Example #1
 public function __construct()
     $goodVisit = new GoodVisitor();
     $badVisit = new BadVisitor();
     $cinema = new Cinema();
     $museum = new Museum();
Example #2
 public function doUrl()
     if ($this->urlInput->checkPost()) {
         $url = $this->urlInput->getUrl();
         // ----------------- //
         $curler = new Curler();
         $startPage = new StartPage($url, $curler);
         // days every body can
         $calander = new Calander($url . $startPage->getCalanderLink(), $curler);
         $daysEvaeyBodyCan = $calander->getDayEverybodyCan();
         $cinema = new Cinema($url . $startPage->getCinemaLink(), $curler, $daysEvaeyBodyCan);
         $filmsForXDays = $cinema->getMoviesFromDays();
         $dataPresenter = new PresentDataView();
         $this->html = $dataPresenter->generateHTML($filmsForXDays);
     } else {
         $this->html = $this->urlInput->generateInputField();
Example #3
 public function getCinemasFromDb($columnsNames = ["id", "name", "address"])
     if (is_array($columnsNames) && !empty($columnsNames)) {
         $columns = implode(",", $columnsNames);
         $sqlQuery = "SELECT " . $columns . " FROM cinemas";
         $conn = parent::getConnection();
         $result = $conn->query($sqlQuery);
         if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
             while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
                 $cinema = new Cinema(parent::getConnection());
                 if (array_key_exists("id", $row)) {
                 if (array_key_exists("name", $row)) {
                 if (array_key_exists("address", $row)) {
Example #4
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
// echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0">';
$start = microtime(true);
$visitors = 300;
$maxAmount = 800;
$takenSeats = NULL;
$cinema = new Cinema($maxAmount, $takenSeats);

echo '<p>Took ' . (microtime(true) - $start) . ' seconds to place ' . $visitors . ' into a Cinema of ' . $maxAmount . '</p>';

<div id="cinema">
<p>&nbsp; </p>
Example #5
            $dateFormatted = substr($date, 0, 16);
            $screeningId = $screening->getId();
            echo "<li>Cinema: <a href='showInfo.php?type=cinema&id={$cinemaId}'>{$cinemaName}</a>, Date & Time: {$dateFormatted}";
            echo "</li>";
        echo "</ul>";
    } else {
        echo "<p>No screenings</p>";
if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "GET" && $_GET["type"] === "cinema") {
    $id = $_GET["id"];
    $db = DATABASE::getInstance();
    $mysqli = $db->getConnection();
    $cinema = new Cinema($mysqli);
    $cinemaName = $cinema->getName();
    $cinemaAddress = $cinema->getAddress();
    echo "<h3>Name: {$cinemaName}</h3>";
    echo "<p>Address: {$cinemaAddress}</p>";
    echo "<h3>Cinema Screenings:</h3>";
    $fetcher = new ScreeningFetcher($db);
    $screeningsArray = $fetcher->getArrayWithCinemaScreenings();
    if (!empty($screeningsArray)) {
        echo "<ul>";
        foreach ($screeningsArray as $screening) {
            $movieName = $screening->getMovie()->getName();
            $movieId = $screening->getMovie()->getId();
            $date = $screening->getDate();
Example #6

require_once "../classes/Database.php";
require_once "../classes/Cinema.php";
if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "POST" && isset($_POST["cinema_name"])) {
    $name = htmlentities($_POST["cinema_name"]);
    $address = htmlentities($_POST["cinema_address"]);
    $db = DATABASE::getInstance();
    $mysqli = $db->getConnection();
    $cinema = new Cinema($mysqli);
    header("location: adminPanel.php");
} else {
    header("location: adminPanel.php");
Example #7
 public function scrape()
     $url = 'http://www.gnccinemas.com.br/conteudo/home.asp';
     $referer = 'http://www.gnccinemas.com.br/conteudo/home.asp';
     $curl_handle = curl_init();
     	TODO adicionar controle de excecao, por tempo
     		 fazer essa chamada mais generica
     curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
     curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
     curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'CodCidade=1');
     curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_REFERER, $referer);
     curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 2);
     curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
     curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Firefox');
     curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
     $buffer = curl_exec($curl_handle);
     $cinema = new Cinema();
     $cinema->name = 'Teste GNC';
     $cinema->address = 'Rua X';
     $cinema->phone = '123';
     $cinema->ticket = '456';
     //phpQuery::$debug = 1;
     if (!empty($buffer)) {
         $line = pq('td.td_pontilhada_l0t0r0b0');
         $trs = pq('table tr', $line);
         $htmlSalas = pq('.topo_tabela_azul4[width="210"]');
         aqui pega o link para o cinema do grupo. Deve fazer um novo curl para pegar o endereco
         foreach($htmlSalas as $sala){
         	echo trim(pq('a',$sala)->attr('href'));
         //$filmes = pq('div.a ,div.b', $prog);
         foreach ($trs as $key => $value) {
              echo '<pre>';
              echo '</pre>';
             $filme = trim(pq('a.nome_filme_programacao-home', $value)->text());
             if (empty($filme)) {
             $showtimes = trim(pq('.horarios_programacao-home', $value)->text());
             $showtimes = explode(" - ", $showtimes);
             /*$censura = trim(pq('input',$value)->attr('value'));
             				$legenda = pq('div.legenda span',$value)->attr('onmouseover');
             				$legenda = strtolower($legenda);
             				$pattern = '(legendado|dublado|nacional)';
             				preg_match($pattern, $legenda, $matches);
             				$legenda = trim($matches[0]);		
             				$horarios = pq('div.horas > span', $value);		
             $filme_horarios = new Movie();
             $filme_horarios->name = $filme;
             $filme_horarios->age = "censura";
             $filme_horarios->subtitle = "legenda";
             //verificar se nao e' possivel passar a lista de diretamente para o showtimes
             $filme_horarios->showtime = $showtimes;
             				foreach ($horarios as $key => $value) {
             					$horario = pq($value)->text();
             					if (!empty($horario)) {
         return $cinema;
         // echo '<pre>';
         // print_r($cinema);
         // echo '</pre>';
Example #8

require_once "../classes/Database.php";
require_once "../classes/Screening.php";
require_once "../classes/Movie.php";
require_once "../classes/Cinema.php";
if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "POST" && isset($_POST["movie"])) {
    $movieId = $_POST["movie"];
    $cinemaId = $_POST["cinema"];
    $dateFormatted = str_replace("T", " ", $_POST["date"]);
    $db = DATABASE::getInstance();
    $mysqli = $db->getConnection();
    $movie = new Movie($mysqli);
    $cinema = new Cinema($mysqli);
    $screening = new Screening($mysqli);
    header("location: adminPanel.php");
Example #9
 public function getCinemaScreenings($id)
     $sqlQuery = "SELECT id, cinema_id, movie_id, date FROM screenings WHERE date > NOW() AND cinema_id = {$id} ORDER BY date ";
     $conn = parent::getConnection();
     $result = $conn->query($sqlQuery);
     if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
         while (list($id, $cinemaId, $movieId, $date) = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM)) {
             $movie = new Movie($conn);
             $cinema = new Cinema($conn);
             $screening = new Screening($conn);
Example #10
        echo "tickets - " . $this->tickets . "<br>";
        echo "shown movies - " . $this->show_movies . "<br>";
    function __construct($name, $em, $ad, $tick, $show)
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->employee = $em;
        $this->adress = $ad;
        $this->tickets = $tick;
        $this->show_movies = $show;
class Hot_movies extends Cinema
    public static $premiere = "Warcraft";
$Imax = new Cinema('Cinema city', 2, 'Blabla #55', 200, 5);
echo "Premiere movies in all cinemas :<br>" . Hot_movies::$premiere . "<br>";
echo "<pre>";
echo $Imax->sale(5);
echo "<br>";
echo $Imax->sale(10);
echo "</pre>";
$d2 = new Cinema('Burgas Cinema', 5, 'Lalala #21', 100, 2);
echo "<pre>";
echo $d2->sale(1);
echo "<br>";
echo $d2->sale(2);
echo "</pre>";