public function onAfterWrite()
     if ($this()->hasExtension(HasBlocks::class_name())) {
         /** @var \ManyManyList $existing */
         $existing = $this()->{HasBlocks::relationship_name()}();
         if ($this()->{self::SingleFieldName} || $this()->WasNew) {
             if ($defaultBlockClasses = $this->getDefaultBlockClasses()) {
                 // get class names along with count of each expected
                 $expected = array_count_values($defaultBlockClasses);
                 $sort = $existing->count() + 1;
                 foreach ($expected as $blockClass => $expectedCount) {
                     if (!\ClassInfo::exists($blockClass)) {
                     $existingCount = $existing->filter('ClassName', $blockClass)->count();
                     if ($existingCount < $expectedCount) {
                         for ($i = $existingCount; $i < $expectedCount; $i++) {
                             // generate a default title for the block from lang
                             // e.g. ContentBlock.DefaultTitle
                             $templateVars = ['pagetitle' => $this()->{Title::SingleFieldName}, 'singular' => singleton($blockClass)->i18n_singular_name(), 'index' => $i + 1];
                             // try the block class.DefaultTitle and then Block.DefaultTitle
                             $title = _t("{$blockClass}.DefaultTitle", _t('Block.DefaultTitle', '{pagetitle} {singular} - {index}', $templateVars), $templateVars);
                             /** @var Block $block */
                             $block = new $blockClass();
                             $block->update(['Title' => $title]);
                             $existing->add($block, ['Sort' => $sort++]);
  * Mostly rewritten from parent, but allows circular dependencies - goes through the relation loop only after
  * the dictionary is fully populated.
 public function saveIntoDatabase(DataModel $model)
     // Custom plumbing: this has to be executed only once per fixture.
     $testDataTag = basename($this->fixtureFile);
     $this->latestVersion = DB::query("SELECT MAX(\"Version\") FROM \"TestDataTag\" WHERE \"FixtureFile\"='{$testDataTag}'")->value();
     // We have to disable validation while we import the fixtures, as the order in
     // which they are imported doesnt guarantee valid relations until after the
     // import is complete.
     $validationenabled = DataObject::get_validation_enabled();
     $parser = new Spyc();
     $fixtureContent = $parser->loadFile($this->fixtureFile);
     $this->fixtureDictionary = array();
     foreach ($fixtureContent as $dataClass => $items) {
         if (ClassInfo::exists($dataClass)) {
             $this->writeDataObject($model, $dataClass, $items);
         } else {
             $this->writeSQL($dataClass, $items);
     // Dictionary is now fully built, inject the relations.
     foreach ($fixtureContent as $dataClass => $items) {
         if (ClassInfo::exists($dataClass)) {
             $this->writeRelations($dataClass, $items);
 public function getNestedController()
     if ($this->urlParams['URLSegment']) {
         $SQL_URLSegment = Convert::raw2sql($this->urlParams['URLSegment']);
         if (Translatable::is_enabled()) {
             $child = Translatable::get_one("SiteTree", "URLSegment = '{$SQL_URLSegment}'");
         } else {
             $child = DataObject::get_one("SiteTree", "URLSegment = '{$SQL_URLSegment}'");
         if (!$child) {
             $child = $this->get404Page();
         if ($child) {
             if (isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) {
                 Debug::message("Using record #{$child->ID} of type {$child->class} with URL {$this->urlParams['URLSegment']}");
             $controllerClass = "{$child->class}_Controller";
             if ($this->urlParams['Action'] && ClassInfo::exists($controllerClass . '_' . $this->urlParams['Action'])) {
                 $controllerClass = $controllerClass . '_' . $this->urlParams['Action'];
             if (ClassInfo::exists($controllerClass)) {
                 $controller = new $controllerClass($child);
             } else {
                 $controller = $child;
             return $controller;
         } else {
             die("The requested page couldn't be found.");
     } else {
         user_error("ModelAsController not geting a URLSegment.  It looks like the site isn't redirecting to home", E_USER_ERROR);
  * @param callable $callback
  * @param string $expectedException
  * @param null $expectedCode
  * @param null $expectedMessage
  * @author VladaHejda
 public static function assertException(callable $callback, $expectedException = 'Exception', $expectedCode = null, $expectedMessage = null)
     $self = new SapphireTest();
     if (!ClassInfo::exists($expectedException)) {
         $self->fail(sprintf('An exception of type "%s" does not exist.', $expectedException));
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $class = ClassInfo::class_name($e);
         $message = $e->getMessage();
         $code = $e->getCode();
         $errorMessage = 'Failed asserting the class of exception';
         if ($message && $code) {
             $errorMessage .= sprintf(' (message was %s, code was %d)', $message, $code);
         } elseif ($code) {
             $errorMessage .= sprintf(' (code was %d)', $code);
         $errorMessage .= '.';
         $self->assertInstanceOf($expectedException, $e, $errorMessage);
         if ($expectedCode !== null) {
             $self->assertEquals($expectedCode, $code, sprintf('Failed asserting code of thrown %s.', $class));
         if ($expectedMessage !== null) {
             $self->assertContains($expectedMessage, $message, sprintf('Failed asserting the message of thrown %s.', $class));
     $errorMessage = 'Failed asserting that exception';
     if (strtolower($expectedException) !== 'exception') {
         $errorMessage .= sprintf(' of type %s', $expectedException);
     $errorMessage .= ' was thrown.';
  * A simple Gridfield factory
  * @param  string $model
  * @param  string $relationname
  * @param  DataObject $reference
  * @return GridField
 public static function create_gridfield_for($model, $relationname, $reference)
     if ($relationname != null && ClassInfo::exists($model)) {
         $config = GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor::create();
         $config->addComponent($gridFieldForm = new GridFieldDetailForm());
         if ($items = $reference->{$relationname}()) {
             if (is_a($items, 'ManyManyList') && ClassInfo::exists('GridFieldManyRelationHandler')) {
                 $config->addComponent(new GridFieldManyRelationHandler(), 'GridFieldPaginator');
             } else {
                 $sortable = singleton($model)->hasExtension('SortableDataExtension');
                 if ($sortable) {
                     $config->addComponent(new GridFieldSortableRows('SortOrder'));
             $gridfield = GridField::create($relationname, $model, $items, $config);
             $datacolumns = $gridfield->getConfig()->getComponentByType('GridFieldDataColumns');
             $cfields = singleton($model)->summaryFields();
             if (singleton($model)->hasExtension('CMSPublishableDataExtension') && !isset($cfields['PublishStatus'])) {
                 $cfields = array('PublishStatus' => 'PublishStatus') + $cfields;
             return $gridfield;
         } else {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException("Couldn't find relation.");
     } else {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Couldn't create GridField because wrong parameters passed to the factory.");
  *	Retrieve the existing searchable fields, appending our custom search index to enable it.
  *	@return array
 public function updateSolrSearchableFields(&$fields)
     // Make sure the extension requirements have been met before enabling the custom search index.
     if (ClassInfo::exists('QueuedJob')) {
         $fields[$this->index] = true;
  * Retrieve a modifier of a given class for the order.
  * Modifier will be retrieved from database if it already exists,
  * or created if it is always required.
  * @param string $className
  * @param boolean $forcecreate - force the modifier to be created.
 public function getModifier($className, $forcecreate = false)
     if (!ClassInfo::exists($className)) {
         user_error("Modifier class \"{$className}\" does not exist.");
     //search for existing
     $modifier = $className::get()->filter("OrderID", $this->order->ID)->first();
     if ($modifier) {
         //remove if no longer valid
         if (!$modifier->valid()) {
             //TODO: need to provide feedback message - why modifier was removed
             return null;
         return $modifier;
     $modifier = new $className();
     if ($modifier->required() || $forcecreate) {
         //create any modifiers that are required for every order
         $modifier->OrderID = $this->order->ID;
         return $modifier;
     return null;
 public function getEditForm($id = null, $fields = null)
     $form = parent::getEditForm($id, $fields);
     $field = $form->Fields()->dataFieldByName($this->modelClass);
     if ($field) {
         $config = $field->getConfig();
         if (!ClassInfo::exists('GridFieldBetterButtonsItemRequest') && $this->IsEditingNews()) {
         $singleton = singleton($this->modelClass);
         if (is_a($singleton, 'NewsPost') && ClassInfo::exists('GridFieldOrderableRows')) {
             $config->addComponent(new GridFieldOrderableRows('Sort'));
             $exportButton = $config->getComponentByType('GridFieldExportButton');
             if ($exportButton) {
                 $export = array('Title' => 'Title', 'DateTime' => 'DateTime', 'Author' => 'Author', 'ExportContent' => 'Content');
                 $this->extend('updateExportColumn', $export);
         $config->addComponent($pagination = new GridFieldPaginator(100));
     return $form;
 public function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields)
     $sortable = singleton('CleanTeaser')->hasExtension('SortableDataExtension');
     $config = GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor::create();
     $config->addComponent($gridFieldForm = new GridFieldDetailForm());
     $dataFields = array();
     if (singleton('CleanTeaser')->hasExtension('CMSPublishableDataExtension')) {
         $dataFields['PublishIndicator'] = 'Published';
     $dataFields = array_merge($dataFields, array('Thumbnail' => 'Thumbnail', 'Title' => 'Title', 'CleanDescription' => 'Description'));
     if ($sortable) {
         $config->addComponent(new GridFieldSortableRows('SortOrder'));
     if (ClassInfo::exists('GridFieldBulkUpload')) {
         $iu = new GridFieldBulkUpload('ImageID');
         if (singleton('CleanTeaser')->hasExtension('ControlledFolderDataExtension')) {
             $iu->setUfConfig('folderName', singleton('CleanTeaser')->getUploadFolder());
         } else {
             $iu->setUfConfig('folderName', CleanTeaser::$upload_folder);
     if ($sortable) {
         $data = $this->owner->CleanTeasers("ClassName = 'CleanTeaser'")->sort('SortOrder');
     } else {
         $data = $this->owner->CleanTeasers("ClassName = 'CleanTeaser'");
     // $config->removeComponentsByType('GridFieldAddNewButton');
     // if (ClassInfo::exists('GridFieldBulkUpload')) {
     // 	$config->addComponent(new GridFieldAddNewMultiClass());
     // }
     $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Teasers", GridField::create('CleanTeasers', 'CleanTeaser', $data, $config));
 protected function getRemoteObject($node)
     $clazz = $node->nodeName;
     $object = null;
     // do we have this data object type?
     if (ClassInfo::exists($clazz)) {
         // we'll create one
         $object = new $clazz();
     } else {
         $object = new Page();
     // track the name property and set it LAST again to handle special cases like file
     // that overwrite other properties when $name is set
     $name = null;
     foreach ($node->childNodes as $property) {
         if ($property instanceof DOMText) {
         $pname = $property->nodeName;
         if (isset($this->remap[$pname])) {
             $pname = $this->remap[$pname];
         if ($pname == 'Filename') {
             $name = $property->nodeValue;
         $object->{$pname} = $property->nodeValue;
     $object->SourceClassName = $clazz;
     if (!is_null($name)) {
         $object->Filename = $name;
     return $object;
  * To process this job, we need to get the next page whose ID is the next greater than the last
  * processed. This way we don't need to remember a bunch of data about what we've processed
 public function process()
     if (ClassInfo::exists('Subsite')) {
     $class = $this->reindexType;
     $pages = $class::get();
     $pages = $pages->filter(array('ID:GreaterThan' => $this->lastIndexedID));
     $pages = $pages->limit(Config::inst()->get(__CLASS__, 'at_a_time'));
     $pages = $pages->sort('ID ASC');
     if (ClassInfo::exists('Subsite')) {
         Subsite::$disable_subsite_filter = false;
     if (!$pages || !$pages->count()) {
         $this->isComplete = true;
     $mode = Versioned::get_reading_mode();
     // index away
     $service = singleton('SolrSearchService');
     $live = array();
     $stage = array();
     $all = array();
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         // Make sure the current page is not orphaned.
         if ($page->ParentID > 0) {
             $parent = $page->getParent();
             if (is_null($parent) || $parent === false) {
         // Appropriately index the current page, taking versioning into account.
         if ($page->hasExtension('Versioned')) {
             $stage[] = $page;
             $base = $page->baseTable();
             $idField = '"' . $base . '_Live"."ID"';
             $livePage = Versioned::get_one_by_stage($page->ClassName, 'Live', $idField . ' = ' . $page->ID);
             if ($livePage) {
                 $live[] = $livePage;
         } else {
             $all[] = $page;
         $this->lastIndexedID = $page->ID;
     if (count($all)) {
     if (count($stage)) {
         $service->indexMultiple($stage, 'Stage');
     if (count($live)) {
         $service->indexMultiple($live, 'Live');
     $this->lastIndexedID = $page->ID;
     $this->currentStep += $pages->count();
Example #12
 public function getCMSFields()
     $fields = parent::getCMSFields();
     if (ClassInfo::exists('GridFieldOrderableRows')) {
         $fields->dataFieldByName('Tasks')->getConfig()->addComponent(new GridFieldOrderableRows('Sort'));
     return $fields;
Example #13
 public static function remove_weight($weight)
     self::$weights = array_diff(self::$weights, array($weight));
     $class = "NewsWeight{$weight}";
     if (ClassInfo::exists($class)) {
         Object::remove_extension('NewsHolder', $class);
  *	The test to ensure the regular expression replacement is correct.
 public function testRegularExpressionReplacement()
     // Instantiate a link mapping to use.
     $mapping = LinkMapping::create(array('LinkType' => 'Regular Expression', 'MappedLink' => '^www\\.wrong\\.com(/page)?/(index){1}\\.php$', 'RedirectLink' => '$1'));
     // Determine whether the regular expression replacement is correct.
     $this->assertEquals($mapping->getLink(), ClassInfo::exists('Multisites') ? '' : '');
 function setValue($value, $record = null)
     $parts = explode(":", $value);
     if (!is_array($parts) || count($parts) != 2 || !ClassInfo::exists($parts[0]) || !is_numeric($parts[1])) {
     $this->value = DataObject::get_by_id($parts[0], $parts[1]);
 public function __construct()
     if (!ClassInfo::exists('QueuedJobService')) {
         $this->config()->use_queues = false;
 protected function importDataObject($item, $parentObject, $duplicateStrategy)
     $ignore = array('ClassName' => true, 'Status' => true, 'ID' => true);
     $cls = 'Page';
     if (strlen($item->ClassName) && ClassInfo::exists($item->ClassName)) {
         $cls = $item->ClassName;
     if ($cls == 'SiteTree') {
         $cls = 'Page';
     $obj = new $cls();
     $obj->Version = 1;
     if ($parentObject && $parentObject->hasExtension('Hierarchy') && $obj->hasExtension('Hierarchy')) {
         if ($cls == "SilverStripeContentItem" && $item->Title == "Files") {
             $fakeId = '0-File';
             $fakeFiles = new SilverStripeContentItem($item->source, $fakeId);
             $fakeFiles->Title = 'Files';
             $fakeFiles->ID = $item->ID . ExternalContent::ID_SEPARATOR . $fakeId;
             return $fakeFiles;
         $filter = '"Title" = \'' . Convert::raw2sql($item->Title) . '\' AND "ParentID" = ' . (int) $parentObject->ID;
         $existing = DataObject::get_one($cls, $filter);
         if ($existing && $existing->exists()) {
             if ($duplicateStrategy == ExternalContentTransformer::DS_OVERWRITE) {
                 $obj = $existing;
                 $obj->ClassName = $cls;
             } else {
                 if ($duplicateStrategy == ExternalContentTransformer::DS_SKIP) {
                     return $existing;
     foreach ($item->getRemoteProperties() as $field => $value) {
         if (!isset($ignore[$field]) && $obj->hasField($field)) {
             $obj->{$field} = $value;
     $obj->RemoteNodeId = $item->getSS_ID();
     $obj->RemoteSystemId = $item->getSource()->ID;
     $obj->ParentID = $parentObject->ID;
     if ($parentObject->SubsiteID) {
         $obj->SubsiteID = $parentObject->SubsiteID;
     // Adds proper support for 2.4 so everything doesn't get published since
     // the built in API will show unpublished pages. 3.x doesn't have this issue
     $itemPublished = false;
     if (isset($item->Status) && $item->Status == "Published") {
         $itemPublished = true;
     // Changed here for $itemPublished OR $parentObject->isPublished to account for the 2.4 issue
     if ($parentObject->ClassName != "Folder" && $obj->hasExtension('Versioned') && ($itemPublished || $parentObject->isPublished())) {
         $obj->publish('Stage', 'Live');
     return $obj;
  *	Retrieve the search page.
  *	@return extensible search page
 public function getSearchPage()
     $pages = ExtensibleSearchPage::get();
     // This is required to support multiple sites.
     if (ClassInfo::exists('Multisites')) {
         $pages = $pages->filter('SiteID', $this->owner->SiteID);
     return $pages->first();
  * Format a ClassName or Field name sent by client API
  * to be used by SilverStripe
  * @param  string $name ClassName of Field name
  * @return string       Formatted name
 public function unformatName($name)
     $class = ucfirst($name);
     if (ClassInfo::exists($class)) {
         return $class;
     } else {
         return $name;
Example #20
 public function testExists()
 public function run($request)
     if (isset($request['name']) && ClassInfo::exists($request['name'])) {
         $clz = $request['name'];
         $job = new $clz();
     } else {
         $job = new DummyQueuedJob(mt_rand(10, 100));
  * Creates a report template instance if one does not exist.
 protected function onBeforeWrite()
     if (!$this->ReportTemplateID && $this->ReportType && ClassInfo::exists($this->ReportType)) {
         $template = Object::create($this->ReportType);
         $template->Title = $this->Title;
         $this->ReportTemplateID = $template->ID;
 public function SiteConfig()
     if (ClassInfo::exists("SiteConfig")) {
         if (method_exists($this->owner->dataRecord, 'getSiteConfig')) {
             return $this->owner->dataRecord->getSiteConfig();
         } else {
             return SiteConfig::current_site_config();
 public function __construct($filterField = 'Created', $fragment = 'header', $label = '', $navigationLabel = '')
     if (!\ClassInfo::exists('RangeSliderField')) {
         throw new \LogicException('Please install the milkyway-multimedia/ss-mwm-formfields module to use this feature');
     $this->filterField = $filterField;
     $this->fragment = $fragment;
     $this->label = $label;
     $this->navigationLabel = $navigationLabel ?: _t('GridFieldUtils.SHOW', 'Show');
 protected function getItem()
     if (ClassInfo::exists('Subsite')) {
     $item = DataObject::get_by_id($this->itemType, $this->itemID);
     if (ClassInfo::exists('Subsite')) {
     return $item;
  * Format a ClassName or Field name sent by client API
  * to be used by SilverStripe
  * @param  string $name ClassName of Field name
  * @return string       Formatted name
 public function unformatName($name)
     $class = Inflector::singularize($name);
     $class = ucfirst($class);
     if (ClassInfo::exists($class)) {
         return $class;
     } else {
         $name = $this->deserializeColumnName($name);
     return $name;
 function getHandler($noun)
     $ancestry = array_reverse(ClassInfo::ancestry($noun->class));
     foreach ($ancestry as $class) {
         $class = $class . '_Handler';
         if (ClassInfo::exists($class)) {
             return new $class($noun);
     user_error("Couldn't find a handler for REST Noun " . $noun, E_USER_ERROR);
  *	The test to ensure the request filter is functioning correctly.
 public function testRequestFilter()
     // Instantiate link mappings to use.
     $mapping = LinkMapping::create(array('LinkType' => 'Simple', 'MappedLink' => 'wrong/page', 'RedirectLink' => 'pending'));
     LinkMapping::create(array('LinkType' => 'Simple', 'MappedLink' => 'pending', 'RedirectLink' => 'correct/page'))->write();
     // The CMS module needs to be present to test page behaviour.
     if (ClassInfo::exists('SiteTree')) {
         // This is required to support multiple sites.
         $parentID = ClassInfo::exists('Multisites') ? Multisites::inst()->getCurrentSiteId() : 0;
         // Instantiate pages to use.
         $first = SiteTree::create(array('URLSegment' => 'wrong', 'ParentID' => $parentID));
         $second = SiteTree::create(array('URLSegment' => 'page', 'ParentID' => $first->ID));
     // Determine whether the enforce misdirection is functioning correctly.
     $response = $this->get('wrong/page');
     $this->assertEquals($response->getStatusCode(), 303);
     $this->assertEquals($response->getHeader('Location'), '/correct/page');
     // The CMS module needs to be present to test page behaviour.
     if (ClassInfo::exists('SiteTree')) {
         // Update the default enforce misdirection.
         Config::inst()->update('MisdirectionRequestFilter', 'enforce_misdirection', false);
         // Determine whether the page is now matched.
         $response = $this->get('wrong/page');
         $this->assertEquals($response->getStatusCode(), 200);
         $this->assertEquals($response->getHeader('Location'), null);
         // Instantiate a fallback to use.
         $first->Fallback = 'Nearest';
         // The database needs to be cleaned up to prevent further testing conflict.
         // Determine whether the fallback is matched.
         $response = $this->get('wrong/page');
         $this->assertEquals($response->getStatusCode(), 303);
         $this->assertEquals($response->getHeader('Location'), '/wrong/?misdirected=1');
     // Instantiate a director rule to use.
     Config::inst()->update('Director', 'rules', array('wrong/page' => 'Controller'));
     // Determine whether the director rule is matched.
     $response = $this->get('wrong/page');
     $this->assertEquals($response->getStatusCode(), 200);
     $this->assertEquals($response->getHeader('Location'), null);
     // The database needs to be emptied to prevent further testing conflict.
 function extractStates(&$table, &$ids, &$fields)
     $class = $table;
     $suffix = null;
     if (ClassInfo::exists($class) && $this->appliesTo($class, false)) {
         $table = $class;
         $self = get_class($this);
         foreach ($ids as $i => $statefulid) {
             $ids[$i]['state'][$self] = $suffix ? $suffix : 'Stage';
  * The "default" structure used for this report when auto generating etc
 public function onBeforeWrite()
     if (!$this->ReportTemplateID && $this->ReportType && ClassInfo::exists($this->ReportType)) {
         $template = Object::create($this->ReportType);
         // create the template first. This is what all actual reports are based on when they're generated, either
         // automatically or by the 'generate' button
         $template->Title = $this->Title . ' Preview';
         $this->ReportTemplateID = $template->ID;