view == 'install') { require_once KPATH_ADMIN . '/install/controller.php'; $controller = new KunenaControllerInstall(); $controller->execute($task); $controller->redirect(); return; } if (!$kn_version->checkVersion() && $task != 'schema' && $task != 'schemadiff') { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/install.script.php'; Com_KunenaInstallerScript::preflight(null, null); Com_KunenaInstallerScript::install(null); while (@ob_end_clean()) { } $kunena_app->redirect(JURI::root() . 'administrator/index.php?option=com_kunena&view=install'); } require_once KPATH_SITE . '/lib/kunena.defines.php'; $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang->load('com_kunena', JPATH_SITE); jimport('joomla.utilities.arrayhelper'); // Now that we have the global defines we can use shortcut defines require_once KUNENA_PATH_LIB . '/kunena.config.class.php'; $kunena_config = KunenaFactory::getConfig(); $kunena_db = JFactory::getDBO(); // Class structure should be used after this and all the common task should be moved to this class require_once KUNENA_PATH . '/class.kunena.php'; require_once KUNENA_PATH_ADMIN . '/admin.kunena.html.php';
function com_uninstall() { $jversion = new JVersion (); if ($jversion->RELEASE != '1.5') return; include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/install.script.php'); Com_KunenaInstallerScript::uninstall ( null ); }
function com_uninstall() { if (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6','>')) return; include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/install.script.php'); Com_KunenaInstallerScript::uninstall ( null ); }