function index() { /* // adding children // $id = 2; //load catagory with id 4 $category = new Category_Model($id); //create root node (our first category) //$category = new Category_Model; //$category->name = 'category 1'; //$category->save(); $category2 = new Category_Model; $category2->name = 'first child of category '.$id; $category2->add_to($category); // not: $category3->save() ! $category3 = new Category_Model; $category3->name = 'second child of category '.$id; $category3->add_to($category); // not: $category3->save() ! //after each modification to the tree, we need to rebuild it $category_r = new Category_Model(1); $category_r->rebuild_tree(); */ // children statistic // $category = new Category_Model(1); echo $category->name; echo '<BR>'; // does the category have any children? echo $category->has_children() ? 'Yes' : 'No'; echo '<BR>'; echo 'has ' . $category->count_children() . ' children<BR>'; echo 'has ' . $category->find_related('catagories_description')->count_all() . ' catagories_description<BR>'; //just returns all the children of the selected catagory $children = $category->all_children(true); //the param "true" means to include the parent category iteslef as well in the list foreach ($children as $node) { echo $node->name . '<BR>'; echo 'has ' . $node->find_related('products')->count_all() . ' products<BR>'; echo 'has ' . $node->find_related('catagories_description')->count_all() . ' catagories_description<BR>'; /* foreach($node->products as $prod){ echo $prod->name.'<BR>'; } */ echo $node->catagories_description->description . '<BR><BR>'; } /* // deleting nodes // //delete category with id 2 and all(!) of its children $category_d = new Category_Model(2); $done = $category_d->delete(); var_dump($done); */ /* echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>'; $category = new Category_Model(1); //outputs the tree structure in a un-ordered html list echo $category->get_descendants_html(); echo ' <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#tree").treeview({ animated:"medium", collapsed:true }); }); </script>'; */ /* $category = new Category_Model(1); //returns a recursive array with all the children of the selected category $menu = $category->to_array(); echo '<pre>'; print_r($menu); echo '</pre>'; */ /* // this could be used for breadcrumbs $category = new Category_Model(6); $path = $category->get_path(); foreach ($path as $category){ echo ' > '.$category->name; } */ /* // Display a list of links $category_t = new Category_Model(2); $articles = $category_t->select_list('id', 'name', '>'); foreach ($articles as $id => $name) { echo html::anchor('articles/'.$id, $name) .'<BR>'; } */ $profiler = new Profiler(); }