function unpauseApplications() { global $sFilter; global $sNow; if ($sFilter != '' && strpos($sFilter, 'unpause') === false) { return false; } setExecutionMessage("Unpausing applications"); try { G::LoadClass('case'); $oCases = new Cases(); $oCases->ThrowUnpauseDaemon($sNow, 1); setExecutionResultMessage('DONE'); saveLog('unpauseApplications', 'action', 'Unpausing Applications'); } catch (Exception $oError) { setExecutionResultMessage('WITH ERRORS', 'error'); eprintln(" '-" . $oError->getMessage(), 'red'); saveLog('unpauseApplications', 'error', 'Error Unpausing Applications: ' . $oError->getMessage()); } }
if (is_array($confCasesList)) { $sTypeList = $confCasesList['sTypeList']; } else { $sTypeList = 'to_do'; } } else { $sTypeList = $_GET['l']; $confCasesList = array('sTypeList' => $sTypeList); $conf->saveObject($confCasesList, 'ProcessMaker', 'cases_List', '', $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED'], ''); } $sUIDUserLogged = $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED']; $_SESSION['CASES_MENU_OPTION'] = $sTypeList; $oCases = new Cases(); /** here we verify if there is a any case with a unpause on this day*/ if ($sTypeList === 'to_do' or $sTypeList === 'draft' or $sTypeList === 'paused') { $oCases->ThrowUnpauseDaemon(date('Y-m-d')); } /* * * Prepare the addtional filters before to show * By Erik */ $aAdditionalFilter = array(); if (isset($_GET['PROCESS_UID']) and $_GET['PROCESS_UID'] != "0" && $_GET['PROCESS_UID'] != "") { $PRO_UID = $_GET['PROCESS_UID']; $aAdditionalFilter['PRO_UID'] = $PRO_UID; } else { $PRO_UID = "0"; } if (isset($_GET['READ']) and $_GET['READ'] == "1") { $aAdditionalFilter['READ'] = $_GET['READ']; }