public static function ver($base = true, $echo = true) { if ($base) { Center::base(); } //------------------------------------------------ $string = "top:0;\n\t\tbottom:0;"; //------------------------------------------------ if ($echo) { echo $string; } else { return $string; } }
echo $form->labelEx($model, 'tid'); ?> <?php echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'tid', GxHtml::listDataEx(Training::model()->findAllAttributes(null, true))); ?> <?php echo $form->error($model, 'tid'); ?> </div> <!-- row --> <div class="row"> <?php echo $form->labelEx($model, 'cid'); ?> <?php echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'cid', GxHtml::listDataEx(Center::model()->findAllAttributes(null, true))); ?> <?php echo $form->error($model, 'cid'); ?> </div> <!-- row --> <div class="row"> <?php echo $form->labelEx($model, 'start_time'); ?> <?php //echo $form->textField($model, 'start_time'); $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDatePicker', array('name' => 'ClassGuitar[start_time]', 'language' => 'vi', 'options' => array('showAnim' => 'fold'), 'value' => date('d/m/Y', $model->start_time ? $model->start_time : time()), 'htmlOptions' => array('style' => 'height:20px;'))); ?> <?php
//============================================================================================ // Session, configuration file, localization constructor //============================================================================================ require '../includes/php/bootstrap.php'; $SESSION = new \Zend_Session_Namespace('internal', true); if (!isset($SESSION->lang)) { $SESSION->lang = DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; } \Locale::setDefault($SESSION->lang); $l10n->setLanguage($SESSION->lang); //============================================================================================ // Model //============================================================================================ $user = new User($dbo); $centre = new Center($dbo); //============================================================================================ // Load the page requested by the user //============================================================================================ if (!isset($_GET['page'])) { $render = true; $thisPage = 'user'; $users = $user->listUsers(); $centres = $centre->listCentres(); $l10n->addResource(__DIR__ . '/l10n/global-mentoring.json'); $l10n->addResource(__DIR__ . '/l10n/user.json'); $viewFile = 'views/user.php'; } /** * View rendering */
public function actionRegister() { $arrayAuthRoleItems = Yii::app()->authManager->getAuthItems(2, Yii::app()->user->getId()); $arrayKeys = array_keys($arrayAuthRoleItems); $role = strtolower($arrayKeys[0]); if ($role == 'admin' || $role == 'teacher') { $this->redirect('/'); } $this->layout = 'dangkyhoc'; $model = new Student(); if (isset($_GET['cid']) && (int) $_GET['cid']) { $model->class_id = $_GET['cid']; } $db = Yii::app()->db; if (isset($_POST['Student']) && $_POST['Student']) { $model->setAttributes($_POST['Student']); $gclass = ClassGuitar::model()->findByPk($model->class_id); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {{student}} WHERE user_id =" . Yii::app()->user->id . " ORDER BY id DESC"; $cmd = $db->createCommand($sql); $student = $cmd->queryRow(); if ($student) { // var_dump($studentơclass_id); $gclass2 = ClassGuitar::model()->findByPk($student['class_id']); if ($student['status'] == 'comp') { //Hoàn thành if ($gclass->tid <= $gclass2->tid) { $training = Training::model()->findByPk($gclass2->tid); Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', 'Bạn đã hoàn thành một lớp thuộc khóa <b>' . $training->title . '</b>. Vui lòng đăng ký khóa học cao hơn.'); } } elseif ($student['status'] == 'reg') { // Mới đăng ký Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', 'Bạn đã đăng ký học tại lớp <b>' . $gclass2->title . '</b>. Vui lòng hủy đơn đăng ký này trước khi đăng ký tham gia lớp học khác!'); } else { $center = Center::model()->findByPk($gclass2->cid); Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', 'Bạn đang tham gia lớp học <b>' . $gclass2->title . '</b> tại cơ sở <b>' . $center->title . '</b>!'); } } else { } if (!Yii::app()->user->hasFlash('error') && $model->save()) { if (Yii::app()->getRequest()->getIsAjaxRequest()) { Yii::app()->end(); } else { Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', 'Bạn đã đăng ký lớp học thành công. LNT sẽ sớm liên lạc lại với bạn.'); } } } else { $oldStudent = Student::model()->find('user_id=' . Yii::app()->user->id); if ($oldStudent) { $model->name = $oldStudent->name; $model->email = $oldStudent->email; $model->tel = $oldStudent->tel; $model->birthday = $oldStudent->birthday; } } $this->render('register', array('model' => $model)); }
<?php $this->breadcrumbs = array('Lớp học' => array('admin'), 'Quản lý'); $this->menu = array(array('label' => 'Danh sách', 'url' => array('admin')), array('label' => 'Tạo mới', 'url' => array('create'))); Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('search', "\n\$('.search-button').click(function(){\n\t\$('.search-form').toggle();\n\treturn false;\n});\n\$('.search-form form').submit(function(){\n\t\$.fn.yiiGridView.update('class-guitar-grid', {\n\t\tdata: \$(this).serialize()\n\t});\n\treturn false;\n});\n"); ?> <h1>Các lớp học</h1> <?php echo GxHtml::link(Yii::t('app', 'Tìm kiếm'), '#', array('class' => 'search-button')); ?> <div class="search-form"> <?php $this->renderPartial('_search', array('model' => $model)); ?> </div><!-- search-form --> <?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array('id' => 'class-guitar-grid', 'dataProvider' => $model->search(), 'columns' => array('sku', 'title', array('name' => 'tid', 'value' => 'GxHtml::valueEx($data->t)', 'filter' => GxHtml::listDataEx(Training::model()->findAllAttributes(null, true))), array('name' => 'cid', 'value' => 'GxHtml::valueEx($data->c)', 'filter' => GxHtml::listDataEx(Center::model()->findAllAttributes(null, true))), array('name' => 'start_time', 'value' => 'date("d/m/Y",$data->start_time)'), array('name' => 'end_time', 'value' => 'date("d/m/Y",$data->end_time)'), array('class' => 'CButtonColumn'))));
function getCenters() { include "center.php"; $obj = new Center(); if (!$obj->getCenters()) { echo '{"result":0,"message": "failed to display"}'; return; } //at this point the search has been successful. //generate the JSON message to echo to the browser $row = $obj->fetch(); echo '{"result":1,"centers":['; //start of json object while ($row) { echo json_encode($row); //convert the result array to json object $row = $obj->fetch(); if ($row) { echo ","; //if there are more rows, add comma } } echo "]}"; }
public function editMember($member_id) { $member = Member::find($member_id); $cities = ["" => "select"] + City::get_city_array(); $centers = ["" => "select"] + Center::get_center_array(); $member_types = ["" => "select"] + Member::member_types(); $states = States::state_list(); return html_entity_decode(View::make('admin.manage.members.add', ["member" => $member, "centers" => $centers, "cities" => $cities, "states" => $states, 'member_types' => $member_types])); }
<?php $this->breadcrumbs = array(Center::label(2), Yii::t('app', 'Index')); $this->menu = array(array('label' => Yii::t('app', 'Create') . ' ' . Center::label(), 'url' => array('create')), array('label' => Yii::t('app', 'Manage') . ' ' . Center::label(2), 'url' => array('admin'))); ?> <h1><?php echo GxHtml::encode(Center::label(2)); ?> </h1> <?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array('dataProvider' => $dataProvider, 'itemView' => '_view'));
<div class="row"> <?php echo $form->label($model, 'tid'); ?> <?php echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'tid', GxHtml::listDataEx(Training::model()->findAllAttributes(null, true)), array('prompt' => Yii::t('app', '--Chọn loại khóa học--'))); ?> </div> <div class="row"> <?php echo $form->label($model, 'cid'); ?> <?php echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'cid', GxHtml::listDataEx(Center::model()->findAllAttributes(null, true)), array('prompt' => Yii::t('app', '--Chọn trung tâm--'))); ?> </div> <!--<div class="row"> <?php /*echo $form->label($model, 'start_time'); */ ?> <?php /*echo $form->textField($model, 'start_time'); */ ?> </div> <div class="row"> <?php /*echo $form->label($model, 'create_time'); */
public static function get_center_array() { return Center::lists('center_name', 'id'); }
public function getCenter() { $id = Input::get('city'); $centers = Center::where('city_id', $id)->lists('center_name', 'id'); $final_list = []; foreach ($centers as $key => $value) { array_push($final_list, array("id" => $key, "value" => $value)); } $data['success'] = 'true'; $data['message'] = $final_list; return json_encode($data); }
/** * @before _secure, _vendor */ public function update($id) { $this->seo(array("title" => "Edit Lab", "view" => $this->getLayoutView())); $view = $this->getActionView(); $centre = Centre::first(array("id = ?" => $id)); if (RequestMethods::get("live")) { $centre->live = RequestMethods::get("live", 0); $centre->save(); $this->redirect("/lab/manage"); } $location = Location::first(array("id = ?" => $centre->location_id)); $areas = Area::all(array("city_id = ?" => $location->city_id), array("name", "id")); $manager = User::first(array("id = ?" => $this->member->user_id)); if (RequestMethods::post("action") == "medicallab") { $message = null; $location->street = RequestMethods::post("street"); $location->area_id = RequestMethods::post("area_id"); $location->city_id = RequestMethods::post("city_id"); if ($location->validate()) { $location->save(); } else { $message = "Center location was not saved!!"; } $phone = RequestMethods::post("phone"); if ($phone != $centre->phone) { $exist = Center::first(array("phone = ?" => $phone)); if ($exist) { $message = "Phone number already exists"; } else { $centre->phone = $phone; $centre->save(); } } if (!$message) { $message = "Lab info updated!!"; } $view->set("message", $message); } if (RequestMethods::post("action") == "operations") { $operations = RequestMethods::post("operations"); foreach ($operations as $key => $value) { $operation = Operation::first(array("centre_id = ?" => $id, "area_id = ?" => $value)); if (!$operation) { $operation = new Operation(array("user_id" => $this->user->id, "centre_id" => $id, "organization_id" => $this->organization->id, "area_id" => $value, "live" => 1)); $operation->save(); } } } $ops = Operation::all(array("centre_id = ?" => $id), array("area_id")); $opa = array(); foreach ($ops as $o) { $opa[] = $o->area_id; } $view->set("centre", $centre); $view->set("manager", $manager); $view->set("location", $location); $view->set("areas", $areas); $view->set("opa", $opa); }
public function showCenterReport($city_id, $center_id) { $cities = City::where('id', '<=', '25')->orderby('name', 'ASC')->get(); $centers = Center::where('city_id', '=', $city_id)->where('status', '=', 1)->orderby('name', 'ASC')->get(); $tables = DB::table('Student')->join('propel_student_wingman as B', '', '=', 'B.student_id')->join('User as C', '', '=', 'B.wingman_id')->join('Center as D', '', '=', 'Student.center_id')->join('City as E', '', '=', 'D.city_id'); $child_data = $tables->select(' as id', ' as name', ' as wingman_name', ' as center_id', ' as center_name', ' as city_name', ' as city_id')->distinct()->where('', '=', $city_id)->orderby('', 'ASC')->where('', '=', $center_id)->get(); //$child_data = $tables->select(' as name',' as wingman_name',' as center_id',' as center_name',' as city_name',' as city_id','',' as journal_count',' as event_count')->distinct()->where('','=',$city_id)->where('F.type','=','child_feedback')->orderby('','ASC')->get(); //Test Query $child_data = (array) $child_data; $total = array(); $total['wingman_session_count'] = 0; $total['asv_session_count'] = 0; $total['journal_count'] = 0; foreach ($child_data as $child) { $calendarEvent = CalendarEvent::where('student_id', '=', $child->id)->where('status', '<>', 'cancelled')->where('type', '=', 'wingman_time')->get(); $child->wingman_session_count = count($calendarEvent); $total['wingman_session_count'] += $child->wingman_session_count; $calendarEvent = DB::table('propel_calendarEvents as A')->join('propel_wingmanTimes as B', '', '=', 'B.calendar_event_id')->where('A.student_id', '=', $child->id)->where('A.status', '=', 'attended')->get(); $child->wingman_module_attended = count($calendarEvent); $calendarEvent = CalendarEvent::where('student_id', '=', $child->id)->where('status', '<>', 'cancelled')->where('type', '=', 'volunteer_time')->get(); $child->asv_session_count = count($calendarEvent); $total['asv_session_count'] += $child->asv_session_count; $journalEntry = WingmanJournal::where('student_id', '=', $child->id)->where('type', '=', 'child_feedback')->get(); $child->journal_count = count($journalEntry); $total['journal_count'] += $child->journal_count; } return View::make('')->with('child_data', $child_data)->with('cities', $cities)->with('city_id', $city_id)->with('centers', $centers)->with('center_id', '0')->with('total', $total); }
namespace Ventus\Mentoring; //============================================================================================ // Session, configuration file, localization constructor //============================================================================================ require '../includes/php/bootstrap.php'; $SESSION = new \Zend_Session_Namespace('internal', true); if (!isset($SESSION->lang)) { $SESSION->lang = DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; } \Locale::setDefault($SESSION->lang); $l10n->setLanguage($SESSION->lang); //============================================================================================ // Model //============================================================================================ $centre = new Center($dbo); //============================================================================================ // Load the page requested by the user //============================================================================================ if (!isset($_GET['page'])) { $render = true; $thisPage = 'centre'; $allCentres = $centre->listCentres(); $l10n->addResource(__DIR__ . '/l10n/global-mentoring.json'); $l10n->addResource(__DIR__ . '/l10n/center.json'); $viewFile = 'views/center.php'; } elseif ($_GET['page'] === "fetch-centre") { $fetch = $centre->fetchCentre($_POST['center_id']); header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); echo json_encode($fetch); exit;