Example #1
 public function getNext()
     if (time() - $this->pTime > 1) {
         $this->pTime = time();
         //            MetaQ::$log->logDebug("current status:", array(
         //                'id' => $this->id,
         //                'group' => $this->group,
         //                'topic' => $this->topic,
         //                'offset' => $this->offset,
         //                'sockets' => $this->sockets,
         //                'partitionList' => $this->partitionList
         //            ));
     if (sizeof($this->partitionList) == 0) {
         return array();
     $arr = $this->getCurrentPartition();
     list($partition, $sleep, $master, $partId) = $arr;
     list($host, $port, $pid) = explode('-', $partition);
     $offset = $this->getOffset($master);
     if (!isset($this->sockets[$host . ':' . $port])) {
         $this->sockets[$host . ':' . $port] = new Socket($host, $port);
         try {
             $this->sockets[$host . ':' . $port]->connect();
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             echo $e->getMessage();
     $socket = $this->sockets[$host . ':' . $port];
     $data = Codec::getEncode($this->topic, $this->group, $pid, $offset);
     $data = $socket->read(Codec::MAX_MSG_LENGTH + 14);
     list($msgs, $offset, $_offset) = Codec::getResultDecode($data);
     // 301, We can turn off this feature at server side
     if ($_offset) {
         $sleep += $sleep * 20;
         $this->partitionList[] = array($partition, $sleep, $master, $partId);
         $this->offset[$master] = $_offset;
         $this->commitOffset($this->group, $master, $_offset, 0);
         return array();
     } else {
         if ($offset) {
             $this->partitionList[] = array($partition, $sleep, $master, $partId);
             $this->offset[$master] += $offset;
             $lastMsg = array_pop(array_values($msgs));
             $lastId = $lastMsg['id'];
             $this->commitOffset($this->group, $master, $this->offset[$master], $lastId);
             if ($msgs) {
                 return $msgs;
         } else {
             $sleep += $sleep * 2;
             $this->partitionList[] = array($partition, $sleep, $master, $partId);
             // Reorder the partition list, sort and get the smallest sleep value
             $parts = array_values($this->partitionList);
             uasort($parts, array($this, 'cmp'));
             $smallest = array_shift($parts);
             if ($smallest[1] >= 2000000) {
                 //echo "sleep 2s\n";
                 //echo "offset ". $this->offset[$master]. "\n";
                 foreach ($this->partitionList as $key => $value) {
                     $this->partitionList[$key][1] -= 2000000;
             return array();