Example #1
    if(!posix_setsid()) {
        $DAEMON->trace('Could not detach daemon process from terminal!');
else {
    // Cannot go demonic
    $DAEMON->trace('Unholy spirit possession failed: PHP is not compiled with --enable-pcntl');
$DAEMON->trace('Started Moodle chatd on port ' . $CFG->chat_serverport . ', listening socket ' . $DAEMON->listen_socket, E_USER_WARNING);
/// Clear the decks of old stuff
$DB->delete_records('chat_users', array('version' => 'sockets'));
while (true) {
    $active = array();
    // First of all, let's see if any of our UFOs has identified itself
    if ($DAEMON->conn_activity_ufo($active)) {
        foreach ($active as $handle) {
            $read_socket = array($handle);
            $write = null;
            $except = null;
            $changed = socket_select($read_socket, $write, $except, 0, 0);
            if ($changed > 0) {
                // Let's see what it has to say
                $data = socket_read($handle, 2048);
                // should be more than 512 to prevent empty pages and repeated messages!!
                if (empty($data)) {
                if (strlen($data) == 2048) {
                    // socket_read has more data, ignore all data
                    $DAEMON->trace('UFO with ' . $handle . ': Data too long; connection closed', E_USER_WARNING);
Example #2
    echo "  chatd.php --start -l\n\n";
if (!function_exists('socket_set_option')) {
    echo "Error: Function socket_set_option() does not exist.\n";
    echo "Possibly PHP has not been compiled with --enable-sockets.\n\n";
$daemon->trace('Started Moodle chatd on port ' . $CFG->chat_serverport . ', listening socket ' . $daemon->listen_socket, E_USER_WARNING);
// Clear the decks of old stuff.
$DB->delete_records('chat_users', array('version' => 'sockets'));
while (true) {
    $active = array();
    // First of all, let's see if any of our UFOs have identified itself.
    if ($daemon->conn_activity_ufo($active)) {
        foreach ($active as $handle) {
            $readsocket = array($handle);
            $write = null;
            $except = null;
            $changed = socket_select($readsocket, $write, $except, 0, 0);
            if ($changed > 0) {
                // Let's see what it has to say.
                $data = socket_read($handle, 2048);
                // Should be more than 512 to prevent empty pages and repeated messages!
                if (empty($data)) {
                if (strlen($data) == 2048) {
                    // If socket_read has more data, ignore all data.
                    $daemon->trace('UFO with ' . $handle . ': Data too long; connection closed', E_USER_WARNING);