Example #1
 public function get_time($format = 'U', $time = 'now', $timezone = null)
     static $i = 1;
     $timezone = !empty($timezone) ? new \DateTimeZone($timezone) : $this->timezone;
     $time_convert = (int) $time;
     if (empty($time_convert)) {
         $obj = new \DateTime($time, $timezone);
     } else {
         $obj = new \DateTime(null, $timezone);
     if (is_int($time)) {
     	$obj = new \DateTime(null, new \DateTimeZone($timezone));
     } else {
     	try {
     		$obj = new \DateTime($time, new \DateTimeZone($timezone));
     	} catch (\Exception $e) {
     		$caught = true;
     		$obj = new \DateTime(null, new \DateTimeZone($timezone));
     $result = $obj->format($format);
     if ($i > 200 && isset($caught)) {
         \Cibulka::Plugin('base')->Dump($time, $result);
     return $result;
 protected function translate_value($timestamp, $format = 'Y/m/d H:i')
     if (empty($timestamp)) {
         return null;
     $result = \Cibulka::Theme('Date')->get_time($timestamp, $format);
     return $result;
 public function get_field_output_default($field_i, $group_item_i)
     $attrs = $this->get_attrs($field_i, $group_item_i, true);
     $value = $this->get_value($field_i, $group_item_i);
     $input = \Cibulka::Base('HTML', 'input', $attrs, true);
     $result = $this->get_common_wrap($input, $field_i, $group_item_i);
     return $result;
 protected function get_separator_str($separator)
     if ($this->is_dev()) {
         $separator[2] = \Cibulka::Base('HTML', 'p', array('class' => 'description'), false, $this->get_glue_key(null) . ' / ' . $this->get_glue(null));
     $result = parent::get_separator_str($separator);
     return $result;
Example #5
 public function get_field_output_default($field_i, $group_item_i)
     $attrs = $this->get_attrs($field_i, $group_item_i, true);
     $value = $this->get_value($field_i, $group_item_i);
     $attrs['value'] = !empty($value) ? $value : $this->config['args']['default_f'];
     $input = \Cibulka::Base('HTML', 'input', $attrs, true);
     $result = $this->get_common_wrap($input, $field_i, $group_item_i);
     return $result;
 protected function get_edit_link($term_id)
     if (empty($term_id)) {
         return null;
     $url = get_edit_term_link($term_id, $this->config['args']['taxonomy']);
     $result = \Cibulka::Base('HTML', 'a', array('target' => '_blank', 'href' => $url, 'class' => 'edit-link'), false, 'Upravit termín');
     return $result;
 protected function get_edit_link($post_id)
     if (empty($post_id)) {
         return null;
     $url = get_edit_post_link($post_id);
     $result = \Cibulka::Base('HTML', 'a', array('target' => '_blank', 'href' => $url, 'class' => 'edit-link'), false, 'Upravit článek');
     return $result;
 public function get_value($field_i = null, $group_i = null, $name = false)
     if (!$this->is_excerpt()) {
         return parent::get_value($field_i, $group_i);
     global $post;
     $excerpt = \Cibulka::Base('Post_Excerpt', $post->ID, false, false);
     return $excerpt;
Example #9
 public function get_html_noresp($media_id, $size = null, array $attrs = array(), $square = false, $use_fallback = false)
     $img_src = wp_get_attachment_image_url($media_id, $size);
     if (empty($img_src)) {
         $result = $use_fallback ? call_user_func_array(array($this, 'get_html_fallback'), func_get_args()) : false;
         return $result;
     $attrs = array_merge(array('src' => $img_src), $attrs);
     $result = \Cibulka::Base('HTML', 'img', $attrs, true);
     return $result;
Example #10
 public function get_field_output_default($field_i, $group_item_i)
     $attrs = $this->get_attrs($field_i, $group_item_i, true);
     $value = $this->get_value($field_i, $group_item_i);
     $attrs['value'] = !empty($value) ? $value : $this->config['args']['default'];
     $input = '<div class="l-table range-table">';
     $input .= \Cibulka::Base('HTML', 'span', array('id' => $this->get_id($field_i, $group_item_i) . '__cur', 'class' => 'l-cell range-table__val'), false, $attrs['value']);
     $input .= \Cibulka::Base('HTML', 'span', array('id' => $this->get_id($field_i, $group_item_i) . '__min', 'class' => 'l-cell'), false, $attrs['min']);
     $input .= \Cibulka::Base('HTML', 'span', array('class' => 'l-cell'), false, \Cibulka::Base('HTML', 'input', $attrs, true));
     $input .= \Cibulka::Base('HTML', 'span', array('id' => $this->get_id($field_i, $group_item_i) . '__max', 'class' => 'l-cell'), false, $attrs['max']);
     $input .= '</div>';
     $result = $this->get_common_wrap($input, $field_i, $group_item_i);
     return $result;
 protected function get_option($option_key, $option_val, $value)
     $attrs = array('value' => $option_val);
     $default = $this->config['args']['default'];
     $is_selected = false;
     if ($option_val === false) {
         $attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled';
     if (!$is_selected && (!empty($value) && $value == $option_val || empty($value) && $default == $option_val)) {
         $attrs['selected'] = 'selected';
         $is_selected = true;
     $attrs['data-default'] = $default == $option_val;
     $result = \Cibulka::Base('HTML', 'option', $attrs, false, $option_key);
     return $result;
Example #12
 protected function get_option(array $attrs, $value, $k, $v, $default, $i, $checked = 0)
     $result = '';
     if ($i > 1) {
         $attrs['id'] .= '__' . $i;
     $label = \Cibulka::Base('HTML', 'label', array('for' => $attrs['id'], 'class' => 'cibulka-radio js-increment-attrs l-row'));
     if (is_bool($checked) && $checked || $this->is_checked($value, $default, $v)) {
         $attrs['checked'] = 'checked';
     $attrs['data-default'] = $default == $v;
     $result .= $label->start();
     $result .= '<span class="cibulka-radio__txt l-cell l-pad-r">' . $k . '</span><span class="cibulka-radio__button l-cell">';
     $result .= \Cibulka::Base('HTML', 'input', array_replace($attrs, array('type' => 'radio', 'value' => $v, 'class' => 'radio-button js-increment-attrs')), true);
     $result .= '</span>' . $label->end();
     return $result;
 protected function get_option(array $attrs, $value, $k, $v, $default, $i, $checked = 0)
     if ($v === '%text%') {
         if (!empty($value)) {
             $checked = !in_array($value, $this->config['args']['values']);
             $v = $checked ? $value : $v;
             $disabled = $checked;
         } else {
             $checked = false;
             $is_custom = false;
             $disabled = 'disabled';
         $result = parent::get_option($attrs, $value, $k, $v, $default, $i, $checked);
         $result .= \Cibulka::Base('HTML', 'input', array('type' => 'text', 'disabled' => $disabled, 'class' => 'radio-text', 'value' => $checked ? $value : ''));
     } else {
         $result = parent::get_option($attrs, $value, $k, $v, $default, $i, $checked);
     return $result;
 public function get_field_output_default($field_i, $group_item_i)
     $result = '';
     $txt_attrs = $this->get_attrs($field_i . '_autocomplete', $group_item_i, true);
     $txt_attrs['type'] = 'text';
     $txt_attrs['class'] .= ' cibulka-autocomplete';
     $txt_attrs['value'] = $this->translate_value($this->get_value($field_i, $group_item_i));
     $txt_attrs = array_replace($txt_attrs, $this->get_txt_attrs($field_i, $group_item_i));
     $input_txt = \Cibulka::Base('HTML', 'input', $txt_attrs, true);
     $hide_attrs = $this->get_attrs($field_i, $group_item_i, true);
     $hide_attrs['type'] = $this->is_dev() ? 'text' : 'hidden';
     $hide_attrs['class'] .= ' autocomplete--target';
     $hide_attrs['value'] = $this->get_value($field_i, $group_item_i);
     $input_hide = \Cibulka::Base('HTML', 'input', $hide_attrs, true);
     if ($this->config['args']['print_link']) {
         $print_link = $this->get_edit_link($hide_attrs['value']);
     } else {
         $print_link = null;
     $result = $this->get_common_wrap($input_txt . $input_hide . $print_link, $field_i, $group_item_i);
     return $result;
  * Init PRINT and SUBMIT hooks.
 public function init()
     // Init fields etc.
     // Print
     add_action($this->config['hooks']['print'], array($this, 'print_form'));
     // Submit
     add_action('admin_post_nopriv_' . $this->config['hooks']['submit'], array($this, 'submit'));
     add_action('admin_post_' . $this->config['hooks']['submit'], array($this, 'submit'));
     if (!empty($this->config['templates']['session'])) {
         \Cibulka::Base('register_session_var', 'cibulka_form', $this->config['templates']['session']);
     $i = 1;
     add_filter('wp_redirect_status', function($status, $location) use ($i) {
     	if ($i > 1) {
     		\Cibulka\dump("redirect loop?");
     	update_option($status, $location);
     	return $status;
     }, 11, 2);
// Last.fm
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
$dic['Last_FM'] = $dic->factory(function () {
    $lf_api = LASTFM_API_KEY;
    $lf_api_s = LASTFM_API_S;
    $lastfm = new \Dandelionmood\LastFm\LastFm($lf_api, $lf_api_s);
    return $lastfm;
// Twitter | Import
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
$dic['Twitter_To_WP'] = $dic->factory(function ($id, $type, array $args, $post_handler_name = null) use($dic) {
    $wp_meta = \Cibulka::Plugin('base')->get('_WP_Meta');
    $wp_meta_tax = \Cibulka::Plugin('base')->get('_WP_Meta_Tax');
    $wp_cron = \Cibulka::Plugin('base')->get('_WP_Cron');
    $wp_option = \Cibulka::Plugin('base')->get("_WP_Option");
    if (empty($post_handler_name)) {
        $post_handler_name = __NAMESPACE__ . "\\ToWP\\Post";
    $post = new $post_handler_name($wp_meta, $wp_meta_tax);
    $twitter_getter = $dic->get("Twitter_" . ucfirst($type), $args);
    $import = new ToWP\Import($id, $twitter_getter, $wp_cron, $wp_option, $post);
    return $import;
// =========================================================================
// Plugin
// =========================================================================
$base = \Cibulka\Plugin\Base\Plugin::make();
$plugin = Plugin::make(__FILE__, '0.0.1', $dic, $base->get('Asset_Register'), $base->raw('URL'));
\Cibulka\Plugin\Base\dic\app::add('Social', $plugin);
 $url = \Cibulka::Base('URL')->get_plugin_url('Forms', 'assets-dist/css/vanilla.css');
 \Cibulka::Base('Assets_Admin')->register_style('forms-vanilla', $url, array('xdan-datetimepicker'));
 // =====================================================================
 // Javascript
 // =====================================================================
 // $url = \Cibulka::Base('URL')->get_plugin_url('Forms', 'node_modules/jquery-datetimepicker/build/jquery.datetimepicker.full.js');
 $url = \Cibulka::Base('URL')->get_plugin_url('Forms', 'assets-dist/vendor-fix/jquery.datetimepicker.full.min.js');
 \Cibulka::Base('Assets_Admin')->register_script('xdan-datetimepicker', $url, array('jquery'));
 $url = \Cibulka::Base('URL')->get_plugin_url('Forms', 'assets-dist/js/vanilla.js');
 \Cibulka::Base('Assets_Admin')->register_script('forms-vanilla', $url, array('jquery-ui-autocomplete', 'xdan-datetimepicker'));
 \Cibulka::Base('Assets_Admin')->enqueue_script('forms-vanilla', null, 10, true);
 // =====================================================================
 // Ajax calls
 // =====================================================================
 \Cibulka::Base('WP_Ajax')->add_ajax_call('cibulka_forms_autocomplete', function () {
     $result = array();
     $search_term = $_POST['search'];
     $query = $_POST['query'];
     $is_term = isset($_POST['is_term']) && $_POST['is_term'];
     $query = array_map(function ($v) use($search_term) {
         // Replace search term
         $v = str_replace('%search%', $search_term, $v);
         // Fix "false" as string
         if ($v === 'false' || $v === '0') {
             $v = false;
         return $v;
     }, $query);
     if ($is_term) {
         $terms = get_terms($query);
Example #18
        $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true);
        return $data;
    }, 0);
    return $result;
$plugin['Assets_Front'] = function () {
    return new Assets\WP_Asset_Manager('wp_enqueue_scripts');
$plugin['Assets_Admin'] = function () {
    return new Assets\WP_Asset_Manager('admin_enqueue_scripts');
$plugin['Assets_Login'] = function () {
    return new Assets\WP_Asset_Manager('login_enqueue_scripts');
$plugin['WP_Ajax'] = function () {
    $view = \Cibulka::Base('View');
    return new Assets\WP_Ajax($view);
 * Init Require.js workflow.
 * @param obj $asset_manager		- Front, Admin or Login asset manager.
 * @param obj $base_url				- Base URL. Can't be in r.js for some reason, so needs to be added to config later .......
 * @param string $main_url_dev		- URL for script in development. ['assets-dev/js/main.js']
 * @param string $main_url_dist		- URL for script in production. ['assets-dist/js/main.js']
 * @param string $require_js_url	- URL of Require.js dependency.
 * @param string $js_config			- Require.js config - shared between Require.js and R.js build process.
 * @param callable $condition 		- Enqueue condtion.
 * @param bool $dist				- Force environment. TRUE, if production.
$plugin['Require_JS'] = $plugin->factory(function ($asset_manager, $base_url, $main_url_dev, $main_url_dist, $requirejs_url, array $js_config, $condition = null, $dist = false) {

 * @link http://cibulka.me
 * @wordpress-plugin
 * Plugin Name: CIBULKA | Api
 * Plugin URI: http://cibulka.me
 * Description: Wordpress APIs.
 * Version: 0.0.1
 * Author: Petr Cibulka
 * Author URI: http://cibulka.me/
 * License: GPL-2.0+
 * License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
namespace Cibulka\Plugin\Api;

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
add_action('muplugins_loaded', function () {
    $plugin = new Plugin(__FILE__);
    include 'plugin/get.php';
    \Cibulka::add_plugin('Api', $plugin);
}, 11);
Example #20
    if (empty($desc)) {
        $desc = get_bloginfo('description');
    $desc = trim($desc, '„”"" ');
    if ($limit) {
        $desc = \Cibulka::Base('limit_words', $desc, $limit);
    return $desc;
$plugin['meta_pic'] = function ($placeholder = null) {
    $pic = false;
    if (is_single()) {
        global $post;
        if (has_post_thumbnail($post->ID)) {
            $image_arr = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'large');
            $pic = $image_arr[0];
    if (empty($pic) && !empty($placeholder)) {
        $pic = $placeholder;
    return $pic;
 * @link http://opensearch.nichabi.com/
$plugin['meta_search'] = function ($name = null) {
    $obj = \Cibulka::Base('HTML', 'link', array('rel' => 'search', 'type' => 'application/opensearchdescription+xml', 'href' => '/opensearch.xml', 'name' => !empty($name) ? $name : get_bloginfo('name')), true, null, null);
    return $obj;
Example #21
namespace Cibulka\Plugin\Base;

$plugin['URL'] = function (array $config_filter = null, $use_filter = true) {
    $obj = new Routes\URL($config_filter);
    return $obj;
$plugin['under_construction'] = function ($template, $slug = null, $is_test = false) {
    if (!$is_test || WP_ENV == 'staging') {
        add_action('cibulka/top', function () use($template, $slug) {
            if (is_user_logged_in()) {
            $url = wp_login_url(\Cibulka::Base('URL')->get_front_url(''));
            \Cibulka::Base('View')->print_template($template, $slug, array('login_url' => $url));
$plugin['main_query_cpt'] = function (array $cpt) {
    add_action('pre_get_posts', function ($query) use($cpt) {
        if (!is_admin() && !is_singular() && $query->is_main_query()) {
            $query->set('post_type', $cpt);
    }, 11);
$plugin['add_query_var'] = $plugin->factory(function ($var_names, $callback, $priority = 11) {
    add_filter('query_vars', function ($vars) use($var_names) {
        foreach ((array) $var_names as $var_name) {
            $vars[] = $var_name;
Example #22
 * @link https://dev.twitter.com/rest/public
$plugin['Twitter'] = function () {
    // \Cibulka\dump($obj);
    return $obj;
$plugin['Google_Places'] = $plugin->factory(function () {
    $key = GOOGLE_API_KEY;
    $obj = new Get\Google_Places_Get($key);
    return $obj;
 * @link https://github.com/dandelionmood/php-lastfm
 * @link http://www.last.fm/fr/api/show/artist.getInfo
$plugin['Last_Fm'] = function () {
    $obj = new \Dandelionmood\LastFm\LastFm(LASTFM_API_KEY, LASTFM_API_SECRET);
    return $obj;
$plugin['get_youtube_id'] = $plugin->factory(function ($url) {
    $q = array('v');
    parse_str(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY), $q);
    $v_id = !empty($q['v']) ? $q['v'] : false;
    return $v_id;
$plugin['To_Transient'] = $plugin->factory(function ($transient_name, $getter, $expiration) {
    $transient = \Cibulka::Base('WP_Transient');
    return $transient->read($transient_name, $getter, $expiration);
 protected function print_template($template_name, $data = null)
     $template_path = $this->config['templates'][$template_name];
     $data = !empty($data) ? $data : $this;
     if ($template = $this->view->get_theme_template($template_path, null)) {
         $this->view->print_template($template_path, null, $data);
     } else {
         $this->view->print_template_plugin(\Cibulka::Forms()->get_plugin_info('file'), $template_path, null, $data, true);

$attrs = $data->get_attrs(true);
$fields = $data->get_fields();
$form = \Cibulka::Base('HTML', 'form', $attrs);

echo $form->start();

foreach ($fields as $id => $field) {
		<p class="l-mb--1-2">
    echo $field->get_field_output();
	<button type="submit" class="button t-base">Send message</button>

echo $form->end();
Example #25
namespace Cibulka\Plugin\Base;

$plugin['CSS_Grid'] = function ($show = null) {
    if ($show === null) {
        $show = WP_ENV === 'development' ? true : false;
    $obj = new HTML\CSS_Grid('debug-grid', 'debug-grid-handle', $show);
    return $obj;
$plugin['HTML'] = $plugin->factory(function ($name, array $attrs = array(), $self_close = null, $content = null) {
    $html = new HTML\HTML($name, $attrs, $self_close, $content);
    return $html;
$plugin['_Theme_Image'] = function () {
    $url_obj = \Cibulka::Base('URL');
    try {
        $theme_config = \Cibulka::Theme('Theme_Config');
        $breakpoints = $theme_config['theme']['breakpoints'];
        $sizes = $theme_config['theme']['img'];
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        throw new \Exception("Theme must define Theme_Config with buildconfig.json content!");
    $obj = new HTML\Srcset($breakpoints, $sizes, $url_obj);
    return $obj;
// - NOTE: Intentionally NOT a factory.
$plugin['Theme_Image'] = function ($filename, array $sizes, array $attrs = null, array $allowed_sizes = null, $src = null) {
    $obj = \Cibulka::Base('_Theme_Image');
    $obj->set_data($filename, $sizes, $attrs, $allowed_sizes, $src);
    return $obj;
 protected function show_notice($data, $notice_template)
     \Cibulka::Base('View')->print_template($notice_template, null, $data);
Example #27
    add_filter('document_title_parts', function (array $title) {
        if (is_single() && 'post' !== get_post_type()) {
            global $post;
            $post_type = get_post_type_object(get_post_type());
            $title['title'] = $post_type->labels->singular_name . ': ' . get_the_title($post->ID);
        return $title;
    }, 11, 3);
$plugin['Clean'] = function () {
    return new Setup\WP_Clean();
$plugin['init_image_sizes'] = function () {
    try {
        $theme_config = \Cibulka::Theme('Theme_Config');
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        return false;
    foreach ($theme_config["theme"]["img"] as $k => $size) {
        $crop = isset($size["crop"]) && $size['crop'];
        add_image_size($k, $size['width'], $size['height'], $crop);
$plugin['init_wp_noorig_image'] = function () {
    add_filter('wp_calculate_image_srcset', function ($sources) {
        return $sources;
 * @wordpress-plugin
 * Plugin Name: CIBULKA | Base
 * Plugin URI: http://cibulka.me
 * Description: Basic dependency for all Cibulka's plugin. Should be included as MU-Plugin (but can work both ways).
 * Version: 0.0.1
 * Author: Petr Cibulka
 * Author URI: http://cibulka.me/
 * License: GPL-2.0+
 * License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
namespace Cibulka\Plugin\Base;

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
$plugin = new Plugin(__FILE__);
include 'plugin/json.php';
include 'plugin/content.php';
include 'plugin/routes.php';
include 'plugin/setup.php';
include 'plugin/crud.php';
include 'plugin/assets.php';
include 'plugin/html.php';
include 'plugin/parsers.php';
include 'plugin/templates.php';
include 'plugin/wp_post.php';
include 'plugin/locale.php';
include 'plugin/utils.php';
include 'plugin/meta.php';
\Cibulka::add_plugin('Base', $plugin);
 protected function get_repeatable_button($add_or_remove, $field_i, $group_item_i, $do_table_line = false)
     $repeatable = $this->config['args']['repeatable'];
     if (!$repeatable || is_int($repeatable)) {
         return null;
     $result = '';
     $total = $this->get_glue($group_item_i);
     if ($do_table_line) {
         $table_line_suffix = $this->is_group() ? 'group' : 'single';
         $table_line_class = implode(' ', array('repeatable-wrap-' . $add_or_remove, 'repeatable-wrap-' . $add_or_remove . '--' . $table_line_suffix));
         $result .= '<tr><td class="td-sep td-pad ' . $table_line_class . '" colspan="2">';
     $button_attrs = array('href' => '#', 'data-glue-id' => $this->is_group() ? $this->get_glue_key(null) : $this->get_glue_key($group_item_i), 'data-is-group' => $this->is_group());
     $button_class = array('repeatable-button');
     if ($add_or_remove === 'remove') {
         $button_txt = '×';
         $button_attrs['data-target'] = $this->is_group() ? $this->get_id(null, empty($group_item_i) ? 1 : $group_item_i) : $this->get_id_wrap($field_i, $group_item_i);
         $button_class[] = 'repeatable-button--remove js-increment-attrs';
         if ($this->is_in_group() && $this->get_repeatable()) {
             $button_class[] = 'js-repeatable-in-group';
     } else {
         $button_txt = '+';
         $button_class[] = 'repeatable-button--add';
     $button_attrs['class'] = implode(' ', $button_class);
     $result .= \Cibulka::Base('HTML', 'a', $button_attrs, false, $button_txt);
     if ($do_table_line) {
         $result .= '</td></tr>';
     return $result;
 public function remove_word($post_id)
     if (!in_array(get_post_type($post_id), $this->post_types)) {
         return $post_id;
     $do_word = get_post_meta($post_id, 'remove_word_formatting', true) === 'ano';
     if (!$do_word) {
         return $post_id;
     $content = get_post_field('post_content', $post_id);
     if (empty($content)) {
         return $post_id;
     $dom = \Cibulka::Base('DOMDocument');
     // Remove unnecessary elements
     // Remove attributes
     $content = $dom->get_content();
     if (empty($content)) {
         return false;
     $result = array('ID' => $post_id, 'post_content' => $content);
     remove_action('save_post', array($this, 'remove_word'), 12);
     $result = wp_update_post($result);
     add_action('save_post', array($this, 'remove_word'), 12, 1);
     update_post_meta($post_id, 'remove_word_formatting', 'ne');
     return $result;