Example #1
 public function save_table($options)
     if (!$this->table_header) {
         foreach (array_keys($this->table_rows[0]) as $k) {
             $this->table_header[$k] = '';
     $this->pdf->ezTable($this->table_rows, $this->table_header, '', $options);
Example #2
  * Genera una tabla para impresion en pdf
  * @param array $datos arreglo asociativo el cual contiene:
  * 'datos_tabla' => arreglo estilo recordset, donde cada elemento del mismo es un arreglo asociativo 'nombre_columna' => 'valor'
  * 'titulo_tabla' => texto con el titulo de la tabla
  * 'titulos_columnas' => arreglo asociativo 'nombre_columna' => 'descripcion_columna'
  * @param boolean $ver_titulos_col indica si se imprimiran los titulos de las columnas, por defecto no
  * @param integer $tamanio tamaño de la letra de la tabla
  * @param array $opciones arreglo asociativo con estilos de la tabla
 function tabla($datos, $ver_titulos_col = false, $tamanio = 8, $opciones = array())
     $ver_tit_col = $ver_titulos_col ? 1 : 0;
     $texto_tit_col = isset($datos['titulos_columnas']) ? $datos['titulos_columnas'] : '';
     $texto_titulo_tabla = isset($datos['titulo_tabla']) ? $datos['titulo_tabla'] : '';
     $opciones_def = array('splitRows' => 0, 'rowGap' => 1, 'showHeadings' => $ver_tit_col, 'titleFontSize' => 9, 'fontSize' => $tamanio, 'shadeCol' => array(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), 'outerLineThickness' => 0.7, 'innerLineThickness' => 0.7, 'xOrientation' => 'center', 'maxWidth' => $this->get_ancho(100));
     $opciones = array_merge($opciones_def, $opciones);
     $this->pdf->ezTable($datos['datos_tabla'], $texto_tit_col, $texto_titulo_tabla, $opciones);
Example #3
 function generar_pdf()
     require_once toba_dir() . '/php/3ros/ezpdf/class.ezpdf.php';
     $pdf = new Cezpdf();
     $pdf->selectFont(toba_dir() . '/php/3ros/ezpdf/fonts/Helvetica.afm');
     $pdf->ezText('Ejemplo Firma Digital. Tiene dos attachments XML', 14);
     //-- Cuadro con datos
     $opciones = array('splitRows' => 0, 'rowGap' => 1, 'showHeadings' => true, 'titleFontSize' => 9, 'fontSize' => 10, 'shadeCol' => array(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), 'outerLineThickness' => 0.7, 'innerLineThickness' => 0.7, 'xOrientation' => 'center', 'width' => 500);
     $this->s__datos_juegos = toba::db()->consultar("SELECT * from ref_juegos");
     $pdf->ezTable($this->s__datos_juegos, '', 'Juegos', $opciones);
     $this->s__datos_deportes = toba::db()->consultar("SELECT * from ref_deportes");
     $pdf->ezTable($this->s__datos_deportes, '', 'Deportes', $opciones);
     $tmp = $pdf->ezOutput(0);
     $this->s__pdf = array();
     $sesion = get_firmador()->generar_sesion();
     $this->s__pdf['path'] = toba::proyecto()->get_path_temp() . "/doc{$sesion}_sinfirma.pdf";
     if (!file_put_contents($this->s__pdf['path'], $tmp)) {
         throw new toba_error("Imposible escribir en '{$this->s__pdf['path']}'. Chequee permisos");
Example #4
 public function bukti($a)
     $pdfku = new Cezpdf("A5", 'landscape');
     $pdfku->addInfo('Title', 'List Barang');
     $pdfku->ezSetCmMargins("3", "3", "3", "3");
     $barang = $this->barang->detail_peminjaman($a);
     $pdfku->addText(120, $pdfku->y + 30, 18, "Bukti Peminjaman Inventaris Laboratorium");
     $pdfku->addText(160, $pdfku->y + 10, 15, "Komputasi Berbasis Jaringan (KBJ)");
     $cols_db = array('id_barang' => 'ID Barang', 'nama_barang' => 'Nama Barang');
     $option_db = array('showHeadings' => 2, 'shaded' => 0, 'xPos' => 'center', 'xOrientation' => 'center', 'fontSize' => 12, 'cols' => array('id_barang' => array('justification' => 'center', 'width' => '120'), 'nama_barang' => array('justification' => 'center', 'width' => '120')));
     $pdfku->ezTable($barang, $cols_db, '', $option_db);
     $pdfku->addText(100, $pdfku->y - 40, 12, "Mengetahui ");
     $pdfku->addText(90, $pdfku->y - 60, 12, "Administrator Lab");
     $pdfku->addText(400, $pdfku->y - 60, 12, "Kepala Laboratorium");
     $pdfku->addText(80, $pdfku->y - 130, 10, "__________________");
     $pdfku->addText(400, $pdfku->y - 130, 10, "__________________");
$pdf->ezSetCmMargins(1.5, 1, 2, 3);
$pdf->addJpegFromFile("../img/o.jpg", 50, 750, 100);
$folio = trim($_GET['folio']);
$result = mysql_query("select folio,fecha,c.nombre_contacto,total,\n\tconcat(nombre,' ',e.apellido_paterno,' ',e.apellido_materno) as nombre \n\tfrom ventas v inner join clientes c on c.matricula = v.cliente \n\tinner join empleados e on e.matricula = v.empleado \n\twhere v.status = 'PAGADA' and folio = '" . $folio . "' ");
while ($datatmp = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $datos = $datatmp['nombre_contacto'];
    $total = $datatmp['total'];
    $emp = $datatmp['nombre'];
    $data[] = array_merge($datatmp, array('folio'));
$options = array('shadeHeadingCol' => array(0.6, 0.6, 0.5), 'shadeCol' => array(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 70, 'fontSize' => 8, 'xPos' => 480);
$titlef = array('folio' => '<b>Folio</b>');
$titles = array('fecha' => '<b>Fecha</b>');
$titlet = array('total' => '<b>Total</b>');
$pdf->ezText("\n", 10);
$pdf->ezTable($data, $titlef, '', $options);
$pdf->ezText("\n", 10);
$pdf->ezTable($data, $titles, '', $options);
$pdf->ezText("\n", 10);
$pdf->addText(50, 700, 12, "<b>Atendio: </b>\n");
$pdf->addText(100, 700, 12, $emp);
$pdf->addText(50, 680, 12, "<b>Cliente: </b>\n");
$pdf->addText(100, 680, 12, $datos);
$sql = mysql_query("select dv.cantidad,p.nombre,dv.precio,dv.subtotal \n \t\tfrom detalle_venta dv\n \t\tinner join platillos p on p.id_platillo = dv.clave_producto \n \t\twhere folio = '" . $folio . "' ");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
    $dat[] = array_merge($row);
$optionsdv = array('shadeHeadingCol' => array(0.6, 0.6, 0.5), 'shadeCol' => array(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), 'xOrientation' => 'center', 'width' => 500, 'fontSize' => 10, 'xPos' => 'center', 'cols' => array('cantidad' => array('justification' => 'center'), 'nombre' => array('justification' => 'center'), 'precio' => array('justification' => 'center'), 'subtotal' => array('justification' => 'center')));
$titledv = array('cantidad' => '<b>Cantidad</b>', 'nombre' => '<b>Descripción</b>', 'precio' => '<b>Precio</b>', 'subtotal' => '<b>SubTotal</b>');
$pdf->ezTable($dat, $titledv, '', $optionsdv);
Example #6
if (@$_REQUEST['action'] == "getpdf") {
    mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "");
    include 'Cezpdf.php';
    $pdf = new Cezpdf();
    $pdf->ezText('CD Collection', 14);
    $pdf->ezText('Copyright 2002-2013 Kai Seidler, oswald@apachefriends.org, GPL', 10);
    $pdf->ezText('', 12);
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT id,titel,interpret,jahr FROM cds ORDER BY interpret;");
    $i = 0;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $data[$i] = array('interpret' => $row['interpret'], 'titel' => $row['titel'], 'jahr' => $row['jahr']);
    $pdf->ezTable($data, "", "", array('width' => 500));
include "langsettings.php";
<title>apachefriends.org cd collection</title>
<link href="xampp.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">


Example #7
     $pdf->selectFont($font_dir . '/Helvetica.afm');
     $pdf->ezText(w2PgetConfig('company_name'), 12);
     if ($log_all) {
         $date = new w2p_Utilities_Date();
         $pdf->ezText("\nAll hours as of " . $date->format($df), 8);
     } else {
         $sdate = new w2p_Utilities_Date($log_start_date);
         $edate = new w2p_Utilities_Date($log_end_date);
         $pdf->ezText("\nHours from " . $sdate->format($df) . ' to ' . $edate->format($df), 8);
     $pdf->selectFont($font_dir . '/Helvetica-Bold.afm');
     $pdf->ezText("\n" . $AppUI->_('Overall Report'), 12);
     foreach ($allpdfdata as $company => $data) {
         $title = $company;
         $options = array('showLines' => 1, 'showHeadings' => 0, 'fontSize' => 8, 'rowGap' => 2, 'colGap' => 5, 'xPos' => 50, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => '500', 'cols' => array(0 => array('justification' => 'left', 'width' => 250), 1 => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 120)));
         $pdf->ezTable($data, null, $title, $options);
     $w2pReport = new CReport();
     if ($fp = fopen($temp_dir . '/' . $w2pReport->getFilename() . '.pdf', 'wb')) {
         fwrite($fp, $pdf->ezOutput());
         echo '<a href="' . W2P_BASE_URL . '/files/temp/' . $w2pReport->getFilename() . '.pdf" target="pdf">';
         echo $AppUI->_('View PDF File');
         echo '</a>';
     } else {
         echo 'Could not open file to save PDF.  ';
         if (!is_writable($temp_dir)) {
             'The files/temp directory is not writable.  Check your file system permissions.';
Example #8
    $data = array_merge($data, array(array('RESULTADO' => "NO SE ESPECIFICÓ EL GRUPO A RECUPERAR")));
$retirados = "";
$orientIzq = array("left" => 0);
$justCentro = array("justification" => "center");
$estilo1 = array("justification" => "left", "leading" => 8);
$estilo2 = array("left" => 0, "leading" => 12);
$estilo3 = array("left" => 0, "leading" => 15);
$pdf = new Cezpdf("LETTER", "landscape");
$pdf->ezText("RECUPERACION DE LISTADO \n\n", 15, $justCentro);
$pdf->ezText("Dependencia: {$dependencia} \n", 12, $estilo1);
$pdf->ezText("Usuario Responsable: " . $objUsuario->get_usua_nomb() . " \n", 12, $estilo1);
$pdf->ezText("Fecha: {$fechaRadGrupo} \n", 12, $estilo1);
$pdf->ezText("\n\n\n ", 6, $estilo1);
$pdf->ezTable($data, '', '', array('fontSize' => 6, 'width' => 700));
//Var para almacenar la hora con formato
$hora = date("H") . "_" . date("i") . "_" . date("s");
// var que almacena el dia de la fecha
$ddate = date('d');
// var que almacena el mes de la fecha
$mdate = date('m');
// var que almacena el año de la fecha
$adate = date('Y');
// var que almacena  la fecha formateada
$fecha = $adate . "_" . $mdate . "_" . $ddate;
//guarda el path del archivo generado
$archivo = "{$ruta_raiz}/bodega/masiva/tmp_{$usua_doc}" . "_{$fecha}" . "_{$hora}.pdf";
//Referencia el PDF a generar
$pdfcode = $pdf->ezOutput();
$fp = fopen($archivo, 'wb');
Example #9
 public function pdfObservations($result)
     global $loggedUser, $dateformat, $instDir, $objObservation, $objObserver, $objInstrument, $objLocation, $objPresentations, $objObject, $objFilter, $objEyepiece, $objLens;
     $result = $this->sortResult($result);
     $pdf = new Cezpdf('a4', 'portrait');
     $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(300, 30, 10);
     $pdf->selectFont($instDir . 'lib/fonts/Helvetica.afm');
     $pdf->ezText(utf8_decode(html_entity_decode($_GET['pdfTitle'])) . "\n");
     $i = 0;
     while (list($key, $value) = each($result)) {
         if ($i++ > 0) {
         $obs = $objObservation->getAllInfoDsObservation($value['observationid']);
         $object = $objObject->getAllInfoDsObject($obs['objectname']);
         if ($loggedUser && $objObserver->getObserverProperty($loggedUser, 'UT')) {
             $date = sscanf($obs["date"], "%4d%2d%2d");
         } else {
             $date = sscanf($obs["localdate"], "%4d%2d%2d");
         if ($obs['seeing'] > -1) {
             $seeing = true;
         } else {
             $seeing = false;
         $formattedDate = date($dateformat, mktime(0, 0, 0, $date[1], $date[2], $date[0]));
         $temp = array("Name" => html_entity_decode(LangPDFMessage1) . " : " . $obs['objectname'], "altname" => html_entity_decode(LangPDFMessage2) . " : " . $object["altname"], "type" => $GLOBALS[$object['type']] . html_entity_decode(LangPDFMessage12) . $GLOBALS[$object['con']], "visibility" => $obs['visibility'] ? html_entity_decode(LangViewObservationField22) . " : " . $GLOBALS['Visibility' . $obs['visibility']] : '', "seeing" => $seeing ? LangViewObservationField6 . " : " . $GLOBALS['Seeing' . $obs['seeing']] : '', "limmag" => $obs['limmag'] ? LangViewObservationField7 . " : " . $obs['limmag'] : '', "filter" => $obs['filterid'] ? LangViewObservationField31 . " : " . $objFilter->getFilterPropertyFromId($obs['filterid'], 'name') : '', "eyepiece" => $obs['eyepieceid'] ? LangViewObservationField30 . " : " . $objEyepiece->getEyepiecePropertyFromId($obs['eyepieceid'], 'name') : '', "lens" => $obs['lensid'] ? LangViewObservationField32 . " : " . $objLens->getLensPropertyFromId($obs['lensid'], 'name') : '', "observer" => html_entity_decode(LangPDFMessage13) . $objObserver->getObserverProperty($obs['observerid'], 'firstname') . " " . $objObserver->getObserverProperty($obs['observerid'], 'name') . html_entity_decode(LangPDFMessage14) . $formattedDate, "instrument" => html_entity_decode(LangPDFMessage11) . " : " . $objInstrument->getInstrumentPropertyFromId($obs['instrumentid'], 'name'), "location" => html_entity_decode(LangPDFMessage10) . " : " . $objLocation->getLocationPropertyFromId($obs['locationid'], 'name'), "description" => $objPresentations->br2nl(html_entity_decode($obs['description'])), "desc" => html_entity_decode(LangPDFMessage15));
         $obs1[] = $temp;
         $nm = $obs['objectname'];
         if ($object["altname"]) {
             $nm = $nm . " (" . $object["altname"] . ")";
         $pdf->ezText($nm, "14");
         $tmp = array(array("type" => $temp["type"]));
         $pdf->ezTable($tmp, array("type" => utf8_decode(html_entity_decode(LangPDFMessage5))), "", array("width" => "500", "showHeadings" => "0", "showLines" => "0", "shaded" => "0"));
         $tmp = array(array("location" => $temp["location"], "instrument" => $temp["instrument"]));
         $pdf->ezTable($tmp, array("location" => utf8_decode(html_entity_decode(LangPDFMessage1)), "instrument" => utf8_decode(html_entity_decode(LangPDFMessage2))), "", array("width" => "500", "showHeadings" => "0", "showLines" => "0", "shaded" => "0"));
         $tmp = array(array("eyepiece" => $temp["eyepiece"]));
         if ($obs['eyepieceid']) {
             $pdf->ezTable($tmp, array("eyepiece" => "test"), "", array("width" => "500", "showHeadings" => "0", "showLines" => "0", "shaded" => "0"));
         $tmp = array(array("filter" => $temp["filter"]));
         if ($obs['filterid']) {
             $pdf->ezTable($tmp, array("filter" => "test"), "", array("width" => "500", "showHeadings" => "0", "showLines" => "0", "shaded" => "0"));
         $tmp = array(array("lens" => $temp["lens"]));
         if ($obs['lensid']) {
             $pdf->ezTable($tmp, array("lens" => "test"), "", array("width" => "500", "showHeadings" => "0", "showLines" => "0", "shaded" => "0"));
         $tmp = array(array("seeing" => $temp["seeing"]));
         if ($seeing) {
             $pdf->ezTable($tmp, array("seeing" => "test"), "", array("width" => "500", "showHeadings" => "0", "showLines" => "0", "shaded" => "0"));
         $tmp = array(array("limmag" => $temp["limmag"]));
         if ($obs['limmag']) {
             $pdf->ezTable($tmp, array("limmag" => "test"), "", array("width" => "500", "showHeadings" => "0", "showLines" => "0", "shaded" => "0"));
         $tmp = array(array("visibility" => $temp["visibility"]));
         if ($obs['visibility']) {
             $pdf->ezTable($tmp, array("visibility" => "test"), "", array("width" => "500", "showHeadings" => "0", "showLines" => "0", "shaded" => "0"));
         $tmp = array(array("observer" => $temp["observer"]));
         $pdf->ezTable($tmp, array("observer" => utf8_decode(html_entity_decode(LangPDFMessage1))), "", array("width" => "500", "showHeadings" => "0", "showLines" => "0", "shaded" => "0"));
         $pdf->ezText(utf8_decode(LangPDFMessage15), "12");
         $tmp = array(array("description" => $temp["description"]));
         $pdf->ezTable($tmp, array("description" => utf8_decode(html_entity_decode(LangPDFMessage1))), "", array("width" => "500", "showHeadings" => "0", "showLines" => "0", "shaded" => "0"));
         if ($objObservation->getDsObservationProperty($value['observationid'], 'hasDrawing')) {
             $pdf->ezImage($instDir . "deepsky/drawings/" . $value['observationid'] . ".jpg", 0, 500, "none", "left");
// Tampilkan object di semua halaman
$pdf->addObject($all, 'all');
// Baca input tanggal yang dikirimkan user
$mulai = $_GET[tgl1];
$selesai = $_GET[tgl2];
// Koneksi ke database dan tampilkan datanya
// Query untuk merelasikan kedua tabel di filter berdasarkan tanggal
$sql = mysql_query("select kd_penj.tanggal,kd_penj.kd_pjl,penjualan.id_product,barang.nama,\n                                           penjualan.harga,penjualan.jumlah,penjualan.subtotal\n                                           from penjualan,kd_penj,barang\n                                           where kd_penj.kd_pjl=penjualan.id_transaksi and barang.kode=penjualan.id_product and kd_penj.tanggal\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t between '{$mulai}' and '{$selesai}'\n\t\t\t\t\t");
$sum = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT sum(total) as total from \n\t\tkd_penj where tanggal between '{$mulai}' and '{$selesai}'"));
$jml = mysql_num_rows($sql);
if ($jml > 0) {
    $i = 1;
    while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
        $hargarp = rp($r[4]);
        $subrp = rp($r[6]);
        $data[$i] = array('<b>No</b>' => $i, '<b>Tanggal</b>' => $r[0], '<b>Kode Transaksi</b>' => $r[1], '<b>Nama Barang</b>' => $r[3], '<b>Harga</b>' => $hargarp, '<b>Jumlah</b>' => $r[5], '<b>SubTotal</b>' => $subrp);
    $pdf->ezTable($data, '', '', '');
    $tot = rp($sum[total]);
    $pdf->ezText("\n\nTotal keseluruhan : Rp. {$tot}");
    $pdf->ezText("Pencarian dari Tanggal {$mulai} s/d {$selesai}");
    // Penomoran halaman
    $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(320, 15, 8);
} else {
    $m = $_POST[tgl_1] . '-' . $_POST[bln_1] . '-' . $_POST[thn_1];
    $s = $_POST[tgl_2] . '-' . $_POST[bln_2] . '-' . $_POST[thn_2];
    echo "<script>window.alert('Tidak ada laporan Penjualan pada Tanggal {$m} s/d {$s}');\n  window.location=('" . $uri . "/apotek/out.php')</script>";
Example #11
$round = $_SESSION["round" . $dist];
if ($aryCompo = $db->getCompetition($id)) {
    //		$rsHeats = mysql_query("select * from tblRace where competitionId = '$id' and distance = '$dist' and type = '$round' order by number");
    $pdf = new Cezpdf();
    $roundname = _('Stafet');
    $pdf->ezText($aryCompo['name'] . " - " . date('d-m-Y', strtotime($aryCompo['date'])), 18, array('justification' => 'center'));
    $pdf->ezText($roundname . ' ' . gettext_dist($dist), 16, array('justification' => 'center'));
    $pdf->ezText('', 16, array('justification' => 'center'));
    $rsSwimmers = $db->teamList($id, $dist);
    $aryData = array();
    $lane = 1;
    $startTime = 0;
    while ($arySwimmers = $db->fetch_array($rsSwimmers)) {
        if ($startTime == 0) {
            $startTime = $arySwimmers['time'];
        $aryData[] = array('Bane' => $lane, 'Klub' => $arySwimmers['cname'], 'Starttal' => round($startTime - $arySwimmers['time']));
        $teamSwimmers = $db->teamSwimmers($arySwimmers['id']);
        while ($swimmer = $db->fetch_array($teamSwimmers)) {
            $aryData[] = array('Bane' => '', 'Klub' => '- ' . $swimmer['name'], 'Starttal' => '');
    $pdf->ezTable($aryData, array('Bane' => _('Bane'), 'Klub' => _('Hold'), 'Starttal' => _('Starttal')), '', array('xPos' => 57, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 481, 'fontSize' => 16, 'titleFontSize' => 18, 'cols' => array('Bane' => array('width' => 54, 'justification' => 'center'), 'Starttal' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 68))));
    header("Content-type: application/pdf");
Example #12
 static function imprimeAlumnosXcursada($anio, $carrera)
      * q hace: genera un array ezTable() con todos los alumnos de una cursada y carrera
      * previamente seleccionado.
      * q devuelve: un objeto Cezpdf conteniendo un ezTable() que debe ser abierta por el controlador correspondiente
      * para generar un pdf en el navegador
     $pdf = new Cezpdf('a4', 'landscape');
     $dato = Alumno::alumnosXcursada($anio, $carrera);
     //$pdf->ezStream(); esta linea va en el controlador alumno.php en el 'case print:'
     return $pdf;
Example #13
  * Print generic footer
  * @param $type   display type (0=HTML, 1=Sylk,2=PDF,3=CSV)
  * @param $title  title of file : used for PDF (default '')
  * @return string to display
 static function showFooter($type, $title = "")
     $out = "";
     switch ($type) {
         case self::PDF_OUTPUT_LANDSCAPE:
             global $PDF_HEADER, $PDF_ARRAY;
             $pdf = new Cezpdf('a4', 'landscape');
             $pdf->selectFont(GLPI_ROOT . "/lib/ezpdf/fonts/Helvetica.afm");
             $nb = count($PDF_ARRAY);
             $tmptxt = sprintf(_n('%s item', '%s items', $nb), $nb);
             $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(750, 10, 10, 'left', "GLPI PDF export - " . Html::convDate(date("Y-m-d")) . " - " . Toolbox::decodeFromUtf8($tmptxt, 'windows-1252') . " - {PAGENUM}/{TOTALPAGENUM}");
             $options = array('fontSize' => 8, 'colGap' => 2, 'maxWidth' => 800, 'titleFontSize' => 8);
             $pdf->ezTable($PDF_ARRAY, $PDF_HEADER, Toolbox::decodeFromUtf8($title, 'windows-1252'), $options);
         case self::PDF_OUTPUT_PORTRAIT:
             global $PDF_HEADER, $PDF_ARRAY;
             $pdf = new Cezpdf('a4', 'portrait');
             $pdf->selectFont(GLPI_ROOT . "/lib/ezpdf/fonts/Helvetica.afm");
             $nb = count($PDF_ARRAY);
             $tmptxt = sprintf(_n('%s item', '%s items', $nb), $nb);
             $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(550, 10, 10, 'left', "GLPI PDF export - " . Html::convDate(date("Y-m-d")) . " - " . Toolbox::decodeFromUtf8($tmptxt, 'windows-1252') . " - {PAGENUM}/{TOTALPAGENUM}");
             $options = array('fontSize' => 8, 'colGap' => 2, 'maxWidth' => 565, 'titleFontSize' => 8);
             $pdf->ezTable($PDF_ARRAY, $PDF_HEADER, Toolbox::decodeFromUtf8($title, 'windows-1252'), $options);
         case self::SYLK_OUTPUT:
             global $SYLK_HEADER, $SYLK_ARRAY, $SYLK_SIZE;
             // largeurs des colonnes
             foreach ($SYLK_SIZE as $num => $val) {
                 $out .= "F;W" . $num . " " . $num . " " . min(50, $val) . "\n";
             $out .= "\n";
             // Header
             foreach ($SYLK_HEADER as $num => $val) {
                 $out .= "F;SDM4;FG0C;" . ($num == 1 ? "Y1;" : "") . "X{$num}\n";
                 $out .= "C;N;K\"" . self::sylk_clean($val) . "\"\n";
                 $out .= "\n";
             // Datas
             foreach ($SYLK_ARRAY as $row => $tab) {
                 foreach ($tab as $num => $val) {
                     $out .= "F;P3;FG0L;" . ($num == 1 ? "Y" . $row . ";" : "") . "X{$num}\n";
                     $out .= "C;N;K\"" . self::sylk_clean($val) . "\"\n";
             $out .= "E\n";
         case self::CSV_OUTPUT:
             $out = "</table></div>\n";
     return $out;
    $pdf->addPngFromFile($pathvars["fileroot"] . "/images/net/kleines-wappen.png", 30, 780, 46);
    $pdf->addPngFromFile($pathvars["fileroot"] . "/images/net/auge.png", 300, 780, 70);
    // eine linie
    $pdf->line(20, 770, 560, 770);
    $pdf->addText(120, 790, '20', '<b>Vermessungsamt</b>');
    $pdf->addText(380, 790, '20', '<i>Friedberg</i>');
    // seiten nummern
    $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(300, 20, 12, '', '', 1);
    // hier geht es los
    // spaltenweise ausgabe an
    $pdf->ezColumnsStart(array("num" => 2, "gap" => 20));
    // wichtig: damit der die ausgabe am spaltenbeginn steht
    // Textblock
    #$pdf->ezText($text,10,array( "justification" => "full" )); // "leading"=>20, "spacing"=>1
    // Tabellen
    $data = array(array('num' => 1, 'name' => 'gandalf', 'type' => 'wizard'), array('num' => 2, 'name' => 'bilbo', 'type' => 'hobbit', 'url' => 'http://www.ros.co. nz/pdf/'), array('num' => 3, 'name' => 'frodo', 'type' => 'hobbit'), array('num' => 4, 'name' => 'saruman', 'type' => 'bad dude', 'url' => 'http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdf-php'), array('num' => 5, 'name' => 'sauron', 'type' => 'really bad dude'));
    for ($i = 0; $i <= 20; $i++) {
        $pdf->ezTable($data, '', '', array("fontSize" => 9, "width" => 260));
    // umbruch
    // Textblock
    #$pdf->ezText($text,10,array( "justification" => "full" )); // "leading"=>20, "spacing"=>1
    // spaltenweise ausgabe aus
    // ausgabe
Example #15
  * Creates a PDF document and sends this pricelist to the client
  * Unfortunately, ezpdf does not return anything after printing the
  * document, so there's no way to tell whether it has succeeded.
  * Thus, you should not rely on the return value, except when it is
  * false -- in that case, loading of some data failed.
  * @return  boolean           False on failure, true on supposed success
 function send_as_pdf()
     global $objInit, $_ARRAYLANG;
     if (!$this->load()) {
         return \Message::error($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PRICELIST_ERROR_LOADING']);
     $objPdf = new \Cezpdf('A4');
     $objPdf->setEncryption('', '', array('print'));
     $objPdf->selectFont(\Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getCodeBaseLibraryPath() . '/ezpdf/fonts/' . $this->font);
     $objPdf->ezSetMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
     // Reset margins
     $marginTop = 30;
     $biggerCountTop = $biggerCountBottom = 0;
     $arrHeaderLeft = $arrHeaderRight = $arrFooterLeft = $arrFooterRight = array();
     if ($this->header) {
         // header should be shown
         $arrHeaderLeft = explode("\n", $this->header_left);
         $arrHeaderRight = explode("\n", $this->header_right);
         $countLeft = count($arrHeaderLeft);
         $countRight = count($arrHeaderRight);
         $biggerCountTop = $countLeft > $countRight ? $countLeft : $countRight;
         $marginTop = $biggerCountTop * 14 + 36;
     // Bottom margin
     $marginBottom = 20;
     $arrFooterRight = array();
     if ($this->footer) {
         // footer should be shown
         // Old, obsolete:
         $this->footer_left = str_replace('<--DATE-->', date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, time()), $this->footer_left);
         $this->footer_right = str_replace('<--DATE-->', date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, time()), $this->footer_right);
         // New:
         $this->footer_left = str_replace('[DATE]', date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, time()), $this->footer_left);
         $this->footer_right = str_replace('[DATE]', date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, time()), $this->footer_right);
         $arrFooterLeft = explode("\n", $this->footer_left);
         $arrFooterRight = explode("\n", $this->footer_right);
         $countLeft = count($arrFooterLeft);
         $countRight = count($arrFooterRight);
         $biggerCountBottom = $countLeft > $countRight ? $countLeft : $countRight;
         $marginBottom = $biggerCountBottom * 20 + 20;
     // Borders
     if ($this->border) {
         $linesForAllPages = $objPdf->openObject();
         $objPdf->setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
         $objPdf->rectangle(10, 10, 575.28, 821.89);
         $objPdf->addObject($linesForAllPages, 'all');
     // Header
     $headerArray = array();
     $startpointY = 0;
     if ($this->header) {
         $headerForAllPages = $objPdf->openObject();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $biggerCountTop; ++$i) {
             $headerArray[$i] = array('left' => isset($arrHeaderLeft[$i]) ? $arrHeaderLeft[$i] : '', 'right' => isset($arrHeaderRight[$i]) ? $arrHeaderRight[$i] : '');
         $tempY = $objPdf->ezTable($headerArray, '', '', array('showHeadings' => 0, 'fontSize' => $this->font_size_header, 'shaded' => 0, 'width' => 540, 'showLines' => 0, 'xPos' => 'center', 'xOrientation' => 'center', 'cols' => array('right' => array('justification' => 'right'))));
         $tempY -= 5;
         if ($this->border) {
             $objPdf->setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0);
             $objPdf->line(10, $tempY, 585.28, $tempY);
         $startpointY = $tempY - 5;
         $objPdf->addObject($headerForAllPages, 'all');
     // Footer
     $pageNumbersX = $pageNumbersY = $pageNumbersFont = 0;
     if ($this->footer) {
         $footerForAllPages = $objPdf->openObject();
         $tempY = $marginBottom - 5;
         if ($this->border) {
             $objPdf->setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0);
             $objPdf->line(10, $tempY, 585.28, $tempY);
         // length of the longest word
         $longestWord = 0;
         foreach ($arrFooterRight as $line) {
             if ($longestWord < strlen($line)) {
                 $longestWord = strlen($line);
         for ($i = $biggerCountBottom - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
             if (empty($arrFooterLeft[$i])) {
                 $arrFooterLeft[$i] = '';
             if (empty($arrFooterRight[$i])) {
                 $arrFooterRight[$i] = '';
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                 $pageNumbersX = 65;
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                 $pageNumbersFont = $this->font_size_list;
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                 $objPdf->addText(25, $tempY - 18 - $i * $this->font_size_footer, $this->font_size_footer, $arrFooterLeft[$i]);
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                 $pageNumbersY = $tempY - 18 - $i * $this->font_size_footer;
                 $pageNumbersFont = $this->font_size_list;
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                 // Properly align right
                 $width = $objPdf->getTextWidth($this->font_size_footer, $arrFooterRight[$i]);
                 $objPdf->addText(595.28 - $width - 25, $tempY - 18 - $i * $this->font_size_footer, $this->font_size_footer, $arrFooterRight[$i]);
         $objPdf->addObject($footerForAllPages, 'all');
     // Page numbers
     if (isset($pageNumbersX)) {
         $objPdf->ezStartPageNumbers($pageNumbersX, $pageNumbersY, $pageNumbersFont, '', $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PRICELIST_FORMAT_PAGENUMBER'], 1);
     // Margins
     $objPdf->ezSetMargins($marginTop, $marginBottom, 30, 30);
     // Product table
     if (isset($startpointY)) {
     $objInit->backendLangId = $this->lang_id;
     $_ARRAYLANG = $objInit->loadLanguageData('Shop');
     $currency_symbol = Currency::getActiveCurrencySymbol();
     $category_ids = $this->category_ids();
     if ($category_ids == '*') {
         $category_ids = null;
     $count = 1000;
     // Be sensible!
     // Pattern is "%" because all-empty parameters will result in an
     // empty array!
     $arrProduct = Products::getByShopParams($count, 0, null, $category_ids, null, '%', null, null, '`category_id` ASC, `name` ASC');
     $arrCategoryName = ShopCategories::getNameArray();
     $arrOutput = array();
     foreach ($arrProduct as $product_id => $objProduct) {
         $categoryIds = explode(',', $objProduct->category_id());
         $arrCategoryNames = array();
         foreach ($categoryIds as $categoryId) {
             $arrCategoryNames[] = $arrCategoryName[$categoryId];
         //$objProduct = new Product();
         $arrOutput[$product_id] = array('product_name' => self::decode($objProduct->name()), 'category_name' => self::decode(implode(', ', $arrCategoryNames)), 'product_code' => self::decode($objProduct->code()), 'product_id' => self::decode($objProduct->id()), 'price' => ($objProduct->discount_active() ? "S " . Currency::formatPrice($objProduct->discountprice()) : Currency::formatPrice($objProduct->price())) . ' ' . $currency_symbol);
     $objPdf->ezTable($arrOutput, array('product_name' => '<b>' . self::decode($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PRODUCT_NAME']) . '</b>', 'category_name' => '<b>' . self::decode($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_CATEGORY_NAME']) . '</b>', 'product_code' => '<b>' . self::decode($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PRODUCT_CODE']) . '</b>', 'product_id' => '<b>' . self::decode($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_ID']) . '</b>', 'price' => '<b>' . self::decode($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PRICE']) . '</b>'), '', array('showHeadings' => 1, 'fontSize' => $this->font_size_list, 'width' => 530, 'innerLineThickness' => 0.5, 'outerLineThickness' => 0.5, 'shaded' => 2, 'shadeCol' => array(hexdec(substr($this->row_color_1, 0, 2)) / 255, hexdec(substr($this->row_color_1, 2, 2)) / 255, hexdec(substr($this->row_color_1, 4, 2)) / 255), 'shadeCol2' => array(hexdec(substr($this->row_color_2, 0, 2)) / 255, hexdec(substr($this->row_color_2, 2, 2)) / 255, hexdec(substr($this->row_color_2, 4, 2)) / 255), 'cols' => array('product_name' => array('width' => 255), 'category_name' => array('width' => 130), 'product_code' => array('width' => 50), 'product_id' => array('width' => 40, 'justification' => 'right'), 'price' => array('width' => 55, 'justification' => 'right'))));
     // Never reached
     return true;
Example #16
    $q->addQuery('a.*, b.resource_name');
    $q->addTable('resource_tasks', 'a');
    $q->addJoin('resources', 'b', 'a.resource_id = b.resource_id', 'inner');
    $q->addWhere('a.task_id IN (' . implode(',', $task_list) . ')');
    $res = $q->exec();
    if (!$res) {
        $AppUI->setMsg(db_error(), UI_MSG_ERROR);
    while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        $resources[$row['task_id']][$row['resource_id']] = $row['resource_name'] . ' [' . $row['percent_allocated'] . '%]';
// Build the data columns
foreach ($tasks as $task_id => $detail) {
    $row =& $pdfdata[];
    $row[] = $detail['task_name'];
    $row[] = $detail['user_username'];
    $row[] = implode("\n", $assigned_users[$task_id]);
    if ($hasResources) {
        $row[] = implode("\n", $resources[$task_id]);
    $end_date = new CDate($detail['task_end_date']);
    $row[] = $end_date->format($df);
$pdf->ezTable($pdfdata, $columns, $title, $options);
 function alle_eingezogenen_pdf($jahr, $monat)
     include_once 'classes/class_kautionen.php';
     // include_once('pdfclass/class.ezpdf.php');
     $pdf = new Cezpdf('a4', 'portrait');
     $bpdf = new b_pdf();
     // $bpdf->b_header($pdf, 'Partner', $_SESSION['partner_id'], 'portrait', 'Helvetica.afm', 5);
     // $pdf->ezStopPageNumbers(); //seitennummerirung beenden
     $pdf->addInfo('Author', $_SESSION[username]);
     $monat_name = monat2name($monat);
     $auszug_arr = $this->alle_eingezogene_mieter_arr($jahr, $monat);
     // print_r($auszug_arr);
     // die();
     $pdf->ezSetCmMargins(1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0);
     $pdf->ezText("<b>Einzüge {$monat_name} {$jahr}</b> inkl. Kautionshöhe", 11);
     if (is_array($auszug_arr)) {
         $anzahl_auszuege = count($auszug_arr);
         $e = new einheit();
         $m = new mietvertrag();
         $ka = new kautionen();
         // echo "<table class=\"tabelle_haus\" border=\"0\">";
         // echo "<tr class=\"feldernamen\"><td>Auzug</td><td>Einheit</td><td>Mieter</td><td>Kautionsbetrag</td></tr>";
         for ($a = 0; $a < $anzahl_auszuege; $a++) {
             $einheit_id = $auszug_arr[$a]['EINHEIT_ID'];
             $mv_id = $auszug_arr[$a]['MIETVERTRAG_ID'];
             $einzug = date_mysql2german($auszug_arr[$a]['MIETVERTRAG_VON']);
             $auszug = date_mysql2german($auszug_arr[$a]['MIETVERTRAG_BIS']);
             $personen_arr = $m->get_personen_ids_mietvertrag($mv_id);
             $personen_string = $this->mv_personen_als_string($personen_arr);
             $personen_string = str_replace("\n", " ", htmlspecialchars($personen_string));
             // echo "<tr class=\"zeile2\"><td>$auszug</td><td>$e->einheit_kurzname</td><td>$personen_string</td><td> $ka->kautions_betrag</td></tr>";
             // echo "<h3>$auszug $e->einheit_kurzname $personen_string Kautionsbetrag:$ka->kautions_betrag</h3>";
             $det = new detail();
             $abnahme_termin = bereinige_string($det->finde_detail_inhalt('MIETVERTRAG', $mv_id, 'Abnahmetermin'));
             // $pdf->ezText("$auszug",10);
             // $pdf->ezSetDy(10);
             // $pdf->ezSetCmMargins(1.0,2.0,4.0,1.0);
             // $pdf->ezText("$e->einheit_kurzname",10, array('justification'=>'left'));
             // $pdf->ezSetDy(10);
             // $pdf->ezSetCmMargins(2.0,2.0,7.0,3.0);
             // $pdf->ezText("$personen_string",10, array('justification'=>'left'));
             // $pdf->ezSetDy(10);
             // $pdf->ezText("$ka->kautions_betrag",10, array('justification'=>'right'));
             // $pdf->ezSetCmMargins(1.0,2.0,2.0,1.0);
             $pdf_tab[$a]['EINHEIT'] = $e->einheit_kurzname;
             $pdf_tab[$a]['MIETER'] = $personen_string;
             $pdf_tab[$a]['EINZUG'] = $einzug;
             $pdf_tab[$a]['AUSZUG'] = $auszug;
             $pdf_tab[$a]['KAUTION'] = $ka->kautions_betrag;
             $pdf_tab[$a]['ABNAHME'] = $abnahme_termin;
         // echo "</table>";
         // $pdf->ezTable($pdf_tab);
         $cols = array('EINHEIT' => "EINHEIT", 'MIETER' => "MIETER", 'EINZUG' => "EINZUG", 'ABNAHME' => "ABNAHME", 'KAUTION' => "KAUTION");
         $pdf->ezTable($pdf_tab, $cols, "Auszüge {$monat_name} {$jahr}", array('rowGap' => 1.5, 'showLines' => 1, 'showHeadings' => 1, 'shaded' => 1, 'shadeCol' => array(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), 'titleFontSize' => 9, 'fontSize' => 7, 'xPos' => 30, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 550, 'cols' => array('EINHEIT' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 50), 'AUSZUG' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 50))));
     } else {
         hinweis_ausgeben("Keine Auszüge im {$monat}/{$jahr}");
     // ausgabepuffer leeren
     // header("Content-type: application/pdf"); // wird von MSIE ignoriert
     $dateiname = $monat . "_" . $jahr . "_Einzüge.pdf";
     $pdf_opt['Content-Disposition'] = $dateiname;
     // $pdf->ezStream();
Example #18
        $pdf->ezText(dPgetConfig('company_name'), 12);
        // $pdf->ezText(dPgetConfig('company_name').' :: '.$AppUI->getConfig('page_title'), 12);
        if ($log_all) {
            $date = new CDate();
            $pdf->ezText("\nAll hours as of " . $date->format($df), 8);
        } else {
            $sdate = new CDate($log_start_date);
            $edate = new CDate($log_end_date);
            $pdf->ezText("\nHours from " . $sdate->format($df) . " to " . $edate->format($df), 8);
        $pdf->ezText("\n" . safe_utf8_decode($AppUI->_('Overall Report')), 12);
        foreach ($allpdfdata as $company => $data) {
            $title = safe_utf8_decode($company);
            $options = array('showLines' => 1, 'showHeadings' => 0, 'fontSize' => 8, 'rowGap' => 2, 'colGap' => 5, 'xPos' => 50, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => '500');
            $pdf->ezTable($data, NULL, $title, $options);
        if ($fp = fopen($temp_dir . '/temp' . $AppUI->user_id . '.pdf', 'wb')) {
            fwrite($fp, $pdf->ezOutput());
            echo '<a href="' . DP_BASE_URL . '/files/temp/temp' . $AppUI->user_id . '.pdf" target="pdf">';
            echo $AppUI->_("View PDF File");
            echo "</a>";
        } else {
            echo "Could not open file to save PDF.  ";
            if (!is_writable($temp_dir)) {
                "The files/temp directory is not writable.  Check your file system permissions.";
    $da[] = '';
    $da[] = '';
    $da[] = "\$ " . number_format($tflete, 2, ".", ",");
    $da[] = "\$ " . number_format($tcantidaddescuento, 2, ".", ",");
    $da[] = "\$ " . number_format($texcedente, 2, ".", ",");
    $da[] = "\$ " . number_format($tcostoead, 2, ".", ",");
    $da[] = "\$ " . number_format($tcostorecoleccion, 2, ".", ",");
    $da[] = "\$ " . number_format($tcostoseguro, 2, ".", ",");
    $da[] = "\$ " . number_format($tcostocombustible, 2, ".", ",");
    $da[] = "\$ " . number_format($totros, 2, ".", ",");
    $da[] = "\$ " . number_format($tsubtotal, 2, ".", ",");
    $da[] = "\$ " . number_format($tiva, 2, ".", ",");
    $da[] = "\$ " . number_format($tivaretenido, 2, ".", ",");
    $da[] = "\$ " . number_format($ttotal, 2, ".", ",");
    $data[] = $da;
    $pdf->ezTable($data, $col, '', $est);
    $pdf->ezText("", 10, array('justification' => 'left'));
$s = "SELECT * FROM facturadetalleguias WHERE factura = {$_GET['folio']}";
$rx = mysql_query($s, $l) or die($s);
if (mysql_num_rows($rx) > 0) {
    //detallado de excedente y valor declarado
    $pdf->setColor(0.79, 0.67, 0.11);
    $pdf->ezText("<b>DETALLADO DE FACTURA, EXCEDENTE Y VALOR DECLARADO</b>\n", 12, array('justification' => 'left'));
    $pdf->setColor(0.25, 0.25, 0.25);
    #detallado inferior
    $s = "SELECT *, date_format(fechaguia,'%d/%m/%Y') as fechaguia FROM facturadetalleguias WHERE factura = {$_GET['folio']}";
    $r = mysql_query($s, $l) or die($s);
    $col = array('0' => "Folio", '1' => 'Tipo Guia', '2' => 'Concepto', '3' => 'Seguro', '4' => 'Exced', '5' => 'Fecha', '6' => 'Importe', '7' => 'Iva', '8' => 'Iva Ret', '9' => 'Total');
    $opt = array('0' => array('justification' => 'center'), '1' => array('justification' => 'center'), '2' => array('justification' => 'left'), '3' => array('justification' => 'right'), '4' => array('justification' => 'right'), '5' => array('justification' => 'right'), '6' => array('justification' => 'right'), '7' => array('justification' => 'right'), '8' => array('justification' => 'right'), '9' => array('justification' => 'right'));
    $est = array('fontSize' => 6, 'showHeadings' => 1, 'lineCol' => array(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), 'cols' => $opt);
Example #20
        if ($arySwimmer['devices'] != '') {
            if ($hasnote === FALSE) {
                $aryRow['note'] = $note + 1 . ')';
                $hasnote = TRUE;
                $aryNotes[$note] = array('no' => $note + 1 . ')', 'text' => _('Hjælpemidler') . ' ' . $arySwimmer['distance'] . ': ' . $arySwimmer['devices']);
            } else {
                $aryNotes[$note]['text'] .= "\n" . _('Hjælpemidler') . ' ' . gettext_dist($arySwimmer['distance']) . ': ' . $arySwimmer['devices'];
        $aryRow[$arySwimmer['distance']] = $arySwimmer['time'];
    if (is_array($aryRow)) {
        $aryData[$cnt] = $aryRow;
    $pdf = new Cezpdf();
    $pdf->ezText(_("Deltagerliste") . " " . $aryCompo['name'] . " - " . date('d-m-Y', strtotime($aryCompo['date'])), 18, array('justification' => 'center'));
    $pdf->ezTable($aryData, array('Navn' => _('Navn'), 'Klub' => _('Klub'), '25' => _('25m'), '50' => _('50m'), '100' => _('100m'), 'note' => _('Note')), '', array('xPos' => 57, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 481));
    // 'Nr'=>'Nr',
    if ($note >= 0) {
        $pdf->ezTable($aryNotes, array('no' => '', 'text' => ''), '', array('showHeadings' => 0, 'showLines' => 0, 'shaded' => 0, 'xPos' => 57, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 481, 'fontSize' => 10, 'titleFontSize' => 12, 'cols' => array('no' => array('width' => 30, 'justification' => 'center'))));
Example #21
 $date = new CDate();
 $pdf->ezText("\n" . $date->format($df), 8);
 $pdf->ezText("\n" . safe_utf8_decode($AppUI->_('Task Log Report')), 12);
 $pdf->ezText(safe_utf8_decode($pname), 15);
 if ($log_all) {
     $pdf->ezText("All task log entries", 9);
 } else {
     $pdf->ezText("Task log entries from " . $start_date->format($df) . ' to ' . $end_date->format($df), 9);
 $title = 'Task Logs';
 $pdfheaders = array(safe_utf8_decode($AppUI->_('Created by')), safe_utf8_decode($AppUI->_('Summary')), safe_utf8_decode($AppUI->_('Description')), safe_utf8_decode($AppUI->_('Date')), safe_utf8_decode($AppUI->_('Hours')), safe_utf8_decode($AppUI->_('Cost Code')));
 $options = array('showLines' => 0, 'fontSize' => 12, 'rowGap' => 2, 'colGap' => 5, 'xPos' => 50, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 500);
 $pdfheaderdata[] = array('', '', '', '', '', '');
 $pdf->ezTable($pdfheaderdata, $pdfheaders, $title, $options);
 $options['col_options'] = array(2 => array('width' => 250), 3 => array('width' => 55), 4 => array('width' => 30), 5 => array('width' => 30));
 $options['showHeadings'] = 0;
 $options['showLines'] = 1;
 $options['fontSize'] = 8;
 $pdf->ezTable($pdfdata, '', '', $options);
 if ($fp = fopen($temp_dir . '/temp' . $AppUI->user_id . '.pdf', 'wb')) {
     fwrite($fp, $pdf->ezOutput());
     echo '<a href="' . (dPgetConfig('overlay_dir') == '' ? DP_BASE_DIR : dPgetConfig('overlay_dir')) . '/files/temp/temp' . $AppUI->user_id . '.pdf" target="pdf">';
     echo $AppUI->_("View PDF File");
     echo "</a>";
 } else {
     echo "Could not open file to save PDF.  ";
     if (!is_writable($temp_dir)) {
         "The files/temp directory is not writable.  Check your file system permissions.";
  * Crea un pdf con el estado de cuenta de el cliente especificado
  * @param Array $args,  $args['id_cliente'=>12[,'tipo_venta'=> 'credito | contado | saldo'] ], por default obtiene todas las compras del cliente
 public static function imprimirEstadoCuentaCliente($args)
     //verificamos que se haya especificado el id del cliente
     if (!isset($args['id_cliente'])) {
         Logger::log("Error al obtener el estado de cuenta, no se ha especificado un cliente.");
         die('{"success": false, "reason": "Error al obtener el estado de cuenta, no se ha especificado un cliente."}');
     //verificamos que el cliente exista
     if (!($cliente = ClienteDAO::getByPK($args['id_cliente']))) {
         Logger::log("Error al obtener el estado de cuenta, no se tiene registro del cliente {$args['id_cliente']}.");
         die('{"success": false, "reason": "Error al obtener el estado de cuenta, no se tiene registro del cliente ' . $args['id_cliente'] . '"}');
     //obtenemos los datos del emisor
     $estado_cuenta = estadoCuentaCliente($args);
     //buscar los datos del emisor
     if (!($emisor = PosConfigDAO::getByPK('emisor'))) {
         Logger::log("no encuentro los datos del emisor");
         die("no encuentro los datos del emisor");
     $emisor = json_decode($emisor->getValue())->emisor;
     $sucursal = SucursalDAO::getByPK($_SESSION['sucursal']);
     if (!$sucursal) {
         die("Sucursal invalida");
     include_once 'librerias/ezpdf/class.pdf.php';
     include_once 'librerias/ezpdf/class.ezpdf.php';
     $pdf = new Cezpdf();
     //margenes de un centimetro para toda la pagina
     $pdf->ezSetMargins(1, 1, 1, 1);
      * LOGO
     if (!($logo = PosConfigDAO::getByPK('url_logo'))) {
         Logger::log("Verifique la configuracion del pos_config, no se encontro el camṕo 'url_logo'");
         die("Verifique la configuracion del POS, no se encontro el url del logo");
     //detectamos el tipo de imagen del logo
     if (substr($logo->getValue(), -3) == "jpg" || substr($logo->getValue(), -3) == "JPG" || substr($logo->getValue(), -4) == "jpeg" || substr($logo->getValue(), -4) == "JPEG") {
         $pdf->addJpegFromFile($logo->getValue(), puntos_cm(2), puntos_cm(25.5), puntos_cm(3.5));
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         $pdf->addPngFromFile($logo->getValue(), puntos_cm(2), puntos_cm(25.5), puntos_cm(3.5));
     } else {
         Logger::log("Verifique la configuracion del pos_config, la extension de la imagen del logo no es compatible");
         die("La extension de la imagen usada para el logo del negocio no es valida.");
     /*     * ************************
      * ************************* */
     $e = "<b>" . self::readableText($emisor->nombre) . "</b>\n";
     $e .= formatAddress($emisor);
     $e .= "RFC: " . $emisor->rfc . "\n\n";
     //datos de la sucursal
     $e .= "<b>Lugar de expedicion</b>\n";
     $e .= self::readableText($sucursal->getDescripcion()) . "\n";
     $e .= formatAddress($sucursal);
     $datos = array(array("emisor" => $e));
     $opciones_tabla = array();
     $opciones_tabla['showLines'] = 0;
     $opciones_tabla['showHeadings'] = 0;
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     $opciones_tabla['titleFontSize'] = 12;
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     $opciones_tabla['colGap'] = 3;
     $pdf->ezTable($datos, "", "", $opciones_tabla);
     $cajero = UsuarioDAO::getByPK($_SESSION['userid'])->getNombre();
     $datos = array(array("col" => "<b>Cajero</b>"), array("col" => self::readableText($cajero)), array("col" => "<b>Cliente</b>"), array("col" => self::readableText($cliente->getRazonSocial())), array("col" => "<b>Limite de  Credito</b>"), array("col" => FormatMoney($estado_cuenta->limite_credito, DONT_USE_HTML)), array("col" => "<b>Saldo</b>"), array("col" => FormatMoney($estado_cuenta->saldo, DONT_USE_HTML)));
     $opciones_tabla['xPos'] = puntos_cm(12.2);
     $opciones_tabla['width'] = puntos_cm(6);
     $opciones_tabla['showLines'] = 0;
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     $opciones_tabla['shadeCol2'] = array(0.8984375, 0.95703125, 0.99609375);
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     $elementos = array(array('id_venta' => 'Venta', 'fecha' => 'Fecha', 'sucursal' => 'Sucursal', 'cajero' => 'Cajero', 'tipo_venta' => 'Tipo', 'tipo_pago' => 'Pago', 'total' => 'Total', 'pagado' => 'Pagado', 'saldo' => 'Saldo'));
     foreach ($estado_cuenta->array_ventas as $venta) {
         $array_venta = array();
         $array_venta['id_venta'] = $venta['id_venta'];
         $array_venta['fecha'] = $venta['fecha'];
         $array_venta['sucursal'] = self::readableText($venta['sucursal']);
         $array_venta['cajero'] = self::readableText($venta['cajero']);
         $array_venta['cancelada'] = self::readableText($venta['cancelada']);
         $array_venta['tipo_venta'] = self::readableText($venta['tipo_venta']);
         $array_venta['tipo_pago'] = self::readableText($venta['tipo_pago']);
         $array_venta['total'] = FormatMoney($venta['total'], DONT_USE_HTML);
         $array_venta['pagado'] = FormatMoney($venta['pagado'], DONT_USE_HTML);
         $array_venta['saldo'] = FormatMoney($venta['saldo'], DONT_USE_HTML);
         array_push($elementos, $array_venta);
     $pdf->ezText("", 8, array('justification' => 'center'));
     $opciones_tabla['xPos'] = puntos_cm(2);
     $opciones_tabla['width'] = puntos_cm(16.2);
     $pdf->ezTable($elementos, "", "Estado de Cuenta", $opciones_tabla);
     //roundRect($pdf, puntos_cm(2), puntos_cm(24.3), puntos_cm(16.2), puntos_cm(3.2));
     /*     * ************************
      * notas de abajo
      * ************************* */
     $pdf->setStrokeColor(0.3359375, 0.578125, 0.89453125);
     $pdf->line(puntos_cm(2), puntos_cm(1.3), puntos_cm(18.2), puntos_cm(1.3));
     $pdf->addText(puntos_cm(2), puntos_cm(1.0), 7, "Fecha de impresion: " . date("d/m/y") . " " . date("H:i:s"));
     //$pdf->addJpegFromFile("../www/media/logo_simbolo.jpg", puntos_cm(15.9), puntos_cm(.25), 25);
     $pdf->addText(puntos_cm(16.7), puntos_cm(0.6), 8, "caffeina.mx");
Example #23
 function acta($argumento)
     $fecha_doc = $argumento["fecha_doc"];
     $usuarioAutorizaNomb = $argumento["usuarioAutorizaNomb"];
     //rint ($query);
     $pdf = new Cezpdf("LETTER", "portrait");
     //LETTER = Carta,portrait = vertical
     $year = date("Y");
     $day = date("d");
     $month = date("m");
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     $b = array("justification" => "center");
     $d = array("justification" => "left", "leading" => 8);
     $c = array("left" => 0, "leading" => 12);
     //leading = espaciado
     $e = array("left" => 0, "leading" => 15);
     //leading = espaciado
     $pdf->ezSetCmMargins(4, 3, 4, 2);
     /* Se establece la fuente que se utilizara para el texto. */
     $pdf->ezText("ACTA DE RECUPERACION DE RADICADOS \n\n", 15, $b);
     //$pdf->ezText($this->query." :  \n" ,12,$d);
     $txtformat = "Radicados recuperados a {$fecha_doc} y autorizados por {$usuarioAutorizaNomb} \n\n ";
     $pdf->ezText($txtformat, 12, $c);
     $data = array();
     $columna = array();
     $contador = 0;
     while ($this->conexion->cursor->next_record() != 0) {
         $radicado = $this->conexion->cursor->f('radi_nume_radi');
         $columna[$contador++] = $radicado;
         if ($contador == 4) {
             $contador = 0;
             $data = array_merge($data, array(array('-1-' => $columna[0], '-2-' => $columna[1], '-3-' => $columna[2], '-4-' => $columna[3])));
             array_splice($columna, 0);
         //$data=  array_merge ($data,array (array('Número'=>$rucConsecutivo."-".$rucYear,'Usuario'=>$nombre,'Defensor Público'=>$nombreDefensor)));
     if ($contador != 0) {
         $data = array_merge($data, array(array('-1-' => $columna[0], '-2-' => $columna[1], '-3-' => $columna[2], '-4-' => $columna[3])));
Example #24
        //include_once ('pdfclass/class.ezpdf.php');
        $pdf = new Cezpdf('a4', 'portrait');
        $pdf->ezSetCmMargins(4.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5);
        $berlus_schrift = 'pdfclass/fonts/Times-Roman.afm';
        $text_schrift = 'pdfclass/fonts/Arial.afm';
        $pdf->addJpegFromFile('includes/logos/hv_logo198_80.jpg', 450, 780, 100, 42);
        $pdf->addText(42, 743, 6, "BERLUS HAUSVERWALTUNG - Fontanestr. 1 - 14193 Berlin");
        $pdf->line(42, 750, 550, 750);
        $seite = $pdf->ezGetCurrentPageNumber();
        $alle_seiten = $pdf->ezPageCount;
        $data55 = array(array('num' => 1, 'name' => 'gandalf', 'type' => 'wizard'), array('num' => 2, 'name' => 'bilbo', 'type' => 'hobbit', 'url' => 'http://www.ros.co.
nz/pdf/'), array('num' => 3, 'name' => 'frodo', 'type' => 'hobbit'), array('num' => 4, 'name' => 'saruman', 'type' => 'bad
dude', 'url' => 'http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdf-php'), array('num' => 5, 'name' => 'sauron', 'type' => 'really bad dude'));
        // header('Content-type: application/pdf');
        // header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="downloaded.pdf"');
        // $output = $pdf->Output();
        // $len = strlen($output);
        // header("Content-type: application/pdf"); // wird von MSIE ignoriert
        // header("content-length: $len");
        // header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=test.pdf"); //im fenster
        // header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=test.pdf");
        // echo $output; // jetzt ausgeben
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['geldkonto_id'])) {
            $_SESSION['geldkonto_id'] = $_REQUEST['geldkonto_id'];
        $nam = $r['nama'];
        $ketua = $r['nmketua'];
        $jur = $r['nmjur'];
        $ktrg = $r['ket'];
    $pdf->ezText("\nNIM                     : {$nm}");
    $pdf->ezText("\nNama Mahasiswa          : {$nam}");
    $pdf->ezText("\nJurusan                 : {$jur}");
    $pdf->ezText("\nTahun Ajaran            : {$tahuna}");
    $pdf->ezText("\nSemester                : {$semestera}");
    //$pdf->ezText("\nTahun Ajaran          : {$tah}/{$tah2}");
    //$pdf->ezText("\nSemester              : {$ktrg}");
    $ipk = $totalmutu / $totalsks;
    $pdf->ezText("\nTotal Mutu                     : {$totalmutu}");
    $pdf->ezText("\nTotal SKS                      : {$totalsks}");
    $pdf->ezText("\nIndeks Prestasi Semester (IPS) : {$ipk}");
    $pdf->ezText("\n                                            Bandung," . date('d-m-Y'));
    $pdf->ezText("                                          Ketua Jurusan");
    $pdf->ezText("                                            {$ketua}");
    // Penomoran halaman
    $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(320, 15, 8);
} else {
    echo "Data Nilai Kosong";
Example #26
 $vaKepada[] = array("1" => "", "2" => "", "3" => "", "4" => "Pangkat / gol", "5" => ":", "6" => $vaLeader_Gol['Description'] . " / " . $vaLeader_Gol['Title']);
 $vaKepada[] = array("1" => "", "2" => "", "3" => "", "4" => "NIP", "5" => ":", "6" => $vaLeader['nip']);
 $vaKepada[] = array("1" => "", "2" => "", "3" => "", "4" => "Jabatan", "5" => ":", "6" => $vaLeader['jabatan']);
 foreach ($vaPengikut as $key => $vaData) {
     $vaPengikut_Gol = scSys::GetKeterangan("Title,Description", "Id = '{$vaData['golongan']}'", "sc_master");
     $vaKepada[] = array("1" => "", "2" => "", "3" => $nRow++ . ".", "4" => "Nama", "5" => ":", "6" => $vaData['nama']);
     $vaKepada[] = array("1" => "", "2" => "", "3" => "", "4" => "Pangkat / gol", "5" => ":", "6" => $vaPengikut_Gol['Description'] . " / " . $vaPengikut_Gol['Title']);
     $vaKepada[] = array("1" => "", "2" => "", "3" => "", "4" => "NIP", "5" => ":", "6" => $vaData['nip']);
     $vaKepada[] = array("1" => "", "2" => "", "3" => "", "4" => "Jabatan", "5" => ":", "6" => $vaData['jabatan']);
 $vaUntuk = array();
 $vaUntuk[] = array("1" => "Untuk", "2" => ":", "3" => $dbRow['purpose']);
 $nFont = 11;
 $pdf = new Cezpdf("A4", "P", $vaOpt, '0');
 $pdf->ezImage(scSys::GetConfig("sc_header"), false, 100, 600);
 $pdf->ezTable($vaTable1, "", "", array("showLines" => 0, "showHeadings" => 0, "fontSize" => $nFont, "cols" => array("x" => array("width" => 60, "wrap" => 1), "1" => array("width" => 20, "wrap" => 1), "2" => array("width" => 2), "3" => array("width" => 18, "wrap" => 1))));
 $pdf->ezText("<u><b>PERINTAH PERJALANAN DINAS</b></u>", $nFont + 2, array("justification" => "center"));
 $pdf->ezText("(SPPD)", $nFont + 2, array("justification" => "center"));
 $pdf->ezTable($vaTable2, "", "", array("showLines" => 0, "showHeadings" => 0, "fontSize" => $nFont, "cols" => array("1" => array("width" => 4, "wrap" => 1), "2" => array("width" => 40, "wrap" => 1), "3" => array("width" => 56, "wrap" => 1))));
 $pdf->ezTable($vaTanggal, "", "", array("showLines" => 0, "showHeadings" => 0, "fontSize" => $nFont, "cols" => array("x" => array("width" => 50, "wrap" => 1), "1" => array("width" => 25, "wrap" => 1), "2" => array("width" => 2), "3" => array("width" => 23, "wrap" => 1))));
 $pdf->ezTable($vaTtd, "", "", array("showLines" => 0, "showHeadings" => 0, "fontSize" => $nFont, "cols" => array("x" => array("width" => 50, "wrap" => 1, "justification" => "center"), "1" => array("width" => 40, "wrap" => 1, "justification" => "center"))));
 $pdf->ezImage(scSys::GetConfig("sc_header"), false, 100, 600);
 $pdf->ezText("<u><b>SURAT PERINTAH TUGAS</b></u>", $nFont + 2, array("justification" => "center"));
 $pdf->ezText("NOMOR : ", $nFont + 2, array("justification" => "center"));
require_once '../ezpdf/Cezpdf.php';
$pdf = new Cezpdf('a4');
$tmp = array('b' => 'Helvetica-Bold', 'i' => 'Courier-Oblique', 'bi' => 'Helvetica-BoldOblique', 'ib' => 'Helvetica-BoldOblique', 'bb' => 'Times-Roman');
$pdf->setFontFamily('Helvetica', $tmp);
$pdf->ezSetCmMargins(1.5, 1, 2, 3);
$pdf->addJpegFromFile("../img/libro.jpg", 50, 750, 60);
$result = mysql_query("select matricula,\n\tconcat(nombre,' ',apellido_paterno,' ',apellido_materno) as nombre,\n\tconcat(calle,' ',numero,' ',colonia,'') as direccion,ciudad,estado,telefono,celular,sueldo,tipo\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom empleados \n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere status = 'ACTIVO'  ");
while ($datatmp = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $data[] = array_merge($datatmp, array('matricula'));
$options = array('shadeHeadingCol' => array(0.6, 0.6, 0.5), 'shadeCol' => array(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), 'xOrientation' => 'center', 'width' => 550, 'fontSize' => 8, 'xPos' => 'center');
$titles = array('matricula' => '<b>ID</b>', 'nombre' => '<b>NOMBRE</b>', 'direccion' => '<b>DIRECCIÓN</b>', 'ciudad' => '<b>CIUDAD</b>', 'estado' => '<b>ESTADO</b>', 'telefono' => '<b>TELÉFONO</b>', 'celular' => '<b>CELULAR</b>', 'sueldo' => '<b>SUELDO</b>', 'tipo' => '<b>TIPO</b>');
$pdf->ezText("\n\n\n\n\n", 10);
$pdf->ezTable($data, $titles, '', $options);
//cabecera del pdf (objeto para todas las páginas)
$all = $pdf->openObject();
$pdf->line($pdf->ez['leftMargin'], $pdf->ez['bottomMargin'] + 10, $pdf->ez['pageWidth'] - $pdf->ez['rightMargin'], $pdf->ez['bottomMargin'] + 10);
//the bottom line
$pdf->addText(200, 790, 12, "<b>Distribuciones y Representaciones Arvizu </b>\n");
$pdf->addText(230, 770, 12, "<i>!Leer Aumenta el Saber! </i>\n");
$pdf->addText(240, 740, 12, "<b>Listado Empleados </b>\n");
$pdf->ezText("\n\n\n", 10);
$pdf->addText(50, 30, 8, "<b>Fecha: </b>\n" . date("d/m/Y"));
$pdf->ezStartPageNumbers($pdf->ez['pageWidth'] - ($pdf->ez['rightMargin'] - 10), $pdf->ez['bottomMargin'], 8, 'PAGINA', '{PAGENUM} de {TOTALPAGENUM}', 1);
$pdf->addText(50, 30, 10);
//bottom text
Example #28
             $columnasp1["ZONA{$zona}"] = "ZONA {$zona}\n{$fx->zoi}/{$fx->zof}";
             $datap1["ZONA{$zona}"] = "\$ " . number_format($fx->valor, 2, ".", ",");
             $options1["ZONA{$zona}"] = array('justification' => 'right');
     $data0[] = $datap0;
     $data1[] = $datap1;
     $columnas0[] = $columnasp0;
     $columnas1[] = $columnasp1;
     $estilo0 = array('fontSize' => 8, 'showHeadings' => 1, 'lineCol' => array(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), 'cols' => $options0);
     $estilo1 = array('fontSize' => 8, 'showHeadings' => 1, 'lineCol' => array(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), 'cols' => $options1);
     $pdf->ezText("", 8);
     $pdf->ezTable($data0, $columnasp0, '', $estilo0);
     $pdf->ezText("", 8);
     $pdf->ezTable($data1, $columnasp1, '', $estilo1);
 } elseif ($f->precioporcaja == 1) {
     $s = "SELECT * FROM cconvenio_configurador_caja WHERE tipo='CONVENIO' and idconvenio = {$_GET['folio']} GROUP BY descripcion";
     $rx = mysql_query($s, $l) or die($s);
     $data0 = array();
     $data1 = array();
     $options0 = array();
     $options1 = array();
     while ($fx = mysql_fetch_array($rx)) {
         $s = "SELECT * FROM cconvenio_configurador_caja WHERE tipo='CONVENIO' and idconvenio = {$_GET['folio']} \n\t\t\t\tand descripcion = '{$fx['descripcion']}' order by zona";
         $ry = mysql_query($s, $l) or die($s);
         $cantcol = mysql_num_rows($ry) / 2;
         $zona = 1;
         $datap0 = array();
Example #29
        $datagen = new GradebookDataGenerator($allcat, $alleval, $alllink);
        $header_names = array(get_lang('Name'), get_lang('Description'), get_lang('Weight'), get_lang('Date'), get_lang('Results'));
        $data_array = $datagen->get_data(GradebookDataGenerator::GDG_SORT_NAME, 0, null, true);
        $newarray = array();
        foreach ($data_array as $data) {
            $newarray[] = array_slice($data, 1);
        $pdf = new Cezpdf();
        $pdf->selectFont(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'ezpdf/fonts/Courier.afm');
        $pdf->ezSetMargins(30, 30, 50, 30);
        $pdf->ezText(get_lang('FlatView') . ' (' . api_convert_and_format_date(null, DATE_FORMAT_SHORT) . ' ' . api_convert_and_format_date(null, TIME_NO_SEC_FORMAT) . ')', 12, array('justification' => 'center'));
        $pdf->line(50, 790, 550, 790);
        $pdf->line(50, 40, 550, 40);
        $pdf->ezTable($newarray, $header_names, '', array('showHeadings' => 1, 'shaded' => 1, 'showLines' => 1, 'rowGap' => 3, 'width' => 500));
} elseif (!empty($_GET['export_certificate'])) {
    //@todo this code seems not to be used
    $user_id = strval(intval($_GET['user']));
    if (!api_is_allowed_to_edit(true, true)) {
        $user_id = api_get_user_id();
    $category = Category::load($_GET['cat_id']);
    if ($category[0]->is_certificate_available($user_id)) {
        $user = api_get_user_info($user_id);
        $scoredisplay = ScoreDisplay::instance();
        $scorecourse = $category[0]->calc_score($user_id);
        $scorecourse_display = isset($scorecourse) ? $scoredisplay->display_score($scorecourse, SCORE_AVERAGE) : get_lang('NoResultsAvailable');
Example #30
if (empty($encounter['photo_filename'])) {
    $idpic = $root_path . 'fotos/registration/_nothing_';
} else {
    $idpic = $root_path . 'fotos/registration/' . $encounter['photo_filename'];
if ($lang == 'ar' || $lang == 'fa') {
    // for arabic lang, added  by Waleed Fathalla at 06/03/2004
    # Load the page header #1
    require '../std_plates/pageheader1ar.php';
    # Load the patient data plate #1
    require '../std_plates/patientdata1ar.php';
    $data = NULL;
    # make empty line
    $y = $pdf->ezText("\n", 14);
    $data[] = array(ar2uni($LDPatientData));
    $pdf->ezTable($data, '', '', array('xPos' => 'left', 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'showLines' => 0, 'fontSize' => $report_titlesize, 'showHeadings' => 0, 'shaded' => 2, 'shadeCol2' => array(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), 'width' => 555, 'cols' => array(0 => array('justification' => 'right'))));
    # make empty line
    $y = $pdf->ezText("\n", 14);
    # reset
    $data = NULL;
    $data[] = array(formatDate2Local($encounter['encounter_date'], $date_format), ar2uni("{$LDAdmitDate} :"));
    $data[] = array(formatDate2Local($encounter['encounter_date'], $date_format, TRUE, TRUE), ar2uni("{$LDAdmitTime} :"));
    $data[] = array('');
    $data[] = array(ar2uni($encounter['title']), ar2uni("{$LDTitle} :"));
    $data[] = array($encounter['sex'], ar2uni("{$LDSex} :"));
    $data[] = array($encounter['blood_group'], ar2uni("{$LDBloodGroup} :"));
    $data[] = array(ar2uni($eclass), ar2uni("{$LDAdmitType} :"));
    if ($encounter['encounter_class_nr'] == 1) {
        $data[] = array(ar2uni($current_ward_name), ar2uni("{$LDWard} :"));
    } else {
        $data[] = array(ar2uni($current_dept_name), ar2uni("{$LDDepartment} :"));