  * Build the content for this action
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @since 4/26/05
 function buildContent()
     $cm = Services::getService("CourseManagement");
     $defaultTextDomain = textdomain("polyphony");
     $actionRows = $this->getActionRows();
     $pageRows = new Container(new YLayout(), OTHER, 1);
     $harmoni = Harmoni::instance();
     $searchNumber = RequestContext::value('search_number');
     if (is_null($searchNumber)) {
         $searchNumber = "";
      * The following performs a wild-card search through LDAP and sucks the courses into the database. *
     $self = $harmoni->request->quickURL();
     print "<h2>Search for course offerings by the following criteria:</h2>" . "";
     print "\n\t<form action='{$self}' method='post'>\n\t\t\t\n\t<div>";
     print "<table>";
     print "\n\t<tr><td>Number: </td><td><input type='text' name='search_number' value='" . $searchNumber . "'/></td></tr>";
     print "\n\t<tr><td>Term: </td><td><select name='search_term'>";
     print "\n\t<option value=''";
     print "selected='selected'";
     print ">Choose a term</option>";
     //@TODO this sorting is probably pretty slow--it's multiple queries per term.
     $numOfImproperOfferingTerms = -1;
     $terms = $cm->getTerms();
     while ($terms->hasNextTerm()) {
         $term = $terms->nextTerm();
         $schedule = $term->getSchedule();
         if ($schedule->hasNextScheduleItem()) {
             $item1 = $schedule->nextScheduleItem();
             $terms2[$item1->getStart()] = $term;
         } else {
             $terms2[$numOfImproperOfferingTerms] = $term;
     foreach ($terms2 as $term) {
         $id = $term->getId();
         print "\n\t<option value='" . $id->getIdString() . "'";
         			print "selected='selected'";
         print ">" . $term->getDisplayName() . "</option>";
     print "\n\t</select></td></tr>";
     print "\n</table>";
     print "\n\t<p><input type='submit' value='" . _("Search") . "'/></p>";
     print "\n\t</div></form>";
     //$actionRows =$this->getActionRows();
     $actionRows->add(new Block(ob_get_contents(), 2), "100%", null, CENTER, TOP);
     $searchTerm = RequestContext::value('search_term');
     if (is_null($searchTerm)) {
         $searchTerm = "";
     if ($search_criteria = $harmoni->request->get('search_criteria')) {
     		//$typeParts = explode("::", @html_entity_decode($search_type, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
     $searchType = new HarmoniType("Agent & Group Search", "edu.middlebury.harmoni", "TokenSearch");
     		//$searchType = new HarmoniType("Agent & Group Search", "edu.middlebury.harmoni", "WildcardSearch");
     		$string=	"*".$search_criteria."*";
     		$agents =$agentManager->getAgentsBySearch($string, $searchType);
     		print "search: " . $search_criteria;
     while ($agents->hasNext()) {
     		$agent =$agents->next();
     		$id =$agent->getId();
     print "\n<p align='center'><a href='".$harmoni->request->quickURL("agents","edit_agent_details", array("agentId"=>$id->getIdString()))."'>";
     		print "\n".$agent->getDisplayName()."</a>";
     		print "\n - <a href=\"Javascript:alert('"._("Id:").'\n\t'.addslashes($id->getIdString())."')\">Id</a></p>";
     		print "\n</div>";
     $actionRows->add(new Block(ob_get_contents(), STANDARD_BLOCK), "100%", null, LEFT, CENTER);
     if ($searchNumber != "" || $searchTerm != "") {
         $pageRows->add(new Heading("Canonical course search results", STANDARD_BLOCK), "100%", null, LEFT, CENTER);
         print "<p><h2>Search Results</h2></p>";
         $searchType = new ClassTokenSearch();
         $string = "*" . $searchNumber . "*";
         $DNs = $searchType->getClassDNsBySearch($string);
         print "search: " . $searchNumber;
         			$dbHandler = Services::getService("DBHandler");
         			$query= new SelectQuery;
         			$query->addWhere("number like '%".addslashes($searchNumber)."%'");
         			$res =$dbHandler->query($query);*/
         $sections = array();
         $cm = Services::getService("CourseManagement");
         $im = Services::getService("Id");
         foreach ($DNs as $idString) {
             if (substr($idString, strlen($idString) - 42, 42) != ",OU=Classes,OU=Groups,DC=middlebury,DC=edu") {
             $len = 0;
             while ($idString[$len + 3] != "," && $len < strlen($idString)) {
             $name = substr($idString, 3, $len);
             if(!$term somthings $searchTerm){
             //filter out semesters
             if (substr($name, strlen($name) - 4, 1) != "-") {
             //filter out gym--actually, that's not fair, is it?
             //	continue;
             $sections[] = suck_by_agentAction::_figureOut($name, $agentId = null);
         $offerings = array();
         $termId = null;
         if ($searchTerm != "") {
             //$term = substr($name, strlen($name)-3,3);
             $idManager = Services::getService("Id");
             // $term =$cm->getTerm($idManager->getId($searchTerm));
             // $termId =$term->getId();
             $termId = $idManager->getId($searchTerm);
         foreach ($sections as $section) {
             $offering = $section->getCourseOffering();
             $term2 = $offering->getTerm();
             $term2Id = $term2->getId();
             if (!is_null($termId) && !$termId->isEqual($term2Id)) {
             $offeringId = $offering->getId();
             $offerings[$offeringId->getIdString()] = $offering;
         			foreach($DNs as $DN){
         			$id =$im->getId($row['id']);
         			$array[] =$cm->getCourseOffering($id);
         $iter = new HarmoniCourseOfferingIterator($offerings);
         $actionRows->add(new Block(ob_get_contents(), 2), "100%", null, CENTER, TOP);
  * Answer a course by Id
  * @param object Id $id
  * @return object SegueCourseSection
  * @access public
  * @since 8/20/07
 public function getCourse(Id $id)
     // Check to see if there is a CourseGroup with this Id
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // If we didn't configure LDAP Authentication, we're not going to be able to use this
         if (!class_exists('ClassTokenSearch')) {
             throw new Exception("LDAP Authentication is not configured.");
         // If we didn't have a CourseGroup or a loaded Course, look up the groupId
         // Fetch the course group that matches the id passed.
         $searchType = new ClassTokenSearch();
         $string = "*" . $id->getIdString() . "*";
         $dns = $searchType->getClassDNsBySearch($string);
         if (count($dns)) {
             $idMgr = Services::getService("Id");
             return $this->getCourseForGroupId($idMgr->getId($dns[0]));
         } else {
             throw new Exception("No course exists with id, '" . $id->getIdString() . "'.");