/** * Updates a particular model. * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be updated */ public function actionUpdate() { if ($this->catalog) { $catalog = ucwords($this->catalog); $id = (int) Yii::app()->request->getParam("id", 0); if (!empty($id)) { $model = $catalog::fetch($id); } else { $model = new $catalog(); } $message = ""; // Сохрание полей if (isset($_POST[$catalog])) { $model->setAttributesFromArray($_POST[$catalog]); if ($model->description) { $model->description = str_replace("../../../../", Yii::app()->params["baseUrl"], $model->description); } if (!empty($_FILES[$catalog])) { foreach ($_FILES[$catalog]["name"] as $key => $field) { if (property_exists($model, $key)) { $model->{$key} = $field; } } } if ($model->saveWithRelation()) { $message = "Данные успешно сохраненны"; //$this->redirect(array('view','id'=>$model->id)); } } // Сохранение TITLE галереи if (!empty($_POST["image_submit"]) && !empty($_POST["image"])) { foreach ($_POST["image"] as $value) { if ($value["id"] > 0) { $imageModel = CatGallery::fetch($value["id"]); if ($imageModel->id > 0) { $imageModel->name = $value["name"]; $imageModel->pos = $value["pos"]; $imageModel->type = $value["type"]; $imageModel->save(); } } } $message = "Галерея успешно сохраненна"; } // Добвление картинки $addGallery = new CatGallery(); if (!empty($_POST["submit_add_gallery"]) && !empty($id)) { $addGallery->setAttributesFromArray($_POST["CatGallery"]); $addGallery->image = $_FILES["CatGallery"]["name"]["image"]; $addGallery->catalog = $model->tableName(); $addGallery->item_id = $id; $addGallery->save(); // "", false $addGallery = new CatGallery(); } if ($model->id > 0) { $listImage = CatGallery::findByAttributes(array("catalog" => $model->tableName(), "item_id" => $model->id)); } else { $listImage = array(); } $this->render('edit', array('arrayParams' => $this->arrayParams, 'form' => $model, 'catalog' => $this->catalog, 'listImage' => $listImage, 'message' => $message, 'addGallery' => $addGallery)); } }
public function actionSetPublish() { $id = (int) Yii::app()->request->getParam("id", 0); $catalog = Yii::app()->request->getParam("catalog"); if ($id > 0 && !empty($catalog)) { $newCatalog = new $catalog(); $modelClass = SiteHelper::getCamelCase($newCatalog->tableName()); $model = $modelClass::fetch($id); $listImages = CatGallery::findByAttributes(array("catalog" => $newCatalog->tableName(), "item_id" => $id)); $imagesMin = SiteHelper::getConfig("publish_min_images"); $sizeofImages = sizeof($listImages); if ($model->image) { $sizeofImages++; } // Для CatalogFirmsBannersAdd не должно влиять ограичение перед публиацией по количесву картинок if ($sizeofImages >= $imagesMin || $catalog == "CatalogFirmsBannersAdd" || $catalog == "CatalogFirmsBanners") { $error = false; $commentModel = $catalog::fetch($id); if (($catalog == "CatalogFirmsBannersAdd" || $catalog == "CatalogFirmsBanners") && !$commentModel->file) { $error = true; } if ($commentModel->user_id->id != Yii::app()->user->getId() && $commentModel->firm_id->user_id->id != Yii::app()->user->getId()) { $error = true; } if (!$error) { if ($commentModel->user_id && $commentModel->user_id->id > 0) { $id = $commentModel->user_id->id; } else { $id = $commentModel->firm_id->user_id->id; } if ($commentModel->id > 0 && $id == Yii::app()->user->getId()) { if ($commentModel->active == 0) { $commentModel->active = 1; $action = "publish"; } else { $commentModel->active = 0; $action = "nopublish"; } SiteHelper::setLog($newCatalog->tableName(), $action, $commentModel->user_id->id, Yii::app()->user->getId()); if ($commentModel->save()) { echo 1; } else { print_r($commentModel->getErrors()); } return; } } } else { echo 3; return; } } echo 0; return; }