Example #1
 function process_comment_form()
     // processing of the user comment data
     global $comments, $root, $gallery_dir, $galerie, $snimek;
     if ($comments && @$_POST["commentdata"]) {
         $username = @$_COOKIE["username"];
         $comment_name = @$_POST["commentname"];
         $save_comment_name = @$_POST["savecommentname"];
         $comment_data = @$_POST["commentdata"];
         $comment_kolacek = @$_POST["commentkolacek"];
         $comment_spamcheck = @$_POST["commentspamcheck"];
         #check for HTML tags
         $comment_name = stripslashes(strip_tags($comment_name));
         $allowedTags = '<a><b><i><ul><li><blockquote><br>';
         $comment_data = stripslashes(strip_tags($comment_data, $allowedTags));
         // thanks google:
         // http://www.google.com/googleblog/2005/01/preventing-comment-spam.html
         $comment_data = eregi_replace("<a ", "<a rel=\"nofollow\" ", $comment_data);
         #further comment spam
         $comment_blacklist = array("pharmacy", "poker", "Viagra");
         foreach ($comment_blacklist as $blackword) {
             $check = addslashes($blackword);
             if (eregi($check, $comment_data)) {
                 #write error message
                 $this->error(__('No comment spam'), __('Your comment includes blacklisted word') . __('No comment spam'));
                 //stop everything
         if ($comment_kolacek != md5($comment_spamcheck)) {
             $this->error(__('No comment spam'), __('You ve written the check number wrong'));
             //stop everything
         if (!$comment_name) {
             $comment_name = $_COOKIE["username"];
         // ok so we got a comment
         if ($comment_name && $save_comment_name) {
             // save out name in a cookie
             if (!setcookie("username", "{$comment_name}", mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 30, 2030))) {
                 print __('Could not set name cookie!');
         // create a user_comment file if not existant or append to it
         if (!$picture) {
             require_once "{$root}/inc/photo.class.inc.php";
             $path = "{$gallery_dir}/{$galerie}/lq";
             $file = "{$path}/img-{$snimek}.jpg";
             $picture = new C_photo($file, $snimek);
         $picture->addcomment($comment_name, $comment_data);
Example #2
 print "</a>\n &gt; Photo";
 print " {$snimek}</div>";
 $path = "{$gallery_dir}/{$galerie}/thumbs";
 $imgfiles = new SortDir("{$path}");
 $path = "{$gallery_dir}/{$galerie}/lq";
 $file = "{$path}/img-{$snimek}.jpg";
 if (!file_exists($file)) {
     print __('No such image');
 if (!$picture) {
     //picture may have been created if commentform submitted
     require_once "{$root}/inc/photo.class.inc.php";
     $picture = new C_photo($file, $snimek);
 // mini thumbnail roll
 if ($show_thumbs) {
     print "\n<!--mini thumbnail roll-->\n<div class=\"thumbroll\">";
     print "<a id=\"minus\" href=\"{$ThisScript}?galerie={$galerie}&amp;photo={$snimek}";
     print "\">";
     print "</a>\n";
     print " : \n";
     while ($thumbfile = $imgfiles->read()) {
         if (eregi("^img-([0-9]+)\\.(png|jpe?g)", $thumbfile, $x)) {
             $thumb = "{$gallery_dir}/{$galerie}/thumbs/img-{$x[1]}.{$x[2]}";
             print "   <a href=\"{$ThisScript}?galerie={$galerie}&amp;photo={$x[1]}";
             print "&amp;show_thumbs={$show_thumbs}\"";
             print " title=" . get_photo_title($galerie, $x[1]) . ">";
             print "<img class=\"thumb\" ";