Example #1
 public function getCamposFormularioEmpresaTabla($solo_en_lista = false)
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->addJoin(CampoPeer::ID_CAMPO, RelCampoTablaPeer::ID_CAMPO, Criteria::JOIN);
     $c->addJoin(RelCampoTablaPeer::ID_TABLA, TablaPeer::ID_TABLA, Criteria::JOIN);
     $cr1 = $c->getNewCriterion(TablaPeer::ID_EMPRESA, $this->getIdEmpresa(), Criteria::EQUAL);
     $cr2 = $c->getNewCriterion(CampoPeer::ES_GENERAL, true, Criteria::EQUAL);
     $campos_generales_empresa = CampoPeer::doSelect($c);
     $cb = new Criteria();
     $cb->addJoin(CampoPeer::ID_CAMPO, RelCampoTablaPeer::ID_CAMPO);
     $cb->add(RelCampoTablaPeer::ID_TABLA, $this->getIdTabla());
     if ($solo_en_lista) {
         $c->addAnd(CampoPeer::EN_LISTA, true, Criteria::EQUAL);
     $campos_tabla = CampoPeer::doSelect($cb);
     $campos = array_merge($campos_generales_empresa, $campos_tabla);
     return $campos;
 protected function updateCampoFromRequest()
     $campo = $this->getRequestParameter('campo');
     $this->campo->setEsGeneral(isset($campo['es_general']) ? true : false);
     $this->campo->setEsNombre(isset($campo['es_nombre']) ? true : false);
     $this->campo->setObligatorio(isset($campo['obligatorio']) ? true : false);
     $this->campo->setMismaFila(isset($campo['misma_fila']) ? true : false);
     $this->campo->setEnLista(isset($campo['en_lista']) ? true : false);
     if (isset($campo['id_empresa'])) {
         $this->campo->setIdEmpresa($campo['id_empresa'] ? $campo['id_empresa'] : null);
     if (isset($campo['nombre'])) {
     if (isset($campo['descripcion'])) {
     if (isset($campo['tipo'])) {
         $this->campo->setTipo(isset($campo['tipo']) ? $campo['tipo'] : CampoPeer::getDefaultId());
     $this->campo->setSeleccionMultiple(isset($campo['seleccion_multiple']) ? true : false);
     $this->campo->setDesplegable(isset($campo['desplegable']) ? true : false);
     if (isset($campo['tipo_items'])) {
         $this->campo->setTipoItems($campo['tipo_items'] ? $campo['tipo_items'] : CampoPeer::getDefaultIdTipoItems());
     if (isset($campo['unidad_rangos'])) {
         $this->campo->setUnidadRangos($campo['unidad_rangos'] ? $campo['unidad_rangos'] : null);
     if (isset($campo['tipo_periodo'])) {
         $this->campo->setTipoPeriodo($campo['tipo_periodo'] ? $campo['tipo_periodo'] : null);
     if (isset($campo['tipo_tabla'])) {
         $this->campo->setValorTabla($campo['tipo_tabla'] ? $campo['tipo_tabla'] : null);
     //Si el tipo es otra tabla, significa que se ha de mostrar en el padre, si es fecha significa que es ALARMA
     $this->campo->setMostrarEnPadre(isset($campo['mostrar_en_padre']) ? true : false);
     if (isset($campo['tipo_objeto'])) {
         $this->campo->setValorObjeto($campo['tipo_objeto'] ? $campo['tipo_objeto'] : null);
     switch ($this->campo->getTipo()) {
         case CampoPeer::ID_TEXTO_CORTO:
             $this->campo->setTamano($campo['tamano_texto_corto'] ? $campo['tamano_texto_corto'] : null);
         case CampoPeer::ID_TEXTO_LARGO:
             $this->campo->setTamano($campo['tamano_texto_largo'] ? $campo['tamano_texto_largo'] : null);
         case CampoPeer::ID_NUMERO:
             $this->campo->setTamano($campo['tamano_numero'] ? $campo['tamano_numero'] : null);
     switch ($this->campo->getTipo()) {
         case CampoPeer::ID_TEXTO_CORTO:
         case CampoPeer::ID_TEXTO_LARGO:
         case CampoPeer::ID_BOOLEANO:
         case CampoPeer::ID_LISTA:
         case CampoPeer::ID_TABLA:
         case CampoPeer::ID_OBJETO:
         case CampoPeer::ID_NUMERO:
         case CampoPeer::ID_FECHA:
Example #3
 public function __toString($to_file = false)
     include_once SF_ROOT_DIR . "/lib/symfony/helper/DateHelper.php";
     if (!$this->getPrimaryKey()) {
         return null;
     $campo = $this->getItemBase()->getCampo();
     $value = null;
     if (!$campo->esTipoLista()) {
         if ($campo->esTipoTextoLargo()) {
             $value = $this->getTextoLargo();
         } elseif ($campo->esTipoTextoCorto()) {
             $value = $this->getTextoCorto();
         } elseif ($campo->esTipoDocumento()) {
             if ($this->getTextoCorto() != "") {
                 $fname = explode("_", basename($this->getTextoCorto()));
                 if (sizeof($fname) > 1) {
                     $fname = substr(basename($this->getTextoCorto()), strlen($fname[0]) + 1);
                 } else {
                     $fname = $fname[0];
                 if ($to_file) {
                     $value = $fname;
                 } else {
                     $value = "<a href=\"" . dirname(UsuarioPeer::getRuta()) . "/index.php/formularios/download/?id_item=" . $this->getIdItem() . "&id_formulario=" . $this->getIdFormulario() . "\" target=\"_NEW\">" . $fname . "<a>";
             } else {
                 $value = "";
         } elseif ($campo->esTipoNumero()) {
             $value = $this->getNumero();
         } elseif ($campo->esTipoFecha()) {
             $value = format_date($this->getFecha(), "D");
         } elseif ($campo->esTipoBooleano()) {
             if ($this->getSiNo()) {
                 $value = sfContext::getInstance()->getI18N()->__("SI");
             } else {
                 $value = sfContext::getInstance()->getI18N()->__("NO");
         } elseif ($campo->esTipoSelectPeriodo()) {
             $value = nombre_periodo($campo->getTipoPeriodo(), $this->getNumero(), $this->getAnio());
         } elseif ($campo->esTipoTabla()) {
             $form = FormularioPeer::retrieveByPk($this->getIdTabla());
             if ($form != null) {
                 $value = $form->__toString();
             } else {
                 $value = "--";
         } elseif ($campo->esTipoObjeto()) {
             eval("\$value = " . $campo->getValorObjeto() . "Peer::retrieveByPk(\$this->getIdObjeto());");
             if ($value != null) {
                 $value = $value->__toString();
             } else {
                 $value = "--";
     } else {
         //Obtener los items del mismo formulario cuyo campo id_campo coincida con el de nuestro id_item_base
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->addAnd(ItemPeer::ID_FORMULARIO, $this->getIdFormulario(), Criteria::EQUAL);
         $c->addAnd(ItemPeer::SI_NO, 1, Criteria::EQUAL);
         $c->addJoin(ItemPeer::ID_ITEM_BASE, ItemBasePeer::ID_ITEM_BASE, Criteria::JOIN);
         $c->addAnd(ItemBasePeer::ID_CAMPO, $this->getItemBase()->getIdCampo(), Criteria::EQUAL);
         $items_base_seleccionados = ItemBasePeer::doSelect($c);
         if (sizeof($items_base_seleccionados)) {
             $value .= !$to_file ? "<ul class=\"sf_admin_checklist\">\n" : "";
             foreach ($items_base_seleccionados as $ibs) {
                 $value .= !$to_file ? "<li>" : "";
                 if ($campo->esListaTipoRangos()) {
                     //lista de rangos
                     $desde = null;
                     $hasta = null;
                     $unidad = CampoPeer::getHtmlTipoUnidad($campo->getUnidadRangos());
                     $unidad = $unidad ? "&nbsp;" . $unidad : '';
                     if ($ibs->getNumeroInferior() && $ibs->getNumeroInferior() != '') {
                         $desde = format_number($ibs->getNumeroInferior()) . $unidad;
                     if ($ibs->getNumeroSuperior() && $ibs->getNumeroSuperior() != '') {
                         $hasta = format_number($ibs->getNumeroSuperior()) . $unidad;
                     if ($desde && $hasta) {
                         $value .= __('desde %1% hasta %2%', array('%1%' => $desde, '%2%' => $hasta));
                     } else {
                         if ($desde) {
                             $value .= __('más de %1%', array('%1%' => $desde));
                         } elseif ($hasta) {
                             $value .= __('menos de %2%', array('%2%' => $hasta));
                         } else {
                             $value .= null;
                 } else {
                     $value .= $ibs->getTexto();
                 if ($ibs->getTextoAuxiliar()) {
                     $texto_auxiliar = $this->getTextoAuxiliar() ? $this->getTextoAuxiliar() : null;
                     $value .= isset($texto_auxiliar) ? "&nbsp;(" . $texto_auxiliar . ")" : '';
                 $value .= !$to_file ? "</li>" : " - ";
             $value .= !$to_file ? "</ul>\n" : "";
             if (!$to_file) {
                 $value = substr($value, 0, strlen($value) - 3);
     return $value;
Example #4
 public function getCamposFormularioOrdenadosGenerales()
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->addJoin(CampoPeer::ID_CAMPO, RelCampoTablaPeer::ID_CAMPO, Criteria::JOIN);
     $c->addJoin(RelCampoTablaPeer::ID_TABLA, TablaPeer::ID_TABLA, Criteria::JOIN);
     $c->addAnd(TablaPeer::ID_EMPRESA, $this->getIdEmpresa(), Criteria::EQUAL);
     $c->addAnd(CampoPeer::ES_GENERAL, true);
     $campos = CampoPeer::doSelect($c);
     return $campos;
  * Returns the number of related Campo objects.
  * @param      Criteria $criteria
  * @param      boolean $distinct
  * @param      PropelPDO $con
  * @return     int Count of related Campo objects.
  * @throws     PropelException
 public function countCampos(Criteria $criteria = null, $distinct = false, PropelPDO $con = null)
     if ($criteria === null) {
         $criteria = new Criteria(EmpresaPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
     } else {
         $criteria = clone $criteria;
     if ($distinct) {
     $count = null;
     if ($this->collCampos === null) {
         if ($this->isNew()) {
             $count = 0;
         } else {
             $criteria->add(CampoPeer::ID_EMPRESA, $this->id_empresa);
             $count = CampoPeer::doCount($criteria, $con);
     } else {
         // criteria has no effect for a new object
         if (!$this->isNew()) {
             // the following code is to determine if a new query is
             // called for.  If the criteria is the same as the last
             // one, just return count of the collection.
             $criteria->add(CampoPeer::ID_EMPRESA, $this->id_empresa);
             if (!isset($this->lastCampoCriteria) || !$this->lastCampoCriteria->equals($criteria)) {
                 $count = CampoPeer::doCount($criteria, $con);
             } else {
                 $count = count($this->collCampos);
         } else {
             $count = count($this->collCampos);
     return $count;
    $nombre = CampoPeer::getNombreTipoItem($campo->getTipoItems());
    echo $nombre ? $nombre : "-";
    if ($campo->esListaTipoRangos()) {
<div class="form-row">
        echo label_for('campo[unidad_rangos]', __($labels['campo{unidad_rangos}']) . ":", '');
  <div class="content">
        $nombre = CampoPeer::getNombreTipoUnidad($campo->getUnidadRangos());
        echo $nombre ? $nombre : "-";


include_partial('show_campo_actions', array('campo' => $campo, 'tabla' => $tabla));
  * Selects a collection of ItemBase objects pre-filled with all related objects.
  * @param      Criteria  $c
  * @param      PropelPDO $con
  * @param      String    $join_behavior the type of joins to use, defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN
  * @return     array Array of ItemBase objects.
  * @throws     PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
  *		 rethrown wrapped into a PropelException.
 public static function doSelectJoinAll(Criteria $c, $con = null, $join_behavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)
     foreach (sfMixer::getCallables('BaseItemBasePeer:doSelectJoinAll:doSelectJoinAll') as $callable) {
         call_user_func($callable, 'BaseItemBasePeer', $c, $con);
     $c = clone $c;
     // Set the correct dbName if it has not been overridden
     if ($c->getDbName() == Propel::getDefaultDB()) {
     $startcol2 = ItemBasePeer::NUM_COLUMNS - ItemBasePeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS;
     $startcol3 = $startcol2 + (CampoPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - CampoPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS);
     $c->addJoin(array(ItemBasePeer::ID_CAMPO), array(CampoPeer::ID_CAMPO), $join_behavior);
     $stmt = BasePeer::doSelect($c, $con);
     $results = array();
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
         $key1 = ItemBasePeer::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, 0);
         if (null !== ($obj1 = ItemBasePeer::getInstanceFromPool($key1))) {
             // We no longer rehydrate the object, since this can cause data loss.
             // See http://propel.phpdb.org/trac/ticket/509
             // $obj1->hydrate($row, 0, true); // rehydrate
         } else {
             $omClass = ItemBasePeer::getOMClass();
             $cls = substr('.' . $omClass, strrpos('.' . $omClass, '.') + 1);
             $obj1 = new $cls();
             ItemBasePeer::addInstanceToPool($obj1, $key1);
         // if obj1 already loaded
         // Add objects for joined Campo rows
         $key2 = CampoPeer::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, $startcol2);
         if ($key2 !== null) {
             $obj2 = CampoPeer::getInstanceFromPool($key2);
             if (!$obj2) {
                 $omClass = CampoPeer::getOMClass();
                 $cls = substr('.' . $omClass, strrpos('.' . $omClass, '.') + 1);
                 $obj2 = new $cls();
                 $obj2->hydrate($row, $startcol2);
                 CampoPeer::addInstanceToPool($obj2, $key2);
             // if obj2 loaded
             // Add the $obj1 (ItemBase) to the collection in $obj2 (Campo)
         // if joined row not null
         $results[] = $obj1;
     return $results;
Example #8
 public static function getCampoCodAgencia()
     $c = TablaPeer::getCriterioAlcance();
     $id_empresa = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getAttribute('idempresa', 0);
     $c->AddJoin(CampoPeer::ID_CAMPO, RelCampoTablaPeer::ID_CAMPO, Criteria::JOIN);
     $c->AddJoin(RelCampoTablaPeer::ID_TABLA, TablaPeer::ID_TABLA, Criteria::JOIN);
     $c->addAnd(TablaPeer::ID_EMPRESA, $id_empresa, Criteria::EQUAL);
     $c->addAnd(TablaPeer::ES_FICHEROS, true, Criteria::EQUAL);
     $c->addAnd(CampoPeer::ES_COD_AGENCIA, true, Criteria::EQUAL);
     $campo = CampoPeer::doSelectOne($c);
     if ($campo instanceof Campo) {
         return $campo->getIdCampo();
     } else {
         return 0;
Example #9
 public static function ItemBaseToTexto($item, $campo)
     if (!$item) {
         return null;
     if (!$item->getPrimaryKey()) {
         return null;
     if (!$campo) {
         $campo = $item->getCampo();
     $value = null;
     if ($campo->esTipoLista()) {
         if ($campo->esListaTipoRangos()) {
             //lista de rangos
             $desde = null;
             $hasta = null;
             $unidad = CampoPeer::getHtmlTipoUnidad($campo->getUnidadRangos());
             $unidad = $unidad ? " " . $unidad : '';
             if ($item->getNumeroInferior() && $item->getNumeroInferior() != '') {
                 $desde = $item->getNumeroInferior() . $unidad;
             if ($item->getNumeroSuperior() && $item->getNumeroSuperior() != '') {
                 $hasta = $item->getNumeroSuperior() . $unidad;
             if ($desde && $hasta) {
                 //$value = __('desde %1% hasta %2%' , array('%1%' => $desde , '%2%' => $hasta));
                 $value = sprintf('desde %s hasta %s', $desde, $hasta);
             } else {
                 if ($desde) {
                     //$value = __('más de %1%' , array('%1%' => $desde));
                     $value = sprintf('mas de %s', $desde);
                 } elseif ($hasta) {
                     //$value = __('menos de %2%' , array('%2%' => $hasta));
                     $value = sprintf('menos de %s', $hasta);
                 } else {
                     $value = null;
         } else {
             $value = $item->getTexto();
     return $value;
Example #10
" /><?php 
    echo ' ' . __('Inscripción de modificación de fichero <strong>M</strong>') . '<br />';
                    <input type="text" name="bajas" size="1" maxlength="2" style="text-align: right" value="<?php 
    if (strpos($respuesta, '<tot_bajas>') !== false) {
        echo $bajas[1];
    } else {
        echo '0';
" /><?php 
    echo ' ' . __('Inscripción de supresión de fichero <strong>S</strong>') . '<br />';
    echo '<label style="margin-top:1%; margin-left:2%; margin-bottom: 1%; color:black">' . __('Código Inscripción') . '</label> ';
    if (strpos($respuesta, '<tot_altas>') === false) {
        $id_campo_codigo_agencia = CampoPeer::getCampoCodAgencia();
        $c = new Criteria();
        $c->addJoin(ItemPeer::ID_ITEM_BASE, ItemBasePeer::ID_ITEM_BASE, Criteria::JOIN);
        $c->addAnd(ItemPeer::ID_FORMULARIO, $id_fichero, Criteria::EQUAL);
        $c->addAnd(ItemBasePeer::ID_CAMPO, $id_campo_codigo_agencia, Criteria::EQUAL);
        $val_item = ItemPeer::doSelectOne($c);
        $codigo_agencia = $val_item->getTextoCorto();
        echo input_tag('cod_ins', $codigo_agencia, array('style' => 'margin-top:1%; margin-bottom: 1%')) . '<br />';
    } else {
        echo input_tag('cod_ins', '', array('style' => 'margin-top:1%; margin-bottom: 1%')) . '<br />';
} else {
    echo '<fieldset style="margin-top:7px">' . strtoupper($notificacion->tipo) . __(' DE FICHERO') . '</fieldset>';
function nombre_periodo($duracion_periodo_meses = 1, $numero_periodo = null, $anio = null)
    $resultado = null;
    if (isset($anio)) {
        if ($duracion_periodo_meses == 1) {
            if ($numero_periodo) {
                $mi_date = new Date();
                $resultado = format_date($mi_date->getTimestamp(), 'MMMM yyyy');
            } else {
                $resultado = $anio;
        } else {
            $lista_posiciones = array('1' => __('primer'), '2' => __('segundo'), '3' => __('tercer'), '4' => __('cuarto'), '5' => __('quinto'), '6' => __('sexto'));
            $tipos_periodo = CampoPeer::getTiposPeriodo();
            $periodo = __('%posicion% %periodo%', array('%posicion%' => isset($lista_posiciones[$numero_periodo]) ? $lista_posiciones[$numero_periodo] : '', '%periodo%' => isset($tipos_periodo[$duracion_periodo_meses]) ? $tipos_periodo[$duracion_periodo_meses] : ''));
            if (isset($numero_periodo) && $numero_periodo != '') {
                $resultado = __('%periodo% de %year%', array('%periodo%' => $periodo, '%year%' => $anio));
            } else {
                $resultado = $anio;
    return $resultado;
  * Selects a collection of RelCampoTabla objects pre-filled with all related objects except Tabla.
  * @param      Criteria  $c
  * @param      PropelPDO $con
  * @param      String    $join_behavior the type of joins to use, defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN
  * @return     array Array of RelCampoTabla objects.
  * @throws     PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
  *		 rethrown wrapped into a PropelException.
 public static function doSelectJoinAllExceptTabla(Criteria $c, $con = null, $join_behavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)
     $c = clone $c;
     // Set the correct dbName if it has not been overridden
     // $c->getDbName() will return the same object if not set to another value
     // so == check is okay and faster
     if ($c->getDbName() == Propel::getDefaultDB()) {
     $startcol2 = RelCampoTablaPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - RelCampoTablaPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS;
     $startcol3 = $startcol2 + (CampoPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - CampoPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS);
     $c->addJoin(array(RelCampoTablaPeer::ID_CAMPO), array(CampoPeer::ID_CAMPO), $join_behavior);
     $stmt = BasePeer::doSelect($c, $con);
     $results = array();
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
         $key1 = RelCampoTablaPeer::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, 0);
         if (null !== ($obj1 = RelCampoTablaPeer::getInstanceFromPool($key1))) {
             // We no longer rehydrate the object, since this can cause data loss.
             // See http://propel.phpdb.org/trac/ticket/509
             // $obj1->hydrate($row, 0, true); // rehydrate
         } else {
             $omClass = RelCampoTablaPeer::getOMClass();
             $cls = substr('.' . $omClass, strrpos('.' . $omClass, '.') + 1);
             $obj1 = new $cls();
             RelCampoTablaPeer::addInstanceToPool($obj1, $key1);
         // if obj1 already loaded
         // Add objects for joined Campo rows
         $key2 = CampoPeer::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, $startcol2);
         if ($key2 !== null) {
             $obj2 = CampoPeer::getInstanceFromPool($key2);
             if (!$obj2) {
                 $omClass = CampoPeer::getOMClass();
                 $cls = substr('.' . $omClass, strrpos('.' . $omClass, '.') + 1);
                 $obj2 = new $cls();
                 $obj2->hydrate($row, $startcol2);
                 CampoPeer::addInstanceToPool($obj2, $key2);
             // if $obj2 already loaded
             // Add the $obj1 (RelCampoTabla) to the collection in $obj2 (Campo)
         // if joined row is not null
         $results[] = $obj1;
     return $results;
  * Selects a collection of Tarea objects pre-filled with all related objects except Empresa.
  * @param      Criteria  $c
  * @param      PropelPDO $con
  * @param      String    $join_behavior the type of joins to use, defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN
  * @return     array Array of Tarea objects.
  * @throws     PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
  *		 rethrown wrapped into a PropelException.
 public static function doSelectJoinAllExceptEmpresa(Criteria $c, $con = null, $join_behavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)
     $c = clone $c;
     // Set the correct dbName if it has not been overridden
     // $c->getDbName() will return the same object if not set to another value
     // so == check is okay and faster
     if ($c->getDbName() == Propel::getDefaultDB()) {
     $startcol2 = TareaPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - TareaPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS;
     $startcol3 = $startcol2 + (FormularioPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - FormularioPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS);
     $startcol4 = $startcol3 + (CampoPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - CampoPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS);
     $startcol5 = $startcol4 + (UsuarioPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - UsuarioPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS);
     $startcol6 = $startcol5 + (ParametroPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - ParametroPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS);
     $c->addJoin(array(TareaPeer::ID_FORMULARIO), array(FormularioPeer::ID_FORMULARIO), $join_behavior);
     $c->addJoin(array(TareaPeer::ID_CAMPO), array(CampoPeer::ID_CAMPO), $join_behavior);
     $c->addJoin(array(TareaPeer::ID_USUARIO), array(UsuarioPeer::ID_USUARIO), $join_behavior);
     $c->addJoin(array(TareaPeer::ID_ESTADO_TAREA), array(ParametroPeer::ID_PARAMETRO), $join_behavior);
     $stmt = BasePeer::doSelect($c, $con);
     $results = array();
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
         $key1 = TareaPeer::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, 0);
         if (null !== ($obj1 = TareaPeer::getInstanceFromPool($key1))) {
             // We no longer rehydrate the object, since this can cause data loss.
             // See http://propel.phpdb.org/trac/ticket/509
             // $obj1->hydrate($row, 0, true); // rehydrate
         } else {
             $omClass = TareaPeer::getOMClass();
             $cls = substr('.' . $omClass, strrpos('.' . $omClass, '.') + 1);
             $obj1 = new $cls();
             TareaPeer::addInstanceToPool($obj1, $key1);
         // if obj1 already loaded
         // Add objects for joined Formulario rows
         $key2 = FormularioPeer::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, $startcol2);
         if ($key2 !== null) {
             $obj2 = FormularioPeer::getInstanceFromPool($key2);
             if (!$obj2) {
                 $omClass = FormularioPeer::getOMClass();
                 $cls = substr('.' . $omClass, strrpos('.' . $omClass, '.') + 1);
                 $obj2 = new $cls();
                 $obj2->hydrate($row, $startcol2);
                 FormularioPeer::addInstanceToPool($obj2, $key2);
             // if $obj2 already loaded
             // Add the $obj1 (Tarea) to the collection in $obj2 (Formulario)
         // if joined row is not null
         // Add objects for joined Campo rows
         $key3 = CampoPeer::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, $startcol3);
         if ($key3 !== null) {
             $obj3 = CampoPeer::getInstanceFromPool($key3);
             if (!$obj3) {
                 $omClass = CampoPeer::getOMClass();
                 $cls = substr('.' . $omClass, strrpos('.' . $omClass, '.') + 1);
                 $obj3 = new $cls();
                 $obj3->hydrate($row, $startcol3);
                 CampoPeer::addInstanceToPool($obj3, $key3);
             // if $obj3 already loaded
             // Add the $obj1 (Tarea) to the collection in $obj3 (Campo)
         // if joined row is not null
         // Add objects for joined Usuario rows
         $key4 = UsuarioPeer::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, $startcol4);
         if ($key4 !== null) {
             $obj4 = UsuarioPeer::getInstanceFromPool($key4);
             if (!$obj4) {
                 $omClass = UsuarioPeer::getOMClass();
                 $cls = substr('.' . $omClass, strrpos('.' . $omClass, '.') + 1);
                 $obj4 = new $cls();
                 $obj4->hydrate($row, $startcol4);
                 UsuarioPeer::addInstanceToPool($obj4, $key4);
             // if $obj4 already loaded
             // Add the $obj1 (Tarea) to the collection in $obj4 (Usuario)
         // if joined row is not null
         // Add objects for joined Parametro rows
         $key5 = ParametroPeer::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, $startcol5);
         if ($key5 !== null) {
             $obj5 = ParametroPeer::getInstanceFromPool($key5);
             if (!$obj5) {
                 $omClass = ParametroPeer::getOMClass();
                 $cls = substr('.' . $omClass, strrpos('.' . $omClass, '.') + 1);
                 $obj5 = new $cls();
                 $obj5->hydrate($row, $startcol5);
                 ParametroPeer::addInstanceToPool($obj5, $key5);
             // if $obj5 already loaded
             // Add the $obj1 (Tarea) to the collection in $obj5 (Parametro)
         // if joined row is not null
         $results[] = $obj1;
     return $results;
 public function executeEdit()
     if ($this->getRequestParameter('layout', '')) {
     $this->tablaFicheros = TablaPeer::getTablaFicheros();
     $this->id_formulario_proviene = $this->getRequestParameter('id_formulario_proviene', null);
     $this->id_tabla_proviene = $this->getRequestParameter('id_tabla_proviene', null);
     $this->formulario = $this->getFormularioOrCreate();
     $this->items = $this->formulario->getArrayItems();
     if ($this->getRequest()->getMethod() == sfRequest::POST) {
         if ($this->formulario->getIdFormulario() == 0) {
         $this->getUser()->setFlash('notice', 'Las modificaciones se han guardado');
         if ($this->getRequestParameter('save_and_add')) {
             if ($this->id_formulario_proviene != null) {
                 return $this->redirect('formularios/create/?id_tabla=' . $this->formulario->getIdTabla() . "&id_formulario_proviene=" . $this->id_formulario_proviene);
             } else {
                 return $this->redirect('formularios/create/?id_tabla=' . $this->formulario->getIdTabla());
         } else {
             if ($this->getRequestParameter('save_and_list')) {
                 $ruta = UsuarioPeer::getRuta();
                 if ($this->id_formulario_proviene != null) {
                     return $this->redirect('formularios/edit?id_formulario=' . $this->id_formulario_proviene);
                 } else {
                     $dir = $ruta . "/formularios/list/?filters[id_empresa]=" . $this->formulario->getTabla()->getIdEmpresa() . "&filters[id_tabla]=" . $this->formulario->getIdTabla() . "&filter=filter";
                     header("location: {$dir}");
                 //return $this->redirect('formularios/list');
             } else {
                 if ($this->id_formulario_proviene != null) {
                     return $this->redirect('formularios/edit?id_formulario=' . $this->id_formulario_proviene);
                 } else {
                     $pre = str_replace('formularios/edit', 'notificaciones/inscribir/id_fichero/', Notificaciones::selfURL());
                     if (isset($_POST['modelo']) && isset($_POST['sistema']) && isset($_POST['tip'])) {
                         header('Location: ' . $pre . $this->formulario->getIdFormulario() . '?model=' . $_POST['modelo'] . '&type=' . $_POST['tip'] . '&system=' . $_POST['sistema'] . '&redirect=1');
                     } elseif (isset($_POST['modelo']) && isset($_POST['sistema'])) {
                         header('Location: ' . $pre . $this->formulario->getIdFormulario() . '?model=' . $_POST['modelo'] . '&system=' . $_POST['sistema'] . '&redirect=1');
                     } else {
                         //echo "--".$this->formulario->getIdFormulario();exit();
                         return $this->redirect('formularios/edit?id_formulario=' . $this->formulario->getIdFormulario());
     } else {
         $this->tablas_auxiliares = array();
         if ($this->formulario->getIdFormulario() != 0) {
             //Obtengo si hay un campo de tipo Tabla cuya tabla sea esta y tenga el mostrar_en_padre
             $c = new Criteria();
             $c->AddJoin(CampoPeer::ID_CAMPO, RelCampoTablaPeer::ID_CAMPO, Criteria::JOIN);
             $c->AddJoin(RelCampoTablaPeer::ID_TABLA, TablaPeer::ID_TABLA, Criteria::JOIN);
             $id_empresa = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getAttribute('idempresa', 0);
             $c->addAnd(TablaPeer::ID_EMPRESA, $id_empresa, Criteria::EQUAL);
             $c->addAnd(CampoPeer::TIPO, CampoPeer::ID_TABLA, Criteria::EQUAL);
             $c->addAnd(CampoPeer::MOSTRAR_EN_PADRE, 1, Criteria::EQUAL);
             $c->addAnd(CampoPeer::VALOR_TABLA, $this->formulario->getIdTabla(), Criteria::EQUAL);
             $campos_rel = CampoPeer::doSelect($c);
             foreach ($campos_rel as $campo_rel) {
                 $tablas_rel = $campo_rel->getRelCampoTablas();
                 $tabla_rel = $tablas_rel[0];
                 $c = $this->getCriterio();
                 $c->addJoin(FormularioPeer::ID_FORMULARIO, ItemPeer::ID_FORMULARIO, Criteria::JOIN);
                 $c->addJoin(ItemPeer::ID_ITEM_BASE, ItemBasePeer::ID_ITEM_BASE, Criteria::JOIN);
                 $c->addAnd(ItemBasePeer::ID_CAMPO, $campo_rel->getIdCampo(), Criteria::EQUAL);
                 $c->addAnd(ItemPeer::ID_TABLA, $this->formulario->getIdFormulario(), Criteria::EQUAL);
                 $c->addAnd(FormularioPeer::ID_TABLA, $tabla_rel->getIdTabla(), Criteria::EQUAL);
                 $pager = new sfPropelPager('Formulario', sfConfig::get('app_listas_formularios'));
                 $pager->setPage($this->getRequestParameter('page', 1));
                 $this->tablas_auxiliares[] = array("forms" => $pager, "id_tabla" => $tabla_rel->getIdTabla());
         $this->labels = $this->getLabels();
 public function executeDuplicate()
     $empresa = $this->getEmpresaOrCreate();
     $miempresa = new Empresa();
     $miempresa->setNombre("Copia de " . $empresa->getNombre());
     $tablas_equiv = array();
     $campos_cambiar = array();
     $tablas = $empresa->getTablas();
     foreach ($tablas as $tabla) {
         $mitabla = new Tabla();
         $tablas_equiv[$tabla->getIdtabla()] = $mitabla->getIdTabla();
         $campos = $tabla->getRelCampoTablasJoinCampo();
         foreach ($campos as $camp) {
             $campo = $camp->getCampo();
             $items = $campo->getItemBases();
             $micampo = new Campo();
             if ($micampo->getTipo() == CampoPeer::ID_TABLA) {
                 $campos_cambiar[] = $micampo->getIdCampo();
             //DUPLICAMOS ITEMS
             foreach ($items as $item) {
                 $miitem = new ItemBase();
             $micamp = new RelCampoTabla();
     foreach ($campos_cambiar as $camp) {
         $campo = CampoPeer::retrieveByPk($camp);
     return $this->redirect('tablas/list');
<td align="center"><?php 
$value = null;
if ($campo->getObligatorio()) {
    $value = image_tag('/images/icons/tick.png', array('alt' => __('ok'), 'title' => __('ok')));
echo $value;
$nombre = $campo->__toString();
echo link_to($nombre ? $nombre : '-', 'formulario_modelo/show_campo/' . $direccion);
echo __(CampoPeer::getNombreTipo($campo->getTipo()));
echo $campo->getDescripcion();
$value = null;
if ($campo->getEsGeneral()) {
    $value = image_tag('/images/icons/tick.png', array('alt' => __('ok'), 'title' => __('ok')));
} else {
    $lista_rel = $campo->getRelCampoTablas();
    $value = "<ul class='sf_admin_lista'>";
    foreach ($lista_rel as $rel) {
  * Retrieve multiple objects by pkey.
  * @param      array $pks List of primary keys
  * @param      PropelPDO $con the connection to use
  * @throws     PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
  *		 rethrown wrapped into a PropelException.
 public static function retrieveByPKs($pks, PropelPDO $con = null)
     if ($con === null) {
         $con = Propel::getConnection(CampoPeer::DATABASE_NAME, Propel::CONNECTION_READ);
     $objs = null;
     if (empty($pks)) {
         $objs = array();
     } else {
         $criteria = new Criteria(CampoPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
         $criteria->add(CampoPeer::ID_CAMPO, $pks, Criteria::IN);
         $objs = CampoPeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
     return $objs;
Example #18
  * Get the associated Campo object
  * @param      PropelPDO Optional Connection object.
  * @return     Campo The associated Campo object.
  * @throws     PropelException
 public function getCampo(PropelPDO $con = null)
     if ($this->aCampo === null && $this->id_campo !== null) {
         $c = new Criteria(CampoPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
         $c->add(CampoPeer::ID_CAMPO, $this->id_campo);
         $this->aCampo = CampoPeer::doSelectOne($c, $con);
         /* The following can be used additionally to
         		   guarantee the related object contains a reference
         		   to this object.  This level of coupling may, however, be
         		   undesirable since it could result in an only partially populated collection
         		   in the referenced object.
     return $this->aCampo;
if ($sf_request->hasError('campo{tipo_periodo}')) {
    echo form_error('campo{tipo_periodo}', array('class' => 'form-error-msg'));
$lista_periodos = CampoPeer::getTiposPeriodo();
$opciones = options_for_select($lista_periodos, $campo->getTipoPeriodo(), array());
$value = select_tag('campo[tipo_periodo]', $opciones, array('control_name' => 'campo[tipo_periodo]'));
echo $value ? $value : '-';
  <div class="sf_edit_help"><?php 
echo __('Indique el tipo de periodicidad');

<div class="form-row" id="capa_tabla" <?php 
if (!$campo->esTipoTabla()) {
    echo "style=\"display:none;\"";
Example #20
 public function esListaTipoRangos()
     return CampoPeer::esListaTipoRangos($this->getTipoItems());
Example #21
  * Populates the object using an array.
  * This is particularly useful when populating an object from one of the
  * request arrays (e.g. $_POST).  This method goes through the column
  * names, checking to see whether a matching key exists in populated
  * array. If so the setByName() method is called for that column.
  * You can specify the key type of the array by additionally passing one
  * of the class type constants BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME, BasePeer::TYPE_STUDLYPHPNAME,
  * The default key type is the column's phpname (e.g. 'AuthorId')
  * @param      array  $arr     An array to populate the object from.
  * @param      string $keyType The type of keys the array uses.
  * @return     void
 public function fromArray($arr, $keyType = BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME)
     $keys = CampoPeer::getFieldNames($keyType);
     if (array_key_exists($keys[0], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[1], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[2], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[3], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[4], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[5], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[6], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[7], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[8], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[9], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[10], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[11], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[12], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[13], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[14], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[15], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[16], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[17], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[18], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[19], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[20], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[21], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[22], $arr)) {
     if (array_key_exists($keys[23], $arr)) {