/** * The validation rules for this model * * @return void * @author Dan Cox */ public static function rules(ClassMetaData $metadata) { $metadata->addPropertyConstraint('label', new Assert\NotBlank(['message' => 'The Exclusion name is required'])); $metadata->addPropertyConstraint('label', new Assert\Length(['min' => 2, 'max' => 255, 'minMessage' => 'The Exclusion name must be atleast {{ limit }} characters long', 'maxMessage' => 'The Exclusion name must be no more than {{ limit }} characters long'])); $metadata->addPropertyConstraint('day', new Assert\NotBlank(['message' => 'You must select a day for the exclusion'])); $metadata->addPropertyConstraint('times', new Assert\NotBlank(['message' => 'Please specify the times for this exclusion'])); }
/** * Validation Rules * * @return void * @author Dan Cox */ public static function rules(ClassMetaData $metadata) { $metadata->addPropertyConstraint('name', new Assert\NotBlank(['message' => 'The Name field is required'])); $metadata->addPropertyConstraint('name', new Assert\Length(['min' => 2, 'max' => 255, 'minMessage' => 'The name field must be atleast {{ limit }} characters long', 'maxMessage' => 'The name field must be no more than {{ limit }} characters long'])); }
public static function getClassDefs(PHC $phc) { $children = $phc->getXmlElement()->children(PHC::PHC_NS); $list = new ClassMetaDataList(); foreach ($children->AST_class_def_list as $key => $classDefList) { if (strcasecmp($key, ClassMetaDataList::NODE_NAME) !== 0) { continue; } $children = $classDefList->children(); foreach ($children as $name => $classDef) { if (strcasecmp($name, ClassMetaData::NODE_NAME) !== 0) { continue; } $classMeta = new ClassMetaData(); $classMeta->setToken(new ClassTokenMetaData(self::getTokenValue($classDef->Token_class_name))); $classMeta->setInterfaceMetaDataList(self::getInterfaceNameList($classDef)); $classMeta->setMemberList(self::getMemberList($classDef)); $list->add($classMeta); } } return $list; }
/** * The validation rules for this model. * * @return void * @author Dan Cox */ public static function rules(ClassMetaData $metadata) { $metadata->addPropertyConstraint('label', new Assert\NotBlank(['message' => 'The Activity name is required'])); $metadata->addPropertyConstraint('label', new Assert\Length(['min' => 2, 'max' => 255, 'minMessage' => 'The Activity name must be atleast {{ limit }} characters long', 'maxMessage' => 'The Activity name must be no more than {{ limit }} characters long'])); $metadata->addGetterConstraint('optionSelected', new Assert\True(['message' => 'You must set either hours or explicit day/time option'])); }
/** * @param ClassMetadata $metadata */ private function recordVisit(ClassMetaData $metadata) { $this->enabledItems[$metadata->getName()] = true; }
public function visitClassMeta(ClassMetaData $meta) { $buf = new TreeOutput(); $buf->add('[' . $meta->getNodeName() . ']'); $buf->down(); $buf->writeln($meta->getToken()->toJSValue($this)); $buf->writeln($meta->getInterfaceList()->toJSValue($this)); $buf->writeln($meta->getMemberList()->toJSValue($this)); $buf->up(); return $buf; }