$this->breadcrumbs = array(); // reset ?> <h1>After-School Enrichment Program – <?php echo CHtml::encode($this->savedSessionSummary()); ?> </h1> <h3>Classes begin <strong><?php echo date('F jS', strtotime(ClassSession::current()->start_date)); ?> </strong>.</h3> <!-- TODO: make the reservation begin date dynamically generated --> <h3>Reservations begin <strong> <?php echo date("l, F jS \\a\\t g:i a", strtotime(ClassSession::current()->registration_starts)); ?> </strong>!</h3> <p> <?php echo CHtml::link("Class Schedule", array("/report/weekday")); ?> </p> <p> <?php echo CHtml::link("Class Descriptions", array("/report/descriptions")); ?> </p>
<h1> <?php echo CHtml::encode(ClassSession::current()->summary); ?> </h1> <ul> <?php foreach ($models as $model) { echo '<li><h2>' . $model->full_name . '</h2>'; $this->renderPartial('/signup/_class_summary', array('model' => $model)); echo '</li>'; } ?> </ul>
<h3>Choose class to copy from <?php echo $fromsession->summary; ?> to <?php echo ClassSession::current()->summary; ?> </h3> <?php echo CHtml::form(); echo CHtml::dropDownList('ClassInfo[id]', '', CHtml::listData(ClassInfo::model()->findAllBySql('select class_info.* from class_info where session_id = :sid', array('sid' => $fromsession->id)), 'id', 'summary'), array('submit' => '', 'empty' => 'Choose One')); echo CHtml::submitButton('Change'); echo CHtml::endForm();
public function savedSessionSummary() { // XXX this is stupid. i don't need this here. /// just replace all calls to this nonsense with the classsession static return ClassSession::current()->summary; }
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerCssFile(Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . '/css/printabletable.css', 'print'); $reg_begin_tmp = date("l, F jS \\a\\t g:i a", strtotime(ClassSession::current()->registration_starts)); // XXX MOVE THIS TO DB! $signup_contact_move_to_db = 'Kimberly Repp, via email <a href="mailto:oss.asep@gmail.com">oss.asep@gmail.com</a> or phone 650-575-0616.'; // XXX MOVE THIS TO DB! $revised_date_move_to_db = "9/10/13"; ?> <div class="span-17"> <h1 class="fakespan-17 center">After-School Enrichment Program – <?php echo CHtml::encode($this->savedSessionSummary()); ?> </h1> <h3 class="fakespan-17 center">Classes begin <strong><?php echo date('F jS', strtotime(ClassSession::current()->start_date)); ?> </strong>.<br /> Reservations begin <strong> <?php echo $reg_begin_tmp; ?> </strong>!</h3> <h3>Important Notes about Enrollment Process:</h3> <ul> <li> Many classes fill up quickly! <ul><li> First come, first served: <ul><li>Enrollment is determined by the order in which Patricia, in the front office, receives it. </li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>To confirm enrollment, view enrollment status online at www.ossasep.org. The login is: parent and the password is: <?php
public function actionInstructorRequirements() { // TODO:: move this find to the model perhaps, may need it elsewhere? $this->render('instructor_paperwork', array('instructors' => ClassSession::current()->instructors)); }
public function getIs_expiring() { // no date or 0 date means doesn't expire if ($this->expired == '' || strtotime($this->expired) < 100) { return false; } return strtotime($this->expired) < strtotime(ClassSession::current()->end_date); }