Example #1

require 'taxiClass.php';
$yellow_taxi = new Car();
if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) {
    $action = $_REQUEST['action'];
    switch ($action) {
        case 'engine':
        case 'run':
        case 'stop':
            # code...

	<form method="post" action="taxi_demo.php?action=engine">
		<input type="submit" value="エンジンを掛ける" />
	<form method="post" action="taxi_demo.php?action=run">
		<input type="submit" value="走る" />
explicitly named (usually the one on the left of the :: operator); in case
of non static method calls, it is the class of the object.

A "forwarding call" is a static one that is introduced by self::, parent::,
static::, or, if going up in the class hierarchy, forward_static_call().

The function get_called_class() can be used to retrieve a string with the name
of the called class and static:: introduces its scope. 
class Car
    public static function run()
        return static::getName();
    private static function getName()
        return 'Car';
class Toyota extends Car
    public static function getName()
        return 'Toyota';
echo Car::run();
// output: Car
echo Toyota::run();
// output: Toyota