Example #1
    public function __construct($value = null, $parent = null){
        $this->_value = $value;
        //$this->interprete = new Interprete();

        $this->html = html::getInstance();
        $this->htmlAttributes = new HtmlAttributes();

        $this->_parent = $parent;
        $this->calculator = Calculation::getInstance();

//        $this->_isCalculate = $calculate;
Example #2
  * Set the locale code to use for formula translations and any special formatting
  * @param string $locale The locale code to use (e.g. "fr" or "pt_br" or "en_uk")
  * @return boolean Success or failure
 public static function setLocale($locale = 'en_us')
     return Calculation::getInstance()->setLocale($locale);
Example #3
  * Update references within formulas
  * @param	string	$pFormula	Formula to update
  * @param	int		$pBefore	Insert before this one
  * @param	int		$pNumCols	Number of columns to insert
  * @param	int		$pNumRows	Number of rows to insert
  * @return	string	Updated formula
  * @throws	Exception
 public function updateFormulaReferences($pFormula = '', $pBefore = 'A1', $pNumCols = 0, $pNumRows = 0)
     // Parse formula into a tree of tokens
     $tokenisedFormula = Calculation::getInstance()->parseFormula($pFormula);
     $newCellTokens = $cellTokens = array();
     $adjustCount = 0;
     //	Build the translation table of cell tokens
     foreach ($tokenisedFormula as $token) {
         $token = $token['value'];
         if (preg_match('/^' . Calculation::CALCULATION_REGEXP_CELLREF . '$/i', $token, $matches)) {
             list($column, $row) = Cell::coordinateFromString($token);
             //	Max worksheet size is 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns in Excel 2007, so our adjustments need to be at least one digit more
             $column = Cell::columnIndexFromString($column) + 100000;
             $row += 10000000;
             $cellIndex = $column . $row;
             if (!isset($cellTokens[$cellIndex])) {
                 $newReference = $this->updateCellReference($token, $pBefore, $pNumCols, $pNumRows);
                 if ($newReference !== $token) {
                     $newCellTokens[$cellIndex] = preg_quote($newReference);
                     $cellTokens[$cellIndex] = '/(?<![A-Z])' . preg_quote($token) . '(?!\\d)/i';
     if ($adjustCount == 0) {
         return $pFormula;
     //	Update cell references in the formula
     $formulaBlocks = explode('"', $pFormula);
     foreach ($formulaBlocks as $i => &$formulaBlock) {
         //	Only count/replace in alternate array entries
         if ($i % 2 == 0) {
             $formulaBlock = preg_replace($cellTokens, $newCellTokens, $formulaBlock);
     //	Then rebuild the formula string
     return implode('"', $formulaBlocks);
Example #4
  * Get calculated cell value
  * @return mixed
 public function getCalculatedValue($resetLog = true)
     //		echo 'Cell '.$this->getCoordinate().' value is a '.$this->_dataType.' with a value of '.$this->getValue().'<br />';
     if (!is_null($this->_calculatedValue) && $this->_dataType == Cell_DataType::TYPE_FORMULA) {
         try {
             //				echo 'Cell value for '.$this->getCoordinate().' is a formula: Calculating value<br />';
             $result = Calculation::getInstance()->calculateCellValue($this, $resetLog);
             //				echo $this->getCoordinate().' calculation result is '.$result.'<br />';
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             //				echo 'Calculation Exception: '.$ex->getMessage().'<br />';
             $result = '#N/A';
             throw new Exception($ex->getMessage());
         if (is_string($result) && $result == '#Not Yet Implemented') {
             //				echo 'Returning fallback value of '.$this->_calculatedValue.' for cell '.$this->getCoordinate().'<br />';
             return $this->_calculatedValue;
             // Fallback if calculation engine does not support the formula.
         } else {
             //				echo 'Returning calculated value of '.$result.' for cell '.$this->getCoordinate().'<br />';
             return $result;
     if (is_null($this->_value)) {
         //			echo 'Cell '.$this->getCoordinate().' has no value, formula or otherwise<br />';
         return null;
     } else {
         if ($this->_dataType != Cell_DataType::TYPE_FORMULA) {
             //			echo 'Cell value for '.$this->getCoordinate().' is not a formula: Returning data value of '.$this->_value.'<br />';
             return $this->_value;
         } else {
             //			echo 'Cell value is a formula: Calculating value<br />';
             return Calculation::getInstance()->calculateCellValue($this, $resetLog);
Example #5
  * Identify whether a string contains a fractional numeric value,
  *    and convert it to a numeric if it is
  * @param string &$operand string value to test
  * @return boolean
 public static function convertToNumberIfFraction(&$operand)
     if (preg_match('/^' . self::STRING_REGEXP_FRACTION . '$/i', $operand, $match)) {
         $sign = $match[1] == '-' ? '-' : '+';
         $fractionFormula = '=' . $sign . $match[2] . $sign . $match[3];
         $operand = Calculation::getInstance()->_calculateFormulaValue($fractionFormula);
         return true;
     return false;
Example #6
  * Code to execute when this worksheet is unset()
 public function __destruct()
Example #7
  *	Returns a reference to a range that is a specified number of rows and columns from a cell or range of cells.
  *	The reference that is returned can be a single cell or a range of cells. You can specify the number of rows and
  *	the number of columns to be returned.
  *	@param	cellAddress		The reference from which you want to base the offset. Reference must refer to a cell or
  *								range of adjacent cells; otherwise, OFFSET returns the #VALUE! error value.
  *	@param	rows			The number of rows, up or down, that you want the upper-left cell to refer to.
  *								Using 5 as the rows argument specifies that the upper-left cell in the reference is
  *								five rows below reference. Rows can be positive (which means below the starting reference)
  *								or negative (which means above the starting reference).
  *	@param	cols			The number of columns, to the left or right, that you want the upper-left cell of the result
  *								to refer to. Using 5 as the cols argument specifies that the upper-left cell in the
  *								reference is five columns to the right of reference. Cols can be positive (which means
  *								to the right of the starting reference) or negative (which means to the left of the
  *								starting reference).
  *	@param	height			The height, in number of rows, that you want the returned reference to be. Height must be a positive number.
  *	@param	width			The width, in number of columns, that you want the returned reference to be. Width must be a positive number.
  *	@return	string			A reference to a cell or range of cells
 public static function OFFSET($cellAddress = Null, $rows = 0, $columns = 0, $height = null, $width = null)
     $rows = self::flattenSingleValue($rows);
     $columns = self::flattenSingleValue($columns);
     $height = self::flattenSingleValue($height);
     $width = self::flattenSingleValue($width);
     if ($cellAddress == Null) {
         return 0;
     $args = func_get_args();
     $pCell = array_pop($args);
     if (!is_object($pCell)) {
         return self::$_errorCodes['reference'];
     $sheetName = null;
     if (strpos($cellAddress, "!")) {
         list($sheetName, $cellAddress) = explode("!", $cellAddress);
     if (strpos($cellAddress, ":")) {
         list($startCell, $endCell) = explode(":", $cellAddress);
     } else {
         $startCell = $endCell = $cellAddress;
     list($startCellColumn, $startCellRow) = Cell::coordinateFromString($startCell);
     list($endCellColumn, $endCellRow) = Cell::coordinateFromString($endCell);
     $startCellRow += $rows;
     $startCellColumn = Cell::columnIndexFromString($startCellColumn) - 1;
     $startCellColumn += $columns;
     if ($startCellRow <= 0 || $startCellColumn < 0) {
         return self::$_errorCodes['reference'];
     $endCellColumn = Cell::columnIndexFromString($endCellColumn) - 1;
     if ($width != null && !is_object($width)) {
         $endCellColumn = $startCellColumn + $width - 1;
     } else {
         $endCellColumn += $columns;
     $startCellColumn = Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($startCellColumn);
     if ($height != null && !is_object($height)) {
         $endCellRow = $startCellRow + $height - 1;
     } else {
         $endCellRow += $rows;
     if ($endCellRow <= 0 || $endCellColumn < 0) {
         return self::$_errorCodes['reference'];
     $endCellColumn = Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($endCellColumn);
     $cellAddress = $startCellColumn . $startCellRow;
     if ($startCellColumn != $endCellColumn || $startCellRow != $endCellRow) {
         $cellAddress .= ':' . $endCellColumn . $endCellRow;
     if ($sheetName !== null) {
         $pSheet = $pCell->getParent()->getParent()->getSheetByName($sheetName);
     } else {
         $pSheet = $pCell->getParent();
     return Calculation::getInstance()->extractCellRange($cellAddress, $pSheet, False);
Example #8
  *    Get calculated cell value
  *    @deprecated        Since version 1.7.8 for planned changes to cell for array formula handling
  *    @param    boolean $resetLog  Whether the calculation engine logger should be reset or not
  *    @return    mixed
  *    @throws    Exception
 public function getCalculatedValue($resetLog = true)
     //echo 'Cell '.$this->getCoordinate().' value is a '.$this->dataType.' with a value of '.$this->getValue().PHP_EOL;
     if ($this->dataType == Cell\DataType::TYPE_FORMULA) {
         try {
             //echo 'Cell value for '.$this->getCoordinate().' is a formula: Calculating value'.PHP_EOL;
             $result = Calculation::getInstance($this->getWorksheet()->getParent())->calculateCellValue($this, $resetLog);
             //echo $this->getCoordinate().' calculation result is '.$result.PHP_EOL;
             //    We don't yet handle array returns
             if (is_array($result)) {
                 while (is_array($result)) {
                     $result = array_pop($result);
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             if ($ex->getMessage() === 'Unable to access External Workbook' && $this->calculatedValue !== null) {
                 //echo 'Returning fallback value of '.$this->calculatedValue.' for cell '.$this->getCoordinate().PHP_EOL;
                 return $this->calculatedValue;
                 // Fallback for calculations referencing external files.
             //echo 'Calculation Exception: '.$ex->getMessage().PHP_EOL;
             $result = '#N/A';
             throw new Calculation\Exception($this->getWorksheet()->getTitle() . '!' . $this->getCoordinate() . ' -> ' . $ex->getMessage());
         if ($result === '#Not Yet Implemented') {
             //echo 'Returning fallback value of '.$this->calculatedValue.' for cell '.$this->getCoordinate().PHP_EOL;
             return $this->calculatedValue;
             // Fallback if calculation engine does not support the formula.
         //echo 'Returning calculated value of '.$result.' for cell '.$this->getCoordinate().PHP_EOL;
         return $result;
     } elseif ($this->value instanceof RichText) {
         //        echo 'Cell value for '.$this->getCoordinate().' is rich text: Returning data value of '.$this->value.'<br />';
         return $this->value->getPlainText();
     //        echo 'Cell value for '.$this->getCoordinate().' is not a formula: Returning data value of '.$this->value.'<br />';
     return $this->value;