function d($arg) { $declared = 'variable'; ChromePhp::log('xdebug_get_declared_vars', xdebug_get_declared_vars()); ChromePhp::groupCollapsed('backtrace'); ChromePhp::log(debug_backtrace()); ChromePhp::groupEnd(); ChromePhp::info('Triggered notice.'); trigger_error('Custom notice', E_USER_NOTICE); ChromePhp::warn('Triggered warning.'); trigger_error('Custom warning', E_USER_WARNING); ChromePhp::error('Triggered error.'); trigger_error('Custom error', E_USER_ERROR); }
/** * log to console directly with this method passing only the first required parameter and to change * the log type the third parameter according to allowed log types. pass a lable for second parameter * to describe the message send to console. * * @error 10908 * @param null|mixed $mixed expects the message of any type to send to console * @param null|string $label expects the optional label to describe the first parameter * @param string $type expects the log type - see log type array * @param array $options expects optional parameters * @return void * @throws Xapp_Error */ public function log($mixed = null, $label = null, $type = 'info', array $options = array()) { $type = strtolower((string) $type); if (array_key_exists($type, self::$_typeMap)) { if ($type === 'ini') { $this->ini($mixed, $label, $options); } if ($label !== null) { $label = trim(trim($label), ':') . ':'; } switch ($this->_driver) { case 'chromephp': switch ($type) { case $type === 'ungroup' || $mixed === null: $this->console->groupEnd(); break; case 'group': $this->console->group($mixed); break; case 'trace': $this->console->log((string) $label, $mixed, 'info'); break; default: $this->console->log((string) $label, $mixed, self::$_typeMap[$type]); } break; case 'firephp': switch ($type) { case $type === 'ungroup' || $mixed === null: $this->console->groupEnd(); break; case 'group': $this->console->group($mixed, $options); break; case 'trace': $this->console->trace($label); break; default: $this->console->{$type}($mixed, (string) $label, $options); } break; } } else { throw new Xapp_Error(xapp_sprintf(_("xapp console log type: %s not supported"), $type), 1090801); } }
function chrome_debug($msg, $type = 'trace', $trace_level = 1) { if ('trace' == $type) { ChromePhp::groupCollapsed($msg); $traces = debug_backtrace(false); $traces = array_reverse($traces); $max = count($traces) - $trace_level; for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { $trace = $traces[$i]; $fun = isset($trace['class']) ? $trace['class'] . '::' . $trace['function'] : $trace['function']; $file = isset($trace['file']) ? $trace['file'] : 'unknown file'; $line = isset($trace['line']) ? $trace['line'] : 'unknown line'; $trace_msg = '#' . $i . ' ' . $fun . ' called at [' . $file . ':' . $line . ']'; if (!empty($trace['args'])) { ChromePhp::groupCollapsed($trace_msg); ChromePhp::log($trace['args']); ChromePhp::groupEnd(); } else { ChromePhp::log($trace_msg); } } ChromePhp::groupEnd(); } else { if (method_exists('Behavior\\ChromePhp', $type)) { //支持type trace,warn,log,error,group, groupCollapsed, groupEnd等 call_user_func(array('Behavior\\ChromePhp', $type), $msg); } else { //如果type不为trace,warn,log等,则为log的标签 call_user_func_array(array('Behavior\\ChromePhp', 'log'), func_get_args()); } } }
static function outputBrowser($type, $data) { // Browser Extensions if (CONSOLE_FIREPHP) { try { //if (!in_array($type, array("log", "info", "warn", "error"))) { $type = "log"; } //FirePHP::{$type}($data); switch ($type) { case "log": FirePHP::log($data); break; case "info": FirePHP::info($data); break; case "warn": FirePHP::warn($data); break; case "error": FirePHP::error($data); break; default: FirePHP::log($data); break; } } catch (Exception $e) { } } if (CONSOLE_CHROMELOGGER) { try { //if (!in_array($type, array("log", "info", "warn", "error", "group", , "groupCollapsed", "groupEnd"))) { $type = "log"; } //ChromePhp::{$type}($data); switch ($type) { case "log": ChromePhp::log($data); break; case "info": ChromePhp::info($data); break; case "warn": ChromePhp::warn($data); break; case "error": ChromePhp::error($data); break; case "group": ChromePhp::group($data); break; case "groupCollapsed": ChromePhp::groupCollapsed($data); break; case "groupEnd": ChromePhp::groupEnd($data); break; default: ChromePhp::log($data); break; } } catch (Exception $e) { } } }