Example #1
 * Updates the LCC of the currently logged in user.
 * @param (mixed) $new_lcc The new LCC for the user.
 * @return (array) An array with indices `status` and `message`,
 *                 containing the status code and description of
 *                 the result of the operation.
function update_current_user_lcc($new_lcc)
    // Check that the LCC is numeric and between 0 and 100 exclusive
    $new_lcc = intval($new_lcc);
    if ($new_lcc <= 0 || $new_lcc >= 100) {
        $message = "Your LCC should be a number between 0 and 100. If your's isn't, ";
        $message .= "<a href=\"mailto:" . TECHSTAFF_EMAIL . "\">let our tech staff know</a> ";
        $message .= "and we'll update it!";
        return array('status' => STATUS_ERROR, 'message' => $message);
    // Get the CIF user
    $cif_user = new CifUser($_SERVER['REDIRECT_WEBAUTH_USER']);
    // Check that the new LCC is different from the current one
    if ($new_lcc == $cif_user->lcc) {
        return array('status' => STATUS_OK, 'message' => "You entered the same LCC that we have on record, so nothing was updated.");
    try {
        $cif_user->update('lcc', $new_lcc);
        return array('status' => STATUS_OK, 'message' => "Your LCC's been updated!");
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $message = $e->getMessage() . ". Either something's down or there was a hiccup. ";
        $message .= "You should <a href=\"mailto:" . TECHSTAFF_EMAIL . "\">contact tech staff</a> ";
        $message .= "if this keeps happening for you.";
        return array('status' => STATUS_ERROR, 'message' => $message);
Example #2
 * Updates the password of the currently logged in user.
 * @param (mixed) $new_password The new password for the user.
 * @param (mixed) $new_password_again Confirmation of the new password for the user.
 * @return (array) An array with indices `status`, `message`, and `reasons`
 *                 containing the status code and description of the result of the operation,
 *                 and an array of reasons for that status.
function update_current_user_password($new_password, $new_password_again)
    try {
        $cif_user = new CifUser($_SERVER['REDIRECT_WEBAUTH_USER']);
        if ($new_password !== $new_password_again) {
            throw new Exception("The passwords you entered didn't match.");
        // Validate the password
        $errors = is_secure_password($new_password, 'Sorry, but your password needs');
        if ($errors) {
            throw new Exception($errors);
        // Change the user's password
        return array('status' => STATUS_OK, 'message' => "Your password was changed.", 'reasons' => $errors);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $error_message = $e->getMessage();
    // If execution reaches this point, something went wrong
    // If the password was valid, log the results of this failed operation
    if (isset($errors) && !$errors) {
        file_put_contents(LOG_DIR . $cifid, $log, FILE_APPEND);
    return array('status' => STATUS_ERROR, 'message' => $error_message, 'reasons' => $errors);
Example #3
  * Authenticates through Kerberos for privileged permissions.
  * This also creates our CIF user.
 public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     // Authenticate as a priviledged user through Kerberos
     self::$kerberos = new CifKerberos();
     self::$ldap = CifLdap::get_connection();
     // Create an LDAP test group
     try {
         // Create the CIF user from our desired attributes
         self::$user = CifUser::create_from(self::get_properties(), self::$password);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo "\n" . self::$user->get_log();
Example #4
 * Creates or resets the account for the given user.
 * @param string $netid The user's University of Rochester NetID.
 * @param string $password The user's NetID password.
 * @param mixed $lcc The user's LCC.
 * @return array An associative array with indices "status" and "message".
 * When "status" is STATUS OK, "user_existed", "has_lab_access", and "lcc" keys
 * will also be returned.
function create_account($netid, $password, $lcc)
    global $twig;
    // We'll be using Twig to render email templates
    // Continue running this script even if the client disconnects
    try {
        $user_existed = CifUser::user_exists($netid);
        $cif_user = CifUser::create($netid, $password, $lcc);
        if ($user_existed) {
            $has_lab_access = $cif_user->is_a_member_of(LAB_ACCESS_GROUP);
            // Send a reset email if the user reset their account
            $message = $twig->render('email/account-reset.html', array('has_lab_access' => $has_lab_access, 'old_lcc' => $lcc, 'new_lcc' => $cif_user->lcc));
            mail($cif_user->email, 'Your CIF account was reset', $message, EMAIL_HEADER);
        } else {
            // Give new users lab access
            // TODO Should still support an access list to pre-set access for users who do not yet exist;
            // TODO (cont) such a list must be synced between dev and prod
            $has_lab_access = $cif_user->is_a_member_of(LAB_ACCESS_GROUP);
            // Send an account creation email to board
            $message = $twig->render('email/account-creation-notification.html', array('full_name' => $cif_user->full_name, 'email' => $cif_user->email, 'year' => $cif_user->year));
            mail(BOARD_EMAIL, "CIF account created for {$cif_user->full_name}", $message, EMAIL_HEADER);
            // Send a welcome email to the new user
            $message = $twig->render('email/welcome.html', array('first_name' => $cif_user->first_name, 'has_lab_access' => $has_lab_access, 'lcc' => $lcc));
            mail($cif_user->email, 'Your CIF account was created!', $message, EMAIL_HEADER);
        // Write the log to disk
        file_put_contents(LOG_DIR . $netid, $cif_user->get_log(), FILE_APPEND);
        return array('status' => STATUS_OK, 'message' => "Your account was successfully " . ($user_existed ? 'reset' : 'created') . "!", 'info' => array('user_existed' => $user_existed, 'has_lab_access' => $has_lab_access, 'lcc' => $cif_user->lcc));
    } catch (PasswordException $pe) {
        return array('status' => STATUS_AUTH_ERROR, 'message' => "The NetID or password you entered seem to be incorrect.");
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        // Alert the tech directors if a log can be written
        if (isset($cif_user)) {
            // Write the log to disk
            file_put_contents(LOG_DIR . $netid, $cif_user->get_log(), FILE_APPEND);
            $subject = 'CIF Account ' . ($user_existed ? 'Reset' : 'Creation') . " Failed ({$netid})";
            $message = "This is a notice to check " . LOG_DIR . "{$netid} for the reason of failure.";
            mail(TECHDIRECTOR_EMAIL, $subject, $message);
        return array('status' => STATUS_ERROR, 'message' => $e->getMessage());
Example #5
  * Creates a new CifUser for the given credentials.
  * If the user already exists in CIF LDAP, this method does nothing.
  * If they do not exist, their account will be initialed with data from University LDAP.
  * An AFS volume will also be created for the user's file storage if they don't already have one.
  * @param string $netid The user's netID.
  * @param string $password The user's password, necessary for connecting to University LDAP.
  * @param int $lcc The user's LCC.
  * @return CifUser A CifUser object for the newly created user.
 public static function create($netid, $password, $lcc)
     $netid = strtolower(trim($netid));
     $lcc = intval($lcc);
     try {
         $uni_ldap = new UniversityLdap($netid, $password);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new PasswordException('Unable to connect to University servers. Bad username/password?');
     $attributes = self::parse_attributes($uni_ldap->get_attributes(), 'UniversityLdap');
     // Set the user's LCC here because University LDAP doesn't give it to us
     $attributes['lcc'] = $lcc;
     return CifUser::create_from($attributes, $password);
Example #6

 * Main page. Contains modules for the user's account information,
 * LCC and password change forms, and other CIF account service modules
 * such as file storage and web hosting.
require_once 'panel-config.php';
require_once 'lib/CifUser.php';
require_once 'lib/utility.php';
// Get the CIF user
$cif_user = new CifUser($_SERVER['REDIRECT_WEBAUTH_USER']);
$has_lab_access = $cif_user->is_a_member_of(LAB_ACCESS_GROUP);
$forms = array();
// If the LCC change form was submitted, handle it
$forms['lcc'] = array('submitted' => false);
if ($has_lab_access && was_submitted('update_lcc') && isset($_POST['new_lcc'])) {
    require_once 'lib/lcc.php';
    $result = update_current_user_lcc($_POST['new_lcc']);
    $forms['lcc']['submitted'] = true;
    $forms['lcc']['status'] = $result['status'];
    $forms['lcc']['message'] = $result['message'];
// If the password change form was submitted, handle it
$forms['password'] = array('submitted' => false);
if (was_submitted('update_password') && isset($_POST['new_password']) && isset($_POST['new_password_confirmation'])) {
    require_once 'lib/password.php';
    $result = update_current_user_password($_POST['new_password'], $_POST['new_password_confirmation']);
    $forms['password']['submitted'] = true;
    $forms['password']['status'] = $result['status'];
    $forms['password']['message'] = $result['message'];