cluster() public static method

Returns a Cluster Builder.
public static cluster ( ) : Cassandra\Cluster\Builder
return Cassandra\Cluster\Builder a Cluster Builder instance
  * Override this method in your own implementation to configure the Cassandra cluster instance.
 protected function initializeCluster()
     // contact points can an array or a string, optionally having multiple
     // comma-separated node host names / IP addresses
     $contactPoints = $this->container->getParameter('cassandra_cluster.contact_points');
     if (!is_array($contactPoints)) {
         $contactPoints = implode($contactPoints, ',');
         foreach ($contactPoints as &$contactPoint) {
             $contactPoint = trim($contactPoint);
     $cluster = \Cassandra::cluster();
     if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50600) {
         call_user_func_array(array($cluster, "withContactPoints"), $contactPoints);
     } else {
         // PHP > 5.6 implements variadic parameters
     // always use persistent connections but be explicit about it
     if ($this->container->hasParameter('cassandra_cluster.credentials.username') && $this->container->hasParameter('cassandra_cluster.credentials.password')) {
         $username = $this->container->getParameter('cassandra_cluster.credentials.username');
         $password = $this->container->getParameter('cassandra_cluster.credentials.password');
         $cluster->withCredentials($username, $password);
     $this->cluster = $cluster->build();
  * Create the table and client side timestamp session for the timestamp
  * tests.
 public function setUp()
     // Process parent setup steps
     // Create the table
     $query = "CREATE TABLE {$this->tableNamePrefix} (key int PRIMARY KEY, value_int int)";
     $this->session->execute(new SimpleStatement($query));
     // Generate the insert and select queries
     $this->insertQuery = "INSERT INTO {$this->tableNamePrefix} (key, value_int) VALUES (?, ?)";
     $this->selectQuery = "SELECT writeTime(value_int) FROM {$this->tableNamePrefix} WHERE key = ?";
     // Create the connection for client side timestamps
     $cluster = \Cassandra::cluster()->withContactPoints(Integration::IP_ADDRESS)->withTimestampGenerator(new TimestampGenerator\Monotonic())->build();
     $this->clientSideTimestampSession = $cluster->connect($this->keyspaceName);
Example #3

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use CfCommunity\CfHelper\CfHelper;
$cfHelper = CfHelper::getInstance();
# Get Cassandra VCAP_SERVICES values
$serviceManager = $cfHelper->getServiceManager();
#Cassandra service has to have cassandra in the name
$cassandraService = $serviceManager->getService('.*cassandra.*');
$node_ips = $cassandraService->getValue('node_ips');
$username = $cassandraService->getValue('username');
$password = $cassandraService->getValue('password');
#Datastax driver will autoconnect to rest of nodes based off one node connection
$node = current($node_ips);
#Connects to the Cassandra service
$cluster = Cassandra::cluster()->withCredentials($username, $password)->withContactPoints($node)->build();
$session = $cluster->connect();
#Print keyspaces and tables
$keyspaces = $session->schema()->keyspaces();
echo "<table border=\"1\">";
echo "<tr><th>Keyspace</th><th>Table</th></tr>";
foreach ($keyspaces as $keyspace) {
    foreach ($keyspace->tables() as $table) {
        echo sprintf("<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n", $keyspace->name(), $table->name());
echo "</table>";
Example #4
  * Create a new connection instance with the provided configuration
 public function __construct()
     // Set up connection details
     $builder = \Cassandra::cluster();
     // Fetch configured port and set it, if it's provided
     $port = config('cassandra.port');
     if (!empty($port)) {
     // Fetch configured default page size and set it, if it's provided
     $defaultPageSize = config('cassandra.defaultPageSize');
     if (!empty($defaultPageSize)) {
     // Fetch configured default consistency level and set it, if it's provided
     $defaultConsistency = config('cassandra.withDefaultConsistency');
     if (!empty($defaultConsistency)) {
     // Set contact end points
     call_user_func_array([$builder, "withContactPoints"], config('cassandra.contactpoints'));
     // Connect to cluster
     $this->cluster = $builder->build();
     // Create a connect to the keyspace on cluster
     $this->session = $this->cluster->connect(config('cassandra.keyspace'));
Example #5
 public function start()
     $this->run('start', '--wait-other-notice', '--wait-for-binary-proto');
     $builder = Cassandra::cluster()->withPersistentSessions(false)->withContactPoints('');
     if ($this->ssl || $this->clientAuth) {
         $sslOptions = Cassandra::ssl()->withTrustedCerts(realpath(__DIR__ . '/ssl/cassandra.pem'))->withVerifyFlags(Cassandra::VERIFY_PEER_CERT)->withClientCert(realpath(__DIR__ . '/ssl/driver.pem'))->withPrivateKey(realpath(__DIR__ . '/ssl/driver.key'), 'php-driver')->build();
     for ($retries = 1; $retries <= 10; $retries++) {
         try {
             $this->cluster = $builder->build();
             $this->session = $this->cluster->connect();
         } catch (Cassandra\Exception\RuntimeException $e) {
             sleep($retries * 0.4);
     if (!isset($this->session)) {
         throw new RuntimeException("Unable to initialize a Session, check cassandra logs");
Example #6

if (!extension_loaded('cassandra')) {
    die("Unable to load cassandra extension\n");
try {
    $cluster = Cassandra::cluster()->withContactPoints('')->build();
    $session = $cluster->connect();
    echo "connection success\n";
} catch (Cassandra\Exception $e) {
    echo "connection failure\n";
    echo get_class($e) . ": " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
Example #7
function retrieveRecord($id)
    $cluster = Cassandra::cluster()->build();
    $session = $cluster->connect('europeana');
    $statement = new Cassandra\SimpleStatement(sprintf("SELECT content FROM edm WHERE id = '%s'", $id));
    $future = $session->executeAsync($statement);
    $result = $future->get();
    $json = null;
    foreach ($result as $row) {
        $json = $row['content'];
    return json_decode($json);
Example #8
  * Create the integration helper instance.
  * @param $className Name of the class for the executed test.
  * @param string $testName Name of the test being executed.
  * @param int $numberDC1Nodes Number of nodes in data center one
  *                            (DEFAULT: 1).
  * @param int $numberDC2Nodes Number of nodes in data center two
  *                            (DEFAULT: 0).
  * @param int $replicationFactor Replication factor override; default is
  *                               calculated based on number of data center
  *                               nodes; single data center is (nodes / 2)
  *                               rounded up.
  * @param bool $isClientAuthentication True if client authentication
  *                                     should be enabled; false
  *                                     otherwise (DEFAULT: false).
  * @param bool $isSSL True if SSL should be enabled; false otherwise
  *                    (DEFAULT: false).
  * @return Integration Instance of the Integration class created.
 public function __construct($className, $testName = "", $numberDC1Nodes = 1, $numberDC2Nodes = 0, $replicationFactor = -1, $isClientAuthentication = false, $isSSL = false)
     // Generate the keyspace name for the test
     $this->keyspaceName = $this->getShortName($className);
     if (!empty($testName)) {
         $this->keyspaceName = $this->keyspaceName . "_" . $testName;
     // Make all strings lowercase for case insensitive O/S (e.g. Windows)
     $this->keyspaceName = strtolower($this->keyspaceName);
     //Ensure the keyspace does not contain more to many characters
     if (strlen($this->keyspaceName) > self::KEYSPACE_MAXIMUM_LENGTH) {
         // Update the keyspace name with a unique ID
         $uniqueID = uniqid();
         $this->keyspaceName = substr($this->keyspaceName, 0, self::KEYSPACE_MAXIMUM_LENGTH - strlen($uniqueID)) . $uniqueID;
     // Create the Cassandra cluster for the test
     //TODO: Need to add the ability to switch the Cassandra version (command line)
     $this->ccm = new \CCM(self::CASSANDRA_VERSION, self::IS_CCM_SILENT);
     $this->ccm->setup($numberDC1Nodes, $numberDC2Nodes);
     if ($isClientAuthentication) {
     if ($isSSL) {
     // Determine replication strategy and generate the query
     $replicationStrategy = "'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': ";
     if ($numberDC2Nodes > 0) {
         $replicationStrategy = "'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1': " . $numberDC1Nodes . ", " . "'dc2': " . $numberDC2Nodes;
     } else {
         if ($replicationFactor < 0) {
             $replicationFactor = $numberDC1Nodes % 2 == 0 ? $numberDC1Nodes / 2 : ($numberDC1Nodes + 1) / 2;
         $replicationStrategy .= $replicationFactor;
     $query = sprintf(Integration::SIMPLE_KEYSPACE_FORMAT, $this->keyspaceName, $replicationStrategy);
     if (self::isDebug() && self::isVerbose()) {
         fprintf(STDOUT, "Creating Keyspace: %s" . PHP_EOL, $query);
     // Create the session and keyspace for the integration test
     $this->cluster = \Cassandra::cluster()->withContactPoints($this->getContactPoints(Integration::IP_ADDRESS, $numberDC1Nodes + $numberDC2Nodes))->withPersistentSessions(false)->build();
     $this->session = $this->cluster->connect();
     $statement = new SimpleStatement($query);
     // Update the session to use the new keyspace by default
     $statement = new SimpleStatement("USE " . $this->keyspaceName);
     // Get the server version the session is connected to
     $statement = new SimpleStatement(self::SELECT_SERVER_VERSION);
     $rows = $this->session->execute($statement);
     $this->serverVersion = $rows->first()["release_version"];
  * Initialize the SQL datastore.
 protected function __construct()
     $config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
     $keyspace = $config->getString('store.cassandra.keyspace');
     $nodes = $config->getArrayize('store.cassandra.nodes');
     $use_ssl = $config->getBoolean('store.cassandra.use_ssl', false);
     $ssl_ca = $config->getString('store.cassandra.ssl_ca', null);
     $username = $config->getString('store.cassandra.username', null);
     $password = $config->getString('store.cassandra.password', null);
     $cluster = \Cassandra::cluster()->withContactPoints(implode(',', $nodes))->withDefaultConsistency(\Cassandra::CONSISTENCY_LOCAL_QUORUM);
     if (isset($username) && isset($password)) {
         $cluster = $cluster->withCredentials($username, $password);
     if ($use_ssl) {
         $ssl = \Cassandra::ssl()->withVerifyFlags(\Cassandra::VERIFY_PEER_CERT);
         if ($ssl_ca) {
             $ssl = $ssl->withTrustedCerts($ssl_ca);
         $ssl = $ssl->build();
         $cluster = $cluster->withSSL($ssl);
     $cluster = $cluster->build();
     $this->db = $cluster->connect($keyspace);
  * Schema metadata support can be disabled.
  * This test will ensure that the PHP driver supports the ability to enable
  * and disable the schema metadata when creating a session object.
  * @test
  * @ticket PHP-61
 public function testDisableSchemaMetadata()
     // Create a new session with schema metadata disabled
     $cluster = \Cassandra::cluster()->withContactPoints(Integration::IP_ADDRESS)->withSchemaMetadata(false)->build();
     $session = $cluster->connect();
     // Get the schema from the new session
     $schema = $session->schema();
     // Ensure the new session has no schema metadata
     $this->assertCount(0, $schema->keyspaces());
     $this->assertNotEquals($this->schema->keyspaces(), $schema->keyspaces());

// Debug mode
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
// Connect to Cassandra
$cluster = Cassandra::cluster()->withContactPoints('')->withPort(9042)->build();
$keyspace = 'twitter';
$session = $cluster->connect($keyspace);
// create session, optionally scoped to a keyspace
// Default values
$tValue = 1;
$minVertices = 0;
// Change T
if (isset($_GET["value"])) {
    $tValue = $_GET["value"];
// Change minimum vertices in communities
if (isset($_GET["minVertices"])) {
    $minVertices = $_GET["minVertices"];
$whereStatementForVertice = null;
if ($minVertices > 0) {
    $whereStatementForVertice = "and nbv >= {$minVertices}";
Example #12
function getWeatherDataCassandra($start, $end, $format, $idweatherstation, $idsensor, $header = true)
    $rawData = "";
    $cluster = Cassandra::cluster()->withContactPoints('', '', '', '', '')->build();
    $session = $cluster->connect() or die("Error connecting to the database");
    $access = date("Y/m/d H:i:s");
    syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Connected to JAO CLUSTER: {$access} {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} ({$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']})");
    $debug = 1;
    $carry_return = "\r\n";
    $initial_year = substr($start, 0, 4);
    $initial_month = substr($start, 5, 2);
    $initial_day = substr($start, 8, 2);
    $final_year = substr($end, 0, 4);
    $final_month = substr($end, 5, 2);
    $final_day = substr($end, 8, 2);
    $keyspace = 'weatherstation';
    if (!empty($idsensor) && is_array($idsensor)) {
        $sensors = array_shift($idsensor);
        foreach ($idsensor as $sensor) {
            $sensors = $sensors . ', ' . $sensor;
    } else {
        die("Sensors NULL");
    if (!empty($idweatherstation) && is_array($idweatherstation)) {
        foreach ($idweatherstation as $meteo) {
            $year = $initial_year;
            $month = round($initial_month, 1);
            $day = round($initial_day, 1);
            $less_year = $final_year - $initial_year;
            $table = "data_" . $year;
            $query = "SELECT date_full, {$sensors} FROM {$keyspace}.{$table} WHERE weatherstation_id = ? AND date = ?";
            $select = $session->prepare("{$query}");
            $time_start = microtime(true);
            while ($less_year >= 0) {
                if ($month == 13) {
                    $month = 1;
                while ($month <= 12) {
                    if ($day == 32) {
                        $day = 1;
                    while ($day <= 31) {
                        ####################### If month and day < 10 ####################
                        if ($month < 10 && $day < 10) {
                            $date = 0 . $month . '-' . 0 . $day;
                            $options = new Cassandra\ExecutionOptions(array('arguments' => array($meteo, $date)));
                            $result = $session->execute($select, $options);
                            $access = date("Y/m/d H:i:s");
                            syslog(LOG_WARNING, "CQL executed: {$access} {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} ({$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']})");
                            foreach ($result as $row) {
                                $rawData .= sprintf("%s; %s; %0.3f; %0.3f; %0.3f; %0.3f; %0.3f; %0.3f\r\n", $meteo, $row['date_full'], $row['temperature'], $row['humidity'], $row['dewpoint'], $row['windspeed'], $row['winddirection'], $row['pressure']);
                            $access = date("Y/m/d H:i:s");
                            syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Data retrieved and formatted: {$access} {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} ({$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']})");
                        } elseif ($month < 10) {
                            $date = 0 . $month . '-' . $day;
                            $options = new Cassandra\ExecutionOptions(array('arguments' => array($meteo, $date)));
                            $result = $session->execute($select, $options);
                            $access = date("Y/m/d H:i:s");
                            syslog(LOG_WARNING, "CQL executed: {$access} {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} ({$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']})");
                            foreach ($result as $row) {
                                $rawData .= sprintf("%s; %s; %0.3f; %0.3f; %0.3f; %0.3f; %0.3f; %0.3f\r\n", $meteo, $row['date_full'], $row['temperature'], $row['humidity'], $row['dewpoint'], $row['windspeed'], $row['winddirection'], $row['pressure']);
                            $access = date("Y/m/d H:i:s");
                            syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Data retrieved and formatted: {$access} {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} ({$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']})");
                        } elseif ($day < 10) {
                            $date = $month . '-' . 0 . $day;
                            $options = new Cassandra\ExecutionOptions(array('arguments' => array($meteo, $date)));
                            $result = $session->execute($select, $options);
                            $access = date("Y/m/d H:i:s");
                            syslog(LOG_WARNING, "CQL executed: {$access} {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} ({$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']})");
                            foreach ($result as $row) {
                                $rawData .= sprintf("%s; %s; %0.3f; %0.3f; %0.3f; %0.3f; %0.3f; %0.3f\r\n", $meteo, $row['date_full'], $row['temperature'], $row['humidity'], $row['dewpoint'], $row['windspeed'], $row['winddirection'], $row['pressure']);
                            $access = date("Y/m/d H:i:s");
                            syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Data retrieved and formatted: {$access} {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} ({$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']})");
                        } else {
                            $date = $month . '-' . $day;
                            $options = new Cassandra\ExecutionOptions(array('arguments' => array($meteo, $date)));
                            $result = $session->execute($select, $options);
                            $access = date("Y/m/d H:i:s");
                            syslog(LOG_WARNING, "CQL executed: {$access} {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} ({$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']})");
                            foreach ($result as $row) {
                                $rawData .= sprintf("%s; %s; %0.3f; %0.3f; %0.3f; %0.3f; %0.3f; %0.3f\r\n", $meteo, $row['date_full'], $row['temperature'], $row['humidity'], $row['dewpoint'], $row['windspeed'], $row['winddirection'], $row['pressure']);
                            $access = date("Y/m/d H:i:s");
                            syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Data retrieved and formatted: {$access} {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} ({$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']})");
                        $day = $day + 1;
                        if ($month == $final_month) {
                            if ($day == $final_day + 1) {
                                $day = 32;
                    $month = $month + 1;
                    if ($year == $final_year) {
                        if ($month == $final_month + 1) {
                            $month = 13;
                $year = $year + 1;
                $less_year = $less_year - 1;
            $time_end = microtime(true);
    } else {
        die("WeatherStation NULL");
    $weatherstationName = array_shift($idweatherstation);
    foreach ($idweatherstation as $weatherstation) {
        $weatherstationName = $weatherstationName . ', ' . $weatherstation;
    $headerData = "# weather station data of : " . $weatherstationName . $carry_return;
    if ($debug) {
        $headerData .= "# CQL= " . "SELECT " . $sensors . " FROM weatherstation.data_2015  WHERE weatherstationid = " . $weatherstationName . " AND date >= " . $start . " AND date <= " . $end . $carry_return;
    $headerData .= "#" . $carry_return;
    $headerData .= "# WeatherStation; Date ; Humidity [%]; Temperature [celsius]; Dewpoint [celsius]; Wind Direction [degree]; Wind Speed [m/s]; Pressure [hPa]" . $carry_return;
    $headerData .= "#" . $carry_return;
    $execution_time = round($time_end - $time_start, 3);
    $access = date("Y/m/d H:i:s");
    syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Execution Time: {$execution_time} [s], {$access} {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} ({$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']})");
    if ($header) {
        return $headerData . $rawData;
    } else {
        return $rawData;
Example #13
        <meta charset="utf-8"/>
        <title>Retrieve keyspaces</title>

$cluster = Cassandra::cluster()->withContactPoints('', '', '', '', '')->build();
$session = $cluster->connect();
echo sprintf("<p>Connected to %s</p>", 'JAO CLUSTER');
$keyspaces = $session->schema()->keyspaces();
#echo "<table border=\"1\">";
#echo "<tr><th>Keyspace</th><th>Table</th></tr>";
#foreach ($keyspaces as $keyspace) {
#    foreach ($keyspace->tables() as $table) {
#        echo sprintf("<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n", $keyspace->name(), $table->name());
#    }
#echo "</table>";
//$sensores = array("temperature","humidity","dewpoint","windspeed");
//	$idsensor = array_shift($sensores);
//	foreach( $sensores as $sensor) {
//		$idsensor = $idsensor . ', ' . $sensor ;
//	}
//	unset($sensor);
//	echo sprintf("Sensores: %s", $idsensor);
//	echo  '<br>';
$initial_year = '2015';
$initial_month = '04';