function CreateMasterDetailRecordGridForproject_timeline_detailDetailEdit2projectGrid()
     $result = new Grid($this, $this->dataset, 'MasterDetailRecordGridForproject_timeline_detailDetailEdit2project');
     $result->OnCustomDrawCell->AddListener('MasterDetailRecordGridForproject_timeline_detailDetailEdit2project' . '_OnCustomDrawRow', $this);
     $result->OnCustomRenderColumn->AddListener('MasterDetailRecordGridForproject_timeline_detailDetailEdit2project' . '_' . 'OnCustomRenderColumn', $this);
     // View column for program_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('programm_id_program_name', 'Project Type', $this->dataset);
     // View column for project_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('project_name', 'Project Name', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date_start field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_start', 'Date Start', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date_end field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_end', 'Date End', $this->dataset);
     // View column for year field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('year', 'Year', $this->dataset);
     // View column for notes field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('notes', 'Objectives', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('priority_Name', 'Priority', $this->dataset);
     // View column for username field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('lead_username', 'Project Lead', $this->dataset);
     // View column for approved_budget field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('approved_budget', 'Approved Budget', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CurrencyFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, ',', '.', $this->RenderText('$'));
     // View column for budget_spent field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('budget_spent', 'Budget Spent', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CurrencyFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, ',', '.', $this->RenderText('$'));
     // View column for multi_year field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('multi_year', 'Multi Year', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     // View column for public_engagement field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('public_engagement', 'Public Engagement', $this->dataset);
     // View column for level_of_service field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('level_of_service', 'Level Of Service', $this->dataset);
     // View column for approved field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('approved', 'Approved by CAO', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     // View column for progress field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('progress', 'Progress', $this->dataset);
     // View column for DEPARTMENT field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('dept_id_DEPARTMENT', 'Department', $this->dataset);
     // View column for program_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('programm_id_program_name', 'Project Type', $this->dataset);
     // View column for project_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('project_name', 'Project Name', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date_start field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_start', 'Date Start', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date_end field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_end', 'Date End', $this->dataset);
     // View column for year field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('year', 'Year', $this->dataset);
     // View column for notes field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('notes', 'Notes', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('priority_Name', 'Priority', $this->dataset);
     // View column for username field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('lead_username', 'Project Lead', $this->dataset);
     // View column for approved_budget field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('approved_budget', 'Approved Budget', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CurrencyFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, ',', '.', $this->RenderText('$'));
     // View column for budget_spent field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('budget_spent', 'Budget Spent', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CurrencyFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, ',', '.', $this->RenderText('$'));
     // View column for multi_year field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('multi_year', 'Multi Year', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     // View column for public_engagement field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('public_engagement', 'Public Engagement', $this->dataset);
     // View column for level_of_service field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('level_of_service', 'Level Of Service', $this->dataset);
     // View column for approved field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('approved', 'Approved by CAO', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     // View column for progress field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('progress', 'Progress', $this->dataset);
     // View column for DEPARTMENT field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('dept_id_DEPARTMENT', 'Department', $this->dataset);
     return $result;
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for ID field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ID', 'ID', $this->dataset);
     // View column for IP field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('IP', 'IP', $this->dataset);
     // View column for NomMachine field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('NomMachine', 'NomMachine', $this->dataset);
     // View column for EtatMachine field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('EtatMachine', 'EtatMachine', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     // View column for Service1 field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Service1', 'Service1', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     // View column for Service2 field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Service2', 'Service2', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     // View column for Service3 field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Service3', 'Service3', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
Example #3
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for id_accion field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_accion', 'Id Accion', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Identificador único de la acción.'));
     // View column for ds_referencia field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_tipo_accion_ds_referencia', 'Tipo Accion', $this->dataset);
     $column = new ExtendedHyperLinkColumnDecorator($column, $this->dataset, 'tipo_accion.php?operation=view&pk0=%id_tipo_accion%' , '_self');
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Tipo de la accion.'));
     // View column for ds_referencia field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_tipo_espacio_ds_referencia', 'Tipo Espacio', $this->dataset);
     $column = new ExtendedHyperLinkColumnDecorator($column, $this->dataset, 'tipo_espacio.php?operation=view&pk0=%id_tipo_espacio%' , '_self');
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Tipo de espacio en que se puede ejecutar la acción.'));
     // View column for ds_referencia field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_tipo_bien_ds_referencia', 'Tipo Bien', $this->dataset);
     $column = new ExtendedHyperLinkColumnDecorator($column, $this->dataset, 'tipo_bien.php?operation=view&pk0=%id_tipo_bien%' , '_self');
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Tipo de bien sobre el que se ejecuta la acción.'));
     // View column for no_origen field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_origen_no_origen', 'Origen', $this->dataset);
     $column = new ExtendedHyperLinkColumnDecorator($column, $this->dataset, 'origen.php?operation=view&pk0=%id_origen%' , '_self');
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Origen de la acción.'));
     // View column for no_metodologia field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_metodologia_no_metodologia', 'Metodología', $this->dataset);
     $column = new ExtendedHyperLinkColumnDecorator($column, $this->dataset, 'metodologia.php?operation=view&pk0=%id_metodologia%' , '_self');
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Metodología de realización de la acción.'));
     // View column for no_periodicidad field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_periodicidad_no_periodicidad', 'Periodicidad', $this->dataset);
     $column = new ExtendedHyperLinkColumnDecorator($column, $this->dataset, 'periodicidad.php?operation=view&pk0=%id_periodicidad%' , '_self');
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Periodicidad de ejecución de la acción.'));
     // View column for fl_a_demanda field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('fl_a_demanda', 'A Demanda', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Indicador de si la actividad puede ser realizada a demanda.'));
     // View column for ds_referencia field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ds_referencia', 'Descripción Referencia', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Referencia del registro.'));
Example #4
File: tarea.php Project: jsrxar/dto
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for id_tarea field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_tarea', 'Id Tarea', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Identificador único de la tarea.'));
     // View column for id_periodicidad field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_tarea_plan_id_periodicidad', 'Id Tarea Plan', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Identificador único de la planificación de la tarea.'));
     // View column for fe_ejecucion field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('fe_ejecucion', 'Fecha Ejecucion', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDateTimeFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Fecha y hora de ejecución de la tarea.'));
     // View column for fl_realizada field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('fl_realizada', 'Fl Realizada', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Define si la tarea fue realizada o no.'));
     // View column for ds_observaciones field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ds_observaciones', 'Ds Observaciones', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Observaciones de la realización de la tarea.'));
Example #5
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for descrizione field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ivo-codart_descrizione', 'Codice Articolo', $this->dataset);
     // View column for voc-descriz field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ivo-codvoc_voc-descriz', 'Codice Tipo Voce', $this->dataset);
     // View column for ivo-przunit field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ivo-przunit', 'Prezzo unitario', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, '.', ',');
     // View column for ivo-flagart field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ivo-flagart', 'Altro articolo', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     // View column for ivo-flagsmu field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ivo-flagsmu', 'Prevede smusso', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     // View column for ivo-dataini field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('ivo-dataini', 'Data decorrenza listino', $this->dataset);
     // View column for ivo-datafin field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('ivo-datafin', 'Data fine decorrenza listino', $this->dataset);
Example #6
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for voc-codvoce field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('voc-codvoce', 'Codice voce di costo', $this->dataset);
     // View column for voc-descriz field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('voc-descriz', 'Descrizione', $this->dataset);
     // View column for voc-semanual field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('voc-semanual', 'Manuale', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     // View column for voc-flagart field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('voc-flagart', 'Prevede altri articoli', $this->dataset);
     // View column for voc-przunit field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('voc-przunit', 'Prezzo unitario', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, '.', ',');
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for ID field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ID', 'ID', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Ping field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Ping', 'Ping', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     // View column for Nsfr field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Nsfr', 'Nsfr', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Nslo field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Nslo', 'Nslo', $this->dataset);
Example #8
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for id_accion field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_accion', 'Id Accion', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Identificador único de la acción.'));
     // View column for ds_referencia field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_tipo_espacio_ds_referencia', 'Id Tipo Espacio', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Identificador único del tipo de espacio.'));
     // View column for ds_referencia field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_tipo_bien_ds_referencia', 'Id Tipo Bien', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Identificador único del tipo de bien.'));
     // View column for no_origen field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_origen_no_origen', 'Id Origen', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Identificador único de origen.'));
     // View column for no_metodologia field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_metodologia_no_metodologia', 'Id Metodologia', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Identificador único de la metodología.'));
     // View column for no_periodicidad field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_periodicidad_no_periodicidad', 'Id Periodicidad', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Identificador único de la periodicidad.'));
     // View column for fl_a_demanda field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('fl_a_demanda', 'A Demanda', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Indicador de si la actividad puede ser realizada a demanda.'));
     // View column for ds_referencia field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ds_referencia', 'Descripción Referencia', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Referencia del registro.'));
     // View column for ds_referencia field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_tipo_accion_ds_referencia', 'Id Tipo Accion', $this->dataset);
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for program_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('programm_id_program_name', 'Project Type', $this->dataset);
     // View column for project_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('project_name', 'Project Name', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date_start field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_start', 'Date Start', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date_end field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_end', 'Date End', $this->dataset);
     // View column for approved_budget field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('approved_budget', 'Approved Budget', $this->dataset);
     // View column for budget_spent field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('budget_spent', 'Budget Spent', $this->dataset);
     // View column for notes field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('notes', 'Objectives', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('priority_Name', 'Priority', $this->dataset);
     // View column for username field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('lead_username', 'Project Lead', $this->dataset);
     // View column for level_of_service field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('level_of_service', 'Level Of Service', $this->dataset);
     // View column for multi_year field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('multi_year', 'Multi Year', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     // View column for public_engagement field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('public_engagement', 'Public Engagement', $this->dataset);
     // View column for year field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('year', 'Year', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 0, '', '');
     // View column for approved field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('approved', 'Approved by CAO', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     // View column for progress field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('progress', 'Progress', $this->dataset);
     // View column for DEPARTMENT field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('dept_id_DEPARTMENT', 'Department', $this->dataset);
Example #10
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for title field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('title', 'Office Title', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for title field
     $editor = new TextEdit('title_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Office Title', 'title', $editor, $this->dataset);
     $validator = new RequiredValidator(StringUtils::Format($this->GetLocalizerCaptions()->GetMessageString('RequiredValidationMessage'), $this->RenderText($editColumn->GetCaption())));
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for title field
     $editor = new TextEdit('title_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Office Title', 'title', $editor, $this->dataset);
     $validator = new RequiredValidator(StringUtils::Format($this->GetLocalizerCaptions()->GetMessageString('RequiredValidationMessage'), $this->RenderText($editColumn->GetCaption())));
     /* </inline insert column> */
     // View column for num_positions field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('num_positions', 'Number of Positions Available', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for num_positions field
     $editor = new TextEdit('num_positions_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Number of Positions Available', 'num_positions', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for num_positions field
     $editor = new TextEdit('num_positions_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Number of Positions Available', 'num_positions', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
     // View column for responsibilities field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('responsibilities', 'Responsibilities', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for responsibilities field
     $editor = new TextAreaEdit('responsibilities_edit', 50, 8);
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Responsibilities', 'responsibilities', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for responsibilities field
     $editor = new TextAreaEdit('responsibilities_edit', 50, 8);
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Responsibilities', 'responsibilities', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
     // View column for term_length_months field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('term_length_months', 'Term Length in Months', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for term_length_months field
     $editor = new TextEdit('term_length_months_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Term Length in Months', 'term_length_months', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for term_length_months field
     $editor = new TextEdit('term_length_months_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Term Length in Months', 'term_length_months', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
     // View column for filing_fee field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('filing_fee', 'Filing Fee', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for filing_fee field
     $editor = new TextAreaEdit('filing_fee_edit', 50, 8);
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Filing Fee', 'filing_fee', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for filing_fee field
     $editor = new TextAreaEdit('filing_fee_edit', 50, 8);
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Filing Fee', 'filing_fee', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
     // View column for partisan field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('partisan', 'Partisan Position', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for partisan field
     $editor = new CheckBox('partisan_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Partisan Position', 'partisan', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for partisan field
     $editor = new CheckBox('partisan_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Partisan Position', 'partisan', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     // View column for age_requirements field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('age_requirements', 'Age Requirements', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for age_requirements field
     $editor = new TextEdit('age_requirements_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Age Requirements', 'age_requirements', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for age_requirements field
     $editor = new TextEdit('age_requirements_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Age Requirements', 'age_requirements', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
     // View column for res_requirements field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('res_requirements', 'Residency Requirements', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for res_requirements field
     $editor = new TextAreaEdit('res_requirements_edit', 50, 8);
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Residency Requirements', 'res_requirements', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for res_requirements field
     $editor = new TextAreaEdit('res_requirements_edit', 50, 8);
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Residency Requirements', 'res_requirements', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
     // View column for prof_requirements field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('prof_requirements', 'Professional Requirements', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for prof_requirements field
     $editor = new TextAreaEdit('prof_requirements_edit', 50, 8);
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Professional Requirements', 'prof_requirements', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for prof_requirements field
     $editor = new TextAreaEdit('prof_requirements_edit', 50, 8);
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Professional Requirements', 'prof_requirements', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
     // View column for salary field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('salary', 'Salary', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for salary field
     $editor = new TextEdit('salary_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Salary', 'salary', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for salary field
     $editor = new TextEdit('salary_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Salary', 'salary', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 0, ',', '.');
     // View column for notes field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('notes', 'Notes', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for notes field
     $editor = new TextAreaEdit('notes_edit', 50, 8);
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Notes', 'notes', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for notes field
     $editor = new TextAreaEdit('notes_edit', 50, 8);
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Notes', 'notes', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
     // View column for office_rank field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('office_rank', 'Office Rank', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for office_rank field
     $editor = new TextEdit('office_rank_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Office Rank', 'office_rank', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for office_rank field
     $editor = new TextEdit('office_rank_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Office Rank', 'office_rank', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('For sorting purposes, lower value = higher rank'));