//Action Add Processing Begin
//begin process: test the action
//Action Add Processing Begin
if ($action == "add") {
    if (!empty($_POST['type'])) {
        $type = htmlentities($_POST['type']);
        $dateOperation = htmlentities($_POST['dateOperation']);
        $montant = htmlentities($_POST['montant']);
        $societe = htmlentities($_POST['societe']);
        $designation = htmlentities($_POST['designation']);
        $createdBy = $_SESSION['userMerlaTrav']->login();
        $created = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
        //create object
        $charge = new ChargeCommun(array('type' => $type, 'dateOperation' => $dateOperation, 'montant' => $montant, 'societe' => $societe, 'designation' => $designation, 'created' => $created, 'createdBy' => $createdBy));
        //add it to db
        //add history data to db
        $history = new History(array('action' => "Ajout", 'target' => "Table des charges communs", 'description' => "Ajout d'une charge de type : " . $type . ", le : " . $dateOperation . ", d'un montant de : " . $montant . ", dont la designation est : " . $designation . " - Projet : " . $nomProjet, 'created' => $created, 'createdBy' => $createdBy));
        //add it to db
        $actionMessage = "<strong>Opération Valide</strong> : Charge Ajouté(e) avec succès.";
        $typeMessage = "success";
    } else {
        $actionMessage = "<strong>Erreur Ajout Charge</strong> : Vous devez remplir le champ 'type'.";
        $typeMessage = "error";
} else {
    if ($action == "update") {
        $idCharge = htmlentities($_POST['idCharge']);
        if (!empty($_POST['type'])) {
            $type = htmlentities($_POST['type']);
 $societe = "";
 $montant = htmlentities($_POST['montant']);
 $dateOperation = htmlentities($_POST['dateOperation']);
 $dateOperation = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', trim($dateOperation));
 $dateOperation = $dateOperation->format('Y-m-d');
 $designation = htmlentities($_POST['designation']);
 if ($destinations == "ChargesCommuns") {
     $chargeCommunManager = new ChargeCommunManager($pdo);
     $societe = htmlentities($_POST['societe']);
     $type = htmlentities($_POST['typeChargesCommuns']);
     $createdBy = $_SESSION['userMerlaTrav']->login();
     $created = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
     //create object
     $charge = new ChargeCommun(array('type' => $type, 'dateOperation' => $dateOperation, 'montant' => $montant, 'societe' => $societe, 'designation' => $designation, 'created' => $created, 'createdBy' => $createdBy));
     //add it to db
 } else {
     if ($destinations == "ChargesProjets") {
         $chargeManager = new ChargeManager($pdo);
         $societe = htmlentities($_POST['societe2']);
         $type = htmlentities($_POST['typeChargesProjet']);
         $projet = htmlentities($_POST['projet']);
         $createdBy = $_SESSION['userMerlaTrav']->login();
         $created = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
         //create object
         $charge = new Charge(array('type' => $type, 'dateOperation' => $dateOperation, 'montant' => $montant, 'societe' => $societe, 'designation' => $designation, 'idProjet' => $projet, 'created' => $created, 'createdBy' => $createdBy));
         //add it to db
     } else {