Example #1
 public static function call($action, $parameters = null)
     $ch = curl_init(YouniqueAPIURL . $action);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 100);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 100);
     } else {
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 20);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('X-YNQ-NOSESSION: true'));
     if (!empty($parameters)) {
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($parameters));
     $result = curl_exec($ch);
     $object = json_decode($result);
     if (is_object($object) && (!empty($object->result) || is_array($object->result))) {
         return $object->result;
     } else {
          * Results of exception viewable in log and error page.
          * Development only @see younique_api.ctp
             CakeLog::debug('API Error Action: ' . $action);
             CakeLog::debug(var_export($result, true));
         throw new YouniqueApiException(array('http_result' => $result, 'http_action' => $action));
Example #2
  * Starts a new background task by passing some data to it with a priority
  * @param string $taskName name of the task to be executed
  * @param mixed $data info to be passed to background task
  * @param sting $priority null for normal or either "low" or "high"
  * @return boolean success
 public static function execute($taskName, $data = null, $priority = null)
     if (!empty($priority)) {
         $priority = strtolower($priority);
         if (!in_array($priority, array('low', 'high'))) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('%s is not a valid priority, only accepting low and high', $priority));
     $prefix = Configure::read('Gearman.prefix');
     if ($prefix) {
         $taskName = $prefix . '_' . $taskName;
     $data = json_encode($data);
     CakeLog::debug(sprintf('Creating background job: %s', $taskName), array('gearman'));
     if ($priority == 'low') {
         $job = static::client()->doLowBackground($taskName, $data);
     if ($priority == 'high') {
         $job = static::client()->doHighBackground($taskName, $data);
     if (empty($priority)) {
         $job = static::client()->doBackground($taskName, $data);
     if (static::client()->returnCode() !== GEARMAN_SUCCESS) {
         CakeLog::error(sprintf('Could not create background job for task %s and data %s. Got %s (%s)', $taskName, $data, $job, static::client()->error()), array('gearman'));
         return false;
     return true;
 public static function execute($command, $cwd = null, $env = null, $allowSudo = true)
     $descriptorspec = array(0 => array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w"), 2 => array("pipe", "w"));
     \CakeLog::debug("Executing command: {$command}");
     if (!empty($cwd)) {
         \CakeLog::debug("--> cwd = {$cwd}");
     // Execute command
     $process = proc_open($command, $descriptorspec, $pipes, $cwd, $env);
     if (!is_resource($process)) {
         \CakeLog::error("Could not execute command: {$command}");
         throw new Exception("Could not execute command: {$command}");
     // close stdin
     $stdout = $stderr = $buffer = $errbuf = "";
     while (($buffer = fgets($pipes[1], 1024)) != NULL || ($errbuf = fgets($pipes[2], 1024)) != NULL) {
         if (!empty($buffer)) {
             $stdout .= $buffer;
             \CakeLog::debug('--> stdout: ' . trim($buffer));
         if (!empty($errbuf)) {
             $stderr .= $errbuf;
             \CakeLog::error('--> stderr: ' . trim($errbuf));
     $exit_code = proc_close($process);
     \CakeLog::debug("--> exit_code: {$exit_code}");
     unset($pipes[0], $pipes[1], $pipes[2], $pipes);
     unset($descriptorspec[0], $descriptorspec[1], $descriptorspec[2], $descriptorspec);
     return compact('stdout', 'stderr', 'exit_code', 'command', 'cwd', 'env');
  * Load a list of $fixtures into a $source
  * @param string $source The name of your datasource (e.g. default)
  * @param array $fixtures An array of fixtures - same format as in CakeTest $fixtures
  * @return void
 public function loadAllFixtures($source, $fixtures)
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         CakeLog::error('-> ' . $e->getMessage(), array('fixturize'));
     CakeLog::debug('Begin fixture import', array('fixturize'));
     $nested = $this->_db->useNestedTransactions;
     $this->_db->useNestedTransactions = false;
     foreach ($fixtures as $f) {
         CakeLog::debug(sprintf('Working on %s', $f));
         if (empty($this->_loaded[$f])) {
             CakeLog::warning('-> Cannot find it in the loaded array', array('fixturize'));
         $fixture = $this->_loaded[$f];
         CakeLog::debug(sprintf('-> Found fixture: %s', get_class($fixture)), array('fixturize'));
         $this->_setupTable($fixture, $this->_db, true);
         CakeLog::debug('-> Created table "OK"', array('fixture'));
         if ($fixture->insert($this->_db)) {
             CakeLog::debug('-> Inserted fixture data "OK"', array('fixturize'));
         } else {
             CakeLog::error('-> Inserted fixture data "ERROR"', array('fixturize'));
     $this->_useNestedTransactions = $nested;
     CakeLog::debug('Done!', array('fixturize'));
 public function parse(DOMElement $node)
     $manager = IdmlDeclarationManager::getInstance();
     foreach ($node->childNodes as $child) {
         if ($child->nodeType != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
         if ($child->nodeName == $this->groupTemplateName) {
             $classname = 'Idml' . $this->groupTemplateName;
             // something like 'IdmlParagraphStyleGroup'
             $obj = new $classname();
             $name = $obj->parse($child);
             $manager->addDeclaredStyleGroup($name, $obj);
             $this->children[] = $name;
         } else {
             if ($child->nodeName == $this->styleTemplateName) {
                 $classname = 'Idml' . $this->styleTemplateName;
                 // something like 'IdmlParagraphStyle'
                 $obj = new $classname();
                 $name = $obj->idmlKeyValues['Self'];
                 $manager->addDeclaredStyle($name, $obj);
                 $this->children[] = $name;
             } else {
                 CakeLog::debug("[IdmlDeclaredStyleGroup::parse] Unhandled tag <{$child->nodeName}>");
     return $node->hasAttribute('Self') ? $node->getAttribute('Self') : '';
Example #6
  * The getPositionCSS function should return a CSS declaration for the element's top and left.
 public function getPositionCSS(IdmlElement $element)
     $elementClass = get_class($element);
     switch ($elementClass) {
         case 'IdmlTextFrame':
         case 'IdmlRectangle':
         case 'IdmlGroup':
         case 'IdmlPolygon':
         case 'IdmlOval':
             if (!isset($element->boundary)) {
                 CakeLog::debug("[IdmlProduceFixedLayout::getDimensionCSS] Expecting boundary to provide position for " . get_class($element));
                 return '';
             if ($element->isEmbedded()) {
                 // Get the positioning parameters, either from the inline styles or the applied style.
                 // For now, store them in an array for easier passing to called methods.
                 $positionParams['xOffset'] = $this->getStyleByKey($element, 'AnchoredObjectSetting->AnchorXoffset', null);
                 $positionParams['yOffset'] = $this->getStyleByKey($element, 'AnchoredObjectSetting->AnchorYoffset', null);
                 $positionParams['anchorPosition'] = $this->getStyleByKey($element, 'AnchoredObjectSetting->AnchoredPosition', null);
                 $positionParams['spineRelative'] = $this->getStyleByKey($element, 'AnchoredObjectSetting->SpineRelative', null);
                 $positionParams['anchorPoint'] = $this->getStyleByKey($element, 'AnchoredObjectSetting->AnchorPoint', null);
                 $positionParams['horizAlignment'] = $this->getStyleByKey($element, 'AnchoredObjectSetting->HorizontalAlignment', null);
                 $positionParams['horizRefPoint'] = $this->getStyleByKey($element, 'AnchoredObjectSetting->HorizontalReferencePoint', null);
                 $positionParams['vertAlignment'] = $this->getStyleByKey($element, 'AnchoredObjectSetting->VerticalAlignment', null);
                 $positionParams['vertRefPoint'] = $this->getStyleByKey($element, 'AnchoredObjectSetting->VerticalReferencePoint', null);
                 // Only cases where 'AnchoredPosition' is 'Anchored' are offset
                 if ($positionParams['anchorPosition'] != 'Anchored') {
                     return 'position:relative;';
                 // If no anchor offset is set, set position to relative and exit
                 if (is_null($positionParams['xOffset']) && is_null($positionParams['yOffset'])) {
                     return 'position:relative;';
                 // At least one anchor offset is set, so set absolute positioning before determining final offsets
                 $styles['position'] = 'absolute';
                 // Adjust offsets based on reference point
                 list($xOffset, $yOffset) = $this->adjustOffsetsToRefPoint($positionParams, $element);
                 if (!is_null($xOffset)) {
                     $styles['left'] = $xOffset . 'px';
                 // For now, we aren't managing 'top'. All test cases given use Baseline orientation, which is problematic in translation.
                 //                    if (!is_null($yOffset))
                 //                    {
                 //                        $styles['top'] = $yOffset . 'px';
                 //                    }
                 $styleAttrib = $this->getStyleString($styles);
                 return $styleAttrib;
             } else {
                 $position = $this->getElementPosition($element);
                 // Set element's position, to be used to relatively position embedded elements
                 return sprintf("position:absolute; top:%spx; left:%spx;", $position['top'], $position['left']);
             return '';
 public function request($endpoint, $action, $data = array())
     $this->socket = new HttpSocket();
     $this->response = $this->socket->post("mpapi.localhost/{$endpoint}/{$action}.json", $data);
     CakeLog::debug(print_r($this->socket->request, true));
     CakeLog::debug(print_r($this->response, true));
     if ($this->response->isOk() && $this->response->body()) {
         return json_decode($this->response->body(), true);
     } else {
         return false;
  *  The parse function is the starting point for parsing the Styles.xml file.
 public function load($filename)
     $manager = IdmlDeclarationManager::getInstance();
     // Read the /Resources/Styles.xml file into a DOMDocument
     if (!file_exists($filename)) {
         CakeLog::debug("[IdmlDeclarationParser::load] Filename not found {$filename}");
         return false;
     $doc = new DOMDocument();
     if ($doc->load($filename) === false) {
         CakeLog::debug("[IdmlDeclarationParser::load] Unable to read {$filename}");
         return false;
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
     // Recursively read each of the style groups and their hierarchy of styles
     $nodes = $xpath->query('//idPkg:Styles/RootCharacterStyleGroup');
     if ($nodes->length > 0) {
         $obj = new IdmlCharacterStyleGroup();
         $name = $obj->parse($nodes->item(0));
         $manager->addDeclaredStyleGroup($name, $obj);
     $nodes = $xpath->query('//idPkg:Styles/RootParagraphStyleGroup');
     if ($nodes->length > 0) {
         $obj = new IdmlParagraphStyleGroup();
         $name = $obj->parse($nodes->item(0));
         $manager->addDeclaredStyleGroup($name, $obj);
     $nodes = $xpath->query('//idPkg:Styles/RootObjectStyleGroup');
     if ($nodes->length > 0) {
         $obj = new IdmlObjectStyleGroup();
         $name = $obj->parse($nodes->item(0));
         $manager->addDeclaredStyleGroup($name, $obj);
     $nodes = $xpath->query('//idPkg:Styles/RootTableStyleGroup');
     if ($nodes->length > 0) {
         $obj = new IdmlTableStyleGroup();
         $name = $obj->parse($nodes->item(0));
         $manager->addDeclaredStyleGroup($name, $obj);
     $nodes = $xpath->query('//idPkg:Styles/RootCellStyleGroup');
     if ($nodes->length > 0) {
         $obj = new IdmlCellStyleGroup();
         $name = $obj->parse($nodes->item(0));
         $manager->addDeclaredStyleGroup($name, $obj);
     // Using each style's "BasedOn" property, flatten the hierarchy so that each style has all of it's parent's properties.
     // Turn all properties which had duplicate names into an arrays
     foreach ($manager->declaredStyles as $styleName => $declaredStyle) {
         self::arrayifyDupes($styleName, $declaredStyle);
Example #9
  * Authenticates the identity contained in a request. Will use the `settings.userModel`, and `settings.fields`
  * to find POST data that is used to find a matching record in the `settings.userModel`. Will return false if
  * there is no post data, either username or password is missing, or if the scope conditions have not been met.
  * @param CakeRequest $request The request that contains login information.
  * @param CakeResponse $response Unused response object.
  * @return mixed False on login failure. An array of User data on success.
 public function authenticate(CakeRequest $request, CakeResponse $response)
     CakeLog::debug('ldap authenticate()');
     $userModel = $this->settings['userModel'];
     list(, $model) = pluginSplit($userModel);
     $fields = $this->settings['fields'];
     if (!$this->_checkFields($request, $model, $fields)) {
         return false;
     $con = ldap_connect('');
     $search = ldap_search($con, 'dc=netcommons,dc=local', 'cn=user1');
     $result = ldap_get_entries($con, $search);
     CakeLog::debug('ldap search: ' . var_export($result, true));
     return false;
  * Load image
  * @param string $path Path to image relative to webroot
  * @param boolean $absolute Path is absolute server path
  * @return object $this
 public function source($path = '', $absolute = false)
     $this->sizes = false;
     $this->serverPath = false;
     $this->_cacheServerPath = false;
     if (!$absolute) {
         $this->sourceDir = dirname($path);
         $path = ROOT . DS . APP_DIR . DS . 'Plugin' . DS . 'Paszport' . DS . WEBROOT_DIR . DS . $path;
     if ($this->sizes = @getimagesize($path)) {
         $this->serverPath = $path;
     return $this;
Example #11
  * Initialize the working directory and ensure it exists
  * @return  string  Path to working directory
 public function initWorkingDir()
     // Check if working directory is already initialized
     if (is_dir($this->workingDir)) {
         return $this->workingDir;
     // Get temp target directory
     $tmpDir = Configure::read('Chaucer.instanceName') . '/' . $this->bookId;
     $targetDir = Folder::addPathElement($this->FileManager->getTmpPath(), $tmpDir);
     // Create and return dir
     if (!$this->FileManager->createDir($targetDir)) {
         throw new Exception('Unable to create working directory: ' . $targetDir);
     CakeLog::debug('[CommonProcessor::initWorkingDir] working dir: ' . $targetDir);
     return $targetDir;
Example #12
  * タグ補完用検索
  * @return void
 public function search()
     $keyword = $this->_getNamed('keyword', '');
     $modelName = $this->_getNamed('target', '');
     if (empty($keyword) || empty($modelName)) {
     $blockId = Current::read('Block.id');
     $conditions = array('name LIKE' => '%' . $keyword . '%', 'block_id' => $blockId, 'model' => $modelName);
     $tags = $this->Tag->find('all', array('conditions' => $conditions));
     $results = array();
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $results[] = $tag['Tag']['name'];
     $this->set('results', $results);
     $this->set('_serialize', ['results']);
Example #13
  * Accept visitor.
  * @param IdmlVisitor $visitor
 public function accept(IdmlVisitor $visitor, $depth = 0)
     switch ($this->changeType) {
         case 'DeletedText':
         case 'InsertedText':
         case 'MovedText':
             $visitor->visitChange($this, $depth);
             foreach ($this->childrenElements as $child) {
                 $child->accept($visitor, $depth + 1);
             $visitor->visitChangeEnd($this, $depth);
         case 'undefined':
             CakeLog::debug("[IdmlChange::accept] Unexpected changeType '" . $this->changeType . "'");
  * The getPositionCSS function should return a CSS declaration for the element's top and left.
  * @param IdmlElement $element
  * @return string - containing style attributes (may be empty)
 public function getPositionCSS(IdmlElement $element)
     $page = $this->getPage($element);
     if (is_null($page)) {
         throw new MissingComponentException('No page was found for ' . get_class($element) . '; UID ' . $element->UID);
     $elementClass = get_class($element);
     switch ($elementClass) {
         case 'IdmlTextFrame':
         case 'IdmlRectangle':
         case 'IdmlGroup':
         case 'IdmlPolygon':
         case 'IdmlOval':
         case 'IdmlGraphicLine':
             if (!isset($element->boundary)) {
                 CakeLog::debug("[IdmlProduceFixedLayout::getDimensionCSS] Expecting boundary to provide position for " . get_class($element));
                 return '';
             if ($element->isEmbedded()) {
                 // Get the positioning parameters
                 $positionParams = $this->getPositionParams($element, $page);
                 $vertRefPoint = $positionParams['vertRefPoint'];
                 // If there are values for IDML's AnchoredPosition property other than 'Anchored' and 'InlinePosition' we don't support them
                 if ($positionParams['anchorPosition'] != 'Anchored' && $positionParams['anchorPosition'] != 'InlinePosition') {
                     return 'position:relative;';
                 // If no anchor offset is set, set position to relative and exit
                 if (is_null($positionParams['xOffset']) && is_null($positionParams['yOffset'])) {
                     return 'position:relative;';
                 // Adjust offsets based on reference point
                 $this->setRelativeOffsets($element, $positionParams, $page);
                 list($left, $top) = $this->adjustOffsetsToRefPoint($element);
             } else {
                 $vertRefPoint = null;
                 list($left, $top) = $this->getElementPosition($element, $page);
             return $this->getStyleString($element, $left, $top, $vertRefPoint);
             return '';
Example #15
  * Stores multiple messages in the queue so it an external client can work upon them.
  * For performance reasons, it is better to create jobs in batches instead of one a time
  * if you plan to create several jobs in the same process or request.
  * @param string $taskName a task name as defined in the configure key SQS.queues
  * @param array $payloads list of payload data to associate to the new queued message
  * for each entry in the array a new message in the queue will be created
  * @return array list of messages that failed to be sent or false if an exception was caught
 public function sendBatch($taskName, array $payloads)
     $url = $this->queueUrl($taskName);
     try {
         CakeLog::debug(sprintf('Creating %d messages in queue: %s', count($payloads), $taskName), array('sqs'));
         $result = $this->client()->sendMessageBatch(array('QueueUrl' => $url, 'Entries' => array_map(function ($e) use(&$i) {
             return array('Id' => 'a' . $i++, 'MessageBody' => json_encode($e));
         }, $payloads)));
         $failed = array();
         foreach ((array) $result->get('Failed') as $f) {
             $failed[(int) substr($f['Id'], 1)] = $f['Message'];
         if (!empty($failed)) {
             CakeLog::warning(sprintf('Failed sending %d messages for queue: %s', count($failed), $taskName), array('sqs'));
         return $failed;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     return false;
Example #16
 public function parse(DOMElement $node)
     //parse and set row attributes that are based upon parent table
     $rownum = $node->hasAttribute('Name') ? intval($node->getAttribute('Name')) : 0;
     $table = $this->parentIdmlObject();
     if (IdmlParserHelper::getIdmlObjectType($table) == "Table") {
         //set this row in the table rows array by index
         $table->rows[$rownum] = $this;
         //from Indesign the order of rows is header, body, footer
         //we must set what type of row this is and whether it is first and/or last in its group
         if ($table->headerRowCount && $rownum < $table->headerRowCount) {
             $this->rowType = 'thead';
             $rowGroupStart = 0;
             $rowGroupEnd = $table->headerRowCount - 1;
         } elseif ($table->bodyRowCount && $rownum < $table->headerRowCount + $table->bodyRowCount) {
             $this->rowType = 'tbody';
             $rowGroupStart = $table->headerRowCount;
             $rowGroupEnd = $table->headerRowCount + $table->bodyRowCount - 1;
         } elseif ($table->footerRowCount && $rownum < $table->headerRowCount + $table->bodyRowCount + $table->footerRowCount) {
             $this->rowType = 'tfoot';
             $rowGroupStart = $table->headerRowCount + $table->bodyRowCount;
             $rowGroupEnd = $table->headerRowCount + $table->bodyRowCount + $table->footerRowCount - 1;
         } else {
             //this is a problem as we can't place the row?
             CakeLog::debug("[IdmlTableRow::parse] unable to identify tablerow type and place in group " . __FILE__ . " Line " . __LINE__);
         if ($rownum == $rowGroupStart) {
             $this->isFirstRow = true;
         if ($rownum == $rowGroupEnd) {
             $this->isLastRow = true;
     } else {
         //something is wrong so log this?
         CakeLog::debug("[IdmlTableRow::parse] parent is not an IdmlTable?" . __FILE__ . " Line " . __LINE__);
     //TableRow has no children to parse
Example #17
  * close
  * zipの作成
  * @return bool
 public function close()
     // zip作成先
     $zipSaveFolder = new TemporaryFolder();
     $this->path = $zipSaveFolder->path . DS . Security::hash(mt_rand() . microtime(), 'md5') . '.zip';
     if (strlen($this->_password)) {
         // パスワードを使う
         $cmd = $this->_zipCommand;
         $execCmd = sprintf('%s -r -e -P %s %s %s', $cmd, escapeshellarg($this->_password), escapeshellarg($this->path), '*');
         // コマンドを実行する
         exec($execCmd, $output, $returnVar);
         if ($returnVar > 0) {
             CakeLog::debug(' Error:output=' . json_encode($output) . ', return_var=' . $returnVar);
             return false;
     } else {
         // パスワード無しZIP
         // ZipArchiverを使う
         $zip = new ZipArchive();
         $zip->open($this->path, ZipArchive::CREATE);
         list($folders, $files) = $this->_tmpFolder->tree();
         foreach ($folders as $folder) {
             if ($folder !== $this->_tmpFolder->path) {
                 $relativePath = str_replace($this->_tmpFolder->path . DS, '', $folder);
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $relativePath = str_replace($this->_tmpFolder->path . DS, '', $file);
             $zip->addFile($relativePath, $this->_convertFilename($relativePath));
     $this->_open = false;
Example #18
 public function convert()
     // TextWrapMode possible values:
     //     None, JumpObjectTextWrap, NextColumnTextWrap, BoundingBoxTextWrap, Contour
     $textWrapMode = $this->getAppliedStyleKeyValue('TextWrapPreference->TextWrapMode', 'None');
     if ($textWrapMode == 'None') {
     // TextWrapSide possible values:
     //    BothSides, LeftSide, RightSide, SideTowardsSpine, SideAwayFromSpine, LargestArea
     $textWrapSide = $this->getAppliedStyleKeyValue('TextWrapPreference->TextWrapSide', 'LeftSide');
     switch ($textWrapSide) {
         case 'LeftSide':
             $this->registerCSS('float', 'right');
         case 'BothSides':
         case 'RightSide':
             $this->registerCSS('float', 'left');
         case 'SideTowardsSpine':
         case 'SideAwayFromSpine':
             CakeLog::debug("[IdmlDecodeTextWrap:convert] unhandled TextWrapSide={$textWrapSide}");
     $offsetTop = $this->getAppliedStyleKeyValue('TextWrapPreference::Properties::TextWrapOffset->Top', '0');
     $offsetLeft = $this->getAppliedStyleKeyValue('TextWrapPreference::Properties::TextWrapOffset->Left', '0');
     $offsetBottom = $this->getAppliedStyleKeyValue('TextWrapPreference::Properties::TextWrapOffset->Bottom', '0');
     $offsetRight = $this->getAppliedStyleKeyValue('TextWrapPreference::Properties::TextWrapOffset->Right', '0');
     if ($offsetTop == $offsetLeft && $offsetLeft == $offsetBottom && $offsetBottom == $offsetRight) {
         $this->registerCSS('margin', $offsetTop . 'px');
     } else {
         $this->registerCSS('margin-top', $offsetTop . 'px');
         $this->registerCSS('margin-left', $offsetLeft . 'px');
         $this->registerCSS('margin-bottom', $offsetBottom . 'px');
         $this->registerCSS('margin-right', $offsetRight . 'px');
Example #19
 public function parse(DOMElement $node)
     //we must set the <col style='width:...' /> for this column in the table
     $this->rowspan = $node->hasAttribute('RowSpan') ? intval($node->getAttribute('RowSpan')) : -1;
     $this->colspan = $node->hasAttribute('ColumnSpan') ? intval($node->getAttribute('ColumnSpan')) : -1;
     // Right now the parent is a table element, but we need the parent to be the corresponding row for this cell.
     // Find the right row in the table array and assign it as this cell's parent ImdlElement.
     $colrow = $node->hasAttribute('Name') ? $node->getAttribute('Name') : '0:0';
     $colrowArray = explode(":", $colrow);
     // <col>:<row>
     $this->colnumber = intval($colrowArray[0]);
     $this->rownumber = intval($colrowArray[1]);
     $row = $this->parentElement->rows[$this->rownumber];
     if (IdmlParserHelper::getIdmlObjectType($row) == "TableRow") {
         /*@var $row IdmlTableRow*/
         $row->childrenElements[] = $this;
         $this->parentElement = $row;
         //assign this cell as child of the table row
     } else {
         CakeLog::debug("[IdmlTableCell::parse] cannot find parent row in table for cell? " . __FILE__ . " Line " . __LINE__);
Example #20
  * 投稿メール - メールキューSave
  * 公開時を想定
  * @param Model $model モデル
  * @param int $languageId 言語ID
  * @param array $sendTimes メール送信日時 配列
  * @param array $userIds 送信ユーザID 配列
  * @param array $toAddresses 送信先メールアドレス 配列
  * @param int $roomId ルームID
  * @param string $typeKey メールの種類
  * @return void
  * @throws InternalErrorException
 public function saveQueuePostMail(Model $model, $languageId, $sendTimes = null, $userIds = null, $toAddresses = null, $roomId = null, $typeKey = MailSettingFixedPhrase::DEFAULT_TYPE)
     $model->Behaviors->load('Mails.IsMailSend', $this->settings[$model->alias]);
     if ($sendTimes === null) {
         $sendTimes[] = $model->MailQueue->getSaveSendTime();
     // 末尾定型文 なし
     $mailQueue = $this->__createMailQueue($model, $languageId, $typeKey);
     // 末尾定型文 あり
     $fixedPhraseBodyAfter = $this->settings[$model->alias][self::MAIL_QUEUE_SETTING_MAIL_BODY_AFTER];
     $mailQueueBodyAfter = $this->__createMailQueue($model, $languageId, $typeKey, null, $fixedPhraseBodyAfter);
     $contentKey = $this->__getContentKey($model);
     $pluginKey = $this->settings[$model->alias]['pluginKey'];
     $blockKey = Current::read('Block.key');
     // MailQueueUser
     $mailQueueUser['MailQueueUser'] = array('plugin_key' => $pluginKey, 'block_key' => $blockKey, 'content_key' => $contentKey, 'user_id' => null, 'room_id' => null, 'to_address' => null, 'send_room_permission' => null, 'not_send_room_user_ids' => null);
     // 以下、実行する時は、公開時を想定
     foreach ($sendTimes as $sendTime) {
         /** @see IsMailSendBehavior::isMailSendTime() */
         // cron使えず未来日メールなら、送らない
         if (!$model->isMailSendTime($sendTime)) {
             CakeLog::debug('[' . __METHOD__ . '] ' . __FILE__ . ' (line ' . __LINE__ . ')');
         $sendTime = $model->MailQueue->getSaveSendTime($sendTime);
         if (!empty($userIds)) {
             // メール内容save
             $mailQueueUser['MailQueueUser']['mail_queue_id'] = $this->__saveMailQueue($model, $mailQueue, $sendTime);
             // --- ユーザIDに配信
             /** @see MailQueueUser::addMailQueueUsers() */
             $model->MailQueueUser->addMailQueueUsers($mailQueueUser, 'user_id', $userIds);
         if (!empty($toAddresses)) {
             // メール内容save
             $mailQueueUser['MailQueueUser']['mail_queue_id'] = $this->__saveMailQueue($model, $mailQueue, $sendTime);
             // --- メールアドレスに配信
             /** @see MailQueueUser::addMailQueueUsers() */
             $model->MailQueueUser->addMailQueueUsers($mailQueueUser, 'to_address', $toAddresses);
         if (!empty($roomId)) {
             // メール内容save - 末尾定型文あり
             $mailQueueUser['MailQueueUser']['mail_queue_id'] = $this->__saveMailQueue($model, $mailQueueBodyAfter, $sendTime);
             // --- ルーム配信
             // ルーム配信で送らないユーザID
             $key = self::MAIL_QUEUE_SETTING_NOT_SEND_ROOM_USER_IDS;
             $notSendRoomUserIds = $this->settings[$model->alias][$key];
             $notSendRoomUserIds = Hash::merge($notSendRoomUserIds, $userIds);
             $this->settings[$model->alias][$key] = $notSendRoomUserIds;
             // 登録者に配信
             $this->__addMailQueueUserInCreatedUser($model, $mailQueueUser['MailQueueUser']['mail_queue_id']);
             // 登録者に配信で、ルーム配信で送らないユーザIDをセットしているので、再取得
             $notSendRoomUserIds = $this->settings[$model->alias][$key];
             // ルーム配信で送るパーミッション
             /** @see MailQueueUser::getSendRoomPermission() */
             $sendRoomPermission = $model->MailQueueUser->getSendRoomPermission($typeKey);
             // ルーム配信
             /** @see MailQueueUser::addMailQueueUserInRoom() */
             $model->MailQueueUser->addMailQueueUserInRoom($roomId, $mailQueueUser, $sendTime, $notSendRoomUserIds, $sendRoomPermission);
Example #21
  * test convenience methods
  * @return void
 public function testConvenienceMethods()
     CakeLog::config('debug', array('engine' => 'File', 'types' => array('notice', 'info', 'debug'), 'file' => 'debug'));
     CakeLog::config('error', array('engine' => 'File', 'types' => array('emergency', 'alert', 'critical', 'error', 'warning'), 'file' => 'error'));
     $testMessage = 'emergency message';
     $contents = file_get_contents(LOGS . 'error.log');
     $this->assertRegExp('/(Emergency|Critical): ' . $testMessage . '/', $contents);
     $this->assertFalse(file_exists(LOGS . 'debug.log'));
     $testMessage = 'alert message';
     $contents = file_get_contents(LOGS . 'error.log');
     $this->assertRegExp('/(Alert|Critical): ' . $testMessage . '/', $contents);
     $this->assertFalse(file_exists(LOGS . 'debug.log'));
     $testMessage = 'critical message';
     $contents = file_get_contents(LOGS . 'error.log');
     $this->assertContains('Critical: ' . $testMessage, $contents);
     $this->assertFalse(file_exists(LOGS . 'debug.log'));
     $testMessage = 'error message';
     $contents = file_get_contents(LOGS . 'error.log');
     $this->assertContains('Error: ' . $testMessage, $contents);
     $this->assertFalse(file_exists(LOGS . 'debug.log'));
     $testMessage = 'warning message';
     $contents = file_get_contents(LOGS . 'error.log');
     $this->assertContains('Warning: ' . $testMessage, $contents);
     $this->assertFalse(file_exists(LOGS . 'debug.log'));
     $testMessage = 'notice message';
     $contents = file_get_contents(LOGS . 'debug.log');
     $this->assertRegExp('/(Notice|Debug): ' . $testMessage . '/', $contents);
     $this->assertFalse(file_exists(LOGS . 'error.log'));
     $testMessage = 'info message';
     $contents = file_get_contents(LOGS . 'debug.log');
     $this->assertRegExp('/(Info|Debug): ' . $testMessage . '/', $contents);
     $this->assertFalse(file_exists(LOGS . 'error.log'));
     $testMessage = 'debug message';
     $contents = file_get_contents(LOGS . 'debug.log');
     $this->assertContains('Debug: ' . $testMessage, $contents);
     $this->assertFalse(file_exists(LOGS . 'error.log'));
Example #22
  * Parse from DOM node.
  * @param DOMElement $node
 public function parse(DOMElement $node)
     //        $this->styleInfo['inlineStyle']->translateSingleColumnWidth(); //set Css width for column
                 $val = $this->getIdmlProperty('SingleColumnWidth');
                     $val = round($val);
                     $this->addCssProperty('width', $val . 'pt');
             //add needed column info to parent table because IdmlHtmlProducer needs this at the IdmlTable element level
                 $table = $this->parentIdmlObject();
                 if(IdmlParserHelper::getIdmlObjectType($table) == "Table")
                     $table->cols[] = $this;
                     $colwidth = $this->styleInfo["inlineStyle"]->getCssPropertyString('width');
                     if($colwidth) {
                         $table->colGroupStyles[] = $colwidth;
                 CakeLog::debug("[IdmlTableColumn::parse] column width not found? ".__FILE__." Line ".__LINE__);
     if ($node->hasAttribute('SingleColumnWidth')) {
         $singleColumnWidth = round($node->getAttribute('SingleColumnWidth'));
         $table = $this->parentIdmlObject();
         if (IdmlParserHelper::getIdmlObjectType($table) == "Table") {
             $table->cols[] = $this;
             $colwidth = 'width:' . $singleColumnWidth . 'pt;';
             $table->colGroupStyles[] = $colwidth;
     } else {
         CakeLog::debug("[IdmlTableColumn::parse] column width not found? " . __FILE__ . " Line " . __LINE__);
     //IdmlTableColumn has no children to parse
Example #23
  * Parse the portion of a spread.xml file that contains a <TextFrame>
  * @param DOMElement $node is a single <TextFrame> node within the IDML document
 public function parse(DOMElement $node)
     $attributes = $node->attributes;
     $this->UID = $attributes->getNamedItem('Self')->value;
     // like 'uf9'
     $this->parentStoryUID = $attributes->getNamedItem('ParentStory')->value;
     // like 'ue5'
     $this->contentType = $attributes->getNamedItem('ContentType')->value;
     // like 'TextType'
     $this->visible = $attributes->getNamedItem('Visible')->value == 'false' ? false : true;
     // like 'true'
     $this->boundary = IdmlParserHelper::parseBoundary($node);
     $this->prevTextFrame = $attributes->getNamedItem(IdmlAttributes::PreviousTextFrame)->value == 'n' ? null : $attributes->getNamedItem(IdmlAttributes::PreviousTextFrame)->value;
     $this->nextTextFrame = $attributes->getNamedItem(IdmlAttributes::NextTextFrame)->value == 'n' ? null : $attributes->getNamedItem(IdmlAttributes::NextTextFrame)->value;
     $this->textColumnCount = isset($this->contextualStyle->idmlKeyValues['TextFramePreference->TextColumnCount']) ? (int) $this->contextualStyle->idmlKeyValues['TextFramePreference->TextColumnCount'] : null;
     $this->columnWidth = isset($this->contextualStyle->idmlKeyValues['TextFramePreference->TextColumnFixedWidth']) ? $this->contextualStyle->idmlKeyValues['TextFramePreference->TextColumnFixedWidth'] : null;
     // If we *do_not_have* a previous text frame then it is either a single text frame or the first of a series of
     // linked ones. In case of linked ones we output only the first one.
     if (!$this->prevTextFrame) {
     } else {
         if (IdmlAssembler::getInstance()->isFixedLayout()) {
             CakeLog::debug("[IdmlTextFrame::parse] Encountered an InDesign threaded frame in a fixed layout book (story {$this->parentStoryUID}). Run Chaucer FixedLayoutPreflight.jsx script within InDesign and re-export the IDML.");
Example #24
 /** The lookupStory function is called by IdmlSpread when it encounters a <TextFrame> in a <idPkg:Spread>.
  *  Use this function to find the IdmlStory that has the given $UID.
  * @param string $UID is the InDesign unique identifier given to the story, like 'ue5'
  * @return IdmlStory|null Returns the IdmlStory with the given $UID.
  * This function typically will not return null and those cases should be treated as runtime errors.
 public function lookupStory($UID)
     if (array_key_exists($UID, $this->stories)) {
         $idmlStory = $this->stories[$UID];
         return $idmlStory;
     } else {
         CakeLog::debug("[IdmlPackage::lookupStory] Unable to find story '{$UID}'");
         return null;
  * Process Payments
  * @param string $referenceId
  * @param array $paymentMethods
  * @param bool $test_mode
  * @return array
 public function processOrderPayments($referenceId, $paymentMethods, $test_mode = false)
     syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Order Payments   {$referenceId}    " . count($paymentMethods));
     $creditCards = [];
     $oxxoPayments = [];
     $giroPayments = [];
     $sofortPayments = [];
     $paypalPayments = [];
     $ledgerMethods = [];
     foreach ($paymentMethods as $payment) {
         switch ($payment['type']) {
             case OrderPayment::TYPE_LEDGER_NAME:
                 $ledgerMethods[] = $payment;
             case OrderPayment::TYPE_CREDITCARD_NAME:
                 $creditCards[] = $payment;
             case OrderPayment::TYPE_PAYPAL_NAME:
                 $paypalPayments[] = $payment;
             case OrderPayment::TYPE_OXXO_NAME:
                 $oxxoPayments[] = $payment;
             case OrderPayment::TYPE_GIRO_NAME:
                 $giroPayments[] = $payment;
             case OrderPayment::TYPE_SOFORT_NAME:
                 $sofortPayments[] = $payment;
     $processedPayments = [];
     try {
         if (count($ledgerMethods) > 0) {
             $this->ProductCredit = ClassRegistry::init('ProductCredit');
             foreach ($ledgerMethods as $payment) {
                 $result = $this->ProductCredit->authorize(ProductCredit::METHOD_SYSTEM, ProductCredit::TYPE_PURCHASE, Configure::read("market_id"), $payment['presenter_id'], $payment['user_id'], $payment['amount'], "System", $referenceId);
                 $payment['identifier'] = $payment['user_id'];
                 if ($result !== false) {
                     $payment['transaction_id'] = $result;
                     $payment['status'] = "authorized";
                     $processedPayments[] = $payment;
                 } else {
                     $payment['status'] = "failed";
                     $payment['transaction_id'] = "0";
                     return $this->voidTransactions($processedPayments, "Insufficient Product Credits");
         if (count($giroPayments) > 0) {
             foreach ($giroPayments as $payment) {
                 $mid = Configure::read('market_id');
                 $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
                 //                    unset($payment['processor']);
                 //                    unset($payment['type']);
                 try {
                     $p = $payment;
                     $p['amount'] = $payment['amount']->amount;
                     $result = $this->WorldPayGiro->purchase($mid, $p, $agent, $test_mode);
                 } catch (WorldPayError $e) {
                     if ($e->getMessage() == WorldPay::$RESPONSE_ERROR) {
                         if ($this->WorldPayGiro->api->reply->hasError()) {
                             $response = $this->WorldPayGiro->api->reply;
                             $result = ['success' => false, 'error' => ['errno' => $response->err_code, 'errmsg' => $response->err_msgs]];
                         } else {
                             $result = ['success' => false, 'error' => ['errno' => '500', 'errmsg' => 'Server Error']];
                     } else {
                         $result = ['success' => false, 'error' => ['errno' => '401', 'errmsg' => 'Authentication Failed']];
                 if (!$result['success']) {
                     $payment['status'] = 'failed';
                     $error = " Code: " . $result['error']['errno'] . " Message: " . $result['error']['errmsg'];
                     if (!empty($result['error']['errno'])) {
                         // log to api log table
                         $this->ApiAudit = ClassRegistry::init('ApiAudit');
                         $api_data = ['reference_name' => get_class(), 'reference_id' => 0, 'source' => __FILE__ . ' ' . __LINE__, 'destination' => 'worldpay api', 'sent' => json_encode($payment), 'received' => $error, 'notes' => 'World Pay Giro fail'];
                     $error = __('There was a payment error. Please contact support.');
                     return $this->voidTransactions($processedPayments, $error);
                 } else {
                     // For giro save reference and redirect
                     $payment['status'] = "success";
                     $payment['redirect'] = true;
                     $payment['identifier'] = 0;
                     $payment['processor'] = PaymentComponent::GATEWAY_WORLDPAY_GIRO;
                     $payment['transaction_id'] = $result['reply']->response->reply->orderStatus->reference;
                     $processedPayments[] = $payment;
         if (count($sofortPayments) > 0) {
             foreach ($sofortPayments as $payment) {
                 $mid = Configure::read('market_id');
                 $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
                 //                    unset($payment['processor']);
                 //                    unset($payment['type']);
                 try {
                     $p = $payment;
                     $p['amount'] = $payment['amount']->amount;
                     $result = $this->WorldPaySofort->purchase($mid, $p, $agent, $test_mode);
                 } catch (WorldPayError $e) {
                     if ($e->getMessage() == WorldPay::$RESPONSE_ERROR) {
                         if ($this->WorldPaySofort->api->reply->hasError()) {
                             $response = $this->WorldPaySofort->api->reply;
                             $result = ['success' => false, 'error' => ['errno' => $response->err_code, 'errmsg' => $response->err_msgs]];
                         } else {
                             $result = ['success' => false, 'error' => ['errno' => '500', 'errmsg' => 'Server Error']];
                     } else {
                         $result = ['success' => false, 'error' => ['errno' => '401', 'errmsg' => 'Authentication Failed']];
                 if (!$result['success']) {
                     $payment['status'] = 'failed';
                     $error = " Code: " . $result['error']['errno'] . " Message: " . $result['error']['errmsg'];
                     if (!empty($result['error']['errno'])) {
                         // log to api log table
                         $this->ApiAudit = ClassRegistry::init('ApiAudit');
                         $api_data = ['reference_name' => get_class(), 'reference_id' => 0, 'source' => __FILE__ . ' ' . __LINE__, 'destination' => 'worldpay api', 'sent' => json_encode($payment), 'received' => $error, 'notes' => 'World Pay Sofort fail'];
                     $error = __('There was a payment error. Please contact support.');
                     return $this->voidTransactions($processedPayments, $error);
                 } else {
                     // For sofort save reference and redirect
                     $payment['status'] = "success";
                     $payment['redirect'] = true;
                     $payment['identifier'] = 0;
                     $payment['processor'] = PaymentComponent::GATEWAY_WORLDPAY_SOFORT;
                     $payment['transaction_id'] = $result['reply']->response->reply->orderStatus->reference;
                     $processedPayments[] = $payment;
         if (count($oxxoPayments) > 0) {
             foreach ($oxxoPayments as $payment) {
                 $mid = Configure::read('market_id');
                 $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
                 //                    unset($payment['processor']);
                 //                    unset($payment['type']);
                 try {
                     $p = $payment;
                     $p['amount'] = $payment['amount']->amount;
                     $result = $this->WorldPayOxxo->purchase($mid, $p, $agent, $test_mode);
                 } catch (WorldPayError $e) {
                     if ($e->getMessage() == WorldPay::$RESPONSE_ERROR) {
                         if ($this->WorldPayOxxo->api->reply->hasError()) {
                             $response = $this->WorldPayOxxo->api->reply;
                             $result = ['success' => false, 'error' => ['errno' => $response->err_code, 'errmsg' => $response->err_msgs]];
                         } else {
                             $result = ['success' => false, 'error' => ['errno' => '500', 'errmsg' => 'Server Error']];
                     } else {
                         $result = ['success' => false, 'error' => ['errno' => '401', 'errmsg' => 'Authentication Failed']];
                 if (!$result['success']) {
                     $payment['status'] = 'failed';
                     $error = " Code: " . $result['error']['errno'] . " Message: " . $result['error']['errmsg'];
                     if (!empty($result['error']['errno'])) {
                         // log to api log table
                         $this->ApiAudit = ClassRegistry::init('ApiAudit');
                         $api_data = ['reference_name' => get_class(), 'reference_id' => 0, 'source' => __FILE__ . ' ' . __LINE__, 'destination' => 'worldpay api', 'sent' => json_encode($payment), 'received' => $error, 'notes' => 'World Pay fail'];
                     $error = __('There was a payment error. Please contact support.');
                     return $this->voidTransactions($processedPayments, $error);
                 } else {
                     // For oxxo save reference and redirect
                     $payment['status'] = "success";
                     $payment['redirect'] = true;
                     $payment['identifier'] = 0;
                     $payment['processor'] = PaymentComponent::GATEWAY_WORLDPAY_OXXO;
                     $payment['transaction_id'] = $result['reply']->response->reply->orderStatus->reference;
                     $processedPayments[] = $payment;
         if (count($creditCards) > 0) {
             foreach ($creditCards as $payment) {
                 $payment['identifier'] = substr($payment['cardnum'], -4);
                 switch ($payment['processor']) {
                     case self::GATEWAY_WORLDPAY:
                         $currency = $this->WorldPay->getCurrency(Configure::read("market_id"));
                         $mid = Configure::read('market_id');
                         $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
                         $data = ['amount' => $payment['amount']->amount, 'currency' => $currency, 'ip_address' => $payment['ip_address'], 'email' => $payment['email'], 'session_id' => $payment['session_id'], 'id' => $payment['orderId'], 'address' => $payment['billing'], 'card' => ['accountNumber' => $payment['cardnum'], 'expirationMonth' => $payment['cardExpMonth'], 'expirationYear' => $payment['cardExpYear'], 'cvv' => $payment['cardcode'], 'firstName' => $payment['firstName'], 'lastName' => $payment['lastName']]];
                         try {
                             $result = $this->WorldPay->purchase($mid, $data, $agent, $test_mode);
                         } catch (WorldPayError $e) {
                             if ($e->getMessage() == WorldPay::$RESPONSE_ERROR) {
                                 if ($this->WorldPay->api->reply->hasError()) {
                                     $response = $this->WorldPay->api->reply;
                                     $result = ['success' => false, 'error' => ['errno' => $response->err_code, 'errmsg' => $response->err_msgs]];
                                 } else {
                                     $result = ['success' => false, 'error' => ['errno' => '500', 'errmsg' => 'Server Error']];
                             } else {
                                 $result = ['success' => false, 'error' => ['errno' => '401', 'errmsg' => 'Authentication Failed']];
                         if (!$result['success']) {
                             $payment['status'] = 'failed';
                             $error = " Code: " . $result['error']['errno'] . " Message: " . $result['error']['errmsg'];
                             if (!empty($result['error']['errno'])) {
                                 // log to api log table
                                 $this->ApiAudit = ClassRegistry::init('ApiAudit');
                                 $api_data = ['reference_name' => get_class(), 'reference_id' => 0, 'source' => __FILE__ . ' ' . __LINE__, 'destination' => 'worldpay api', 'sent' => json_encode($data), 'received' => $error, 'notes' => 'World Pay fail'];
                             $error = __('There was a payment error. Please contact support.');
                             return $this->voidTransactions($processedPayments, $error);
                         } else {
                             $payment['status'] = "success";
                             $card_num = substr($result['reply']->response->reply->orderStatus->payment->cardNumber, -4);
                             $payment['identifier'] = $card_num;
                             $payment['transaction_id'] = $result['reply']->response->reply->orderStatus['orderCode'];
                             //World Pay : Credit Cards Only
                             if (substr($result['reply']->response->reply->orderStatus->payment->cardNumber, 0, 1) == '4') {
                                 //All Visa cards start with 4
                                 $payment['paid_with'] = 'visa';
                             } elseif (in_array(substr($result['reply']->response->reply->orderStatus->payment->cardNumber, 0, 2), ['51', '52', '53', '54', '55'])) {
                                 //All MasterCard cards start with either 51,52,53,54,55
                                 $payment['paid_with'] = 'mastercard';
                             $processedPayments[] = $payment;
                     case self::GATEWAY_PAYPAL:
                         $result = $this->Paypal->process($referenceId, (string) $payment['amount'], $payment['firstName'], $payment['lastName'], $payment['billingpostalcode'], $payment['cardnum'], $payment['carexp'], $payment['cardcode']);
                         if ($result->Ack != "Success") {
                             $payment['status'] = "failed";
                             $payment['transaction_id'] = $result->TransactionID;
                             return $this->voidTransactions($processedPayments, $result->Errors->LongMessage);
                         } else {
                             $payment['transaction_id'] = $result->TransactionID;
                             $payment['status'] = "success";
                             $processedPayments[] = $payment;
                     case self::GATEWAY_CYBERSOURCE:
                         $ip = array_key_exists('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', $_SERVER) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
                         try {
                             if (strlen($payment['billingpostalcode']) > 10) {
                                 throw new Exception("billing postal code not valid.");
                         } catch (Exception $e) {
                             return false;
                         $billTo = array("email" => $payment['billingemail'], "city" => $payment['billingcity'], "firstName" => $payment['firstName'], "lastName" => $payment['lastName'], "postalCode" => $payment['billingpostalcode'], "state" => $payment['billingstate'], "street1" => $payment['billingaddress1'], "street2" => $payment['billingaddress2'], "country" => $payment['billingcountry'], "ipAddress" => $ip);
                         //format exp for cybersource
                         $exp_month = substr($payment['carexp'], 0, 2);
                         $exp_year = substr($payment['carexp'], 3, 4);
                         $card = array("accountNumber" => $payment['cardnum'], "expirationMonth" => $exp_month, "expirationYear" => $exp_year, "cvv" => $payment['cardcode']);
                         $purchaseTotals = array("grandTotalAmount" => (string) $payment['amount']);
                         $result = $this->Cybersource->purchase($billTo, $card, $purchaseTotals);
                         $payment['transaction_id'] = $result->requestID;
                         $payment['processor'] = OrderPaymentProcessor::PROCESSOR_CYBERSOURCE;
                         if ($result->reasonCode != 100) {
                             $payment['status'] = "failed";
                             return $this->voidTransactions($processedPayments, $this->Cybersource->reasonDescriptions[$result->reasonCode]);
                         } else {
                             $payment['status'] = "success";
                             $processedPayments[] = $payment;
                     case self::GATEWAY_BRAINTREE:
                         $result = $this->Braintree->purchase($payment, $_POST['device_data']);
                         if (YOUNIQUE_TESTSERVER) {
                             CakeLog::debug(var_export($result, true));
                         if ($result->success) {
                             $payment['status'] = "success";
                             $payment['paid_with'] = '';
                             if (!empty($result->transaction->creditCardDetails->last4)) {
                                 $payment['identifier'] = $result->transaction->creditCardDetails->last4;
                                 if (substr($result->transaction->creditCardDetails->maskedNumber, 0, 1) == '4') {
                                     //All Visa cards start with 4
                                     $payment['paid_with'] = 'visa';
                                 } elseif (in_array(substr($result->transaction->creditCardDetails->maskedNumber, 0, 2), ['51', '52', '53', '54', '55'])) {
                                     //All MasterCard cards start with either 51,52,53,54,55
                                     $payment['paid_with'] = 'mastercard';
                             } else {
                                 if (!empty($result->transaction->paypalDetails->paymentId)) {
                                     $payment['identifier'] = $result->transaction->paypalDetails->payerEmail;
                                     $payment['paid_with'] = 'paypal';
                                 } else {
                                     $payment['identifier'] = $result->transaction->id;
                             $payment['transaction_id'] = $result->transaction->id;
                             $processedPayments[] = $payment;
                         } else {
                             if (isset($result->errors)) {
                                 $errors = $result->errors->deepAll();
                             if (!empty($errors)) {
                                 // errors can be referenced here:
                                 // https://developers.braintreepayments.com/javascript+php/sdk/server/transaction-processing/validations
                                 $api_errors = $result->errors->deepAll();
                                 $errors = [];
                                 foreach ($api_errors as $key => $value) {
                                     $errors[] = $value->message;
                                 $internal_use_error = implode(" ", $errors);
                                 $error = __('There was an error. Please contact support.');
                                 // log to api log table
                                 $this->ApiAudit = ClassRegistry::init('ApiAudit');
                                 $api_data = ['reference_name' => get_class(), 'reference_id' => 0, 'source' => __FILE__ . ' ' . __LINE__, 'destination' => 'braintree api', 'sent' => json_encode($this->Braintree->payment_data), 'received' => $internal_use_error, 'notes' => 'Braintree validation fail'];
                             } else {
                                 // decline
                                  * Error overwrites as per Michael Gulbrandsen
                                 switch ($result->transaction->processorResponseCode) {
                                     case 1000:
                                         $error = "We are unable to process your transaction given the " . "information provided. Please provide an alternate form of " . "payment or reach out to your bank for more information.";
                                     case 3000:
                                         $error = "We're sorry, we cannot process your transaction " . "at this time. Please try again.";
                                         $subject = "BrainTree Payment Decline";
                                         $error = "We are unable to process your transaction given the " . "information provided. Please provide an alternate form of " . "payment or reach out to your bank for more information.";
                                         $message = "Status: " . $result->transaction->status . " Code: " . $result->transaction->processorResponseCode . " Message: " . $result->transaction->processorResponseText . "\n";
                                         $message .= var_export($result, true);
                                         SNS::sendSNS("Payment_Declines", $subject, $message);
                             return $this->voidTransactions($processedPayments, $error);
                         return FALSE;
         if (count($paypalPayments) > 0) {
             foreach ($paypalPayments as $payment) {
                 $expressPayment = $this->Paypal->getExpressCheckout($payment['token']);
                 //need to return token, paypal user id, amount, and currency
                 $token = $expressPayment->GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails->Token;
                 $payerId = $expressPayment->GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails->PayerInfo->PayerID;
                 $amount = $expressPayment->GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails->PaymentDetails->OrderTotal->value;
                 $currency = $expressPayment->GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails->PaymentDetails->OrderTotal->currencyID;
                 //can compare payer userid, amount, currency to validate transaction here if needed
                 //also could make sure the receiving acct is correct
                 $result = $this->Paypal->doExpressCheckout($token, $payerId, $amount, $currency);
                 $payment['identifier'] = $payment['user_id'];
                 if ($result->Ack != "Success") {
                     $payment['status'] = "failed";
                     if (isset($result->TransactionID)) {
                         $payment['transaction_id'] = $result->TransactionID;
                     return $this->voidTransactions($processedPayments, $result->Errors->LongMessage);
                 } else {
                     $payment['transaction_id'] = $result->DoExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseDetails->PaymentInfo->TransactionID;
                     $payment['status'] = "success";
                     $processedPayments[] = $payment;
         foreach ($processedPayments as $key => $payment) {
             if ($processedPayments[$key]['type'] == OrderPayment::TYPE_LEDGER_NAME) {
                 $this->ProductCredit->capture($processedPayments[$key]['presenter_id'], $processedPayments[$key]['user_id'], $processedPayments[$key]['transaction_id']);
                 $processedPayments[$key]['status'] = "success";
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if (YOUNIQUE_TESTSERVER != true) {
             YouniqueEmail::queueEmail(['date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'reference_id' => $referenceId, 'message' => $e->getMessage(), 'trace' => $e->getTraceAsString()], 'admin/paymentfailure', '*****@*****.**', 'Payment failure', 'paymentFailure', 'en_US');
         return ["success" => false];
     return ["success" => true, "payments" => $processedPayments];
Example #26
  * ブロック状態によってメール送る、送らないチェック
  * (ブロック非公開、期間限定チェック)
  * @param array $block ブロックデータ
  * @param string $alias ブロックデータのテーブル別名
  * @return bool
 public function isSendBlockType($block, $alias = 'Block.')
     if (!$block) {
         // 空はメール送る
         return true;
     $publicType = Hash::get($block, $alias . 'public_type');
     if ($publicType == Block::TYPE_PUBLIC) {
         // ブロック公開はメール送る
         return true;
     // ブロック非公開はメール送らない
     if ($publicType === Block::TYPE_PRIVATE) {
         CakeLog::debug('[' . __METHOD__ . '] ' . __FILE__ . ' (line ' . __LINE__ . ')');
         return false;
     $publishStart = Hash::get($block, $alias . 'publish_start');
     $publishEnd = Hash::get($block, $alias . 'publish_end');
     $now = NetCommonsTime::getNowDatetime();
     // ブロック期間限定で期間外はメール送らない
     if ($publicType == Block::TYPE_LIMITED) {
         // 開始日=空はチェックしない
         if ($publishStart && strtotime($now) < strtotime($publishStart)) {
             CakeLog::debug('[' . __METHOD__ . '] ' . __FILE__ . ' (line ' . __LINE__ . ')');
             return false;
         // 終了日=空はチェックしない
         if ($publishEnd && strtotime($publishEnd) < strtotime($now)) {
             CakeLog::debug('[' . __METHOD__ . '] ' . __FILE__ . ' (line ' . __LINE__ . ')');
             return false;
     return true;
  * Starts a new background task by passing some data to it with a priority
  * @param string $taskName name of the task to be executed
  * @param mixed $data info to be passed to background task
  * @param sting $priority null for normal or either "low" or "high"
  * @return boolean success
 public static function execute($taskName, $data = null, $priority = null)
     if (!empty($priority)) {
         $priority = strtolower($priority);
         if (!in_array($priority, array('low', 'high'))) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('%s is not a valid priority, only accepting low and high', $priority));
     $data = json_encode($data);
     $taskName = Nodes\Environment::getProjectName() . '_' . $taskName;
     CakeLog::debug(sprintf('Creating background job: %s (%s)', $taskName, $data));
     $job = static::client()->{'do' . ucFirst($priority) . 'Background'}($taskName, $data);
     if (static::client()->returnCode() !== GEARMAN_SUCCESS) {
         CakeLog::error(sprintf('Could not create background job for task %s and data %s. Got %s (%s)', $taskName, $data, $job, static::client()->error()));
         return false;
     return true;
Example #28
  * Make transformation.
  * @param string $transformString In format like "1 0 0 1 100 150"
 public function __construct($transformString = '')
     $this->a = (double) 1.0;
     $this->b = (double) 0.0;
     $this->c = (double) 0.0;
     $this->d = (double) 1.0;
     $this->tx = (double) 0.0;
     $this->ty = (double) 0.0;
     if (!empty($transformString)) {
         $parts = explode(' ', $transformString);
         $countParts = count($parts);
         if ($countParts == 6) {
             $this->a = (double) $parts[0];
             $this->b = (double) $parts[1];
             $this->c = (double) $parts[2];
             $this->d = (double) $parts[3];
             $this->tx = (double) $parts[4];
             $this->ty = (double) $parts[5];
         } else {
             CakeLog::debug("[IdmlTransformation:__construct] TransformString '{$transformString}' contains {$countParts} numbers, 6 required.");
  * Returns whether a user is allowed access to a given action
  * @param array $user an array of user data. Can also be null
  * @param string $action The action to check access for
  * @return bool whether or not the user is authorized for access
 public function performCheck($user, $action)
     if (!$this->__isAuthorized($user, $action)) {
         return false;
     $user = $user ?: [];
     $controller = $this->getController();
     $annotations = $this->getPrefixedAnnotations($action);
     list($modelName, $methodName, $findMethod, $findOptions) = $this->getFinder($controller, $annotations);
     $annotations = $this->getPrefixedAnnotations($action);
     if ($this->checkAlwaysRule($annotations, $user) === true) {
         return true;
     if ($this->missingFinder($modelName, $methodName, $findMethod)) {
         $roles = $this->getActionRoles($action);
         return in_array('authenticated', $roles);
     $findOptions = array_merge((array) $findOptions, $controller->request->params);
     $findOptions['user_id'] = Hash::get($user, 'id');
     $record = [];
     try {
         $Model = $controller->{$modelName};
         $record = $this->getData($Model, $methodName, $findMethod, $findOptions);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
     $rules = $this->useNamespace($annotations, 'conditions')->get('if');
     if (empty($rules)) {
         return !empty($record);
     $rules = $this->ensureList($rules);
     return $this->checkIfRules($rules, $user, $record);
Example #30
	public function send(CakeEmail $email) {
		if(Configure::read('debug')) {
			$allowedAdr = array();
			foreach ($email->to() as $adr => $name) {
				if(strpos($adr, '@5stars.vn') !== false) {
					$allowedAdr[$adr] = $name;
				} else {
					CakeLog::debug('Development mode, sending email to '.$adr.' ['.$name.'] will be skipped');                    
			if(sizeof($allowedAdr) > 0) {
				$this->_content['skipped'] = false;
			} else {
				$this->_content['skipped'] = true;
		} else {
			$this->_content['skipped'] = false;
		return $this->_content;