Example #1
 public function addJson()
     $cart = new CartModel();
     $entity = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam('entity');
     $entity_id = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam('entity_id');
     $qty = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam('qty');
     $cart->addItem($entity, $entity_id, $qty);
     return ['success' => true];
 public function addJson()
     $cart = new CartModel();
     $entity = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam('entity');
     $entity_id = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam('entity_id');
     $qty = Ajde::app()->getRequest()->getPostParam('qty');
     $cart->addItem($entity, $entity_id, $qty);
     return array('success' => true);
 public function checkout()
     // Get existing transaction
     $transaction = new TransactionModel();
     $session = new Ajde_Session('AC.Shop');
     $session->has('currentTransaction') && $transaction->loadByPK($session->get('currentTransaction'));
     $cart = new CartModel();
     $this->getView()->assign('cart', $cart);
     $this->getView()->assign('user', $this->getLoggedInUser());
     $this->getView()->assign('transaction', $transaction);
     return $this->render();
Example #4
 public static function mergeUserToClient()
     if ($user = Ajde_User::getLoggedIn()) {
         // Do we have a saved cart for logged in user?
         $userCart = new CartModel();
         if ($userCart->loadByUser($user)) {
             // Do we have a saved cart for client?
             $clientCart = new CartModel();
             if ($clientCart->loadByClient() === false) {
                 $clientCart->client = md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
             foreach ($userCart->getItems() as $item) {
                 /* @var $item Ajde_Shop_Cart_Item */
                 $clientCart->addItem($item->getEntity(), null, $item->getQty());
  * This method reads the e-mail body template and fills it 
  * with the values from the cart and the given information
  * about the user.
  * @return HTML e-mail body
 private function createMailBody()
     $engine = $this->getTemplateEngine();
     // read the template for the e-mail body
     $msgTpl = $engine->readTemplate(Template::MAIL_ORDER);
     // create a new CartModel instance to get access to the cart's products
     $cart = new CartModel();
     // write all ordered products in the cart into e-mail
     $rows = "";
     $amount = 0;
     foreach ($cart->getProducts() as $product) {
         $rowTpl = $engine->readTemplate(Template::MAIL_ORDER_ROW);
         $rowTpl = $engine->replaceTag("name", $product->getName(), $rowTpl);
         $rowTpl = $engine->replaceTag("options", StringUtils::arrangeOptions($product->getProperties()), $rowTpl);
         $rowTpl = $engine->replaceTag("price", StringUtils::formatAmount($product->getPrice()), $rowTpl);
         $rows .= $rowTpl;
         $amount += $product->getPrice();
     // write the POST-ed values into e-mail
     $msgTpl = $engine->replaceTag("firstname", StringUtils::removeTags($_POST["name-firstname"]), $msgTpl);
     $msgTpl = $engine->replaceTag("lastname", StringUtils::removeTags($_POST["name-lastname"]), $msgTpl);
     $msgTpl = $engine->replaceTag("email", StringUtils::removeTags($_POST["name-email"]), $msgTpl);
     $msgTpl = $engine->replaceTag("address", StringUtils::removeTags($_POST["name-address"]), $msgTpl);
     $msgTpl = $engine->replaceTag("addressnr", StringUtils::removeTags($_POST["name-addressnr"]), $msgTpl);
     $msgTpl = $engine->replaceTag("zipcode", StringUtils::removeTags($_POST["name-zipcode"]), $msgTpl);
     $msgTpl = $engine->replaceTag("city", StringUtils::removeTags($_POST["name-city"]), $msgTpl);
     $msgTpl = $engine->replaceTag("country", StringUtils::removeTags($_POST["name-country"]), $msgTpl);
     $msgTpl = $engine->replaceTag("shippingmethod", StringUtils::removeTags($_POST["name-shippingmethod"]), $msgTpl);
     $msgTpl = $engine->replaceTag("paymentmethod", StringUtils::removeTags($_POST["name-paymentmethod"]), $msgTpl);
     $msgTpl = $engine->replaceTag("total", StringUtils::formatAmount($amount), $msgTpl);
     $giftboxYesNo = isset($_POST["name-giftbox"]) ? "yes" : "no";
     $msgTpl = $engine->replaceTag("yesno", $giftboxYesNo, $msgTpl);
     // replace the placeholder in e-mail's template with the product rows
     $msgTpl = $engine->replaceTag("rows", $rows, $msgTpl);
     // translate all keys in the template
     $msgTpl = $this->handleTranslations($msgTpl);
     // set the table with all informations to the view for displaying it
     return $msgTpl;
 public static function kurangiStok($po_id, $minus = 1, $session = 1)
     if ($session) {
         $arrObjBulk = isset($_SESSION['cartqty_bulk']) ? $_SESSION['cartqty_bulk'] : array();
         $arrObjRetail = isset($_SESSION['cartqty']) ? $_SESSION['cartqty'] : array();
     } else {
         $cm = new CartModel();
         $arrObjBulk = json_decode($cm->po_pesanan_bulk);
         $arrObjRetail = json_decode($cm->po_pesanan_retail);
     $out_of_stock_ID = array();
     $kebutuhan = array();
     //get all product
     $arrProd = array();
     foreach ($arrObjBulk as $numb => $objb) {
         if ($session) {
             $pid = $objb['id'];
             $qty = $objb['qty'];
         } else {
             $pid = $objb->id;
             $qty = $objb->qty;
         if ($pid == "" || $pid < 1) {
         $exp = explode(",", $pid);
         foreach ($exp as $numc => $obj_real) {
             $p = new ProdModel();
             $arrProd[$obj_real] = $p;
             //cek apakah outof stok
         foreach ($kebutuhan as $obj_real => $jumlah) {
             $kebutuhan[$obj_real] = $jumlah * $qty;
     foreach ($arrObjRetail as $num => $obj) {
         if ($session) {
             $pid = $obj['id'];
             $qty = $obj['qty'];
         } else {
             $pid = $obj->id;
             $qty = $obj->qty;
         if ($pid == "" || $pid < 1) {
         $p = new ProdModel();
         $arrProd[$pid] = $p;
         $kebutuhan[$pid] += $qty;
     foreach ($kebutuhan as $pid => $jumlah) {
         $prod = $arrProd[$pid];
         //kalau session ga bisa out of stock
         if ($prod->prod_stock < $jumlah && $session) {
         //isi log
         $ps = new ProdStok();
         $ps->stok_date = leap_mysqldate();
         $ps->stok_prev = $prod->prod_stock;
         $ps->stok_po_id = $po_id;
         $ps->stok_prod_id = $prod->prod_id;
         $ps->stok_userid = Account::getMyID();
         if ($minus) {
             //kurangi stok
             $prod->prod_stock -= $jumlah;
         } else {
             $prod->prod_stock += $jumlah;
         $prod->load = 1;
         $ps->stock_note = "Pemesanan Customer";
         if (!$session) {
             $ps->stock_admin = 1;
             $ps->stock_note = "Admin Update {$minus}";
         $ps->stok_actual = $prod->prod_stock;
         if ($ps->stok_prev > $ps->stok_actual) {
             $ps->stok_debit_credit = 1;
         } else {
             $ps->stok_debit_credit = 0;
 public function complete()
     $cart = new CartModel();
     // Get existing transaction
     $transaction = new TransactionModel();
     $session = new Ajde_Session('AC.Shop');
     if ($session->has('currentTransaction')) {
     $this->getView()->assign('transaction', $transaction);
     return $this->render();
Example #8
 public function checkout()
     // Get existing transaction
     $transaction = new TransactionModel();
     $session = new Ajde_Session('AC.Shop');
     $session->has('currentTransaction') && $transaction->loadByPK($session->get('currentTransaction'));
     $cart = new CartModel();
     // Can we skip this step?
     if (!$transaction->hasLoaded() && !config('shop.offerLogin') && $cart->hasItems()) {
     $this->getView()->assign('cart', $cart);
     $this->getView()->assign('user', $this->getLoggedInUser());
     $this->getView()->assign('transaction', $transaction);
     return $this->render();
 public function paymentJson()
     $request = Ajde::app()->getRequest();
     $provider = $request->getPostParam('provider', false);
     if (empty($provider)) {
         return array('success' => false, 'message' => __('Please choose a payment provider'));
     // Check for current transaction
     $transaction = new TransactionModel();
     $session = new Ajde_Session('AC.Shop');
     if ($session->has('currentTransaction') && $transaction->loadByPK($session->get('currentTransaction'))) {
         if ($transaction->payment_status !== 'pending') {
             return array('success' => false, 'message' => __('Payment already initiated, please refresh this page'));
     } else {
         return array('success' => false, 'message' => __('No current transaction found'));
     $transaction->payment_provider = $provider;
     $provider = $transaction->getProvider();
     $redirectUrl = $provider->getRedirectUrl();
     if ($redirectUrl !== false) {
         $transaction->payment_status = 'requested';
         $cart = new CartModel();
         if ($provider->usePostProxy()) {
             $proxy = $this->getView();
             $proxy->assign('provider', $provider);
             return array('success' => true, 'postproxy' => $proxy->render());
         return array('success' => true, 'redirect' => $redirectUrl);
     return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Could not contact the payment provider, please try again');
 public function deleteOrder()
     $po = new CartModel();
     $po_id = isset($_GET['po']) ? addslashes($_GET['po']) : die('no id');
     if ($po->userid != Account::getMyID()) {
         die('Hacking Attempt');
     $po->payment_status = 4;
     $po->load = 1;
     CartWeb::kurangiStok($po_id, 0, 0);
     header("Location:" . _SPPATH . "myorder");
  * Clean the cart (remove all products).
 public static function clean()
     $cm = new CartModel();
 public function setStatus()
     $payment_status = isset($_GET['ps']) ? addslashes($_GET['ps']) : die('no ps');
     $po_id = isset($_GET['po']) ? addslashes($_GET['po']) : die('no po');
     $po = new CartModel();
     $payment_status_lama = $po->payment_status;
     if ($payment_status_lama == '3') {
         //canceled ke gak canceled
         // kurangi stok
         CartWeb::kurangiStok($po_id, 1, 0);
     if ($payment_status == '3') {
         //gak canceled ke canceled
         // release stok //tambah stok
         CartWeb::kurangiStok($po_id, 0, 0);
     if ($payment_status == '1') {
         //leap mail
         $lm = new Leapmail();
         $lm->senderMail = "*****@*****.**";
         $isi .= "Terima Kasih Anda Telah Melakukan Pembayaran \n\n";
         $isi .= "";
         $isi .= "Detail Pesanan : " . _BPATH . "CartOrder/details?po={$po_id} \n";
         $isi .= "Order History : " . _BPATH . "myorder \n\n";
         $isi .= "\n\n Pengiriman akan kami jalankan secepatnya.";
         $isi .= "\n\n Lama delivery sesuai JNE delivery sekitar 3-4 hari untuk paket REGULAR dan 1 hari untuk paket Yakin Esok Sampai.";
         $isi .= "\n\n Untuk Informasi lebih lanjut bisa melakukan email ke info@b3l1.com";
         $lm->sendEmail($po->user_email, "Konfirmasi Pemrosesan Pemesanan Produk B3l1.COM", $isi);
     if ($payment_status == '2') {
         //leap mail
         $lm = new Leapmail();
         $lm->senderMail = "*****@*****.**";
         $isi .= "Pengiriman Produk Pesanan Anda Sudah Dilakukan \n\n";
         $isi .= "";
         $isi .= "Detail Pesanan : " . _BPATH . "CartOrder/details?po={$po_id} \n";
         $isi .= "Order History : " . _BPATH . "myorder \n\n";
         $isi .= "\n\n Lama delivery sesuai JNE delivery sekitar 3-4 hari untuk paket REGULAR dan 1 hari untuk paket Yakin Esok Sampai.";
         $isi .= "\n\n Untuk Informasi lebih lanjut bisa melakukan email ke info@b3l1.com";
         $lm->sendEmail($po->user_email, "Pengiriman Produk B3l1.COM", $isi);
     $po->payment_status = $payment_status;
     $po->load = 1;